In: Keesing's record of world events: record of national and internat. current affairs with continually updated indexes ; Keesing's factual reports are based on information obtained from press, broadcasting, official and other sources, Band 49, Heft 2, S. 45250-45263
No período de 1965-77 houve um aumento de 15 vezes no consumo brasileiro de fertilizantes. São discutidas as causas - pesquisa, política, agrícola, disponibilidade de fertilizantes. É dada ênfase a dois programas especiais de extensão: a "operação tatu" desenvolvida no Sul do País e o programa coordenado pela ANDA no Centro e no Nordeste. ; (1) In the period 1965/77 fertilizer consumption in Brazil increased nearly fifteen foild from circa 200,000 tons of N + P2O5 + K2O to 3 million tons. During the fifteen years extending from 1950 to 1964 usage of the primary macronutrients was raised by a factor of 2 only. (2) Several explanations are given for the remarkable increase, namely: an experimental background which supplied data for recommendations of rates, time and type of application; a convenient governmental policy for minimum prices and rural credit; capacity of the industry to meet the demand of the fertilizer market; an adequate mechanism for the diffusion of the practice of fertilizer use to the farmer. (3) The extension work, which has caused a permanent change in the aptitude towards fertilization, was carried out in the traditional way by salesmen supported by a technical staff, as well as by agronomists of the official services. (4) Two new programs were started and conducted in a rather short time, both putting emphasis on the relatively new technology of fertilizer use. (5) The first program, conducted in the Southern part of the country, extended lab and green house work supplemented by a few field trials to small land owners - the so called "operação tatú" (operation armadillo). (6) The seconde program, covering a larger problem area in the Northeast and in Central Brazil, began directly in field as thousands of demonstrations and simple experiments with the participation of local people whose involvement was essential for the success of the initiative; in this case the official extension services, both foreign and national sources of funds, and universities did participate under the leadership of the Brazilian Association for the Diffusion of Fertilizers (ANDA). (7) It is felt that the Brazilian experience gained thereof could be useful to other countries under similar conditions.
The analysis of demonstration locations classified by degree of urbanization shows that demonstrating is an urban phenomenon. Seldom are demonstrations held in thinly populated residential areas. A demonstration can thus be considered among the farms of political action for which the participation stimulating factors are clearly more present in urban areas than in rural areas.The distribution of the demonstrations over the regions indicates that more demonstrating is done in Flanders than in Wallonia. Flemings and 'walloons, moreover, appeared in the streets for different points of confiict during the period from 1953 to 1974.Demonstrations with ideological themes overwhelmingly, and communitarian themes mostly, occurred in Flanders ; demonstrations for socioeconomic purposes occurred mostly in Wallonia. Demonstrations in the capital, Brussels, had the most participants on the average in general andalso for the three conflict areas.
Historically, indigenous people living in the U.S. were not legally allowed to use or practice traditional healing methods that they had been using for many years before North America was settled by Europeans and many years before the United States government was formed. The Indian Health Service clinics and hospitals also did not historically offer traditional health services. Before the 1978 American Indian Religious Freedom Act, the federal government could convict practitioners of traditional healing. Today, health centers like the Southcentral Foundation in Alaska and the Seattle Indian Health Board have clinics specifically for traditional health services. The Missoula Urban Indian Health Center has also been adding traditional health services and education. In Montana, out of the 8 reservations in Montana, 6 reservations have a hospital or clinic ran by IHS, and two reservations compacted to run their own clinics. As part of the JRNL 411 Reporting Native News project, I will be looking specifically at Fort Belknap under the scope of "science and its interaction with tribal culture." I want to look at traditional health under the lens of science and culture. Traditional health has many aspects. Currently, at the Fort Belknap reservation, the demonstration farm that is part of the Aniiih Nakoda College grows many different plants including some that can be used for traditional medicine, and the Fort Belknap Unit Hospital run by IHS is hiring a traditional healer and counselor. During my research, I will speak to members of the Fort Belknap reservation, people at the Fort Belknap Unit Hospital and other traditional health experts around the country. My research and feature story that I produce will show the accessibility, purpose and result of traditional health options on the Fort Belknap reservation.
