COCO'S IDENTITY CRISIS AND LOVE IN WEI HUI'S SHANGHAI BABY Rosandina Amalia English Literature, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Surabaya State University Drs. Much. Khoiri, M.Si English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Surabaya State University Abstrak Identity adalah tanda seseorang untuk membuat mereka berbeda dari yang lain. Dalam hal perbedaan, sering menjadi krisis bagi mereka yang tidak bisa mengendalikan identitas mereka. Mereka mengalami identity crisis; itu adalah masalah yang membawa orang ke jalan yang sesat. Ada begitu banyak faktor yang menyebabkan krisis ini; dalam penelitian ini salah satu faktor terbesar adalah love. Selain itu, love adalah akar dari identitas masyarakat karena itu adalah pusat untuk mengenali diri mereka dan juga orang lain. Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada identity crisis Coco dan pengaruh love yang dapat mempengaruhi identity crisisnya di Wei Hui Shanghai Baby. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi identity crisis Coco di Wei hui Shanghai Baby dan menganalisis love Coco yang mempengaruhi identity crisisnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua teori, identity crisis mengacu pada teori Erikson yang menunjukkan gejala identity crisis. Teori love yang mempengaruhi identity crisis diambil dari Robert. J. Stenberg. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa identity crisis Coco memiliki dua gejala; mereka adalah kebingungan peran dan keintiman. Identity crisis Coco itu sendiri disebabkan oleh love. Love memiliki tiga komponen-keintiman, gairah dan komitmen-dan masing-masing komponen memiliki empat jenis yang menjadi pembangunan komponen tersebut. Pengaruh identity crisis pada Coco memiliki semua komponen love. Terakhir dari semua, identity crisis adalah gangguan yang dapat menyebabkan seseorang untuk menuju ke jalan yang sesat, dengan cara yang berlebihan. Kelebihan ini membuat orang memaksa diri mereka untuk menutupi semua kebutuhan itu, termasuk love. Dengan demikian, love bisa menjadi aspek untuk pembangunan sebuah identity. Kata kunci: identity, identity crisis and love Abstract Identity is the sign of someone to make it different from another. In terms of differences, it often becomes a crisis for those who can not control their identity. They face an identity crisis; it is the problems that bring people into an astray way. There are so many factors that lead this crisis; in this study one of the biggest factors is love. Additionally, love is the root of people's identity because it is the ground to recognize their self and also someone else. This study focuses on Coco's identity crisis and the influences of love that can influence her identity crisis in Wei Hui's Shanghai Baby. The purpose of this study is to identify Coco's identity crisis in Wei hui's Shanghai Baby and to analyze the way Coco's love influences her identity crisis. This study uses two theories, the identity crisis refers to Erikson's theory that shows the symptoms of identity crisis. The theory of love that influences the identity crisis is taken from Robert. J. Stenberg. The result of the analysis shows that Coco's identity crisis has two symptoms; they are role confusion and intimacy. Coco's identity crisis itself is caused by love. Love has three components—intimacy, passion and commitment—and each component has four types that become the construction of the components. Coco's influence of identity crisis has all of the components of love. Last of all, identity crisis is the disorder that can lead someone to an astray way, an excessive manner. This excess makes people force their selves to cover all of the necessity, including love. Thus, love can be an aspect for the construction of an identity. Keywords: identity, identity crisis, and love. INTRODUCTION Identity is one of the most favourable themes because it is the parts of human life. Identity is ubiquitous in contemporary of social value, cutting across psychoanalysis, psychology, sciences, history, politics, culture and also sociology. Identity is defined as all information associated with an individual or organization. It defined a set of meaning applied to the self in a social role or situation defining what it means to be who one is (Jacobson, 2003: 3). The relative usages of identity is in terms of the essential to the culture of a people, to common identification with a collectivity or a social category, also in contemporary works on social movement, thus creating a common culture among participants. Individual, ethnic, national, transnational are the instructors of the identity hierarchy that some of them are acquisitive and selective whereas some of them are non-acquisitive, depending on the structure and circumstances person's opportunity. Identity crisis is a universal issues and each of every person can actually experiences the crisis. Identity crisis is the reflection of person life that can make them stronger or even weakness in the identity. Identity crisis is one of the biggest problems for human life because it brings people that face it into an astray way. Another thing is that people that have an identity crisis will have an excessive to something. They will have something pleonastic to something that they think its important and can make them happy, comfortable and also feeling better. It means people who have the identity crisis will do something that can make their self happy even its too much and they never care about what other people thought about her/him as long as they satisfied about something that they need. So, the identity crisis is the identity problem of a person that brings them into an astray way, an awkward character and even an excessive to something. Its interesting when Shanghai Baby (1999) by Wei Hui has much controversy in Chinese culture and beyond in the earlier of millennium era, because it is generally a taboo novel in People's Republic of China (PRC). It is rightfully banned in China because of its controversy, things that make it becomes as the controversy is not only about the audacious topics such as sex, pornography portrayed, desire and all taboo subjects in Chinese literature, cultural criticism imagine and also the construct tension between a gender, race and ethnicity. It is about a young urban woman leading a wild and an extravagant lifestyle. Her high desire to her couple makes her forget for a while about her identity as a Chinese woman. These presences of the love and the identity crisis of a woman as the main character in the novel, Coco, indeed, are portrayed clearly. The love in this novel is something that can make the main character in the novel has the crisis in her identity. Love is the one that has a big influenced to find the right identity. It depends on the people that choose the love. Love can control everything, include the identity of a person. The crisis of a person can show by their character to the people and the society around. People that usually have a problem with their identity, they have an identity crisis inside their identity. In Wei Hui's Shanghai Baby, the main character here is a woman named Coco, 25 years old. Her real name is actually Nikky, but she called Coco because her idol named Coco Chanel. She is a waitress but she is also a writer for her novel but she still does not finish her literary works until she meet with a guy named Tian Tian. Then he becomes Coco's boyfriend but he is an impotent boyfriend which leads her to another man because Tian Tian can not give her the satisfaction in her sexuality. Coco feels so frustration because she can not get her satisfaction with her boyfriend. This brings her to the other man named Mark. He is a foreign guy from Germany. He only becomes a man that will give her the satisfaction in the bed. Beside she had a frustration with her boyfriend, she also faced a role confusion which makes her has only limited friends. She also often isolates her self alone in the apartment of her boyfriend that she placed it to finish her novel. Furthermore, she has an intimacy with her 2 lover, whether from her real boyfriend and also from her affair man. Because she is a writer, she also has a good imagination of something, but she also can not distinguish which one is the imagination and which one is the reality. Her dreams is always blows her up, it brings her everywhere until she goes everywhere that she did know where should she go and what should she did. She confused which man than she loves. The ending of the story is so ironic which is her Germany lover should back and live forever in Berlin and after that not long after the leaving of Mark, her beloved Tian Tian death cause of he consumed drugs. Coco finally decided to go to Berlin to publish her novel. Coco loses her lovers, both of them but she still alive even she only has a limited power to live. It gives clear portrayed that Coco has a problem with her identity, especially with her love identity. She can not choose the man that she loves because she loves both of them while the balance in life is people should choose only one person to be our lover, to be the one only that can share a future together. In accordance of background study above, it can be simplify to discuss among two problems that emerge as significant concern toward this novel. How is Coco's identity crisis reflected in Wei Hui's Shanghai baby? How does Coco's love influence her identity crisis in Wei Hui's Shanghai baby? Based on all of the facts above, this study intended to a key which is about the human identity crisis by one of the post-Freudian theories, Erik H Erikson. Beside the theory of identity crisis, it uses the theory of love to give a clear explanation about Coco's love that influences her into the crisis of the identity. The love theories come from Robert Stenberg that has 3 main components of love that related to the main character in the novel to solve the statements of problems. RESEARCH METHOD It must be a data in every researches, even the literary research has a data. The data is not contains of a numeric data but it contains of a qualitative data which emerge a fascination to interpret literary works. Qualitative data are attractive. They are sources of well-grounded rich description, and explanation of processes occurring in local context (Miles and Huberman, 1984: 11). It means that the qualitative data in literary research indeed more interesting because it contains of a deep and clearly explanation and description about the literary works as an object of the data. Here, it will present the data from 2 kinds of classify, they are: Data Source Data source is a subject of the research. There will be 2 kinds of data sources, first is the primer data. It takes from the subjects of the research. The concrete data sources that will be used in this thesis is the novel itself, entitled Shanghai Baby by Wei Hui. It published in 1999. It will envolves quotations, fragments and dialogues or monologues that indicate the factors and the resolution leading to Coco's identity crisis and her love. And the second is secondary data which can take from many kinds of books, journal, magazine, previous studies about the related topic. It also puts to the references where the researcher finds the secondary data. Data Collection During the collected of the data, the researcher had read the novel as the subjects, comprehend the contents of the novel and also understand about the concepts of the topic. It called as the library research. Analysis during data collection lets the fieldworker cycle back and forth between thinking about the existing data and generating strategies for collecting new-often better quality data (Miles and Huberman, 1984: 49). It means an extensively and intensively close reading through to the novel. And then finding some proper quotations which are used to reveal the main idea of the novel that emerge the identity crisis of the main character in the novel. The data collection will have a long process during the research as long as the researcher feels that the data is accurate or not. The researcher will move forward and even move back again to make the research becomes better. ANALYSIS The first section is about Coco's identity crisis. the related theory of identity