Agrarian structures and agrarian reform: exercises in development theory and policy
In: Studies in development and planning Vol. 8
In: Studies in development and planning 8
1. Introduction -- 1.1.Scope of the study -- 1.2.Plan of the study -- 2. Agrarian Development and the Economics of Agrarian Reform -- 2.1. General outline -- 2.2. Sociological aspects -- 2.3. Political aspects -- 2.4. Economic aspects -- 2.5. The economics of agrarian reform -- 3. Demonstration Models of Agrarian Structures and Agrarian Reform -- 3.1. Features of the basic model -- 3.2. Formulation of the basic model -- 3.3. Adaptation of the basic model to different socio-political systems -- 3.4. Elaboration of the approach -- 3.5. Programming formulations, more groups, structural transformations -- 4. Indian Applications -- 4.1. The political structure of Indian society -- 4.2. Estimation of the projection model -- 4.3. Projection results -- 4.4. The simulated measures -- 4.5. Effectivity of the stimulated measures -- 5. Chilean Applications -- 5.1. The political structure of Chilean society -- 5.2. Estimation of the projection model -- 5.3. Projection results -- 5.4. A simulation of land redistribution under the 1967 Agrarian Reform Law -- 5.5. Credit advances -- 5.6. Measures for increasing productivity -- 5.7. Higher taxation -- 5.8. Higher wages -- 5.9. Summarized results -- References -- Indices.
In: Studies in development and planning Vol. 8
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