Parents' Strategies of Using School-and Out-of-School Education
In: Journal of educational sociology: Kyōiku-shakaigaku-kenkyū, Band 69, Heft 0, S. 85-102
ISSN: 2185-0186
703948 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of educational sociology: Kyōiku-shakaigaku-kenkyū, Band 69, Heft 0, S. 85-102
ISSN: 2185-0186
The main purpose of the study is to define and characterize the system of out-of-school education in modern conditions of development. The urgency of the topic is due to the fact that out-of-school education began to be considered as one that reveals the immediate prospects for personal development in various social and educational institutions, where out-of-school institutions were to become centers of motivational development, self-realization and professional self-determination. The question arose about the place of out-of-school education in the single educational space, determining its relationship with other levels of education, the prospects for the functioning of out-of-school institutions in the market of educational services. Economic and political instability of socio-cultural systems, increasing negative effects of natural factors, the residual principle of financing out-of-school institutions have led to a decrease in their efficiency and decline of educational facilities, which significantly hindered the full use of out-of-school education. According to the results of the analysis, a study of the main aspects of the functioning of out-of-school education in modern conditions of development was conducted. ; El objetivo principal del estudio es definir y caracterizar el sistema de educación extraescolar en las condiciones modernas de desarrollo. La urgencia del tema se debe a que se empezó a considerar la educación extraescolar como aquella que revela las perspectivas inmediatas de desarrollo personal en diversas instituciones sociales y educativas, donde las instituciones extraescolares se convertirían en centros de educación. desarrollo motivacional, autorrealización y autodeterminación profesional. Surgió la pregunta sobre el lugar de la educación extraescolar en el espacio educativo único, determinando su relación con otros niveles educativos, las perspectivas de funcionamiento de las instituciones extraescolares en el mercado de servicios educativos. La inestabilidad económica y política de los sistemas socioculturales, el aumento de los efectos negativos de los factores naturales, el principio residual de la financiación de las instituciones extraescolares han provocado una disminución de la eficiencia y el deterioro de las instalaciones educativas, lo que ha obstaculizado significativamente el pleno uso de nuestros -Educación extraescolar. De acuerdo con los resultados del análisis, se realizó un estudio de los principales aspectos del funcionamiento de la educación extraescolar en las condiciones modernas de desarrollo ; The main purpose of the study is to define and characterize the system of out-of-school education in modern conditions of development. The urgency of the topic is due to the fact that out-of-school education began to be considered as one that reveals the immediate prospects for personal development in various social and educational institutions, where out-of-school institutions were to become centers of motivational development, self-realization and professional self-determination. The question arose about the place of out-of-school education in the single educational space, determining its relationship with other levels of education, the prospects for the functioning of out-of-school institutions in the market of educational services. Economic and political instability of socio-cultural systems, increasing negative effects of natural factors, the residual principle of financing out-of-school institutions have led to a decrease in their efficiency and decline of educational facilities, which significantly hindered the full use of out-of-school education. According to the results of the analysis, a study of the main aspects of the functioning of out-of-school education in modern conditions of development was conducted
The paper considers the current state of involvement of children with special educational needs in out-of-school education. The purpose of the article is to study the qualitative composition of groups of children with special educational needs who are involved in out-of-school education based on the type of developmental disorder; forms of involvement; areas of out-of-school education in which children with special educational needs are studied; determining the impact of out-of-school education on the development and socialization of children with special educational needs. At the first stage, the state of the problem development in domestic science was studied; at the second stage - the author's questionnaire and expert evaluation procedures were developed; a statement experiment was conducted using the survey method and the method of expert assessments; at the third stage, the analysis, systematization, processing of the accumulated empirical material is conducted. It has been determined that children with musculoskeletal disorders, mental disorders, autism spectrum disorders, mental retardation, severe speech disorders, hard of hearing, deafness, the visually impaired, and children with blindness are involved in out-of-school educational institutions. Children with special educational needs are involved in clubs (creative associations) of artistic and aesthetic, physical culture and sports, art, tourism and local lore, social rehabilitation, ecological and naturalistic, scientific and technical, health, humanitarian, research, and experimental and military-patriotic areas of out-of-school education.
