Vermögensteuer- und Bewertungsrichtlinien 1955 - VSt- und BewR 1955: vom 15. Januar 1955
In: Gesetzblatt der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik
In: Sonderdruck 70
19320 Ergebnisse
In: Gesetzblatt der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik
In: Sonderdruck 70
Quantitative Erfassung der Lesegewohnheiten.
Themen: Anzahl und Art der gelesenen Zeitschriften; in Lesezirkeln
gelesene Zeitschriften; Bekanntheitsgrad der BILD-Zeitung; Einschätzung
der eigenen Schwierigkeiten und Sorgen; erwartete Entwicklung des
Demographie: Alter (klassiert); Geschlecht; Familienstand; Konfession;
Schulbildung; Berufsausbildung; Beruf; berufliche Position; Einkommen;
Haushaltseinkommen; Haushaltsgröße; Selbsteinschätzung der
Schichtzugehörigkeit des Befragten; Bundesland; Flüchtlingsstatus;
Besitz langlebiger Wirtschaftsgüter; Mitgliedschaft.
In: Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru Ser. 2, Vol. 29
The M. H. Ross Papers contain information pertaining to labor, politics, social issues of the twentieth century, coal mining and its resulting lifestyle, as well as photographs and audio materials. The collection is made up of five different accessions; L2001-05, which is contained in boxes one through 104, L2002-09 in boxes 106 through 120, L2006-16 in boxes 105 and 120, L2001-01 in boxes 120-121, and L2012-20 in boxes 122-125. The campaign materials consist of items from the 1940 and 1948 political campaigns in which Ross participated. These items include campaign cards, posters, speech transcripts, news clippings, rally materials, letters to voters, and fliers. Organizing and arbitration materials covers labor organizing events from "Operation Dixie" in Georgia, the furniture workers in North Carolina, and the Mine-Mill workers in the Western United States. Organizing materials include fliers, correspondence, news articles, radio transcripts, and some related photos. Arbitration files consist of agreements, decisions, and agreement booklets. The social and political research files cover a wide time period (1930's to the late 1970's/early 1980's). The topics include mainly the Ku Klux Klan, racism, Communism, Red Scare, red baiting, United States history, and literature. These files consist mostly of news and journal articles. Ross interacted with coal miners while doing work for the United Mine Workers Association (UMWA) and while working at the Fairmont Clinic in West Virginia. Included in these related files are books, news articles, journals, UMWA reports, and coal miner oral histories conducted by Ross. Tying in to all of the activities Ross participated in during his life were his research and manuscript files. He wrote numerous newspaper and journal articles on history and labor. Later, as he worked for the UMWA and at the Fairmont Clinic, he wrote more in-depth articles about coal miners, their lifestyle, and medical problems they faced (while the Southern Labor Archives has many of Ross's coal mining and lifestyle articles, it does not have any of his medical articles). Along with these articles are the research files Ross collected to write them, which consist of notes, books, and newspaper and journal articles. In additional to his professional career, Ross was adamant about documenting his and his wife's family history in the oral history format. Of particular interest are the recordings of his interviews with his wife's family - they were workers, musicians, and singers of labor and folk songs. Finally, in this collection are a number of photographs and slides, which include images of organizing, coal mining (from the late 19th through 20th centuries), and Appalachia. Of note is a small photo album from the 1930s which contains images from the Summer School for Workers, and more labor organizing. A few audio items are available as well, such as Ross political speeches and an oral history in which Ross was interviewed by his daughter, Jane Ross Davis in 1986. All photographic and audio-visual materials are at the end of their respective series. ; Myron Howard "Mike" Ross was born November 9, 1919 in New York City. He dropped out of school when he was seventeen and moved to Texas, where he worked on a farm. From 1936 until 1939, Ross worked in a bakery in North Carolina. In the summer of 1938, he attended the Southern School for Workers in Asheville, North Carolina. During the fall of 1938, Ross would attend the first Southern Conference on Human Welfare in Birmingham, Alabama. He would attend this conference again in 1940 in Chattanooga, Tennessee. From 1939 to 1940, Ross worked for the United Mine Workers Non-Partisan League in North Carolina, working under John L. Lewis. He was hired as a union organizer by the United Mine Workers of America, and sent to Saltville, Virginia and Rockwood, Tennessee. In 1940, Ross ran for a seat on city council on the People's Platform in Charlotte, North Carolina. During this time, he also married Anne "Buddie" West of Kennesaw, Georgia. From 1941 until 1945, Ross served as an infantryman for the United States Army. He sustained injuries near the Battle of the Bulge in the winter of 1944. From 1945 until 1949, Ross worked for the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, then part of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), as a union organizer. He was sent to Macon, Georgia, Savannah, Georgia and to Winston-Salem, North Carolina, where he worked with the United Furniture Workers Union. He began handling arbitration for the unions. In 1948, Ross ran for United States Congress on the Progressive Party ticket in North Carolina. He also served as the secretary for the North Carolina Progressive Party. Ross attended the University of North Carolina law school from 1949 to 1952. He graduated with honors but was denied the bar on the grounds of "character." From 1952 until 1955, he worked for the Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers as a union organizer, first in New Mexico (potash mines) and then in Arizona (copper mines). From 1955 to 1957, Ross attended the Columbia University School of Public Health. He worked for the United Mine Workers of America Welfare and Retirement Fund from 1957 to 1958, where he represented the union in expenditure of health care for mining workers. By 1958, Ross began plans for what would become the Fairmont Clinic, a prepaid group practice in Fairmont, West Virginia, which had the mission of providing high quality medical care for miners and their families. From 1958 until 1978, Ross served as administrator of the Fairmont Clinic. As a result of this work, Ross began researching coal mining, especially coal mining lifestyle, heritage and history of coal mining and disasters. He would interview over one hundred miners (coal miners). Eventually, Ross began writing a manuscript about the history of coal mining. Working for the Rural Practice Program of the University of North Carolina from 1980 until 1987, Ross taught in the medical school. M. H. Ross died on January 31, 1987 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. ; Digitization of the M. H. Ross Papers was funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.
Berufsvorstellungen, Ausbildungs- bzw. Arbeitssituation, Lebenslage
sowie politische Einstellungen und persönliche Wertorientierungen bei
Jugendlichen auf dem Lande.
Themen: Einstellung zu einer landwirtschaftlichen bzw.
nichtlandwirtschaftlichen Berufstätigkeit; Einstellung zur Landarbeit
und zum Landleben; Bodenverbundenheit und Berufstreue; Vorstellungen
über Rentabilitätsverbesserungen in der Landwirtschaft; Berufsberatung
und Kriterien bei der Berufswahl; Beurteilung der Ausbildung in der
Berufsschule; Einstellung zur beruflichen Weiterbildung;
Arbeitszufriedenheit; tägliche Arbeitszeit und Einstellung zu einer
geregelten Arbeitszeit; Sonntagsarbeit; Einstellung zur derzeitigen
gesetzlichen Regelung der Hofübergabe; Einstellung zu
landwirtschaftlichen Genossenschaften; Freizeitverhältnisse und
Freizeitbeschäftigungen; Höhe und Verwendung des Taschengeldes;
abzugebende Verdienstanteile; Jahresurlaub; Kriterien bei der Wahl des
Ehepartners; Einstellung zum Wehrdienst bzw. zur Wehrdienstverweig rung;
politisches Interesse; Einstellung zu einem vereinten Europa;
Einstellung zur Pflichtversicherung; Einstellung zur Frauenarbeit und
Bewertung der Arbeit der Frau im Vergleich zur Arbeit des Mannes;
gewünschte Kinderzahl; persönliche Vertrauensperson; Geselligkeit;
Ortsansässigkeit; Ortsgröße; Religiosität; Mitgliedschaft in Vereinen;
Demographie: Alter; Geschlecht; Familienstand; Familienzusammensetzung;
Alter und Anzahl der Geschwister; Konfession; Schulbildung;
Berufsausbildung; Beruf; soziale Herkunft; regionale Herkunft;
In: Bŭlgarskata Komunističeska Partija v rezoljucii i rešenija na kongresite, konferenciite i plenumite na CK 4
In: The history of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: the Joint Chiefs of Staff and national policy Vol. 6
In: American journal of international law: AJIL, Band 50, Heft 1, S. 101-102
ISSN: 2161-7953
Reveille is the yearbook of Fort Hays State University in Hays, Kansas. The Reveille began publication in 1914 shortly after William A. Lewis became President of Fort Hays Kansas Normal School. It was published annually, with the exception of 1918 and 1919. Those two editions were combined into one yearbook published in the spring of 1919. In 2003, it was recommended to the Student Government Association that the yearbook cease publication. The SGA Allocations Committee cut the Reveille from the budget in April of that year. In the fall of 2003, the publication, Tiger's Tale, replaced the Reveille. Tiger's Tale was a magazine-type publication consisting mainly of studentarticles and local business advertisements. The last issue of Tiger's Tale was publishedin the spring of 2008.
In: Berlin 1955/56
In: Schriftenreihe zur Berliner Zeitgeschichte 6