crisis comes from Erik H. Erikson. It decided into 8 stages and each stage has a psychosocial crisis (Erikson, 1974: 90). The psychosocial crisis is symptoms that every stage of age will have the different crisis. There are many symptoms that emerge an identity crisis, such as shame and doubt, guilty feeling, inferiority, role confusion, intimacy and isolation, self-absorption, and despair. In this case, Coco's character emerge two symptoms that really related to the crisis. They are role confusion that has in the fifth stage and then an intimacy that put in the sixth stage which in the adulthood. Role confusion is the act of confusing or the state of being confused. As Erikson said that human experience an identity confusion in an area's, such as career, and some path areas of interest choice of friends relationship and etc (Erikson, 1974: 93). Role confusion is the act of confusing or the state of being confused. As Erikson said that human experience an identity confusion in an area's, such as career, and some path areas of interest choice of friends relationship and etc (Erikson, 1974: 93). I sat on the sofa, my hand cradling my head, asking myself if I really understood myself as a woman. Was I really attractive? Wasn't I a bit hypocritical, snobbish, and fuzzy minded, too? The problems of my life stacked up one on another, and it would take an entire lifetime just to overcome them. (Weihui, 1999: 105) When she is alone while holding her head, she often thought about something. Even it is about her self, another thing about life, her fantasized and she always has a thought about something when she is in a lonely circumstances. In this time, she thought about her self as a woman. She is still in a confused condition with her gender as a real woman. It gives the real fact that her confusion about her minds. She is confused about her characteristic as a woman. She thought that she is a woman but she still can't understand about her self as a woman. She even can't choose who really she is. She actually has the quality of attracting to the men. She is a charming woman. But, she is still confused about that. Whether she is a woman with a certain character or not she still does not know well about it. "Wasn't I a bit hypocritical, snobbish, and fuzzy minded, too?" (Weihui, 1999: 105). She told to her mind that is she a liar, hypocrite, or even a person that has a big heart but really likes to show off to everyone, and also between her fussy minded that talks too much. It is so complicated problem for her. She faces a professing feelings or virtues one does not have. She has a characteristic of those who incline to social exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances of people considered inferior. This is the causes of her problem that stacked and being mess up. "I didn't know what to do, what day it was, or who I was" (Weihui, 1999: 239). She never be a normal person if she still has a fussy minded and confusion about her self. For instance, she always has confusion between her self. One day, when she has no friends in her apartment, she has nothing to do, not even has a plan to go out to do something. But she also confused what day is that and who really she is. Her problems will overcome to her as her fussy minded emerge. "Agitated, I circled the room. At last, I decided I had to leave the apartment, for where I didn't know, but I had money in my handbag and my face was made up." (Weihui, 1999: 105). She is a fussy minded but sometimes she also has a nothing thought. It proves when there is no one in her room, she decided to leave. But she even does not know about where she would go after she is leaving her room. Her mind told that as long as she had enough money, she can go everywhere she likes. She is totally out of focus of something. She can not focus only in one way, to finish her novel. "I'm in Beijing," I said, as my heart was seized by a sharp wave of tired tenderness. I didn't even know why I was in Beijing at this moment." (Weihui, 1999: 111). After she circled her room, she decided to go to Beijing to meet her old friend. She went there only for spending her time, not to be alone and lonely in the apartment. But, she actually didn't know exactly what her purpose to go to Beijing. It was so useless when she told to Tian Tian on the phone. This really shows that her minds is still wishy washy. She even didn't know about the place that she went at that time. The second role confusion is between a woman in the real life or as the writer in the unreliable life. Her grandmother decided what she wants to be in the future. In fact, it was my grandmother who predicted that I would be a writer. With a literary star shining down on me and a belly full of ink, I would, she said, make my mark one day. (Weihui, 1999: 18). By the predicted of her grandmother, Coco's feeling had been hypnotic that she will be a writer. She fetch up all standing by her grandmother's predicted. "Coco, I've got an idea," he said. "What idea?" "Why don't you give up you job at the cafe?" Tian Tian said. "Then what would I do?". "We have enough money, not to have work all the time. You could write your novel." (Weihui, 1999: 6) In a time, when she mets Tian Tian at the first time and Tian Tian asked her to be a writer, she suddenly agreed with that decision without thinking about another risk. Actually, she had already made a several job, it is in the magazine company publisher and also she had already wrote a several short stories but it didn't make succeed. That is the causes she quits become a writer until she met Tian Tian. She started to write again as Tian Tian grant to her. Tian Tian asks Coco to become a writer again because he trusts Coco that she can write again. It brings the clear explanation that she still uncertain about her ability to be a writer. After she met Tian Tian that makes her ability suddenly appear again. "From the moment I first saw you at green stalk, I just feel you were cut out to be writer." Tian Tian went on (Weihui, 1999: 23). As Tian Tian said that he totally sure that Coco's life were being set as a writer. He saw Coco at the first time when she done her job in Green stalk cafe. Started at that time, Tian Tian saw Coco that she is correctly to set as being a writer. But she still uncertainty about her self to be a writer. The novel had brought me in a worry. I didn't know how to disguise myself effectively to my readers. In other words, I didn't want to mix my novel up with my real life and to be honest, I was even more worried that as the plot developed, it could have an impact for my future. (Weihui, 1999: 92) This is become her trouble to become a famous author. The novel that she wrote, she had to be an invisible woman. She had to separate between herself in the real life with her self in her novel. She needs to modify the manner in order to conceal her identity of her character in the novel. Because if she wrote her real life in the works, people thought about her life is abnormal. By the time she felt so worry if she went so far. She feels truly sad and becomes so pessimistic about her novel. Her pessimistic appears since her novel did not make any significant change or even she has no feeling that her novel will become a sensational novel or she will become a famous author. She even more worries when she can't distinguish her real life that proper to be written in her works. It gives an impact in her future, what is the impact of it she still does not know about it. Who knows what the future brings, but she has to avoid the bad things happen in her life. The way to avoid the bad thing is not to invoke her real life in her novel that she wrote. She wants to be a writer but not to write about her real life as public consumptions. Another thing that can appear her spirit to become a writer is her psychologist, David. He is not only suggested her as a writer but also give a value to Coco's character. The third Coco's role confusion comes from her love. She has two different characteristics of her lover. Between her real love Tian Tian and also her affair Mark. After she quits from her job in the Green Stalk cafe and her parents forbid her to live in Tian Tian's apartment, she gets so out of control. She meets with the Germany man in her friend party, Madonna. The Germany man named Mark. Mark's abilities seemed to have been a gift from the gods, whereas Tian Tian was the total opposite. They were like beings from two different universes. Their existences met in inverted images of themselves projected onto my body (Weihui, 1999: 177). Her role confusion to choose between Mark and Tian Tian started when all of them show their differences. Mark has so much abilities and much power to attrack his opposite. He is also a business man that has so much relation everywhere. He is a business man that work for a while in Shanghai. Tian Tian just couldn't handle sex. I'm not sure if it was related to the tragedy that caused his mental problems, but I remember the first time I held him in bed. When I discovered he was impotent, I was devastated, so much so that I didn't know if I could stay with him. Ever since college I had seen sex as a basic necessity (although I've since changed my mind about this). (Weihui, 1999: 5) In that quotation shows that the men named Tian Tian is Coco's boyfriend that she just recognised him not too long. Tian Tian also has a problem with his identity because his background of his life is not really good. "Grandmother was convinced it was murder. My dad didn't have any history of heart disease; she said my mother killed him. That she had another man over there, and they plotted it together" (Weihui, 1999: 3). In addition, the background life of Tian Tian is because of the mystery death of his father and the unfaithful mother. But, he still does not believe her grandmother, it can probably true. These bring his silent and cool characterisation in his daily life. "Tian Tian just couldn't handle sex" (Weihui, 1999: 5) from the quotation, it gives clear description that Tian Tian has a trouble with his sex ability. He can not handle his lust even he has a trouble with his sex ability. He is an impotent, but Coco does not know the cause of his impotent. "I'm not sure if it was related to the tragedy that caused his mental problems, but I remember the first time I held him in bed" (Weihui, 1999: 5). Perhaps, it has a relation to his mental tragedy that caused his mental problem. That is the causes of his impotent. He has no desire to a women, Coco is the one that he loves much. In the other hand, Coco feels disappointed with the sexual of Tian Tian. "I was devastated, so much so that I didn't know if I could stay with him" (WeiHui, 1999: 5). Until she is speechless to lay waste and think about what should she does for the next after she knew he was an impotent. If it takes a look to the Erikson stages, this case has a problem with Coco's love that has in the sixth stage. The sixth stage believed that love could become something that heal everything, include the crisis of identity. But, in this case, it would never happen because the cause of the crisis itself is love. Coco's feeling is so shatter when she knows that her lover can not give her a satisfaction. Coco has a big lust to a man that she loves. "Ever since college I had seen sex as a basic necessity (although I've since changed my mind about this)" (Weihui, 1999: 5). It shows when she was in the college, she really likes sex and she makes sex as her necessary in her life even she tried to handle this but she can't. In this case, she has role confusion in her adolescence period that can cause the refusal from the society because of her attitude. It proves in her last sentence. Furthermore, for her sex is her basic necessity, it is also for everyone. She has a life compulsion. As it mentions, she needs a sexual satisfaction to give her alive and defend her self. "The man I love can't give me a sexual satisfaction, and worse, he can't give me a sense of security. He smokes drugs, and he's disengaged from the world. Now he's carried his kitten off to the south, and it seems as if he could leave me at any time. I mean forever. Meanwhile, a married man is giving me physical satisfaction but has no impact on my