The article reveals the content of out-of-school education in Ukraine in 1991–2014, which was determined by two interrelated factors: the transition period in which Ukrainian society was and the systemic crisis that engulfed it. The author emphasizes that if the first factor prompted the creation of new forms and methods, the second, and, above all, financial difficulties ‒ hindered the introduction of innovations in the field of out-of-school education.In the system of out-of-school education of Ukraine, in 1991–2014, the definition and formation of its content became the most important and difficult issue. The content of out-of-school education of this period took into account the experience of the Soviet period and the conditions for organizing the activities of out-of-school institutions. Among these conditions, the article highlights the following: voluntariness, accessibility, differentiation, and variability, flexibility, dynamism, mobility, consistency, etc.It is noted that the content of out-of-school education in 1991–2014 was structured and implemented in the system of clubs, academic disciplines, subjects, courses and was presented in the corresponding curricula, programs, textbooks, manuals, method guides, didactic aids.The publication analyzes the main areas that the content of out-of-school education included in 1991–2014: artistic and aesthetic, scientific and technological, library and bibliographic, ecological and naturalistic, tourism and local studies, humanitarian, physical culture, and sports, which had their own specificity.The author concludes that these areas of out-of-school education were based on the following principles: democratization (cooperation) and humanization (respect for the interests and needs of the individual); conformity to nature (taking into account age peculiarities) and cultural conformity (ensuring cultural continuity of generations); unity of education, upbringing and personal development; harmonization of social (professional and pedagogical) and family upbringing influences; integrity of out-of-school education. Keywords: out-of-school education, content, directions, principles, out-of-school institutions, historical and pedagogical analysis, competences, the development of personality. ; У статті розкрито окремі аспекти змісту позашкільної освіти України у 1991–2014 рр., що визначався двома взаємозв'язаними чинниками: перехідним періодом, у якому знаходилося українське суспільство, а також системною кризою, яка охопила його. Проаналізовано основні напрями, які містив зміст позашкільної освіти у 1991–2014 рр.: художньо-естетичний, науково-технічний, бібліотечно-бібліографічний, еколого-натуралістичний, туристсько-краєзнавчий, гуманітарний, фізкультурно-спортивний, які мали свою специфіку. Ключові слова: позашкільна освіта, зміст, напрями, принципи, позашкільні заклади, історико-педагогічний аналіз, компетентності, розвиток особистості.
The article reveals the content of out-of-school education in Ukraine in 1991–2014, which was determined by two interrelated factors: the transition period in which Ukrainian society was and the systemic crisis that engulfed it. The author emphasizes that if the first factor prompted the creation of new forms and methods, the second, and, above all, financial difficulties ‒ hindered the introduction of innovations in the field of out-of-school education.In the system of out-of-school education of Ukraine, in 1991–2014, the definition and formation of its content became the most important and difficult issue. The content of out-of-school education of this period took into account the experience of the Soviet period and the conditions for organizing the activities of out-of-school institutions. Among these conditions, the article highlights the following: voluntariness, accessibility, differentiation, and variability, flexibility, dynamism, mobility, consistency, etc.It is noted that the content of out-of-school education in 1991–2014 was structured and implemented in the system of clubs, academic disciplines, subjects, courses and was presented in the corresponding curricula, programs, textbooks, manuals, method guides, didactic aids.The publication analyzes the main areas that the content of out-of-school education included in 1991–2014: artistic and aesthetic, scientific and technological, library and bibliographic, ecological and naturalistic, tourism and local studies, humanitarian, physical culture, and sports, which had their own specificity.The author concludes that these areas of out-of-school education were based on the following principles: democratization (cooperation) and humanization (respect for the interests and needs of the individual); conformity to nature (taking into account age peculiarities) and cultural conformity (ensuring cultural continuity of generations); unity of education, upbringing and personal development; harmonization of social (professional and pedagogical) and family upbringing influences; integrity of out-of-school education. Keywords: out-of-school education, content, directions, principles, out-of-school institutions, historical and pedagogical analysis, competences, the development of personality. ; У статті розкрито окремі аспекти змісту позашкільної освіти України у 1991–2014 рр., що визначався двома взаємозв'язаними чинниками: перехідним періодом, у якому знаходилося українське суспільство, а також системною кризою, яка охопила його. Проаналізовано основні напрями, які містив зміст позашкільної освіти у 1991–2014 рр.: художньо-естетичний, науково-технічний, бібліотечно-бібліографічний, еколого-натуралістичний, туристсько-краєзнавчий, гуманітарний, фізкультурно-спортивний, які мали свою специфіку. Ключові слова: позашкільна освіта, зміст, напрями, принципи, позашкільні заклади, історико-педагогічний аналіз, компетентності, розвиток особистості.