Planting diversification with horticultural crops in the dry land area of North Lombok Regency is an effort to increase the planting index (IP) which is supported by appropriate cultivation technology and sufficient water availability to support plant growth. It was hoped that the increase in the cropping index in dry land areas will trigger an increase in community welfare, particularly an increase in farmers' income. Horticultural development is intended to provide added value to increasing farmers' income. Gumantar Village, Kayangan District, North Lombok Regency is one of the areas that has dry land which is quite potential for horticultural development. The problems faced by farmers in these areas include the low level of knowledge and skills of farmers, especially in the management of horticultural commodities. So far, farming activities were still traditional and the level of farmer participation was still relatively low. To overcome these problems, it was necessary to transfer innovation technology through the development of environmentally friendly horticultural crops with the application of Good Agricultural Practices and production management in accordance with natural resource conditions. Counseling and training as well as demonstration plots using the Participatory Action Research method related to horticultural cultivation technology have been carried out in Amor-Amor hamlet, Gumantar village in July-December 2019. This community service activity is considered quite successful as seen from the enthusiasm and persistence of the participants in attended counseling, training, and demonstration plots (cultivation of tomatoes and golden melons). The results of the demonstration plot showed a significant increase both in the aspect of crop productivity and increased income per unit area of arable land. Continuous assistance from all parties, especially the local government was highly expected for the sustainability of horticultural commodity development efforts in order to increase the income of dry land farmers
The FAIRWAY project reviewed approaches for protecting drinking water from nitrate and pesticide pollution. A comprehensive assessment of decision support tools (DSTs) used by farmers, advisors, water managers and policy makers across the European Union as an aid to meeting CAP objectives and targets was undertaken, encompassing paper-based guidelines, farm-level and catchment level software, and complex research models. More than 150 DSTs were identified, with 36 ranked for further investigation based on how widely they were used and/or their potential relevance to the FAIRWAY case studies. Of those, most were farm management tools promoting smart nutrient/pesticide use, with only three explicitly considering the impact of mitigation methods on water quality. Following demonstration and evaluation, 12 DSTs were selected for practical testing at nine diverse case study sites, based on their pertinence to local challenges and scales of interest. Barriers to DST exchange between member states were identified and information was collected about user requirements and attitudes. Key obstacles to exchange include differences in legislation, advisory frameworks, country-specific data and calibration requirements, geo-climate and issues around language. Notably, DSTs from different countries using the same input data sometimes delivered very different results. Whilst many countries have developed DSTs to address similar problems, all case study participants were able to draw inspiration from elsewhere. The support and advice provided by skilled advisors was highly valued, empowering end users to most effectively use DST outputs.
The FAIRWAY project reviewed approaches for protecting drinking water from nitrate and pesticide pollution. A comprehensive assessment of decision support tools (DSTs) used by farmers, advisors, water managers and policy makers across the European Union as an aid to meeting CAP objectives and targets was undertaken, encompassing paper-based guidelines, farm-level and catchment level software, and complex research models. More than 150 DSTs were identified, with 36 ranked for further investigation based on how widely they were used and/or their potential relevance to the FAIRWAY case studies. Of those, most were farm management tools promoting smart nutrient/pesticide use, with only three explicitly considering the impact of mitigation methods on water quality. Following demonstration and evaluation, 12 DSTs were selected for practical testing at nine diverse case study sites, based on their pertinence to local challenges and scales of interest. Barriers to DST exchange between member states were identified and information was collected about user requirements and attitudes. Key obstacles to exchange include differences in legislation, advisory frameworks, country-specific data and calibration requirements, geo-climate and issues around language. Notably, DSTs from different countries using the same input data sometimes delivered very different results. Whilst many countries have developed DSTs to address similar problems, all case study participants were able to draw inspiration from elsewhere. The support and advice provided by skilled advisors was highly valued, empowering end users to most effectively use DST outputs.
1. Introduction -- 1.1.Scope of the study -- 1.2.Plan of the study -- 2. Agrarian Development and the Economics of Agrarian Reform -- 2.1. General outline -- 2.2. Sociological aspects -- 2.3. Political aspects -- 2.4. Economic aspects -- 2.5. The economics of agrarian reform -- 3. Demonstration Models of Agrarian Structures and Agrarian Reform -- 3.1. Features of the basic model -- 3.2. Formulation of the basic model -- 3.3. Adaptation of the basic model to different socio-political systems -- 3.4. Elaboration of the approach -- 3.5. Programming formulations, more groups, structural transformations -- 4. Indian Applications -- 4.1. The political structure of Indian society -- 4.2. Estimation of the projection model -- 4.3. Projection results -- 4.4. The simulated measures -- 4.5. Effectivity of the stimulated measures -- 5. Chilean Applications -- 5.1. The political structure of Chilean society -- 5.2. Estimation of the projection model -- 5.3. Projection results -- 5.4. A simulation of land redistribution under the 1967 Agrarian Reform Law -- 5.5. Credit advances -- 5.6. Measures for increasing productivity -- 5.7. Higher taxation -- 5.8. Higher wages -- 5.9. Summarized results -- References -- Indices.
