
Institute of the President under martial law

In: Political Studies, Heft 5, S. 108-122

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Traditionally, authorities are formed to ensure the needs of society, guarantees of security and economic opportunities. However as history has proven, as long as there are political ambitions, imperial narratives, and a growing military-industrial complex, there will always be a risk of war or interstate conflicts. That is why basic things are included in the content of the state administration system, which can be used in the conditions of military operations, the emergence of various kinds of conflicts, and at the same time ensure the vital activities of the country. How correct the approaches to the formation of institutions in Ukraine and the mechanisms of their interaction are in this matter, let's try to understand on the example of one of the key institutions of power – the President. The uniqueness and at the same time the complexity of today's situation is that the events are analyzed in the process of their reproduction, there is no ready-made template, and the model of the near future, which should be formed in the post-war period, is not clearly formed and not presented to society. It was necessary to react to the events here and now, when there was no time for discussions, long talking. Martial law is not a period that creates a comfort zone in the political environment. Therefore, at some point, especially in the early days of a full-scale invasion, the President became the figure on whose actions and decisions society awaited. Hence, during the last year, in the conditions of martial law, the president assumed responsibility for the situation in the country. However, the presence of one person in the public sphere does not mean that all the powers and work processes are behind him and take place exactly as the President needs. More and more often we hear about the role of the President's Office in political matters. However, is the power can be monolithic at least within one institution, or do they have enough powers and mechanisms to influence current processes? In the end, what attempts are being made to strengthen the influence on the president and why – we will try to outline in this material.


Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the NAS of Ukraine

ISSN: 2786-4782



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