Hugo Grotius's De iure belli ac pacis: A Report on the Worldwide Census of the Fourth Edition (1632, Janssonius)
In: Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law & International Law (MPIL) Research Paper No. 2023-04
4 Ergebnisse
In: Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law & International Law (MPIL) Research Paper No. 2023-04
In: Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv, Band 22, S. 169-188
"South-east of the island of Rügen is a narrow channel which provides access to the Western Pomeranian ports. Known as the Neues Tief, this shipping lane bore major significance from the sixteenth to the early nineteenth centuries. The first cartographers to record this difficult-to-navigate territory were the Dutchmen Lucas Jansz Waghenaer, Willem Jansz Blaeu, Johannes Janssonius and their copyists. ln 1623 the Neues Tief underwent revaluation as a subject for publication through a separate, detailed chart by Blaeu. The designation Neues Tief appears repeatedly in a wide variety of atlases, although it does not always refer to exactly the same geographical feature. During the period in question, the reliable and systematic recording of marine morphology was a science as yet unheard-of. As if to compensate, the scantiness of information concerning the true conditions of the waters off the Pomeranian coast was frequently disguised by the decorative or aesthetic effects of early sea charts. This circumstance was changed substantially by the first hydrographic surveys - undertaken by Swedish marine cartographers in the first half of the seventeenth century - as weil as by the publication in 1644 of Johann Mansson's survey results. Yet the disclosure of these re sults was short-lived, for the Swedish Admiralty was quick to recognise the strategic significance of the Neues Tiefas a means of access to the Western Pomeranian territories and sea ports. The Neues Tief was accordingly earmarked as a barrier against conceivable enemy attacks, and the detailed investigations carried out after Mansson's death (1659) by Captain Sparre, Werner von Rosenfeldt, Petter Gedda, Nils Strömcrona, Jonas Hahn and many others were subject to utmost secrecy for decades. Thus it is hardly surprising that the inaccuracy and informational deficits of early depictions were adopted uncritically by the copyists Gerard van Keulen, Johann Himmerich and others. ln the case of the Neues Tief, the precision and reliability of information so important for every nautical journey remained a desideratum for centuries. The results of Germany's own investigations did not appear in the form of reliable sea charts until the publication of the Prussian Sea Atlas in 1840/41, a delay which might strike many as incomprehensible. It must be added, however, that with regard to cartography a large number of other marine territories remained shrouded in darkness for similarly long periods of time." (author's abstract)
In der wissenschaftlichen Literatur sind zwei Varianten der Seekarte der Adria vom niederländischen Seefahrer und Polarforscher Willem Barents (1550-1597) bekannt. Die erste, in diesem Aufsatz als K-1 bezeichnete Karte, wurde in Amsterdam 1595 hergestellt und gedruckt. Sie hatte anfänglich eine praktisch-navigatorische Funktion. Die zweite, K-2, ins Jahr 1595 datierte (1637-1662) Karte, wurde als geostrategische Karte der Adria und der südlichen Teile Europas ausgenützt. An den adriatischen Nordküsten, besonders in ihrem Hinterland, geschahen mit dem Durchbruch der Türken seit der Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts wichtige militärische und politische Änderungen. In den "Atlanten" des Niederländers Jan (Johann; Joannes) Janssonius (1588-1664) fehlte gerade solch eine Karte, die auch mehrmals in Amsterdam gedruckt wurde, aber zwischen 1637 und 1662. Die K-1 von Barents, deren Druckplatte Janssonius zur Verfügung hatte, konnte diese Funktion befriedigen. Deswegen machte Janssonius nur die nötigen dem darstellenden Standard der ersten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts entsprechenden Änderungen, und als solche wurde sie gedruckt. Die K-2 verlor ihre ursprüngliche praktisch-navigatorische Funktion und wurde eine Karte von geostrategischer Bedeutung. Mit diesen Grundfragen befaßt sich dieser Aufsatz. ; U znanstvenoj su literaturi poznate dvije inačice plovidbenog zemljovida Jadrana nizozemskog pomorca i polarnog istraživača Willema Barentsa (1550.-1597.). Prva, u članku obilježena kraticom K-1, izrađena je i otisnuta u Amsterdamu 1595. Njena je prvenstvena funkcija bila praktično-plovidbena. Suprotno, K-2, koja se datira u 1595. (1637.-1662.) godinu, rabljena je kao geostrategijska karta Jadrana i južnih dijelova Europe. Naime, na sjevernim obalama Jadranskog mora, posebice u zaobalju, odvijale su se od pol. 16. st. bitne vojne i političke izmjene prodorom Turaka. Upravo je takva karta nedostajala u "Atlasima" Nizozemca Jana (Johann; Ioannes) Janssoniusa (1588.-1664.), tiskanim više puta također u Amsterdamu, ali u razdoblju 1637.-62. Barentsova K-1, čijom je tiskarskom pločom Jansso-nius raspolagao, tu je zadaću mogla ispuniti. Zato Janssonius na njoj čini tek najnužnije izmjene u skladu s likovnim standardima kartografije prve pol. 17. st., te je takvu tiska. Time K-2 gubi prvotnu praktično-plovidbenu funkciju, te poprima značajke karte s bitnim geostrate-gijskim elementima u značenju. Tim temeljnim pitanjima K-1 i K-2 bavi se ovaj članak.
In: Radovi. Razdio povijesnih znanosti, Band 34, Heft 21
U znanstvenoj su literaturi poznate dvije inačice plovidbene karte Jadrana nizozemskog pomorca i polarnog istraživača Willema Barenlsa (1550.-1597.). Prva je izrađena i otisnuta u Amsterdamu 1595. godine (K-l). Njezina je primarna funkcija bila praktično-plovidbena. Suprotno tome, K-2, koju datiramo u 1595. (1637.-1662.) godinu, iskorištena je kao geostrategijska karta Jadrana i južnih dijelova Europe. Naime, na sjevernim obalama Jadranskog mora, osobito u njihovu zaleđu, dešavale su se od polovice 16. stoljeća bitne vojne i političke izmjene prodorom Turaka. Upravo je takva karta nedostajala u "Atlasima" Nizozemca Jana (Johann; Ioannes) Janssoniusa (1588.-1664.), tiskanim više puta također u Amsterdamu, ali u razdoblju 1637.-1662. god. Barentsova K-l, čijom je tiskarskom pločom Janssonius raspolagao, tu je funkciju mogla ispuniti. Stoga Janssonius na njoj čini samo najnužnije izmjene u suglasju s likovnim standardima kartografije prve polovice 17. stoljeća, te je takvu tiska. K-2 time gubi prvotnu praktično- plovidbenu funkciju, te poprima značajke karte s bitnim geostrategijskim elementima u značenju. Tim temeljnim pitanjima K-l i K-2 bavi se ovaj članak.