In: Voprosy istorii: VI = Studies in history, Band 2023, Heft 11-2, S. 176-185
The article analyzes the legal basis for the organization and activities of the public administration system of preschool, school and extracurricular education and education in the USSR in the 1970s on the basis of regulatory acts and official documents of that time. Conclusions are drawn about the strengths and weaknesses of the structural and functional construction of this subsystem of public education. The possibilities of using managerial experience in the activities of public administration bodies are considered.
In: Revista de cercetare şi intervenţie socială: RCIS = Review of research and social intervention = Revue de recherche et intervention sociale, Band 79, S. 41-58
ISSN: 1584-5397
This research aims to examine the educational needs of visual arts teachers for the use of museums in line with the out-of-school approach to education in terms of learning status and professional seniority variables. The research was carried out using a scanning model from quantitative methods. Visual arts teachers (n=140) make up the universe of research. The results obtained from the researcher that the educational needs of teachers in terms of learning status variable; organizing pre-implementation activities, teaching strategy, using methods and techniques, communicating effectively, ensuring personal and social development and post-implementation activities has shown that it does not differ in regulatory dimensions. However, it has also been found that the educational needs of teachers differ in the way they regulate the educational environment. However, visual arts teachers' educational needs regarding the out-of-school education approach are regulated according to the professional seniority variable, regulating the environment, teaching strategy, using methods and techniques, communicating effectively, ensuringpersonal and social development and post-implementation it has been determined that it does not differ in the dimensions of organizing activities. However, when the opinions of teachers on all dimensions were examined, it was understood that teachers with professional seniority of 16 years or more had a lower degree of need for the approach. This result indicates that teachers in this group have more knowledge of the approach. However, it was found that teachers who needed more education than other teachers had professional seniority between 6-10 years.
In the article, on the backgroung of historical and pedagogical analysis, the author made an attempt to compare foreign and domestic experience in the development of out-of-school education. Much has been done by educators and the European society to unite young people and prepare them for life in the European community. This is confirmed by the fact that in October 1991 a pan-European union of institutions and organizations of leisure for children and youth (EAICY) was established, of which Ukraine became an associate member. The author draws attention to the development of out-of- school education in the Central European countries belonging to EAICY: Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, which have common features, as each of them belonged to the so-called socialist camp. Among the countries of Western Europe EAICY includes: Belgium, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Portugal, France, Denmark. Among Eastern European countries, EAICY includes Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Ukraine, Estonia and Kazakhstan. The history of appearence and development of the system of out-of-school education and upbringing in these countries has not only national but also common roots, as each of these countries in the past was part of the USSR. Thus, there are common trends in the development of out-of-school education in European countries and Ukraine: focusing on the needs of the individual in socialization, life skills, gaining new knowledge, acquiring practical skills according to one's interests, meeting the needs of the individual in creative self-realization, organization of meaningful leisure; state regulation of the organization of leisure time for children and youth in education is carried out in those countries where out-of-school education is a component of national education systems, has a clearly defined structure and activities; systems of purposeful organization of free time of children and youth, despite the peculiarities of directions, methods of activity, variety of forms and structure, have much in common ...