emotions. We use our bodies to interact and rely on them to sense each other's existence, but they're also a protective layer between us, keeping us from connecting mentally" (Weihui, 1999: 104) That is all of her explanation to her psychologist, David. It is clear enough that she really has a serious trouble with her life, the people that she loves. Her first serious problem is with her real love, Tian Tian. He can't give her satisfaction in the bed. She is lack of the gratification of a desire's needed. She is insecure from many bad things around because Tian Tian can't save her. He unconnected him self from something that holds fast and entangles. He is a serious drugs smoker. He is also alienate him self from the world. He really likes to be alone and push him self away from people. This is really bad for Coco that has an ambition's character. Another side comes from her affair. Mark is a husband from a Germany woman. But Coco felt satisfaction with Mark. He gives too much about a lust to Coco. Unfortunately she has no emotion to Mark, even it is only about caring him even less for loving him. He is capable of giving protection to Coco but she only relies on Mark's body to give her a satisfaction in the bed. She only separates herself with Mark as a sex partner to give a mental satisfaction. Her purpose to hang affair with Mark is only to give her alive. Without a lust from the man, Coco's feeling will be so wild because she can't life without a sex from a man. Without sex, she is never being an existed woman. She is really in trouble. As it mentions in the first paragraph, "ever since college I had seen sex as a basic necessity (although I've since changed my mind about this)." (Weihui, 1999: 5). This novel has a thick relation to love. Love is something that Coco's need to life alive. Indeed, she has so many people around that really love her so much. But, she needs the special person to love her, to share her life together for her future. Sometimes, love can become the cause of someone's problem. It becomes the causes of an identity, characteristics and also another psychological problem. In this case, Coco faces an identity problem that influenced by her love. Intimacy love appears because of there is comfortable feeling, ability to intimate a relationship between people. Intimacy as the component to create a love, intimacy emerges in the Coco's love. There are also several types of love that will make this intimacy appears. They are types of liking as a friendship, romantic love, companionate love, and also consummate love. All of those types emerge in Coco's love. For the first types of love in this intimacy is the type of liking as a friendship. It only happens between her friends, Madonna. As she knows her not too much from Tian Tian, she spends not too much time with her. But one day, they spend a couple days to share about their love in warmth. "Poor you! Your worries have used up all your endorphins. You need to watch your health!" (Weihui, 1999: 173). It shows when Madonna feels so worry about Coco's condition because of her bad mood circumstances. She tired in her worries about her novel. Until, she spends a week to write a lot, finish her novel until she never gets out form her room. She needs refresh her mind, then Madonna comes and stays there. That's what a friend for. The next type of love that emerges her identity crisis is the type of companionate. Companionate of love occurs in the family, when there is a big commitment but has no passion at all. Coco's commitment to her family is about her life as being a good woman in front of her family. A well-manner man, he spoiled me from the start. By the time I was three, he had trained me to appreciate operas such as La Boheme. He always worried that when I grew up I'd lose my body and soul to a sex maniac. I'm his most precious baby, he says, and I should treat men cautiously and never shed tears over them. (Weihui, 1999: 19) This fact shows that she doesn't grow as a good woman as the wishing of her parents. Her family had reined her to become a good woman. But her parents are totally go in the wrong way. Her father comes from a well manner man contains of a lot of knowledge as the lecture in one of the university in Shanghai. He is so worried about her daughter. When Coco still in the three years old, he often brought her to see an appreciate opera such as La Boheme. He thought that it would trained her about how to be a good woman. But, that's all about her father's efforts is totally useless. She won't to disappoint her father, and she hides her real self in front of her family. As long as she doesn't make them cry or disappointed, she still stay calm in front of them. Even thought she has no one to share about her boyfriend, about her novel and even about all of the whole cruel life that she faced. The next type of love in this intimacy is the romantic love. The deepest love comes from Tian Tian, a man younger than her. Their introduction from one to each other is too fast. Until, that is, the day he gave me a note said "I love you" along with his name and address." (Weihui, 1999: 2). It's clearly enough that Tian Tian falling in love with Coco at his first sight when Coco still does a job in the cafe. He directly gives her a note that he loves her by not saying any words or even knowing her name. "I don't know why. I just wanted you to make love to me perfectly just once. I want you so much, because I love you." (Weihui, 1999: 245). The strength of romantic love appears. Romantic love also has a passion beside the intimacy to the closeness. Even she has an impotent boyfriend, but she still wants to heal her boyfriend. Her statement proves that she really loves her boyfriend even she has to convey to herself that he never has sex with her. This leads her intimacy to another man that can satisfied her. She really wants him to be a normal person in order to feel the real sex from the one that she really begs on her life. This passion brings her to the deepest romantic love. The passion's component of love is one of the parts that take much in this novel. It has a lot of impact to Coco's identity crisis because of this component of love. There are types of love that can be the shape of passion. They are infatuation love, fatuous love and also romantic love. As it explained in the previous chapter, infatuation love is a love at the first sight and also a crazy love because of something that interact people to stay with their couple. In this case, Coco also faced love at the first sight to Mark. "His eyes were shining in the darkness, like those of an animal lurking in the shrubbery. I was surprised by the feeling those eyes gave me." (Weihui, 1999: 29). She suddenly feels so attracted by Mark's gaze on her. His eyes is so glistening with his sharp sight. She feels like she has no power at all not to look his eyes stared at her. This is the symbol of the love at the first sight to Mark. Started her meeting with Mark, she begins affair from Tian Tian. Her first sight to Mark is the inception of her problem with her confusing love, confusing identity and confusing her intimacy. While her fatuous love started when she was in a college. Coco's infatuation love emerges when she was in college. It shows that she has a big lust since she was in her college. She told about her crazy boyfriend. He is the person that teaches Coco about sex. Started at that time, she has a big lust, a high desire to the man that she loves. "My ex just happened to cater to several of those dispositions, from dependence to masochism to narcissism, and my need to atone to my mother for my sins would be an emotional theme throughout my life." (Weihui, 1999: 35). He leads Coco to the bad characteristic. Masochism brings Coco to an abnormal condition in which pleasure, especially sexual pleasure, is derived from pain or from humiliation, domination by her ex boyfriend. She has the tendency to derive sexual gratification, from being physically or emotionally abused. Romantic love from Coco between her relationship with Tian Tian and also her affair with Mark is appears. She is deliberately behaves in such a way as to attract attention from Tian Tian. She performs dangerous stunts to attract attention and also a compulsive desire to expose her genitals. He showed no pity, never stopping for a second. The pain burst into a kind of apoplexy. "I opened my eyes wide and looked at him, half in love, half in hate. I was aroused by his naked white body." (Weihui, 1999: 63). It happens when they had a sex. Mark is really lustful to Coco, he until didn't give Coco a chances to take a breath. He has no compassion to Coco because he is in the top of his lust. He had a sex with Coco such a fit of an extreme anger to her. He is just like loss of his consciousness. She also stimulated her sexual desire by Mark's body. She feels a great sexual desire with Mark. "That very night he successfully improved his knowledge of me, from my breast down to my toes, from my heavy breathing to my loud cries." (Weihui, 1999: 69). Until, Coco feels so satisfied with Mark's act in the bed. She is really enjoying that sexual affair. I promised Tian Tian I would visit him often and that I would take a good care Fur Ball and myself. I would write seriously and finish my novel. I wouldn't let myself sink into nightmares. I had to believe I was the luckiest and most beautiful woman alive and that miracles do happen. It was all I could do. I swore I would await his return. I love you. And that's how my love is (Weihui, 1999: 165). Fatuous love is love pushes by desire and also a commitment to go to the future, it is marriage. This happens between Tian Tian and Coco. Coco wants Tian Tian to go to the Reproduction Healthy Centre because she really wants him to recover him self. It means that she really hopes to Tian Tian's health. She really cares to Tian Tian but Tian Tian never cares about his health. Beside Tian Tian has a problem with his genital, he is an impotent, he is also a drugs user. He becomes so drugs user when he was far away from Coco. He took morphine. Unfortunately, he doesn't realize that Coco wants him so much in the future. Beside her care to Tian Tian is too much, she also has a commitment to her self that she will finish her novel. Her novel is the only hopes for Tian Tian's life. She wants to grant Tian Tian's hope. She won't disappoint him. Her commitment here will bring her to the spirit of a life instinct, so does Tian Tian. Commitment love also has a several type of love that built this component. They are an empty love, companionate love, fatuous love and the last is consummate love. The companionate love and fatuous love had been discussed in the previous component of love. They also emerge the strong commitment. an empty love appears because of a compulsion from someone. Even a strong love suddenly can become an empty love because of the broken role of a relationship, but it still has a commit through to the future. In the commitment component, Tian Tian had to fix him self to life with Coco but he had no responsibility to her. While the opposite happens to Coco, she had to take a full responsibility to Tian Tian because he has not much friends to share, dissociable from her family and also his society around. She has to be more carefully also to Tian Tian because he consumes morphine too much everyday. "For no good reason, I felt responsible for him – and also a sense of remorse." (Weihui, 1999: 23). She feels a sense of deep regret and guilt for some misdeed. She has to be more patient and has a strong enough emotion to face Tian Tian's character as being a drug user. Coco also is a woman that has a strong desire for success or achievement. He describes Coco is a person who wishes to rise above her present position or condition. She has full of power to be a success woman that has an enough effort for her better life. She is also a loyalty person to her future. From all of Coco's power to be a success woman, it gives an impact to Tian Tian. He has to commit to him self that he has to be alive because of Coco. He stated to him self of being committed or pledged to Coco that he had to have a good effort for his better future. In order to convince Coco about his committed. CONCLUSION