Originally published in 1927, this little book was an attempt to present to the layperson, the principal psychological views and theories of C.G. Jung. It is written in simple and nontechnical language for those less familiar with psychology and who would have found the more scientific Collected Works inaccessible. Today it can be read and enjoyed in its historical context.
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Intro -- Foreword: Between Deserts by Sonu Shamdasani -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- Chapter 1: Introduction -- 1.1 A Life-Long Confrontation -- 1.1.1 Jung's Educational Background -- 1.1.2 Nietzsche's Presence in the Evolving of Jung's Thinking -- 1.2 Jung's Psychological Understanding of Nietzsche -- 1.2.1 Jung's Seminar on Zarathustra: A Problematic Reading -- 1.2.2 The 'Red Book': Liber Novus -- 1.2.3 Jung's Zarathustra or Nietzsche's Liber Novus? -- 1.3 Misreading or 'Revaluation'? -- 1.3.1 The 'Unconscious' as a Perspective -- 1.3.2 Structure of the Work -- References -- Chapter 2: 'Visionary' Works and Liber Novus -- 2.1 'Visionary' Works -- 2.1.1 Jung's Definition and Characterisation -- 2.1.2 Return to Mythology -- 2.2 'Visionary' Authors -- 2.2.1 Theology -- 2.2.2 Basel and Its Environment -- 2.2.3 Liber Novus as Jung's ʻVisionary' Experience -- References -- Chapter 3: Nietzsche in Liber Novus -- 3.1 Nietzsche and the Style of Liber Novus -- 3.1.1 Introductory Remarks -- 3.2 Similar Symbology: Nietzsche's Hidden Presence -- 3.2.1 Desert, Lion, and Transformation -- 3.2.2 Poisonous Serpents, Riddles, Dwarfs -- 3.2.3 Sun, Sunset, and Eastern Wisdom -- 3.3 Nietzsche's Explicit Presence: Overcoming Rationalism -- 3.3.1 Folly as the Other Side of Life -- 3.3.2 Teaching, Mocking, and Imitating: The Process of Self-Becoming -- 3.3.3 Death and Rebirth of God -- References -- Chapter 4: Liber Novus in Nietzsche: Jung's Seminar on Zarathustra -- 4.1 Jung's Interpretation of Zarathustra -- 4.1.1 Introductory Remarks -- 4.2 Zarathustra as Nietzsche's Failed Individuation -- 4.2.1 The ʻOld Wise Man': Zarathustra and Philemon -- 4.2.2 Intoxication, Inflation, the Übermensch and the Übersinn -- 4.2.3 Isolated Suns, The Island of the Dead, and the ʻWheel of Creation' -- 4.3 Animals -- 4.3.1 Serpent, Bird, and Black Scarab.
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Was Jung's interpretation and assessment of Nietzsche accurate?Nietzsche and Jung considers the thought and personalities of two icons of twentieth century philosophical and psychological thought, and reveals the extraordinary connections between them. Through a thorough examination of their work, Nietzsche and Jung succeeds in illuminating complex areas of Nietzsche's thought and resolving ambiguities in Jung's reception of these theories. The location and analysis of the role played by opposites in the whole self according to Jung is considered, revealing the full e
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The reputation of Carl Gustav Jung has been clouded by allegations that he was anti-Semitic and a Nazi sympathizer. This dissertation began as an effort to research these charges but developed the more comprehensive goal of documenting the cultural and political views he held throughout his life. My thesis is that Jung was an avant-garde conservative whose progressive ideas about education and therapy were often overshadowed by his conservative social and political opinions. A Basel native, he was influenced by the writings of Jakob Burckhardt and fascinated with Nietzsche, adopting the philosopher s aristocratic disdain for mass democracy and other modern trends. Jung was a Swiss psychiatrist who became Freud s crown prince but left the psychoanalytic movement for a variety of reasons. By 1918 he would be characterizing Freud s psychology in a racial terminology related to that of such thinkers as Le Bon. Jung saw Jews like Freud as agents of modernity because of their preference for atheism and radical ideas. After World War I Jung was promoted in Germany by Oscar A. H. Schmitz who introduced him to Count Hermann Keyserling and to Prince Karl Anton Rohan. Jung became active in Rohan s Kulturbund and frequently published in his Europäische Revue which has been identified as one of the period s leading neo-conservative journals. In 1933 Jung became the president of the General Medical Society for Psychotherapy. Within the year he publicly expressed approval of the Führerprinzip and attacked psychoanalysis. At the same time he sought to internationalize the organization and amend its by-laws to protect Jewish members. Jung s use of the concept of the Volksseele is most obvious in his article Wotan. Since his university years Jung had been tracking developments in Germany s religious life, especially through the writings of Eduard von Hartmann and Arthur Drews. Jung was convinced that the Nazi movement should be understood more as a religious phenomenon than a political one. He interpreted what was going on in ...
Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Table of Contents; Acknowledgements; Preface; 1. Introduction; 2. The nature of complexes; The complex in psyche; Jung's Theory of Complexes; 3. The racial complex; Common complexes; The racial complex; Dissociation in the s/Self relationship; In community; 4. Childhood: The shaping of psychological complexes; Early trauma; The shaping of racial complexes in children; African American children and racial prejudice; 5. A cultural constellation; Historical constellations; 6. Archetype, shadow, complex; Archetype; Shadow; Complex
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Micha Brumlik interpretiert die Tiefenpsychologie C.G. Jungs (1875-1961) als romantische Theorie des Unbewußten, macht ihre philosophischen Bezüge sichtbar und untersucht ihre Herkunft aus dem Geisterglauben. Weil Jung ein sprachlich konstituiertes Denken von einem bildhaften, symbolischen Denken unterscheidet, hat seine Archetypenlehre besondere Bedeutung. In der Neufassung dieser Einführung stellt Brumlik sie an Gestalten aus Richard Wagners Musikdramen dar. Vertieft wird der Versuch, der Archetypenlehre eine soziobiologische und strukturalistische Deutung zu geben
O texto traz o conteúdo de uma aula sobre Teorias da Personalidade com foco nos fundamentos da Psicologia Analítica do psicólogo e psiquiatra suíço Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), cuja obra vem apresentando significativas contribuições para a Psicologia Educacional, Organizacional e Clínica.