У статті на основі аналізу вітчизняних та зарубіжних офіційних документів та наукових джерел схарактеризовано стан розроблення проблеми формування підприємницької компетентності учнівської молоді в закладах позашкільної освіти в Україні та країнах Європейського Союзу. Визначено сутність поняття неформальна освіта, компетентністний підхід, компетентність та компетенція. Проаналізовано дефініцію поняття підприємницька компетентність, розглянуто завдання її формування в закладах позашкільної (неформальної) освіти. ; Grounding on the analysis of the domestic and foreign official documents and scientific sources, the article analyzes the state of the development of the problem of forming students' entrepreneurial competence in the out-of-school education institutions in Ukraine and the European Union. The essence of the concepts of non-formal education, competence approach, competence and competency was defined. The definition of the concept of entrepreneurial competence was analyzed, the tasks of its forming in the out-of-school (nonformal) education institutions were considered. Purpose of the article: to characterize the state of the analysis of the problem of forming students' entrepreneurial competence in the out-of-school education institutions in scientific sources, domestic and European official documents (documents of Ukraine, the European Union and the Council of Europe). Realization of the aim mentioned in the article became possible by way of using the theoretical research methods: for clarifying the state of the development of the problem, for determining the theoretical foundations of the study – the method of comparative analysis; for the concretization of the conceptual and categorical apparatus, determination of research results and formulation of conclusions – the method of systematization and generalization. Based on the presented above materials, we can conclude that forming the entrepreneurial competencies of children and students in Ukraine and the European countries is quite developed and regulated at the state level, as it is evidenced by a large list of laws, recommendations, regulations and programmes. Due to the fact that the article does not cover all the aspects of the problem, the prospects for further research are seen in searching, defining and justifying the ways and methods of forming entrepreneurial competence of children and students in out-of-school education. Defining the terminological basis of the study may be relevant due to its constant enrichment caused by the rapid development of entrepreneurship.
The purpose of the article is affirm the idea that the value of such institution as out-of-school education of children has been considerably changed in XXI century. Empiric and general methodic approaches and techniques have been used during the investigation. The results of thought experiment that the author has carried out within 4 years with the pedagogical stuff of the out-of-school institutions of the region in the post-graduate educational system have been analyzed. The author maintains the opinion that modern innovative transformations in out-of-school education of children should fundamentally change our assessments of its role in the system of lifelong learning. The author estimates the out-of-school education as such that performs its special function in the general structure of education. According to its purpose, it is not secondary or additional in comparison with the functionality of other structural elements. It has its role: to follow the personal needs of the child. «Z» generation is fundamentally different in its spectrum of needs, and modern societies need to be flexible and multidimensional in order to guide them to make a profit to society. We need to respond quickly to the demand of a modern child, a teenager. The study found out that there are constant changes in the out-of-school environment. The changes are conditioned, firstly, because of the general transition of the education system of Ukraine to the competence training paradigm. Secondly, out-of-school education of children is in the plane of the informal education sector of Ukraine, which has not yet been formalized as part of domestic legislation. Taking into account the steady tendency to accumulate changes, the author assesses their influence on the out-of-school educational environment. The author points out that out-of-school pedagogy compensates the disadvantages and contradictions of school pedagogy due to its child-centeredness. That is why the practice of modern