In Wei Hui, Shanghai Baby, the main character is Coco. She has an identity crisis and it influences by her love. As the identity emerges problem for Coco, it followed by the appearing of 2 statements of analysis in this study. Therefore, based from all of the recent analysis of the data, the result can be concluded that there are two conclusions. Firstly, she has a different character because in her previous period she can't choose a certain identity for her self. She has a problem with her identity. If an identity can't be the people's necessity, they will out of control and have a divergent in their identity. It called as an identity crisis. She faces an identity crisis with the role confusion and also an intimacy. Her role confusion emerges between her profession as a writer and also her self as a woman. She can't choose which one that will be the most important for her life. She is a writer, she also has a good imagination of something, but she can not distinguish which one is the imagination and which one is the reality. Her dreams is always blows her up, it brings her everywhere until she goes everywhere that she did know where should she go and what should she did. Her role confusion emerges because of her lover too. She has 2 lover, but her real lover is an impotent while another one is a foreigner from German. This brings her a sexual disorder with her boyfriend, Tian Tian while Tian Tian is an impotent. She can not choose which one is the best for her. So, her choice is just only depending on her 2 lover whether Tian Tian will leave her or Mark that leave her away. Whereas her intimacy between 2 lover run well, she has no problem when she met with Mark. She can not get what she wants from Tian Tian. Mark only becomes a man that will give her the satisfaction in the bed. She does an affair with Mark, she really satisfied with Mark but she won't to fall in love with Mark because she still has Tian Tian. Even she has Tian Tian, he can't give her the best secure for her, lack of attention because Tian Tian is too busy with his morphine. She can not choose the man that she loves because she loves both of them while the balance in life is people should choose only one person to be our lover, to be the one only that can share a future together. Secondly, an identity crisis appears because of many factors. Actually the identity can go weakness because of the society around. Identity of someone sometimes annoys by many factors. The biggest factor from this novel that emerges the identity crisis is because of love. Love is a general way to healing something. But in this case, love becomes a trouble for Coco's identity. There are components of love that leads Coco to her identity problem. Her love contains of an intimacy, passion and also a big commitment for her future. All of the components appear a trouble for her life in searching for her identity about her self as a woman or as a writer. In every components of love, it has a several types of love that built becomes one strong component. The deepest love of Coco is only to Tian Tian but he can't give the satisfactions to her. This leads her to affair with Mark. She breaks the law of faithful, this brings her minds so blind until she can not think about what the future brings. She makes a relationship without thought what are the consequences that emerge by her relationship. Love needs a sacrifice to get the immortality of it. Tian Tian sacrificed his love to affair with another man even he knew it exactly what her lover did behind him, he still did not care much about it. He realizes that he can not give her the satisfaction. As final words, love can emerge not only as a happiness for people who feels it but also it can be a trouble for people who has not understanding well about their identity. Everybody wants the love and to be loved by people around. Love also can emerge the crisis of identity. REFERENCE Alwisol. (2009). Psychology Kepribadian. Malang: UMM Press. Arkoff. Abe, (2006). Psychology and Personal Growth. Allyn and Bacon Burns, D. D., (1985), Intimate Connections: The Clinically Proven Program for Making Close Friends and Finding a Love Partner. New York: Signet (paperback) Erikson, E. H. (1950). Childhood and Society. New York. _________. (1968). Dimensions of a New Identity. New York. _________. (1974). Identify: Youth and Crisis. Norton; New York. _________. (1964). 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The study of International Relations is founded on a series of assumptions that originate in the monotheistic traditions of the West. For Siba Grovogui, this realization provoked him to question not only IR but to broaden his enquiries into a multidisciplinary endeavor that encompasses law and anthropology, journalism and linguistics, and is informed by stories and lessons from Guinea. In this Talk, he discusses the importance of human encounters and the problem with the Hegelian logic which distorts our understanding of our own intellectual development and the trajectory of the discipline of IR.
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What is, according to you, the biggest challenge / principal debate in current IR? What is your position or answer to this challenge / in this debate?
I don't want to be evasive, but I actually don't think that International Relations as a field has an object today. And that is the problem with International Relations since Martin Wight and Stanley Hoffmann and all of those people debated what International Relations was, whether it was an American discipline, etc. I believe you can look at International Relations in multiple ways: if you think of à la Hoffmann, as a tool of dominant power, International Relations is to this empire what anthropology was to the last. This not only has to do with the predicates upon which it was founded initially but with its aspirations, for International Relations shares with Anthropology the ambition to know Man—and I am using here a very antiquated language, but that is what it was then—to know Man in certain capacities. In the last empire, anthropology focused on the cultural dimension and, correspondingly separated culture from civilization in a manner that placed other regions of the world in subsidiarity vis-à-vis Europe and European empires. In the reigning empire, IR has focused on the management and administration of an empire that never spoke its name, reason, or subject.
Now you can believe all the stories about liberalism and all of that stuff, but although it was predicated upon different assumptions, the ambition is still the same: it is actually to know Man, the way in which society is organized, to know how the entities function, etc. If you look at it that way, then International Relations cannot be the extension of any country's foreign policy, however significant. This is not to say that the foreign policies of the big countries do not matter: it would be foolish not to study them and take them into account, because they have greater impact than smaller countries obviously. But International Relations is not—or should not be—the extension of any country's foreign policy, nor should it be seen as the agglomeration of a certain restricted number of foreign policies. International Relations suggests, again, interest in the configurations of material, moral, and symbolic spaces as well as dynamics resulting from the relations of moral and social entities presumed to be of equal moral standings and capacities.
If one sees it that way then we must reimagine what International Relations should be. Foreign policy would be an important dimension of it, but the field of foreign policy must be understood primarily in terms of its explanations and justifications—regardless of whether these are bundled up as realism, liberalism, or other. Today, these fields provide different ways of explaining to the West, for itself, as a rational decision, or a justification to the rest, that what it has done over the past five centuries, from conquest to colonization and slavery and colonialism, is 'natural' and that any political entities similarly situated would have done it in that same manner. It follows therefore that this is how things should be. Those justifications, explanations, and rationalizations of foreign policy decisions and events are important to understand as windows into the manners in which certain regions and political entities have construed value, interest, and ethics. But they still belong, in some significant way, to a different domain than what is implied by the concept of IR.
I am therefore curious about the so-called debates about the nature of politics and the proper applicable science or approach to historical foreign policy realms and domains, particularly those of the West: I don't consider those debates to be 'big debates' in International Relations, because they are really about how the West sees itself and justifies itself and how it wants to be seen, and thus as rational. For the West (as assumed by so-called Western scholars), these debates extend the tradition of exculpating the West and seeing the West as the regenerative, redemptive, and progressive force in the world. All of that language is about that. So when you say to me, what are the debates, I don't know what they are, so far, really, in International Relations. The constitution of the 'international', the contours and effects of the imaginaries of its constituents, and the actualized and attainable material and symbolic spaces within it to realize justice, peace, and a sustainable order have thus far eluded the authoritative disciplinary traditions.
Consider the question of China today, as it is posed in the West. The China question, too, emerges from a particular foreign policy rationale, which may be important and particular ways to some people or constituencies in the West but not in the same way to others, for instance in Africa. The narrowness of the framing of the China question is why in the West many are baffled about how Africa has been receiving China, and China's entry into Latin America, etc. In relation to aid, for instance, if you are an African of a certain age, or you know some history, you will know that China formulated its foreign aid policy in 1964 and that nothing has changed. And there are other elements, such as foreign intervention and responsibility to self and others where China has had a distinct trajectory in Africa.
In some regard, China may even be closer in outlook to postcolonial African states than the former colonial powers. For instance, neither China nor African states consider the responsibility to protect, to be essentially Western. In this regard, it is worth bearing in mind for instance that Tanzania intervened in Uganda to depose Idi Amin in 1979; Vietnam ended the Khmer Rouge tyranny in Cambodia in 1979; India intervened in Bangladesh in 1971—it wasn't the West. So those kinds of understandings of responsibility, in the way they are framed today in the post-Cold War period, superimposes ideas of responsibility that were already there and were formulated in Bandung in 1955: differences between intervention and interference, the latter of which today comes coded as regime change, were actually hardly debated. So our imaginaries of the world and how it works, of responsibility, of ethics, etc., have always had to compete with those that were formulated since the seventeenth century in Europe, as "international ethics", "international law", "international theory". And in fact that long history full of sliding concepts and similar meanings may be one of the problems for understanding how the world came into being as we know it today. And this is why actually my classes here always begin with a semester-long discussion of hermeneutics, of historiography, and of ethnography in IR and how they have been incorporated.
How did you arrive at where you currently are in IR?
I came to where I am now essentially because of a sense of frustration, that we have a discipline that calls itself "international" and yet seemed to be speaking either univocally or unidirectionally: univocally in imagining the world and unidirectionally in the way it addresses the rest of the world, and a lot of problems result from that.