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Recent development in agricultural und industrial production leads to increasing pollution of the water sources in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. According to the "Vietnam Environment Monitor 2003 - Water", no safe drinking water is provided to approximately 40 % of the total population. Thus, environmental institutions and governments became aware of the looming fresh water crisis. As a result, the "National Rural Clean Water Supply and Sanitation Strategy" (NRWSS) was elaborated as part of the national "Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper" to take responsibility for the Millennium Development Goals. The reuse of waste/wastewater for agriculture may be a low cost solution in water treatment and at the same time a significant contribution to food production. The presented socio-economic study was conducted during the course of the interdisciplinary SANSED-Project in 2003/04, aiming to identify criteria for a sustainable wastewater treatment system. Therefore, User- and Non-User-operating farm households' (OFH) attitudes towards and acceptance behavior of biogas plants (BGP), modern latrines (ML) and biogas sludge (BGS) as principal components of an ecological wastewater management system were analyzed and evaluated. Referring to the latter, the use of human feces in the biogas technology was a major point of interest. By means of a detailed questionnaire, the survey aimed to achieve information about the OFHs' environment and interactions. LANGENHEDER'S decision-making-theory together with KOLLMANN'S use-acceptance-model on the OFH defined by DOPPLER as socio-economic system constitutes the basis of this research approach. Within the sample 218 OFHs in three selected communities of the Mekong Delta as well as representatives of the local government, universities and other institutions were interviewed. The study leads to the following results and recommendations: 80 % of the surveyed OFHs have no ML, 10 % have no latrine at all. Generally, the population is aware of the hygienic and environmental threats, but real commitments to solve the problem are still missing. The User OFHs dispose of a higher living standard and educational level. Apart from their farming activity, they hold down a non-farm job and thus, dispose of more steady income and have easier creditworthiness. The principal OFHs' problems are lack of capital and professional knowledge as well as shortcomings in the access to further training. Most of the households know about the governmental intentions to substitute fishpond-latrines and to promote the use of organic fertilizer instead of untreated feces. In general the OFHs perceive BGP, ML and BGS-use as progressive, but restraining factors for their investment and sustainable utilization do exist. The principal restricting determinants are: BGP : Lack of capital and therefore of a customized microfinance system, the dependency on piggery as substrate input source and its market instability as well as the lack of monitored construction quality standards and difficult emptying procedure of the system. ML : Lack of economic inducement, ML-inappropriateness i.e. luxury good that doesn't fit to the living standard (average dwelling) on the countryside. BGS : Lack of information, specifically nescience about BGS-use and earthworm breeding, difficult, space intensive and time-consuming handling, small produced quantity, relatively low market value. The acceptance of these components suffer shortcomings in communication including reliable technical assistance and professional training using demonstration units for capacity building as well as choices of models for adaptability. The Health Care Centre, the Agricultural Extension Service and research institutions should work closer together on the standardization and general widespread introduction of BGP with connected ML as it would provide an efficient solution with synergy effects reducing the installation and fix costs, superseding the emptying procedure, enabling the safe reuse of night soil and alleviating the strong dependency of BGP-utilization on piggery. The Agricultural Extension Service already tries to offer and transmit information accordingly, but the institutional structure and efficiency referring on its internal organization, available quantity of field service staff and its capacity are insufficient. Further recommendations to improve the acceptance and dissemination rates include the establishment of user-societies/groups, demand-oriented offers of custom-to-fit-system, economic inducement and service network for microfinance at the grassroots level. The second phase of SANSED-Project offers the opportunity to consider the recommendations and to tackle the need for acceptance and dissemination research. ; Akzeptanzanalyse Neuer Technologien