out-of-school education shows steady examples of the successful solution of the problems of person's education, the final result of which is the self-realization and self-affirmation of pupils of out-of-school institutions. The author found out that the modern out-of-school pedagogical process of solving the above-mentioned tasks successfully relies on the categories and ideas used by well-known western pragmatists of the last century. The most widespread in the out-of-school educational process were the ideas about the orientation of education to the needs of the child, the close relationship of education with practice, recognition of the child's individuality and the view of the goal of education as self-education, etc. Moreover, the study revealed that the out-of-school environment demonstrates a wide range of opportunities for children and adolescents to acquire key competencies that help a modern person to be self-realizing in later life. Currently, these changes suggest that out-of-school education accumulates a certain number of new features in the present century. The process of their accumulation continues. That is precisely why it can be argued that out-of-school education in Ukraine is transforming into a new educational institution. ; Автор проводит мысль о том, что современные инновационные преобразования во внешкольном образовании принципиально меняют наши взгляды и оценки на роль вышеуказанного института образования в системе непрерывного образования на протяжении жизни. Изменения, которые демонстрируют стойкую тенденцию к накоплению, постепенно трансформируют внешкольное образование в новую образовательную институцию. Изменения обусловлены, в первую очередь, неопределенностью неформального образования в Украине на законодательном уровне. Проблема распространяется и на внешкольное образование, как один из секторов неформального образования, имея ввиду структуру системы образования в Украине. Во-вторых, изменения обусловлены теорией и практикой реализации компетентностного подхода во внешкольном образовании, что также является следствием присоединения к европейской концепции образования. Автор делает ударение на то, что внешкольная педагогика компенсирует недостатки и противоречия школьной педагогики за счет своей детоцентричности. Именно поэтому практика современного внешкольного образования демонстрирует устойчивые примеры успешного решения задач воспитания личности, конечным результатом которого является самореализация и самоутверждение воспитанников внешкольных учреждений. Автор указывает, что современный внешкольный педагогический процесс при решении вышеозвученных задач опирается на категории и идеи, которыми оперировали известные западные педагоги-прагматики прошлого столетия. В конечном итоге перечисленные изменения дают основание утверждать, что внешкольное образование в нынешнем столетии аккумулирует в себе определенное количество признаков, которые позволяют характеризовать его как новый образовательный институт с перечнем всех присущих ему характеристик. ; Автор проводить думку, що сучасні інноваційні перетворення в позашкільній освіті принципово змінюють наші погляди та оцінки щодо ролі зазначеної освітньої інституції в системі безперервного навчання протягом життя. Зміни, що мають стійку тенденцію до накопичення, поступово трансформують позашкільну освіту в нову освітню інституцію. Дані зміни обумовлені, в першу чергу, невизнаністю неформальної освіти України на законодавчому рівні. Проблема розповсюджується і на позашкільну освіту, як один із її секторів, враховуючи структуру освіти в Україні. По-друге, зміни обумовлені теорією та практикою реалізації компетентнісного підходу в позашкільній освіті, що також є наслідком приєднання до європейської концепції освіти. Автор наголошує на тому, що позашкільна педагогіка компенсує недоліки і протиріччя шкільної педагогіки завдяки своїй дитиноцентричності. Саме тому практика сучасної позашкільної освіти демонструє сталі приклади успішного вирішення завдань виховання особистості, кінцевим результатом яких є самореалізація та самоствердження вихованців позашкільних установ. Автор зазначає, що сучасний позашкільний педагогічний процес при вирішенні вищеозначених завдань спирається на категорії та ідеї, якими оперували відомі західні педагоги-прагматики минулого століття. Наразі перераховані зміни дають підставу стверджувати, що позашкільна освіта в нинішньому столітті акумулює в собі певну кількість ознак, які дозволяють характеризувати її як нову освітню інституцію, з переліком усіх притаманних їй характеристик.