I had trained as a lawyer in Guinea, and when I came to the US I imagined that International Relations would be taught at law school, which is the case in France, most of the time, and also in some places in Germany in the past, because it is considered a normative science there. But when I came here I was shocked to discover that it was going to be in a field called Political Science, but I went along with it anyway. In the end I did a double major: in law, at the law school in Madison, Wisconsin, and in political science. When I came to America and went the University of Wisconsin, I first took a class called "Nuclear Weapons and World Politics" or something of the sort, it was more theology and less science. It was basically articulated around chosen people and non-chosen people, those who deserve to have weapons and those who don't. There was no rationale, no discussion of which countries respected the Non-Proliferation Treaty, no reasoning in terms of which countries had been wiser than others in using weapons of mass destruction, etc.: there was nothing to it except the underlying, intuitive belief that if something has to be done, we do it and other people don't. I'm being crass here, but let's face it: this was a course I took in the 1980s and it is still the same today! So I began to feel that this is really more theology and less science. Yes, it was all neatly wrapped in rationalism, in game theory, all of these things. So I began to ask myself deeper questions, outside of the ones they were asking, so my Nuclear Weapons and World Politics class was really what bothered me, or you could say it was some kind of trigger.
This way of seeing IR is related to the fact that I don't share the implicit monotheist underpinnings of the discipline. That translates into my perhaps unorthodox teaching style, unorthodox within American academia anyway. Teaching all too often tends to be less about understanding the world and more about proselytizing. In order to try to explore this understanding I like to bring my students to consider the world that has existed, to imagine that sovereignty and politics can be structured differently, especially outside of monotheism with its likening of the sovereign to god, the hierarchy modeled on the church, Saint Peter, Jesus, God, uniformity and the power of life (to kill or let live), and to understand that there have always been places where the sovereign was not in fact that revered. Think of India, for example, where people have multiple gods, and some are mischievous, some are promiscuous, some are happy and some are mean, so there are lots of conceptions and some of these don't translate well into different cultural contexts. The same, incidentally, goes for the Greek gods. Of course, we had to make the Greeks Christians first, before we drew our lineage to them. You see what I mean? Christianity left a very deep impact on Western traditions. Whether you think of political parties and a parallel to the Catholic orders: if you are a Jesuit, the Jesuits are always right; if you are a Franciscan, the Franciscans are always right. The Franciscans for instance think they have the monopoly on Christian social teaching. In a similar way, it doesn't matter what your political party does, you follow whatever your party says. The same thing happens when you study: are you a realist, are you liberalist, etc. You are replicating the Jesuits, the Franciscans, those monks and their orders. But we are all caught within that logic, of tying ourselves into one school of thought and going along with one "truth" over another, instead of permitting multiple takes on reality..
For me, as a non-monotheist myself, everything revolves around this question of truth: whether truth is given or has to be found and how we find it. Truth has to be found, discovered, revealed—we have to continuously search. The significant point is that we never find it absolutely. Truth is always provisional, circumstantial, and pertinent to a context or situation. We all want truth and it is always evading us, but we must look for it. But I don't think that truth is given. It is in the Bible, the Quran, and the Torah. And I am comfortable with that but I am not in the realm of theology. I dwell on human truths and humans are imperfect and not omniscient, at least not so individually.
If I had the truth, then I might be one of those dictators governing in Africa today. I was raised a Catholic by the way, I almost went to the seminary. If you just think through the story of the Revelation in profane terms, you come to the realization that ours are multiple revelations. Again in theology, one truth is given at a time—the Temple Mount, the Tablets, and all that stuff—but that is not in our province. I leave that to a different province and that is unattainable to me. The kind of revelation I want is the one that goes through observing, through looking, through deliberating, through inquiry—that I am comfortable with. There can be a revelation in terms of meeting the unexpected, for example: when I went to the New World, to Latin America for the first time, I said, 'wow, this is interesting'. That was through my own senses, but it had a lot to do with the way I prepared myself in order to receive the world and to interact with the world. That kind of revelation I believe in. The other one is beyond me and I'm not interested in that. When I want to be very blasphemous, even though I was raised a Catholic, I tell my students: the problem with the Temple Mount is that God did not have a Twitter account, so the rest of us didn't hear it—we were not informed. I don't have the truth, and I don't really don't want to have it.
What would a student need to become a specialist in IR or understand the world in a global way?
I am not sure I want to make a canonical recommendation, if that's what you are asking me for. Let me tell you this: I have trained about eleven PhD students, and none of them has ever done what I do. I am not interested in having clones, I don't want to recreate theology, and in fact I feel this question to betray a very Western disposition, by implying the need to create canons and theology. I don't want that. What I want is to understand the world, and understanding can be done in multiple ways: people do it through music, through art, through multiple things. The problem for me, however, is actually the elements, assumptions, predicates of studies and languages that we use in IR, the question to whom they make sense—I am talking about the types of ethnographies, the ways in which we talk about diplomatic history, and all of those things. The graduate courses that I was talking about have multiple dimensions, but there are times in my seminars here where I just take a look at events like what happened in the New World from 1492 to 1600. This allows me to talk about human encounters. The ones we have recorded, of people who are mutually unintelligible, are the ones that took place on this continent, the so-called New World. And what this does is that it allows me to talk about encounters, to talk about all of the possibilities—you know the ones most people talk about in cultural studies like creolization, hybridization, and all those things—and all of the others things that happened also which are not so helpful, such as violence, usurpation, and so forth.
What that allows me to do is to cut through all this nonsense—yes I am going to call it nonsense—that projects the image that what we do today goes back to Thucydides and has been handed down to us through history to today. There are many strands of thought like that. If you think about thought, and Western thought in general, all of those historically rooted and contingent strands of thought have something to do with how we construct social scientific fields of analysis today—realism, liberalism, etc.—so I'm not dispensing with that. What I'm saying is that history itself has very little to do with those strands of thought, and that people who came here—obviously you had scientists who came to the New World—but the policies on the ground had nothing to do with Thucydides, nothing to do with Machiavelli, etc. Their practices actually had more to do with the violence that propelled those Europeans from their own countries in seeking refuge, and how that violence shaped them, the kind of attachments they had. But it also had to do with the kind of cultural disposition here, and the manner in which people were able to cope, or not. Because that's where we are today in the post-Cold War era, the age of globalization, we must provide analyses that are germane to how the constituents (or constitutive elements) of the historically constituted 'international' are coping with our collective inheritance. For me, this approach is actually much more instructive. This has nothing to do with the Melian Dialogue and the like.
All of the stuff projected today as canonical is interesting to me but only in limited ways. I actually read the classics and have had my students read them, but try to get my students to read them as a resource for understanding where we are today and how we were led there, rather than as a resource for justifying or legitimating the manner in which European conducted their 'foreign' policies or their actions in the New World. No. I know enough to know that no action in the New World or elsewhere was pre-ordained, unavoidable, or inevitable. The resulting political entities in the West must assume the manners in which they acted. It is history, literally. And of course we know through Voltaire, we know through Montaigne, we know even through Roger Bacon, that even in those times people realized that in fact the world had not been made and hence had not been before as it would become later; that other ways were (and still) are possible; and that the pathologies of the violence of religious and civil wars in Europe conditioned some the behaviours displayed in the New World and Africa during conquest and enslavement.
For the same reason I recommend students to read Kant: I tell them to read Kant as a resource for understanding how we might think about the world today, but I am compelled to say often to my students that before Kant, hospitality, and such cultural intermediaries as theDragomans in the Ottoman Empire, the Wangara in West Africa, the Chinese Diaspora in East and Southeast Asia, and so forth, enabled commerce across continents for centuries before Europe was included into the existing trading networks. This is not to dismiss Kant, it is simply to force students to put Kant in conversation with a different trajectory of the development of commercial societies, cross-regional networks, and the movements to envisage laws, rules, and ethics to enable communications among populations and individual groups.
This approach causes many people to ask whether the IR programme at Johns Hopkins really concerns IR theory or something else. I actually often get those kinds of questions, and they are wedded to particular conceptions of IR. I am never able to give a fixed and quick answer but I often illustrate points that I wish to make. Consider how scholars and policymakers relate the question of sovereignty to Africa. Many see African sovereignty as problem, either because they think it is abused or stands in the way of humanitarian or development actions by supposed well-meaning Westerners. I attempt to have my students think twice when sovereignty is evoked in that way: 'sovereignty is a problem; the extents to which sovereignty is a problem in Africa; and why sovereignty is unproblematic in Europe or America'. This questioning and bracketing is not simply a 'postmodernist' evasion of the question.
Rather, I invite my students to reconsider the issue: if sovereignty is your problem, how do you think about the problem? For me, this is a much more interesting question; not what the problem is. For instance, if you start basing everything around a certain mythology of the Westphalia model, particularly when you begin to see everything as either conforming to it (the good) or deviating from it (the bad), then you have lost me. Because before Westphalia there were actually many ways in which sovereigns understood themselves, and therefore organized their realms, and how sovereignty was experienced and appreciated by its subjects. Westphalia is a crucial moment in Europe in these regards—I grant you that. If you want to say what is wrong with Westphalia, that's fine too. But if Westphalia is your starting point, the discussion is unlikely to be productive to me. Seriously!
In your work on political identity in Africa, such as your contribution to the 2012 volume edited by Arlene Tickner and David Blaney, the terms periphery, margin, lack of historicity recur frequently. What regional or perhaps even global representational protagonism can you envisage for IR studies emerging from Africa and its spokespeople?
