Open Access BASE2021



The article reveals the content of out-of-school education in Ukraine in 1991–2014, which was determined by two interrelated factors: the transition period in which Ukrainian society was and the systemic crisis that engulfed it. The author emphasizes that if the first factor prompted the creation of new forms and methods, the second, and, above all, financial difficulties ‒ hindered the introduction of innovations in the field of out-of-school education.In the system of out-of-school education of Ukraine, in 1991–2014, the definition and formation of its content became the most important and difficult issue. The content of out-of-school education of this period took into account the experience of the Soviet period and the conditions for organizing the activities of out-of-school institutions. Among these conditions, the article highlights the following: voluntariness, accessibility, differentiation, and variability, flexibility, dynamism, mobility, consistency, etc.It is noted that the content of out-of-school education in 1991–2014 was structured and implemented in the system of clubs, academic disciplines, subjects, courses and was presented in the corresponding curricula, programs, textbooks, manuals, method guides, didactic aids.The publication analyzes the main areas that the content of out-of-school education included in 1991–2014: artistic and aesthetic, scientific and technological, library and bibliographic, ecological and naturalistic, tourism and local studies, humanitarian, physical culture, and sports, which had their own specificity.The author concludes that these areas of out-of-school education were based on the following principles: democratization (cooperation) and humanization (respect for the interests and needs of the individual); conformity to nature (taking into account age peculiarities) and cultural conformity (ensuring cultural continuity of generations); unity of education, upbringing and personal development; harmonization of social (professional and pedagogical) and family upbringing influences; integrity of out-of-school education. Keywords: out-of-school education, content, directions, principles, out-of-school institutions, historical and pedagogical analysis, competences, the development of personality. ; У статті розкрито окремі аспекти змісту позашкільної освіти України у 1991–2014 рр., що визначався двома взаємозв'язаними чинниками: перехідним періодом, у якому знаходилося українське суспільство, а також системною кризою, яка охопила його. Проаналізовано основні напрями, які містив зміст позашкільної освіти у 1991–2014 рр.: художньо-естетичний, науково-технічний, бібліотечно-бібліографічний, еколого-натуралістичний, туристсько-краєзнавчий, гуманітарний, фізкультурно-спортивний, які мали свою специфіку. Ключові слова: позашкільна освіта, зміст, напрями, принципи, позашкільні заклади, історико-педагогічний аналіз, компетентності, розвиток особистості.


Ukrainisch, Englisch


Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University

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