Realizacija deminutiva u prevodu "Ježeve kućice" Branka Ćopića na engleski jezik
In: Filolog: časopis za jezik književnost i kulturu, Heft 12
ISSN: 2233-1158
33 Ergebnisse
In: Filolog: časopis za jezik književnost i kulturu, Heft 12
ISSN: 2233-1158
In: Filolog: časopis za jezik književnost i kulturu, Band 0, Heft 8
ISSN: 2233-1158
In: HUM: časopis Filozofskog Fakulteta Sveučilišta u Mostaru, Band 18, Heft 30, S. 7-24
ISSN: 2303-7431
U skladu s općim načelima teorije konceptualne metafore i teorije prevođenja metafore analizirat će se razlike i sličnosti konceptualnih i jezičnih metafora personifikacije u originalnome tekstu na hrvatskome jeziku i njegovu prijevodu na engleski jezik. Posebna pozornost posvećuje
se književno-tekstualnoj komunikaciji među dvama tipološki različitim
jezicima, s aspekta univerzalnih i kulturno-specifičnih konceptualnih i
jezičnih metafora, odnosno njihovih jezičnih i kulturnih razlika. Kognitivno-lingvistička kontrastivna analiza konceptualne metafore najbolje
ukazuje na probleme u prikazivanju književnih metafora, društvenih i
kulturoloških razlika te drugih aspekata različitih jezika i načina na koji
se ove metafore realiziraju. Analizom primjera metafora u originalnome
tekstu i prijevodu istražit ćemo u kojoj mjeri metaforičnih izraza ostaje metaforična nakon prelaska u drugi jezik te kako se kognitivna lingvistika i znanost o prevođenju bave jezikom i mišljenjem.
Ključne riječi: metafore personifikacije; teorija konceptualne metafore;
teorija prevođenja; univerzalne i kulturno-specifične metafore; hrvatski
jezik; engleski jezik
U prilogu se opisuju ciljevi i metodologija istraživanja znanstvenoistraživačkoga projekta Engleski jezik u Hrvatskoj. Ističe se da su razlozi za pokretanje i provođenje projekta vezani uz potrebu da se politika učenja stranih jezika počne koncipirati na temelju znanstveno verifi ciranih pretpostavki, a ne – kao do sada – na temelju proizvoljne i neprovjerene intuicije i stavova pojedinaca. Autorice, od kojih je jedna i voditeljica projekta, također detaljno opisuju razloge za izbor instrumenata koji su korišteni u projektu. Korištenje baterije mađarskih testova i upitnika objašnjavaju sličnošću društveno-obrazovnih konteksta u dvjema zemljama, mogućnošću komparativnih studija i činjenicom da preuzeti testovi ispituju komunikacijsku kompetenciju učenika na europskim referentnim stupnjevima A2 i B1, razinama koje su propisane i hrvatskim nacionalnim kurikulumom. U radu se opisuje predtestiranje preuzetih instrumenata i iznose rezultati toga postupka. Osim novih spoznaja o statusu engleskoga jezika u Hrvatskoj, autorice navode i niz dodatnih rezultata vezanih uz razvijanje istraživačkih kompetencija u ovome području znanstvenih propitivanja. ; The paper focuses on the aims and research methodology of the Croatian national project English in Croatia. The authors, one of whom headed the research team, point out that reasons for such a project are connected with the need to conceptualise FL education policies on the basis of research-based insights instead of what has been common practice up to now – on unverifi ed individual intuitions. The authors also explain at length the choice of measuring instruments used in the project. They stress that the Hungarian battery of tests used represent measures validated in a similar socio-educational context, that they make possible comparative studies of the same phenomena and that the communicative tests in the battery, aiming at the CEFR A2 and B1 levels, coincide with the language communicative competence set out by the Creational national curriculum. The paper offers a ...