The subjects of 'periphery' and 'marginalization' come into my own thinking from multiple directions. One of them has to do with the African state and the kind of subsidiarity it has assumed from the colonization onward. That's a critique of the state of affairs and a commentary on how Africa is organized and is governed. But I do also use it sometimes as a direct challenge to people who think they know the world. And my second book, Beyond Eurocentrism and Anarchy (2006), was actually about that, and that book was triggered by an account of an event in Africa, that everybody in African Studies has repeated and still continues to repeat, which is this: in June 1960, Africans went to defend France, because France asked them to. This is to say that nobody could imagine that Africans—and I am being careful here in terms of how people describe Africans—understood that they had a stake in the 'world' under assault during World War II. And so the book actually begins with a simple question: in 1940, which France would have asked Africans to defend it: Vichy France which was under German control, or the Germans who occupied half of France? But the decision to defend France actually came partly from a discussion between French colonial officers in Chad and African veterans of World War I, who decided that the world had to be restructured for Africa to find its place in it. They didn't do it for France, because it's a colonial power, they did it for the world. That's the thing. And Pétain, to his credit, is the only French official who asked the pertinent question about that, in a letter to his minister of justice (which is an irony, because justice under Pétain was a different question) he said: 'I am puzzled, that in 1918 when we were victorious, Africans rebelled; in 1940, we are defeated, and they come to our aid. Could you explain that to me?' The titular head of Vichy had the decency to ask that. By contrast, every scholar of Africa just repeated, 'Oh, the French asked Africans to go fight, and the Africans showed up'.
Our inability to understand that Africa actually sees itself as a part of the world, as a manager of the world, has so escaped us today that in the case of Libya for instance, when people were debating, you saw in every single newspaper in the world, including my beloved Guardian, that the African Union decided this, but the International Community decided that, as if Africans had surrendered their position in the international society to somebody: to the International Community. People actually said that! The AU, for all its 'wretchedness', after all represents about a quarter of the member states of the UN. And yet it was said the AU decided this and the International Community decided that. The implication is that the International Community is still the West plus Japan and maybe somebody else, and in this case it was Qatar and Saudi Arabia: "good citizens of the world", very "good democracies" etc. That's how deeply-set that is, that people don't even check themselves. Every time they talk they chuck Africa out of the World. Nobody says, America did this and the International Community decided that. All I am saying is that our mindscapes are so deeply structured that nothing about Africa can be studied on its own, can be studied as something that has universal consequence, as something that has universal value, as something that might be universalizing—that institutions in Africa might actually have some good use to think about anything. Otherwise, people would have asked them how did colonial populations—people who were colonized—overcome colonial attempts to strip them of their humanity and extend an act of humanity, of human solidarity, to go fight to defend them? And what was that about? Even many Africans fail to ask that question today!
And it could be argued that this thinking is, to some degree, down to widespread ignorance about Africa. We all are guilty of this. And oddly, especially intellectuals are guilty of this, and worse. Let me give you an example: recently I was in Tübingen in Germany, and I went into a store to buy some shoes—a very fine store, wonderful people—and I can tell you I ended up having a much more rewarding conversation with the people working in the shoe shop than I had at Tübingen University. Because there was a real curiosity. You would like to think that it is not so unusual in this day and age that a person from Guinea teaches in America, but you cannot blame them for being curious and asking many questions. At the university, in contrast, they actually are making claims, and for me that is no longer ignorance, that is hubris.
Your work presents an original take on the role of language in International Relations. How is language tied up with IR theory?
The language problem has many, many layers. The first of these is, simply, the issue of translation. If I were, for instance, to talk to someone in my father's language about Great Power Responsibility, they would look totally lost. Because in Guinea we have been what white people call stateless or acephalous societies, the notion that one power should have responsibility for another is a very difficult concept to translate, because you are running up against imaginaries of power, of authority, etc. that simply don't exist. So when you talk about such social scientific categories to those people, you have to be aware of all the colonial era enlightenment inheritances in them. When we talk about International Relations in Africa, we thus bump into a whole set of problems: the primary problem of translating ideas from here into those languages; another in capturing what kind of institutions exist in those languages; and a third issue has to do with how you translate across those languages. Consider for instance the difference between Loma stateless societies in the rain forest in Guinea, and Malinke who are very hierarchical, especially since SundiataKeita came to power in the 13th century. But the one problem most people don't talk about is the very one that is obsessing me now, is the question how I, as an African, am able to communicate with you through Kant, without you assuming that I am a bad reader of Kant.
The difference that I am trying to make here is actually what in linguistics is called vehicular language which is distinct from vernacular language. Because a lot of you assume that vehicular language is vernacular—that there is Latin and the rest is vernacular; that there is a proper reading of Kant and everything else is vernacular; or you have cosmopolitan and perhaps afropolitan and everything else is the vernacular of it. But this is not in fact always the case. The most difficult thing for linguists to understand, and for people in the social sciences to understand, is that Kant, Hegel and other thinkers can avail themselves as resources that one uses to try to convey imaginaries that are not always available to others—or to Kant himself for that matter. And it is not analogical—it is not 'this is the African Machiavelli'. It is easy to talk about power using Machiavelli, but to smuggle into Machiavelli different kind of imaginaries is more difficult. Nonetheless, I use Machiavelli because there is no other language available to me to convey that to you, because you don't speak my father's language.
Moreover, there is a danger for instance when I speak with my students that they may hear Machiavelli even when I am not speaking of him, and I warn them to be very careful. Machiavelli is a way to bring in a different stream of understanding of Realpolitik, but it's not entirely Machiavelli. If you spoke my father's language, I would tell you in my father's language, but that is not available to me here, so Machiavelli is a vehicle to talk about something else. Sometimes people might say to me 'what you are saying sounds to me like Kant but it's not really Kant' then I remind them that before Kant there were actually a lot of people who talked about the sublime, the moral, the categorical imperative, etc. in different languages; and if you are patient with me then we will get to the point when Kant belongs to a genealogy of people who talked about certain problems differently, and in that context Kant is no longer a European: I place Kant in the context of people who talk about politics, morality, etc. differently and I want to offer you a bunch of resources and please, please don't package me, because you don't own the interpretation of Kant, because even in your own context in Europe today Kant is not your contemporary, so you are making a lot of translations and I am making a lot of translations to get to something else: it is not that I am not a bad reader.
At an ISA conference I once was attacked by a senior colleague in IR for being a bad reader of Hegel, and I had to explain to him that while my using Hegel might be an act of imposition, and a result of having been colonized and given Hegel, but at this particular moment he should consider my gesture as an act of generosity, in the sense that I was reading Hegel generously to find resources that would allow him to understand things that he had no idea exist out there, and Hegel is the only tool available to me at this moment. But because all of you believe in one theology or another, he insisted that if I spoke Hegelian then I was Hegelian, and I retorted that I was not, but that deploying Hegel was merely an instance of vehicular language, allowing me to explore certain predicates, certain precepts and assumptions, and that is all. In this way, I can use Kant, or Hegel, or Hobbes, or Locke, and my problem when I do this is not with those thinkers—I can ignore the limitations of their thinking which was conditioned by the realities of their time—my problem is with those people who think they own traditions originating from long dead European thinkers. Thus, my problem today is less with Kant than with Kantians.
Or take Hobbes: Hobbes talked about the body in the way that it was understood in his time, and about human faculties in the way that they were understood at that time. Anybody who quotes Hobbes today about the faculties of human nature, I have to ask: when was the last time you read biology? I am not saying that Hobbes wasn't a very smart man; he was an erudite, and I am not joking. It is not his problem that people are still trivializing human faculties and finding issue with his view of how the body works—of course he was wrong on permeability, on cohabitation, on what organs live in us, etc.—he was giving his account of politics through metaphors and analogies that he understood at that time. When I think about it this way, my problem is not that Hobbes didn't have a modern understanding of the body, the distribution of the faculties and the extent of human capacities. Nor is my problem that Hobbes is Western. My problem is not with Hobbes himself. My problem is with all these realists who based their understanding of sovereignty or borders strictly on Hobbes' illustrations but have not opened a current book on the body that speaks of the faculties. If they did, even their own analogies may begin to resonate differently. There is new research coming out all the time on how we can understand the body, and this should have repercussions on how we read Hobbes today.
The absence of contextualization and historicization has proved a great liability for IR. Historicity allows one to receive Hobbes and all those other writers without indulging in mindless simplicities. It helps get away from simplistic divisions of the world—for instance, the West here and Africa there—from the assumptions that when I speak about postcolonialism in Africa I must be anti-Western. I am in fact growing very tired of those kinds of categories. As a parenthesis, I must ask if some of those guys in IR who speak so univocally and unidirectionally to others are even capable of opening themselves up to hearing other voices. I must also reveal that Adlai Stevenson, not some postcolonialist, alerted me to the problem of univocality when he stated in 1954 during one UN forum that 'Everybody needed aid, the West surely needs a hearing aid'. Hearing is indeed the one faculty that the West is most in need of cultivating. The same, incidentally, could be said of China nowadays.