The relevance of this topic is due to the burning issues and challenges of today, namely, a detailed review of the organization and functioning of out-of-school educational institutions during quarantine. Given the fact that currently the entire system of education is undergoing a period of fast adaptation to work in the newly created information educational environment, the system of out-of-school education does not stand aside and quickly progresses its developments in this direction. The article presents the results of the analysis of organization of institutions of out-of-school education during the transition to the provision of educational services using remote technologies in Ukraine under severe quarantine restrictions. The stages passed by all participants of the educational process are clarified and considered in detail, including the mechanisms used by pedagogical workers in establishing communication with pupils, parental community and administration. A number of normative documents was identified as critical for the sphere under consideration, for they regulated the work of out-of-school educational institutions during the period of mass transition to the distance form of providing educational services. The mechanism of realization of the newly introduced legislative documents by out-of-school educational institutions is reviewed. The main digital resources used by out-of-school teachers for the organization of distance learning are highlighted. The issue of organizing the work of the administration for the transition to a remote form of educational services provision is described in detail. The mechanism that provides generalization of information about students' feedback is analyzed. The work of the psychological service regarding the possible consequences and negative impact of digitalization of learning on the major categories of participants (teachers, students, parents, state officers) is considered and analyzed. The author points out and highlights the positive and negative aspects of the impact of the introduction of distance learning in selectives and creativity clubs on its members and personnel. The current state of readiness of out-of-school educational institutions for work in near-to-critical or crisis-based conditions is generalized and described. A number of identified issues requires further investigation into the possibility of providing educational services by corresponding educational institutions with the help of distance learning technologies and ICTs. ; Актуальність представленої теми зумовлена швидкоплинними викликами сьогодення, а саме, детальному огляду організації роботи закладів позашкільної освіти під час карантину. Враховуючи, той факт, що сьогодні вся система освіти проходить досить швидко період адаптації до роботи в новоствореному інформаційному освітньому середовищі, система позашкільної освіти не стоїть осторонь та має досить потужний масив напрацювань у цьому напрямі. У даній статті представлено аналіз організації роботи закладів позашкільної освіти під час переходу до надання освітніх послуг за допомогою дистанційних технологій в Україні в умовах жорстких карантинних обмежень. З'ясовано та детально розглянуто етапи, які проходили всі учасники освітнього процесу, описано механізми, які використали у своїй роботі педагогічні працівники для налагодження комунікації з вихованцями, батьківською спільнотою, адміністрацією. Зафіксовано низку нормативних документів, які регламентували роботу закладів позашкільної освіти в період масового переходу на дистанційну форму надання освітніх послуг. Розглянуто механізм реалізації нововведених законодавчих документів закладами позашкільної освіти. Виділено основні електронні ресурси, якими користуються у своїй роботі педагоги позашкілля для організації дистанційного навчання. Детально описано питання організації роботи адміністрації для переходу на дистанційну форму надання освітніх послуг. Проаналізовано механізм, який забезпечує узагальнення інформації стосовно зворотнього зв'язку з вихованцями. Описано роботу психологічної служби з огляду на нові виклики в роботі з учасниками освітнього процесу. Автором розглянуто та виділено позитивні та негативні аспекти запровадження дистанційної форми навчання в гуртках. Узагальнено та описано сучасний стан готовності позашкілля до роботи в кризових умовах. Сформовано низку питань, які потребують подальших розвідок щодо можливості надання освітніх послуг закладами позашкільної освіти за допомогою дистанційних технологій.
The relevance of this topic is due to the burning issues and challenges of today, namely, a detailed review of the organization and functioning of out-of-school educational institutions during quarantine. Given the fact that currently the entire system of education is undergoing a period of fast adaptation to work in the newly created information educational environment, the system of out-of-school education does not stand aside and quickly progresses its developments in this direction. The article presents the results of the analysis of organization of institutions of out-of-school education during the transition to the provision of educational services using remote technologies in Ukraine under severe quarantine restrictions. The stages passed by all participants of the educational process are clarified and considered in detail, including the mechanisms used by pedagogical workers in establishing communication with pupils, parental community and administration. A number of normative documents was identified as critical for the sphere under consideration, for they regulated the work of out-of-school educational institutions during the period of mass transition to the distance form of providing educational services. The mechanism of realization of the newly introduced legislative documents by out-of-school educational institutions is reviewed. The main digital resources used by out-of-school teachers for the organization of distance learning are highlighted. The issue of organizing the work of the administration for the transition to a