In this paper, it will be shown how Deleuze and Guattari's metaphor of a rhizome can be applied to depict a new status of English. Due to the presence of Englishes, the reality is pluralistic. The rhizomes likewise resist structures of domination, such as the notion of "the mother tongue" in linguistics—it does admit to ongoing cycles of what Deleuze and Guattari refer to as "deterritorializing" and "reterritorializing" moments (1987). Whether we call language varieties New Englishes or just Englishes, the reality is heterogeneous. Nowadays, English students speak many variations of English, every one of them subject to change as they mix with other varieties of English and other languages. There is a diversity of contexts in which English co-exists with other languages around the world. Moreover, globalization is deterritorialized because cultural and political dynamics involving English are varied, and yet interconnected in the multiple locations where English is spoken. Therefore, the paper will demonstrate that Englishes quantify the English classroom because each new instance of language brings the need to develop new ways of using the language. ; U ovom radu prikazano je kako se Deluzova i Gatarijeva metafora o multiplicitetu može primeniti da bi se opisao trenutni status engleskog jezika. Zbog prisustva različitih varijeteta engleskog jezika, realnost je pluralistična. Na sličan način, multipliciteti se odupiru strukturama dominacije, kao što je ideja o "izvornom govorniku" u lingvistici – govori se o "deteritorijalizaciji" i "reteritorijalizaciji" (1987). Bilo da jezičke varijante nazivamo novim engleskim varijantama ili samo jezičkim varijantama, realnost je heterogena. Trenutno, studenti engleskog jezika koriste različite varijante jezika, pri čemu je svaka od njih podložna promenama u procesu mešanja sa ostalim varijantama engleskog jezika i ostalim jezicima. Postoje različiti konteksti u kojima engleski jezik koegzistira s drugim jezicima širom sveta. Štaviše, globalizacija je deteritorijalizovana zbog toga što su kulturološke i političke dinamike u okviru engleskog jezika različite, a ipak međusobno povezane na više različitih lokacija. Stoga će ovaj rad pokazati da se korišćenjem različitih jezičkih varijeteta engleskog jezika uvećava učionica, jer svaka nova upotreba jezika donosi novu potrebu za razvijanjem različitih upotreba jezika.
In: Zbornik radova filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu, Heft 14, S. 59-80
ISSN: 2459-5128
Using research investigating the effect of teacher assessment practices in secondary schooling in Croatia on student perceptions of fairness, this paper1 points out participating students' perception of fairness of assessment, focusing on teacher assessment in three secondary school subjects, but particularly in the subject of English. The research overall included enquiry into the fairness of teacher assessment practices in three secondary school subjects. The implemented research was both of a quantitative and qualitative nature. The research design was intended to be both empirical, measuring students' perception, and quasi-ethnographic, seeking to interpret these perceptions through understanding the context. Student questionnaires, involving a total of 330 students, teacher interviews, involving a total of 12 teachers, and analysis of teachers' assessment documents were used to collect data that were then analysed within case studies. Each case study, totalling six in number, represented a teacher with two classes of students studying one of the chosen three subjects. Classes of secondary school students from two high schools studying the subjects of Biology, Croatian or English as a foreign language formed the sample groups. These students were asked to complete a questionnaire based on Likert response type items founded on the Student Perception of Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ) and open-ended questions based on a questionnaire developed at the Centre for Schooling and Learning Technologies (CSaLT). The SPAQ items were measured by five scales. The teachers of these students were interviewed and also provided documents that illustrate how they assessed students in these three subjects. The investigation uncovered variations in responses to teachers and subjects and differences in student response between classes of the same teacher which are possibly indicative, among other elements, of the role of teacher personality factors. This investigation revealed that from the three secondary school subjects researched, students' perception of the secondary school subject of English achieved the most positive rating among the sample of students involved in the research.
