Nietzsche and Jung: the whole self in the union of opposites
Opposites in the whole self -- Opposites in early Nietzsche-- metaphysical, aesthetic, and psychological opposites -- Opposites in Nietzsche post-1878-- the denial of metaphysical opposites -- The ubermensch as a union of opposites -- Opposites in the Jungian model of the psyche -- The self as a union of opposites -- The potential influence of Nietzsche's model on that of Jung -- The disagreement between Nietzsche and Jung-- the process of uniting opposites -- The similarities between Nietzsche and Jung-- the whole self in the union of opposites -- Jung's rejection of Nietzsche's model -- Nietzsche's madness-- a Jungian critique of Nietzsche's model -- Nietzsche's absolution-- a metacritique of Jung's critique of Nietzsche's model -- Jung's shadow-- the ambiguities of Jung's reception of Nietzsche resolved -- Jung's madness-- a Nietzschean critique of Jung's model.