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Archives révolutionnaires (Société des archives historiques du Limousin) ; Archives révolutionnaires / Société des archives historiques du Limousin
Variante(s) de titre : Société des archives historiques du Limousin. 2e série, Archives révolutionnaires ; Variante(s) de titre : Le Club des Jacobins de Limoges (1790-1795), d'après ses délibérations, sa correspondance et ses journaux ; Variante(s) de titre : Le Département de la Haute-Vienne, sa formation territoriale, son administration, sa situation politique pendant la Révolution ; Variante(s) de titre : Archives modernes (Société des archives historiques du Limousin) ; Variante(s) de titre : Archives modernes ; Appartient à l'ensemble documentaire : Limous1 ; Avec mode texte
Archives des jeunesses, jeunesses des archives
In: La gazette des archives N.S., No.235.2014
Archiv für Kulturgeschichte. Beihefte zum Archiv für Kulturgeschichte
ISSN: 0570-6742
Archiv und Lebenswelt
In: Hamburger Journal für Kulturanthropologie: HJK, Heft 12, S. 7-26
ISSN: 2365-1016
Der Erfahrungs- und Handlungsraum des Archivs hat mit den ihm eigenen Zwecken im menschlichen Alltag seinen Ursprung: Es gibt eine "Sphäre des Archivischen", welche die institutionellen Archive umgibt und über sie hinausweist. In diesem Beitrag wird auf zwei Situationen individuellen Lebens eingegangen, in denen ein Umgang mit der Vergangenheit anhand materieller Überreste stattfindet, ganz gleich, ob es sich jeweils um Schriftstücke, Bilder oder Gegenstände handelt: beim Wohnen mit "Dingen von früher" und bei der Suche nach Wahrheit aufgrund eines Schicksalsschlags, von dem man nicht loskommt. Die Lebensnähe des Archivs, die hier exemplarisch sichtbar wird, steht in einem gewissen Kontrast zu charakteristischen Eigenschaften der institutionellen Archive: Archivalien werden im Interesse des Erhalts in sicheren Depots gelagert, und sie besitzen in ihrer Absonderung die Aura des Originalen.
Archives have become a nexus in the wake of the digital turn. This book sets out to show how expanded archival practices can challenge contemporary conceptions and inform the redistribution of power and resources. Calling for the necessity to reimagine the potentials of archives in practice, the three contributions ask: Can archives fulfill their paradoxical potential as utopian sites in which the analog and the digital, the past and future, and remembrance and forgetting commingle? ; Andrew Lison: Introduction. Contesting "The Archive," Archives, and Thanatarchy Rick Prelinger: Archives of Inconvenience Marcell Mars and Tomislav Medak: System of a Takedown: Control and De-commodification in the Circuits of Academic Publishing
Archive im Bereich des Verteidigunsministeriums, Archive des Außen- und Finanzministeriums, Stadtpariser Archive und Bibliotheken
In: Veröffentlichungen der Landesarchivverwaltung Rheinland-Pfalz, Bd. 97
In: Inventar von Quellen zur deutschen Geschichte in Pariser Archiven und Bibliotheken
World Affairs Online
Archives have become a nexus in the wake of the digital turn. This book sets out to show how expanded archival practices can challenge contemporary conceptions and inform the redistribution of power and resources. Calling for the necessity to reimagine the potentials of archives in practice, the three contributions ask: Can archives fulfill their paradoxical potential as utopian sites in which the analog and the digital, the past and future, and remembrance and forgetting commingle? Contents: Introduction: Contesting "The Archive," Archives,
and Thanatarchy (Andrew Lison); Archives of Inconvenience (Rick Prelinger); System of a Takedown: Control and De-commodification in the Circuits of Academic Publishing (Marcell Mars and Tomislav Medak).
Delaware archives
Vol. 4-5 reprint ed., New York, AMS Press, 1974. ; Paged continuously. ; v. 1. Military.--v. 2. Military and naval records.--v. 3. Revolutionary war [military] and index.--v. 4-5. Military records. ; Mode of access: Internet.
Gidian Archives ; Gide Press Archive
Gidian Archives is a database created from the press cuttings preserved by André Gide in his personal collection. The archive consists of articles published during his life on the author's work, his person and his influence on the society and culture of his age. It is well known that the 'key contemporary', as Gide was called, represents an essential reference point for several generations of intellectuals. Thus the articles in Gidian Archives provide crucial evidence on the history of thought across half a century. In addition to press cuttings tracing the critical reception of each of Gide's works, the archives contain polemical articles on his cultural interventions, on his political commitments and on matters of contemporary concern. Through what his professional readers say about Gide it is possible to follow the careers of other writers who declared and defined their own thought in dialogue with his. Similarly, the evolution of periodicals which published texts on Gide can be traced by means of this key research tool. The interest of the collection extends well beyond Gide studies. The archive is rich in information on numerous aspects of the history of literature, society, culture, politics, ideology, etc., in the first half of the twentieth century. The Search Engine makes it possible to find articles on a given theme ('mots clefs') or an individual ('noms propes'). One can track down all the articles by a particular writer ('auteur') or published in a specific review ('Titre de la revue'). Similarly, items can be selected by date.
In: Theory, culture & society: explorations in critical social science, Band 23, Heft 2-3, S. 591-596
ISSN: 1460-3616
The archive is the place for the storage of documents and records. With the emergence of the modern state, it became the storehouse for the material from which national memories were constructed. Archives also housed the proliferation of files and case histories as populations were subjected to disciplinary power and surveillance. Behind all scholarly research stands the archive. The ultimate plausibility of a piece of research depends on the grounds, the sources, from which the account is extracted and compiled. An expanding and unstable globalizing archive presents particular problems for classifying and legitimating knowledge. Increasingly the boundaries between the archive and everyday life become blurred through digital recording and storage technologies. Not only does the volume of recordable archive material increase dramatically (e.g. the Internet), but the volume of material seen worthy of archiving increases too, as the criteria of what can, or should be, archived expands. Life increasingly becomes lived in the shadow of the archive.
In: Annales: histoire, sciences sociales, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 109-111
ISSN: 1953-8146
M. R. H. Bautier par le Supplément (1937-1954) à l'Etat des Inventairesdes Archives nationales, départementales, communales et hospitalières apporte à l'Etat en question (1937) des compléments utiles. Du point de vue des Annales, il nous procure, commodément,' le répertoire du minutier central des notaires de Paris et de la Seine (p 34-90), outre l'inventaire des Séries ABXIX, AP1 et AQ, c'est-à-dire des Archives économiques et privées, et des Archives d'entreprises. Egalement recensés sont les inventaires et répertoires des études notariales déposés aux Archives départe-mentales des Basses-Alpes (p. 115-120).