Every terminology system strives to be as systematic as possible and able to eliminate system errors. In the context of error identification, it is more than obvious that linguistic errors, apart from other system errors, occur quite frequently. This paper is focused on the linguistic and translation phenomenon of false friends, especially as a potentially threatening cause of misunderstanding between two terminological systems. The European Union has also addressed this problem to some extent, primarily because of the huge amount of documents translated on a daily basis. This paper analyses 25 corpus-based pairs of Croatian-English false friends and gives recommendations on how to avoid terminological false friends in translation. ; Svaki terminološki sustav nastoji biti što uređeniji i isključiti iz sebe pogreške. Kad je riječ o uočavanju pogrešaka u tome sustavu, zamjetno je da se među ostalim sustavnim pogreškama često pojavljuju i jezične. U ovome radu pozornost se posvećuje jezičnomu i prevoditeljskomu fenomenu lažnih prijatelja. Oni se razmatraju kao potencijalni uzrok nesporazuma između dvaju terminoloških sustava. Europska unija također se donekle usredotočila na spomenuti problem, ponajprije zbog velike količine dokumenata koji se svakodnevno prevode. U radu ćemo analizirati 25 parova hrvatsko-engleskih lažnih prijatelja koje smo izdvojili iz korpusa te ćemo predložiti kako izbjeći pojavu lažnih prijatelja pri prevođenju nazivlja.
U tekstu su uspoređeni srednjoškolski kurikuli devet europskih zemalja u svrhu prikazivanja načina na koji je operacionalizirana komunikacijska jezična kompetencija u predmetnim kurikulima za strane jezike. Poseban je naglasak stavljen na usklađenost kurikula sa Zajedničkim europskim referentnim okvirom za jezike (ZEROJ) i jezičnom politikom Vijeća Europe. Rezultati analize pokazuju da se u izradi većine analiziranih predmetnih kurikula koristio ZEROJ, odnosno komunikacijski pristup učenju jezika i odgovarajuće preporuke Vijeća Europe. U važećem hrvatskom srednjoškolskom nastavnom programu za engleski jezik nema indikatora sustavnog korištenja ZEROJ-a iako ima elemenata komunikacijskog pristupa učenju jezika i jezične politike Vijeća Europe. Preporuča se da se pri izradi novog hrvatskog srednjoškolskog predmetnog kurikula iz stranih jezika u defi niranju komunikacijske jezične kompetencije i razina znanja sustavno koristi ZEROJ i da se vodi računa o educiranosti nastavnika koji će prema kurikulu raditi. U izradi bi kurikula kao dobar primjer mogao poslužiti slovenski model koji vrlo dosljedno provodi prije navedene elemente. (IN ENGLISH: The paper compares secondary school curricula of nine European countries with the aim of presenting how communicative competence is operationalized in the foreign language section. Particular emphasis is placed on the conformity with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and the language policy of the Council of Europe. Results have shown that the CEFR, or a communicative approach to language teaching and the corresponding recommendations of the Council of Europe, have been used as a point of reference in most of the analysed foreign language curricula. In the current Croatian secondary school curriculum for English as a foreign language there are no indicators of systematic use of the CEFR, although there are elements of a communicative approach to language teaching and the language policy of the Council of Europe. The author recommends that the CEFR be used when designing the new Croatian foreign language curriculum for secondary schools, particularly in defi ning communicative competence and the levels of knowledge, and that special emphasis be placed on educating teachers, who will work according to that curriculum. The Slovenian model could provide a good example in designing the curriculum as it consistently implements the abovementioned elements.)