One of the things I would like to deny Western canonist is their inclination to think of the likes of Diderot as Westerners. In his Supplément au Voyage a Bougainville (1772), Diderot presents a dialogue between himself and Orou, a native Tahitian. Voltaire wrote dialogues, some real, some imaginary, about and with China. The authors' people were reflecting on the world. It is hubris and an act of usurpation in the West today to want to lay claim to everything that is perceived to be good for the West. By the same token that which is bad must come from somewhere else. This act of usurpation has led to the appropriation—or rather internal colonization—of Diderot and Voltaire and like-minded philosophers and publicists who very much engaged the world beyond their locales. I have quarrels with this act of colonization, of the incipit parochialization of authors who ought not to be. I have quarrels with Voltaire's characterization of non-Europeans at times; but I have a greater quarrel with how he has been colonized today as distinctly European. Voltaire rejected European orthodoxies of his day and opted explicitly to enter into dialogue with Chinese and Africans as he understood them. Diderot, too, was often in dialogue with Tahitians and other non-Europeans. In fact, the relationship between Diderot and the Tahitian was exactly the same as the relationship between Socrates and Plato, in that you have an older person talking and a younger person and less wise person listening. A lot of Western philosophy and political theory was actually generated—at least in the modern period—after contact with the non-West. So how that is Western I don't know. I encounter the same problem when I am in Africa where I am accused of being Western just because I make the same literary references. It is a paradox today that even literature is assigned an identity for the purpose of hegemony and/or exclusion. Francis Galton ( travelled widely and wrote dialogues from this expedition in Africa, so how can we say to what extent the substance of such dialogues was Western or British?
So in sum you are not trying to counter Western thought, but do you feel that the African political experience and your own perspective can bring something new to IR studies?
I am going to try and express something very carefully here, because the theory of the state in Africa brought about untold horrors—in Sierra Leone, in Liberia, and so on—so I am not saying this lightly. But I have said to many people, Africans and non-Africans, that I am glad that the postcolonial African state failed, and I wish many more of them failed, and I'm sure a lot more will fail, because they correspond to nothing on the ground. The idea of constitutions and constitutionalism came with making arrangements with a lot of social elements that were generated by certain entities that aspired to go in certain directions. What happened in Africa is that somebody came and said: 'this worked there, it should work here'—and it doesn't. I'll give you three short stories to illustrate this.
One of the presidents of postcolonial Guinea, the one I despise the most, Lansana Conté (in office 1984-2008), also gave me one of my inspirational moments. Students rebelled against him and destroyed everything in town and so he went on national TV that day and said: 'You know I'm very disheartened. I am disheartened about children who have become Europeans.' Obviously the blame would be on Europe. He continued, 'They are rude, they don't respect people or property. I understand that they may have quarrels with me, but I also understand that we are Africans. And though we may no longer live in the village', and it is important for me that he said that, 'though we may no longer live in the village, when we move in the big city, the council of elders is what parliament does for us now. We don't have the council of elders, instead we have parliament. They, the students, can go to parliament and complain about their father. I am their father, my children are older than all of them. So in the village, they would have gone to the council of elders, and they could have done this and I would have given them my explanation'. And the next morning, the whole country turned against the students, because what he had succeeded in doing was to touch and move people. They went to the head of the student government, who said: 'The president was right. We had failed to understand that our ways cannot be European ways, and we can think about our modern institutions as iterations of what we had in the past, suited to our circumstances, and so we should not do politics in the same way. I agree with him, and in that spirit I want to say that among the Koranko ethnic group, fathers let their children eat meat first, because they have growing needs, and if the father doesn't take care of his children, then they take the children away from the father and give them to the uncle. Our problem at the university is that our stipends are not being paid, and father has all his mansions in France, in Spain, and elsewhere, so we want the uncle.' He was in effect asking for political transition: he was saying they were now going to the council of elders, the parliament, and demand the uncle, for father no longer merits being the father. He was able to articulate political transition and rotation in that language. It was a very clever move.
The second one was my mother who was completely unsympathetic to me when I came home one day and was upset that one of my friends who was a journalist had been arrested. She said, 'if you wish you can go back to your town but don't come here and bother me and be grumpy'. So I started an exchange with her and explained to her why it is important that we have journalists and why they should be free, until our discussion turned to the subject of speaking truth to power. At that moment she said, 'now you are talking sense' and she started to tell me how the griot functioned in West Africa for the past eight hundred years, and why truth to power is part of our institutional heritage. But that truth is not a personal truth, for there is an organic connection between reporter and the community, there is a group in which they collect information, communicate and criticize, and we began to talk about that. And since then I have stopped teaching Jefferson in my constitutional classes in Africa, as a way of talking about the free press, instead I talk about speaking truth to power. But it allows me not only to talk about the necessity of speaking truth to power, but also to criticize the organization of the media, which is so individualised, so oriented toward the people who give the money: think of the National Democratic Institute in Washington, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Germany, they have no organic connection to the people. And my mother told me, 'as long as it's a battle between those who have the guns and those who have the pen, then nobody is speaking to my problems, then I have no dog in that fight'. And journalists really make a big mistake by not updating their trade and redressing it. Because speaking truth to power is not absent in our tradition, we have had it for eight hundred years, six centuries before Jefferson, but we don't think about it that way. I have to remind my friends in Guinea: 'you are vulnerable precisely because you have not understood what the profession of journalism might look like in this community, to make your message more relevant and effective'. You see the smart young guys tweeting away and how they have been replaced by the Muslim Brotherhood, because we have not made the message relevant to the community. We are communicating on media and in idioms that have no real bearing on people's lives, so we are easily dismissed. That is in fact the tragedy of what happened in Tunisia: the smart, young protesters have so easily been brushed aside for this reason.
The third story is about how we had a constitutional debate in Guinea before multipartism, and people were talking about the separation of powers. And I went to the university to talk to a group of people and I put it to them: why do you waste your time studying the American Constitution and the separation of powers in America? I grant you, it is a wonderful experiment and it has lasted two hundred years, but that would not lead you anywhere with these people. The theocratic Futa Jallon in Guinea (in the 18th and 19th centuries) had one of the most advanced systems of separation of powers: the king was in Labé, the constitution was in Dalaba, the people who interpreted the constitution were in yet another city, the army was based in Tougué. It was the most decentralised organization of government you can imagine, and all predicated on the idea that none of the nine diwés, or provinces, should actually have the monopoly of power. So those that kept the constitution were not allowed to interpret it, because the readers were somewhere else. But to make sure that what they were reading was the right document, they gave it to a different province. So the separation of powers is not new to us.
In sum, the West is a wonderful political experiment, and it has worked for them. We can actualize some of what they have instituted, but we have sources here that are more suited to the circumstances of the people in that region, without undermining the modern ideas of democratic self-governance, without undermining the idea of a republic. Without dispensing with all of those, we must not be tempted to imagine constitution in the same way, to imagine separation of powers in the same way, even to imagine and practice journalism in the same way, in this very different environment. It is going to fail. That is my third story.
Siba N. Grovogui has been teaching at Johns Hopkins University after holding the DuBois-Mandela postdoctoral fellowship of the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor in 1989-90 and teaching at Eastern Michigan University from 1993 to 1995. He is currently professor of international relations theory and law at The Johns Hopkins University. He is the author of Sovereigns, Quasi-Sovereigns, and Africans: Race and Self-determination in International Law (University of Minnesota Press, 1996) and Beyond Eurocentrism and Anarchy: Memories of International Institutions and Order (Palgrave, April 2006). He has recently completed a ten-year long study partly funded by the National Science Foundation of the rule of law in Chad as enacted under the Chad Oil and Pipeline Project.