remote form of educational services provision is described in detail. The mechanism that provides generalization of information about students' feedback is analyzed. The work of the psychological service regarding the possible consequences and negative impact of digitalization of learning on the major categories of participants (teachers, students, parents, state officers) is considered and analyzed. The author points out and highlights the positive and negative aspects of the impact of the introduction of distance learning in selectives and creativity clubs on its members and personnel. The current state of readiness of out-of-school educational institutions for work in near-to-critical or crisis-based conditions is generalized and described. A number of identified issues requires further investigation into the possibility of providing educational services by corresponding educational institutions with the help of distance learning technologies and ICTs. ; Актуальність представленої теми зумовлена швидкоплинними викликами сьогодення, а саме, детальному огляду організації роботи закладів позашкільної освіти під час карантину. Враховуючи, той факт, що сьогодні вся система освіти проходить досить швидко період адаптації до роботи в новоствореному інформаційному освітньому середовищі, система позашкільної освіти не стоїть осторонь та має досить потужний масив напрацювань у цьому напрямі. У даній статті представлено аналіз організації роботи закладів позашкільної освіти під час переходу до надання освітніх послуг за допомогою дистанційних технологій в Україні в умовах жорстких карантинних обмежень. З'ясовано та детально розглянуто етапи, які проходили всі учасники освітнього процесу, описано механізми, які використали у своїй роботі педагогічні працівники для налагодження комунікації з вихованцями, батьківською спільнотою, адміністрацією. Зафіксовано низку нормативних документів, які регламентували роботу закладів позашкільної освіти в період масового переходу на дистанційну форму надання освітніх послуг. Розглянуто механізм реалізації нововведених законодавчих документів закладами позашкільної освіти. Виділено основні електронні ресурси, якими користуються у своїй роботі педагоги позашкілля для організації дистанційного навчання. Детально описано питання організації роботи адміністрації для переходу на дистанційну форму надання освітніх послуг. Проаналізовано механізм, який забезпечує узагальнення інформації стосовно зворотнього зв'язку з вихованцями. Описано роботу психологічної служби з огляду на нові виклики в роботі з учасниками освітнього процесу. Автором розглянуто та виділено позитивні та негативні аспекти запровадження дистанційної форми навчання в гуртках. Узагальнено та описано сучасний стан готовності позашкілля до роботи в кризових умовах. Сформовано низку питань, які потребують подальших розвідок щодо можливості надання освітніх послуг закладами позашкільної освіти за допомогою дистанційних технологій.
У статті розкрито основу концепції взаємодії закладів загальної середньої та позашкільної освіти в естетичному вихованні підлітків. Першим рівнем концепції є мегарівень, основні структурні елементи якого і розглянуто в статті. До мегарівня концепції належать соціальна складова, система суспільних відносин, демографічна складова, законодавча, нормативна база дослідження, положення, концепції, нормативні та методичні документи, які діють в умовах взаємодії закладів загальної середньої та позашкільної освіти і прямо та опосередковано впливають на розвиток естетичної вихованості підлітків. Використовуючи теоретичні методи: аналіз, узагальнення, порівняння й зіставлення різних нормативно-методичних актів було з'ясовано контент змісту основних засад позашкільної та загальної середньої освіти в естетичному вихованні підлітків. Детально розглянуто нормативну базу дослідження. ; The article describes the basis of the concept of interaction between institutions of general secondary and out-of-school education in the aesthetic education of adolescents. The first level of the concept is mega-level, the main structural elements of which are discussed in the article. Concepts include the social component, the system of social relations, the demographic component, the legislative, normative base of research, provisions, concepts, normative and methodological documents, which operate in the conditions of interaction of institutions of general secondary and out-of-school education and directly and indirectly influence development of aesthetic education of teenagers. Using theoretical methods: analysis, generalization and comparison of different normative-methodological acts, the content of the basic principles of out-of-school education and general secondary education in aesthetic education of teenagers was found out. Organization of interaction of secondary and out-of-school education in the aesthetic education of teenagers is based on the results of the analysis of their practical and aesthetic activities and takes into account the components of aesthetic education: emotional, informational, communicative. In the interaction of secondary and out-of-school education in the aesthetic education of teenagers the methodological basis is integration of knowledge in the field of aesthetics, pedagogy, ethics, psychology, theories of aesthetic education. The regulatory framework of the study is considered in detail. This made it possible to expand content of basic principles of out-of-school and general secondary education in accordance with orientation of the specifics of educational activities offered today by general secondary and out-of-school education and to highlight the content and scope of educational concepts, provisions, phenomena that are interrelated. Based on the above mentioned it can be argued that the invariant of process of interaction of secondary and out-of-schools education in the aesthetic education of teenagers is aesthetic activity of teenagers, is carried out primarily in diverse social creativity.
In: International labour review, Band 104, S. 205-216
ISSN: 0020-7780