Conditionals proved to be a very interesting topic for various researches throughout history. They were the cause of many discussions in a number of scientific areas and have not been completely demystified yet. Conditionals are studied by linguists, philosophers, logicians, information technology (IT) scientists, and many others. The present dissertation presents another effort to present the background information about conditionals from linguistic but also from the viewpoint of logic and philosophy, because these disciplines very frequently overlap. The aim is also to present a different division of conditional construction from the various aspects as well as provide basic details about conditionals. Due to the very nature of this dissertation, political discourse was the base for research work and thus some attention, though not in detail, is paid to the political discourse. The research involved political press releases and public announcements from two different sources: the European Parliament and the White House. The reason for this was the desire to achieve diversity in sources and to notice any potential difference with respect to the use of conditionals across the two major regional varieties of English as far as political discourse is concerned. Furthermore, most attention was focused on the pragmatic conditional, and its subclass of discourse conditionals was the focus of the research due to its connections with the political discourse.Finally, this dissertation is an attempt to connect grammatical, philosophical, logical and political viewpoints of conditional constructions in the English language. ; Kondicionali su se pokazali kao veoma interesantna tema za različita istraživanja u prošlosti. Bili su uzrokom mnogih diskusija u mnogobrojnim naučnim oblastima ali još uvijek nisu u potpunosti demistificirani. Kondicionale proučavaju lingvisti, filozofi, logičari, IT stručnjaci i mnogi drugi. Ova disertacija predstavlja još jedan pokušaj da se prikaže teoretska pozadina kondicionala sa lingvističkog ali i logičkog te filozofskog stajališta jer se ove discipline veoma često prožimaju. Cilj je da se prikaže nešto drugačija podjela kondicionalnih konstrukcija sa različitih stajališta ali i da se ponude osnovni podaci o kondicionalima. Uslijed same prirode disertacije politički diskurs je bio osnova za istraživanje, a samim time je određeni stupanj pažnje posvećen, iako ne preveliki, i samom političkom diskursu. U toku istraživanja obrađena su politička medijska saopćenja i javna obavještenja iz dva odvojena izvora: Europskog parlamenta i Bijele Kuće. Razlog za ovo je želja da se postigne diverzitet u izvorima i da se uoče bilo kakve potencijalne razlike u smislu korištenja kondicionala između dvije glavne regionalne varijante engleskog jezika u pogledu političkog diskursa. Pored navedenog, većina pažnje je usmjerena ka pragmatskim kondicionalima odnosno njihovoj podvrsti diskursnim kondicionalima koji su i fokus istraživanja zbog njihove veze sa političkim diskursom. Na kraju, ova disertacija je pokušaj da se povežu gramatičko, logičko i političko stajalište o kondicionalnim konstrukcijama u engleskom jeziku.
Conditionals proved to be a very interesting topic for various researches throughout history. They were the cause of many discussions in a number of scientific areas and have not been completely demystified yet. Conditionals are studied by linguists, philosophers, logicians, information technology (IT) scientists, and many others. The present dissertation presents another effort to present the background information about conditionals from linguistic but also from the viewpoint of logic and philosophy, because these disciplines very frequently overlap. The aim is also to present a different division of conditional construction from the various aspects as well as provide basic details about conditionals. Due to the very nature of this dissertation, political discourse was the base for research work and thus some attention, though not in detail, is paid to the political discourse. The research involved political press releases and public announcements from two different sources: the European Parliament and the White House. The reason for this was the desire to achieve diversity in sources and to notice any potential difference with respect to the use of conditionals across the two major regional varieties of English as far as political discourse is concerned. Furthermore, most attention was focused on the pragmatic conditional, and its subclass of discourse conditionals was the focus of the research due to its connections with the political discourse.Finally, this dissertation is an attempt to connect grammatical, philosophical, logical and political viewpoints of conditional constructions in the English language. ; Kondicionali su se pokazali kao veoma interesantna tema za različita istraživanja u prošlosti. Bili su uzrokom mnogih diskusija u mnogobrojnim naučnim oblastima ali još uvijek nisu u potpunosti demistificirani. Kondicionale proučavaju lingvisti, filozofi, logičari, IT stručnjaci i mnogi drugi. Ova disertacija predstavlja još jedan pokušaj da se prikaže teoretska pozadina kondicionala sa lingvističkog ...