für ein Nachhaltiges Wasser- und Sanitärmanagement - Eine Fallstudie Landwirtschaftlicher Betriebshaushalte im Mekong Delta, Vietnam Die Entwicklung im landwirtschaftlichen und industriellen Produktionssektor führt zu zunehmender Verunreinigung der Wasserressourcen im Mekong Delta Vietnams. Dem "Vietnam Umwelt Monitor 2003 - Wasser" zur Folge verfügt etwa 40 % der Gesamtbevölkerung über kein sauberes Trinkwasser. Regierung und Umweltorganisationen wurden sich dieser zunehmenden Süßwasserkrise bewusst. Um den Millenium-Entwicklungszielen gerecht zu werden, wurde die "Nationale Strategie für ländliche Wasserversorgung und Sanitärwesen" (NRWSS) als Teil der nationalen "Strategie zur Armutsbekämpfung" erarbeitet. Die Wiederverwendung von Abfall/Abwasser in der Landwirtschaft kann eine effiziente Form der Wasserbehandlung und gleichzeitig ein bedeutender Beitrag zur Steigerung der Nahrungsmittelproduktion sein. Die vorliegende sozioökonomische Studie wurde im Rahmen des interdisziplinären SANSED-Projektes in den Jahren 2003/04 mit dem Ziel durchgeführt, Kriterien für ein nachhaltiges Abwasserbehandlungssystem zu definieren. Es sollte die Einstellung und das Akzeptanzverhalten von landwirtschaftlichen Betriebshaushalten (LBH, Nichtbenutzer und Benutzer) bezüglich der Nutzung von Biogasanlagen (BGA), modernen Latrinen (ML) und Biogasschlamm (BGS) als Hauptbestandteile eines ökologischen Abwassermanagementsystems analysiert und bewertet werden. Dabei war die Wiederverwertung von menschlichen Exkrementen mittels der Biogas-Technologie von besonderem Interesse. Anhand eines detaillierten Fragebogens zielte die Erhebung darauf ab, Informationen über die Rahmenbedingungen der LBH und deren Interaktionen zu erhalten. LANGENHEDER'S Theorie zur Entscheidungshandlung, KOLLMANN'S Akzeptanzmodell und DOPPLER'S Definition des landwirtschaftlichen Betriebshaushaltes bildeten die Grundlage für den Forschungsansatz. Insgesamt wurden 218 LBHs in drei ausgewählten Dorfgemeinschaften des Mekong Deltas sowie Repräsentanten der lokalen Regierung, von Universitäten und anderen Institutionen befragt. Die Studie führt zu die folgenden Ergebnissen und Empfehlungen: 80 % der LBHs haben keine moderne Latrine, 10 % besitzen überhaupt keine Latrine. Im Allgemeinen ist sich die Bevölkerung der hygienischen und ökologischen Probleme bewusst, aber tatsächliche Ansätze zur Problemlösung sind unzureichend. Die Benutzer-LBHs verfügen generell über einen höheren Lebensstandard und ein höheres Bildungsniveau. Abgesehen von ihrer landwirtschaftlichen Tätigkeit gehen sie einer außerlandwirtschaftlichen Arbeit nach, haben folglich ein stetigeres Einkommen und sind eher kreditwürdig. Kernprobleme der LBHs sind Kapitalmangel, unzureichendes Fachwissen und begrenzte Möglichkeiten der Weiterbildung. Die meisten Haushalte kennen die Regierungsabsichten, "Fischteich-Latrinen" zu ersetzen und den Gebrauch des organischen Düngers anstelle von unbehandelten Exkrementen zu fördern. Grundsätzlich sehen die LBHs die Nutzung von BGA, ML und BGS als fortschrittlich an. Trotzdem bestehen Hindernisse für ihre nachhaltige Übernahme und Verbreitung. Die wesentlichen Determinanten sind: BGA : Kapitalmangel und kein ausreichend kundenorientiertes Kleinkreditsystem; singuläre Abhängigkeit von der Schweinehaltung als Stoffeintragsquelle und dessen Preisschwankungen sowie Mangel an überwachten Qualitätsstandards der Installationen, schwierige Entleerung der Anlage. ML : Kein ökonomischer Anreiz, ML-Unangemessenheit (Luxusgut, das nicht zum bisherigen Lebensstandard/ Hausqualität auf dem Lande passt). BGS : Informationsmangel, dies betrifft speziell die BGS-Anwendung und Regenwurmzucht; unkomfortable, raum- und zeitintensive Behandlung, geringe Produktionsmenge, verhältnismäßig niedriger ökonomischer Wert. Die Erhöhung der Akzeptanzrate der o.g. Komponenten des Abwassermanagementsystems benötigt eine bessere Kommunikationsstrategie, eine zuverlässige technische Unterstützung und professionelles Training anhand von Demonstrationseinheiten zur Entwicklung der Kapazitäten sowie eine Auswahl an adäquaten Modellen. Die Poliklinik, der landwirtschaftliche Beratungsservice und die Forschungsinstitutionen sollten gemeinsam Qualitätsstandards festlegen und eine weiträumige Einführung von BGA mit ML-Anschluss initiieren. Dies wäre ein effizienter Ansatz mit Synergieeffekten in den Anschaffungskosten, der Installation, der Entleerung der BGA, der sicheren Wiederverwertung menschlicher Exkremente sowie der Verringerung der Abhängigkeit der BGA-Nutzung von der Schweinehaltung. Der landwirtschaftliche Beratungsservice versucht bereits entsprechende Informationen anzubieten und zu vermitteln, aber die Organisationsstruktur und Leistungsfähigkeit sind unzulänglich, da es an Personal und Ausbildung fehlt. Weitere Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung der Annahme- und Diffusionsrate schließen die Einrichtung von Benutzergemeinschaften, nachfrageorientierte Angebote von Custom-to-fit-Systemen, ökonomische Stimuli und ein Basisnetzwerk für Kleinkredite mit ein. Das Folgeprojekt SANSED II bietet die Möglichkeit, die Empfehlungen umzusetzen und den weiteren Forschungsbedarf in den Bereichen Akzeptanz- und Diffusionsforschung anzugehen.