U ovome se članku kontrastivno analiziraju odabrani hrvatski i engleski frazemi leksičkog polja onima. Riječ je o frazemima kojima je sastavnicom vlastito ime, odnosno toponim, etnonim ili antroponim. Cilj je rada bio provesti kontrastivnu analizu navedenih frazema da bi se utvrdile podudarnosti, sličnosti i razlike hrvatske i engleske onimijske frazeologije. Također se u odnos stavljaju dvije kulture različite prošlosti i sociolingvističke pozadine, jedne anglosaksonske, druge slavenske. Polazište analize su hrvatski frazemi za koje se tražilo izrazne i/ili sadržajne ekvivalente. Kontrastivnom su analizom frazemi podijeljeni u tri skupine kroz koje se uočavaju njihove podudarnosti i različitosti, odnosno daje se pregled posebnosti dvaju frazeoloških fondova uvjetovanih kulturološkom, socijalnom, političkom, povijesnom ili nekom drugom značajkom. ; In this paper we analyse Croatian and English phrasemes with an onymic component, which can either have a status of a toponym, an ethnonym, or an anthroponym. The aim of the paper is to determine the similarities and the differences between Croatian and English onymic phrasemes using contrastive analysis. Additionally, Croatian and English are observed as two spatially and genealogically distant languages. This is done in order to identify the differences and peculiarities conditioned by cultural, social, political, historical or some other features. This paper compares two cultures with different histories and sociolinguistic backgrounds, one Anglo-Saxon, the other Slavic. The analysis has shown that phrasemes with onymic components can be divided into three groups. The first group consists of corresponding Croatian and English onymic phrasemes, which means both phrasemes contain an identical proper name, lexically as well as structurally equal phrase, and the same motivation for the figurative meaning, i.e. background. The second group consists of phrasemes that contain an identical proper name but are partially different in phrase structure. The last group consists ...
Ovaj se rad bavi kritičkom analizom načina na koji je britanska kultura zastupljena u udžbenicima engleskog jezika za osnovnu i srednju školu koji su dostupni na hrvatskom tržištu. Cilj rada bio je istražiti je li reprezentacija britanske kulture u udžbenicima realna, odnosno jesu li neki elementi kulture izostavljeni i jesu li drugi naglašeni kako bi se kultura predstavila na drugačiji, željeni način. Analiza pet različitih udžbenika tri različita britanska izdavača provedena je pomoću instrumenta razvijenog u tu svrhu i temeljenog na teorijskom okviru koji se bavi definiranjem kulture za potrebe ovog rada. Rezultati analize pokazuju da su prikazi britanske kulture u analiziranim udžbenicima (Headway Pre-Intermediate, New Success Elementary, Project Explore 1, Smiles 1 i Solutions Pre-Intermediate) općenito nerealni i da je kultura UK prikazana u način koji dominantno naglašava pozitivne elemente, čineći prezentaciju površnom i stereotipnom. Iako među udžbenicima postoje razlike u stupnju realizma u pogledu prikaza kulture, niti jedan od analiziranih udžbenika ne bavi se podjelama na političkoj, nacionalnoj, rasnoj, etničkoj, ekonomskoj, ideološkoj ili vjerskoj osnovi na donekle ozbiljan način. Udžbenici engleskog jezika danas su uglavnom napisani za veliki broj tržišta koja se razlikuju po nizu parametara, a uključivanje takvih podjela potencijalno bi ugrozilo prodaju udžbenika, a time i dobit izdavača, što je, s pedagoške perspektive, problem to zaslužuje kritički pristup. ; This thesis deals with a critical analysis of the way in which British culture is represented in English textbooks for primary and secondary school which are available on the Croatian market. The aim of the paper was to investigate whether the representation of British culture in textbooks is realistic, i.e., whether some elements of culture are omitted and whether others are emphasized in order to present culture in a different, desired way. The analysis of five different textbooks from three different British publishers was conducted ...
Teaching a foreign language to deaf and hard of hearing pupils is a relatively new concept in modern education systems in the world and in Serbia, which is being developed in the last decades of the twentieth and early twenty-first century, and is based on educational policy of equal opportunities for all, representing attitude that all students should be provided equal opportunities for education, as well as the same quality of education, without discrimination on any grounds. Until recently it was thought that deaf and hard of hearing pupils cannot learn a foreign language, as it presents a major challenge for them, because they often have difficulty in learning the spoken language of the country they live in. The common attitude was that deaf and hard of hearing pupils cannot adopt the system of another, or a foreign language. Nowadays, it is recognized that learning and knowing of a foreign language, on some level, can provide a new perspective for deaf and hard of hearing pupils, in terms of facilitating access to higher levels of education, better employment opportunities and career advancement, greater access to information on the Internet, travelling and similar. Deaf and hard of hearing pupils, as a foreign language learners, usually learn English language (in non-English-speaking countries), because educational systems recognized the importance of English for everyday life in the modern world. Given the fact that the teaching of a foreign language for deaf and hard of hearing pupils is a relatively new phenomenon, there is no consensus about the appropriate teaching approach, working methods, as well as the contents of teaching a foreign language for this population of pupils. In some countries, the deaf and hard of hearing pupils learn a sign language of English-speaking countries, such as the British or American Sign Language as a foreign language, while in other countries, they learn spoken English and work to develop all four language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking), with necessary modifications, in accordance with individual mental and physical abilities of deaf and hard of hearing pupils. In the last twenty years, in Europe and in the world, numerous programs for teaching English as a foreign language for deaf and hard of hearing pupils were developed and it would be useful to establish adequate standards of skills and competence in the knowledge of a foreign language for deaf and hard of hearing pupils. As teaching a foreign language for deaf and hard of hearing pupils raises a number of issues further research and drafting of various types of experts in this field are needed. This paper gives an overview of the system and content of work in teaching English as a foreign language for deaf and hard of hearing students in Norway, Sweden, Poland, Bulgaria and Serbia and presents some relevant research projects in this field. ; Nastava stranog jezika za gluve i nagluve učenike je relativno nov koncept u sistemima savremenog obrazovanja, u svetu i u Srbiji, koji se razvija u poslednjim decenijama dvadesetog i početkom dvadeset i prvog veka, a zasniva se na obrazovnoj politici jednakih mogućnosti za sve, koja zastupa stav da svim učenicima treba pružiti podjednake mogućnosti za obrazovanje, kao i isti kvalitet obrazovanja, bez diskriminacije po bilo kom osnovu. Donedavno se smatralo da gluvi i nagluvi učenici ne mogu da uče strane jezike, kao i da bi im to predstavljalo veliki izazov, jer često imaju poteškoća sa učenjem i govornog jezika zemlje u kojoj žive, pa je zastupan stav da gluvi i nagluvi učenici ne mogu da usvoje sistem još jednog, odnosno stranog jezika. Danas je prepoznato da učenje i poznavanje stranog jezika može da pruži novu perspektivu gluvim i nagluvim učenicima, u smislu olakšanog pristupa višim nivoima obrazovanja, boljih mogućnosti za zapošljavanje i napredovanje u poslu, lakšeg pristupa informacijama na internetu, putovanja i slično. Gluvi i nagluvi učenici, kao strani jezik, najčešće uče engleski jezik (u zemljama neengleskog govornog područja), jer je prepoznat značaj poznavanja engleskog jezika za život u savremenom svetu. S obzirom na činjenicu da je nastava stranog jezika za gluve i nagluve učenike relativno nov fenomen, ne postoje jedinstveni stavovi o adekvatnom nastavnom pristupu, metodama rada, kao i sadržajima nastave stranog jezika za ovu populaciju učenika. U nekim zemljama, gluvi i nagluvi učenici uče neki od znakovnih jezika zemalja engleskog govornog područja, poput britanskog ili američkog znakovnog jezika, kao strani jezik, dok se u drugim državama uči govorni engleski jezik i radi na razvoju sve četiri jezičke veštine (čitanje, pisanje, slušanje i govor), uz neophodne modifikacije, u skladu sa individualnim psihofizičkim mogućnostima gluvih i nagluvih učenika. U poslednjih dvadeset godina, u Evropi i svetu, razvijaju se brojni programi nastave engleskog kao stranog jezika za gluve i nagluve učenike i teži se uspostavljanju adekvatnih standarda veština i kompetencija u poznavanju stranog jezika za gluve i nagluve učenike. Kako nastava stranog jezika za gluve i nagluve učenike pokreće brojna pitanja neophodna su dalja istraživanja i usaglašavanja stavova stručnjaka različitih profila u ovoj oblasti. Ovaj rad daje pregled sistema i sadržaja rada u nastavi engleskog kao stranog jezika za gluve i nagluve učenike, u Norveškoj, Švedskoj, Poljskoj, Bugarskoj i Srbiji i predstavlja neka relevantna istraživanja i projekte iz ove oblasti. .