nulo ; To meet the requirement on food, in 1972 the Bendel State Government took a giant step in the direction of state farming by establishing some large-scale farms. These mechanized farms were also expected to provide the needed demonstrations effects which would hopefully result in the adoption of modern techniques by farmers. In what is to follow the differential effects of two State Farms, the Agbede and Warrake Farm, are analysed. Using a combination of methods on a total sample pf 319 farmers and State farmworkers data are presented to show that the Farms made both positive and negative impact on rural life. Specifically, the analysis indicates local elites as the major beneficiares.
The main issue that European agriculture is facing is related to maintaining and if possible increasing yields while reducing inputs - especially pesticides, including herbicides. Society is paying increasing attention to the quality of products as well as to the sustainability of the productive system. Control of weeds is necessary to achieve economically acceptable yields. The main tool is chemical weed control. This practice spread quickly after its introduction, due its efficacy and simplicity, but it also generated a series of agronomic and environmental issues. One of the solutions to maintain yields, while reducing herbicide use is the adoption of the Integrated Weed Management (IWM). IWM is based on the knowledge of weeds and their response to cropping practices, weed-crop competitive relationships and chemical and non-chemical means of control. IWM has had a quite remarkable success among researchers, politicians and public opinion, but has rarely been applied by farmers. The limited implementation of this management approach may have different explanations: i) IWM is more complex than conventional management as it requires greater skill and is more time consuming; ii) there is a lack of financial support and demonstration farms, necessary to convince the farmers to adopt it; iii) IWM is considered riskier than conventional management; iv) research has not succeeded in transferring scientific knowledge to the productive systems.The paper includes an analysis of several examples of IWM application in Italy in recent years (development of decision support systems, predictive models, formation of GIRE (Italian Herbicide Resistance Working Group) with the objective of defining their benefits and drawbacks and finding new solutions for the future. It is also underlined that the main difficulty in IWM development is the lack of integration between means of control and proactive agronomic practices that are suitable to prevent the spread and evolution of weeds in the fields.
The research objectives were to determine: (1) the agricultural model development strategy of Agribusiness Consulting Clinic; and (2) the internal and external factors of Agricultural Extension Centers to develop the agricultural extension model of Agribusiness Consulting Clinic. The data collection was conducted in sub-District Ranomeeto Barat, District Konawe Selatan in 2010. The Samples were the extension workers and the key person of the farmer group. The analysis SWOT used to analyze the data to reach the research objective. The results showed that: (1) the strategy that used was to develop the model Agribusiness Consulting Clinic were (a) improving service Agricultural Extension Centers as providers of agricultural technology to increase resource extension, (b) improving crop productivity in the region by making Agricultural Extension Centers as an Agribusiness Consulting Center, (c) improving access to information of agribusiness through farmer group-based approach, and (d) improving education facilities and infrastructure in supporting the implementation of farming technology; and (2) the internal factors consisted of: (a) strength: central government support and farm community, the Agricultural Extension Centers location close to farmland, extension workers who are skilled and experienced, the availability of demonstration garden, and institutional peasant (farmer groups); and (b) weakness: limited of extension means, limited field laboratory, lack of electricity and internet networks, and the lower of farmers participation. While the external factors consisted of (a) opportunities: demands of advanced agricultural technology, market presence of agribusiness product, and horticultural planting areas; and (b) threats: globalization, price instability, lack operational funds and government policy.
Arkansas Jeanes Supervising Industrial Teachers -- Home Demonstration Agents in Rural Black Arkansas Communities -- African American Women's Activism in Rural Black Communities during the World War I Years -- The 1927 Mississippi River Flood and Agrarian Activism in 1930s Arkansas -- The State Council of Home Demonstration Clubs -- The Arkansas Association of Colored Women -- World War II -- The Negro Division of the Arkansas Farm Bureau Federation Negro Division and the Spirit of Cotton Pageant -- Rural Activism in 1950s Arkansas -- Ethel B. Dawson and the National Council of Churches of Christ Home Missions Division -- The National Negro Home Demonstration Agents Association -- Annie Ruth Davidson Zachary Pike, an Arkansas Homemaker, Politician Activist.
Eighty-three percent of the population of Ethiopia depends directly on agriculture for their livelihoods, while many others depend on agriculture-related cottage industries such as textiles, leather, and food oil processing. Agriculture contributes about 46.3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) (World Bank 2008) and up to 90 percent of total export earnings. As part of the current five-year (2006–2011) Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Poverty (PASDEP), the government is continuing to invest heavily in agriculture. A core part of the government's investment in agriculture is the public agricultural extension system. This study was conducted to assess the strengths and constraints of the public extension system and to provide suggestions on "best fit" solutions and their scale-up opportunities. The review used a variety of analytical tools to develop the overall findings, including extensive field visits to six of nine regions in Ethiopia; interviews with farmer trainees at farmer training centers (FTCs), more than 100 extension personnel, extension experts, nongovernmental organization (NGO) groups, and government representatives; and a literature review on Ethiopian extension. The study assessed strengths and constraints in the field-level extension system, the ATVET system, and the extension institutional environment. The researchers also considered the overall enabling environment within which extension operates. The field-level extension service has a strong foundation of FTCs and trained development agents (DAs) already in place in the field. Roughly 8,489 FTCs have been created throughout Ethiopia, and about 62,764 DAs have been trained in total, with a reported 45,812 staffed on location. Woreda (district) and regional offices are adequately staffed. DAs and woreda staff have strong technical skills and theoretical knowledge, and are generally trained as specialists. Pockets of entrepreneurialism and innovation exist in specific FTCs and woredas. While acknowledging these strengths, the researchers also identified several sets of constraints within the field-level extension system that will require attention. Basic infrastructure and resources at the FTC and woreda level remain a major constraint, particularly in relation to operating funds: the vast majority of FTCs and kebeles do not have operating equipment or inputs to pursue typical extension activities on the demonstration farm. There are major "soft" skill gaps for DAs and subject matter specialists (SMSs) in the FTCs and woredas, and their ability to serve farmers is limited given a lack of practical skills. Finally, the overall field-level system is often limited in its ability to meet farmer needs and demands; mechanisms to make it more farmer-driven and market-oriented would yield greater results. The authors employed a similar approach at the ATVET level to identify strengths and constraints. Strengths at the ATVET level include a strong record of training broad groups of DAs, a strong technical curriculum, and some pockets of innovation and practical training, including linkages to markets and farmers. Constraints include limited success in enabling DAs to gain practical experience, particularly related to their internships at the woreda level; limited linkages to the broader educational system and research system in Ethiopia; and a general lack of resources to effectively transmit the required skill set to DAs. The countrywide enabling environment in which extension operates is critical to extension efforts. Various aspects of the enabling environment were considered, including seed and other inputs, water management, and credit systems, as well as producer groups. Constraints were also assessed, leading to the conclusion that the enabling environment requires strengthening, particularly in the areas of seed and credit, if extension is to achieve its full potential impact. ; Non-PR ; IFPRI1; GRP31 ; ESARO