The English language is widely spread and used by a large number of both native and non-native speakers. Due to the political influence of their speakers and pop culture, the two most dominant varieties nowadays are American and British English. There are several aspects through which the differences between the two varieties can be discussed: vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, and grammar. Vocabulary and pronunciation receive the most attention in empirically based studies, while grammar is rarely discussed in great detail. When it comes to irregular verbs, it is thought that American speakers prefer –ed forms, while British English speakers opt for –t forms. To see which variety Croatian students are prone to, a research was conducted among high school students and college students. The research shows that the learners prefer American English. The results could give a better insight in the errors learners make while acquiring American and British irregular verb forms. ; Engleski jezik široko je rasprostranjen i koristi ga veliki broj izvornih ali i neizvornih govornika. Zbog političkog utjecaja i pop kulture, u današnje vrijeme najdominantnije varijante engleskog jezika su američka i britanska. Postoji nekoliko aspekata kroz koje se mogu promatrati njihove razlike: vokabular, pravopis, izgovor i gramatika. U dosadašnjim istraživanjima najviše se važnosti pridaje vokabularu i izgovoru, dok se o gramatici rijetko piše. Kada govorimo o nepravilnim glagolima, u školama se uči da govornici američkog engleskog koriste –ed nastavak, dok govornici britanskog engleskog koriste –t nastavak. Kako bismo provjerili kojoj su verziji engleskoj jezika hrvatski učenici više skloni, provelo se istraživanje u kojem su sudjelovali maturanti dviju gimnazija i studenti engleskog jezika. Istraživanje je pokazalo da obje grupe češće koriste američki engleski. Rezultati istraživanja mogu pružiti učiteljima bolji uvid u pogreške koje učenici rade tijekom usvajanja američkih i britanskih nepravilnih glagola.
The English language is widely spread and used by a large number of both native and non-native speakers. Due to the political influence of their speakers and pop culture, the two most dominant varieties nowadays are American and British English. There are several aspects through which the differences between the two varieties can be discussed: vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, and grammar. Vocabulary and pronunciation receive the most attention in empirically based studies, while grammar is rarely discussed in great detail. When it comes to irregular verbs, it is thought that American speakers prefer –ed forms, while British English speakers opt for –t forms. To see which variety Croatian students are prone to, a research was conducted among high school students and college students. The research shows that the learners prefer American English. The results could give a better insight in the errors learners make while acquiring American and British irregular verb forms. ; Engleski jezik široko je rasprostranjen i koristi ga veliki broj izvornih ali i neizvornih govornika. Zbog političkog utjecaja i pop kulture, u današnje vrijeme najdominantnije varijante engleskog jezika su američka i britanska. Postoji nekoliko aspekata kroz koje se mogu promatrati njihove razlike: vokabular, pravopis, izgovor i gramatika. U dosadašnjim istraživanjima najviše se važnosti pridaje vokabularu i izgovoru, dok se o gramatici rijetko piše. Kada govorimo o nepravilnim glagolima, u školama se uči da govornici američkog engleskog koriste –ed nastavak, dok govornici britanskog engleskog koriste –t nastavak. Kako bismo provjerili kojoj su verziji engleskoj jezika hrvatski učenici više skloni, provelo se istraživanje u kojem su sudjelovali maturanti dviju gimnazija i studenti engleskog jezika. Istraživanje je pokazalo da obje grupe češće koriste američki engleski. Rezultati istraživanja mogu pružiti učiteljima bolji uvid u pogreške koje učenici rade tijekom usvajanja američkih i britanskih nepravilnih glagola.