Related links
Faculty Profile at Johns Hopkins University Read Grovogui's Postcolonial Criticism: International Reality and Modes of Inquiry (2002 book chapter) here (pdf) Read Grovogui's The Secret Lives of Sovereignty (2009 book chapter) here (pdf) Read Grovogui's Counterpoints and the Imaginaries Behind Them: Thinking Beyond North American and European Traditions (2009 contribution to International Political Sociology) here (pdf) Read Grovogui's Postcolonialism (2010 book chapter) here (pdf) Read Grovogui's Sovereignty in Africa: Quasi-statehood and Other Myths (2001 book chapter in a volume edited by Tim Shaw and Kevin Dunn) here (pdf)
ILLUSTRIERTE GESCHICHTE DES WELTKRIEGES 1914/15. FÜNFTER BAND. Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges (-) Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/15. Fünfter Band. (Fünfter Band) ( - ) Einband ( - ) [Abb.]: Erbitterterter Straßenkampf in Montigny. Die von der am Kampfe teilnehmenden Bevölkerung des Ortes versteckt gehaltenen französischen Soldaten überfallen die eingedrungenen deutschen Abteilungen aus dem Hinterhalt. ( - ) Titelseite ( - ) Kriegskalender zur original-Einbanddecke der Illustrierten Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Fünfter Band enthaltend die Ereignisse vom 1. August bis 31. Dezember 1916. ( - ) August. ( - ) September. ( - ) Oktober. ( - ) November. ([I]) Dezember. ([II]) Inhaltsverzeichnis. ([III]) Kunstbeilagen. (IV) Karten. (IV) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 101 (Heft 101) ([1]) [Abb.]: Deutsche Maschinengewehrabteilung beim Sturm im Caillettewalde vor Verdun. ([1]) [Abb.]: Das Innere der Feste Donaumont kurz nach der Eroberung durch die Deutschen. (2) [Karte]: Die Gegend von Vaux mit dem Caillettewald. (3) [Abb.]: Erstürmung des befestigten Dorfes Damloup südöstlich Vaux durch die deutschen Truppen. ([4 - 5]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Französischer Offizier in einer der neuzeitlichen Kriegführung angemessenen Schutzuniform. Er trägt Stahlhelm, Schutzmaske und, zum Schutz gegen die Nässe des Schützengrabens, Gamaschen. (2)Einer der neuen französischen schweren Mörser mit seinem Riesengeschoß. (6) [Abb.]: Französische Proviantkraftwagen fahren durch einen zerschossenen Ort bei Verdun. (7) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (7) Die Seeschlacht vor dem Skagerrak. (7) [Abb.]: Farbige Engländer an der Westfront. Englische Hindukavallerie reitet durch die Straßen von Marseille. (8) [Abb.]: Die Seeschlacht vor dem Skagerrak. Deutsche Großkampfschiffe vernichten am 31. Mai 1916 im Nachtgefecht englische Panzerkreuzer und Zerstörer. ( - ) [Abb.]: Abwehr eines Turko-Handgranatenangriffs westlich der Höhe 304 vor Verdun. ([9]) [Karte]: Der Schauplatz der Seeschlacht vor dem Skagerrak. Das Kreuz bezeichnet ungefähr den Mittelpunkt der Kampflinien. (10) [Karte]: Bildliche Darstellung der einzelnen Abschnitte der Seeschlacht vor dem Skagerrak. ([11]) Auf Patrouille. (12) [Karte]: Das Gelände östlich und südöstlich von Ypern, auf dem württembergische Regimenter in den Tagen vom 2. bis 5. Juni wichtige Erfolge gegen die Engländer errangen. (12) [Abb.]: Gefangene Engländer aus den Kämpfen bei Ypern vor ihrer Abführung ins Gefangenenlager. (12) [Abb.]: Württembergische Regimenter erstürmen am 2. Juni 1916 die englischen Höhenstellungen im Abschnitt von Ypern südöstlich von Zillebeke. ([13]) [Abb.]: Deutsche Torpedoboote auf der Suche nach dem Feind. (14) [2 Abb.]: (1)Der englische Schlachtkreuzer "Queen Mary", der in der Seeschlacht vor dem Skagerrak vernichtet wurde. (2)Der englische Panzerkreuzer "Hampshire", mit dem Lord Kitchener nebst seinem ganzen Stabe auf der Fahrt nach Rußland bei den Orkney-Inseln den Untergang fand. (15) [3 Abb.]: Die siegreichen Führer in der Seeschlacht vor dem Skagerrak. (1)Admiral Scheer, Chef der deutschen Hochseestreitkräfte. (2)Vizeadmiral Hipper, Befehlshaber der deutschen Aufklärungsstreitkräfte. (3)Deutsche Linienschiffe in der Nordsee in Kiellinie, klar zum Gefecht. (16) [Abb.]: Der Untergang des englischen Großkampfschiffes "Warspite", das in der Hochseeschlacht vor dem Skagerrak am 31. Mai 1916 mit dem deutschen Großkampfschiff "König" im Kampf stand und infolge schwerer Treffer durch eine Explosion vernichtet wurde. ([17]) Ein Kampf im Gletschereis. (18) [Abb.]: Die Franzenshöhe am Stilfser Joch mit dem Ortler und dem Gasthof Franzenshöhe. (18) [Abb.]: Abgeschlagener Angriff italienischer Alpini auf dem Ebenferner im Adamellogebiet. ([19]) Abbildung ([19]) [Abb.]: Luftbad an der Vogesenfront, 50 Meter vor dem Feind. (20) [Abb.]: Einmarsch der siegriechen Truppen der Armee des Erzherzog-Thronfolgers Karl Franz Joseph in Asiago. ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 102 (Heft 102) ([21]) [Abb.]: Erbeutete italienische Fahnen vor einem österreichisch-ungarischen Kommandogebiet in Südtirol. ([21]) [Abb.]: Straße in der von den Italienern durch monatelanges Artilleriefeuer zu einem Trümmerhaufen zusammengeschossenen Stadt Piazza im Terragnolotal, die von den österreichisch-ungarischen Truppen bei ihrem Vordringen zurückerobert wurde. (22) [3 Abb.]: (1)Zufuhr von Kriegsmaterial auf steilen Gebirgstraßen mittels eigenartiger italienischer Karren mit Ochsenbespannung. (2)Nach erfolgreicher Beschießung italienischer Stellungen in Südtirol werden die Minenwerfer wieder instand gesetzt. (3)Auf der Wacht in den Südtiroler Bergen. (23) [Abb.]: Abteilungen des bosnisch-herzegowinischen Infanterieregiments Nr. 2 und des Grazer Infanterieregiments Nr. 27 erstürmen den Berg Meletta. ([24 - 25]) [Abb.]: Die Wohnbaracke des Erzherzog-Thronfolgers Karl Franz Joseph auf der Hochfläche von Vielgereuth. (26) [2 Abb.]: (1)Gefangene Alpini aus den Kämpfen an der Front in Südtirol vor einem österreichisch-ungarischen Kommandogebäude. (2)Erbeutete italienische 28-cm-Mörser in dem am 23. Mai 1916 eroberten Panzerwerk Campomolon. (27) [2 Abb.]: Auf Posten in den wolhynischen Sümpfen. (2)Blick auf österreichisch-ungarische Stellungen in Wolhynien. (28) [Abb.]: Abweisung eines nach starker Artillerievorbereitung erfolgten russischen Waffenangriffs im Handgemenge bei Jaslowiec an der unteren Strypa. ([29]) [Abb.]: Verschanzte österreichisch-ungarische Stellung an der bessarabischen Front. (30) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (30) Friedensgefahren. (30) [Karte]: Das wolhynische Festungsdreieck Luck-Dubno-Rowno. (30) [2 Abb.]: (1)General der Infanterie Felix Graf Bothmer, der hochverdiente Führer der deutschen Südarmee und erfolgreiche Verteidiger der Strypafront gegen die große russische Offensive im Juni 1916. (2)General der Kavallerie Karl Freiherr v. Pflanzer-Baltin (Mitte], Kommandant der österreichisch-ungarischen Truppen in der Bukowina. Links ein höherer deutscher Offizier. (31) Die Erstürmung von Notdre Dame de Loretto. (32) [Abb.]: Maschinengewehrkompanie zieht im Vormarsch auf Libau durch das Stranddorf Skatre. (32) [Abb.]: Vormarsch an der kurländischen Küste. ([33]) Die Eroberung Kurlands. (34) [2 Abb.]: (1)Deutsche Soldaten in Stellung an der Ostsee zur Verteidigung der Küste Kurlands. (2)Russischer Gefangener bringt erbeutete Gewehre zur Sammelstelle. (34) [Abb.]: Sprengung einer Brücke bei Libau durch die Russen. (35) [Abb.]: Ein aus zwei zusammengesetzten Fischerkähnen errichtetes Postenhäuschen am Strande in Kurland. (36) Die Entwicklung unserer Unterkunftsbauten an der Westfront. (37) [Abb.]: Ertappte Plünderer: Kosakenhorden werden auf ihrem Raubzug von preußischen Dragonern vertrieben. (37) [6 Abb.]: Zu dem Aufsatz "Die Entwicklung unserer Unterkunftsbauten an der Westfront". (1)Mannschaftsbracke. Die niedrige Form wurde aus Sparsamkeitsrücksichten gewählt. (2)Offiziersblockhütte mit Gartenhäuschen. (3)Offiziershütte im Walde. (4)Zweistöckiges Wohnhaus in einem zerschossenen Stadtchen. (5)Pferdeställe aus Lehm und Stroh. (6)Wohnhütten aus Lehm und Stroh. ([39]) Die Eisenbahn im Kriege. (38) [Abb.]: Zu dem Aufsatz "Die Eisenbahn im Kriege". (40) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 103 (Heft 103) ([41]) [Karte]: Vogelschaukarte der Gegend östlich der Maas bei Verdun. ([41]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Leutnant Rackow, der am 2. Juni 1916 an der Spitze der 1. Kompanie des Paderborner Infanterieregiments, unterstützt von den 20. Reservepionieren, in die Feste Vaux eindrang und das Fort besetzte, während starke französische Kräfte sich noch in den Kasematten befanden. Vom Kaiser wurde er durch Verleihung des Ordens Pour le Mérite ausgezeichnet. (2)Aus den Kämpfen bei Verdun. Deutsche Sturmtruppen mit den neuen Stahlschutzhelmen. (42) [Abb.]: Die Nordgräben der Feste Vaux, in die deutsche Truppen am 2. Juni 1916 unter Führung des Leutnants Rackow eindrangen. (43) [Abb.]: Erstürmung der Feste Vaux. ([44 - 45]) [Abb.]: Immelmanns letzter Erfolg. Das von Immelmann am 18. Juni 1916 abgeschossene feindliche Kampfflugzeug Baby Mine. (46) [2 Abb.]: (1)Zum bulgarischen Vorstoß auf griechisches Gebiet. General Todoroff (1) mit dem Prinzen Cyrill, dem Generalstabschef Oberst Russeff (2) und dessen Stellevertreter Oberstleutnant Valroff beim Kartenstudium im Hauptquartier. (2)Eine deutsche Munitionskolonne überschreitet eine Schiffbrücke über den Wardar. (47) [Abb]: Transport Verwundeter durch Kosaken. (48) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (48) Kriegsprengmittel. (48) [Abb.]: Kosakengreuel am Grabmal des Imam Hussein bei Kasr i Schirin im Juni 1916. ( - ) [Abb.]: Vertreibung der Russen aus Kasr i Schirin. ([49]) [Abb.]: Von der Tätigkeit des türkischen Roten Halbmondes: Ein Saal des Seraigymnasiums in Galata, das als Lazarett dient. Die Schwestern sind türkische Damen, die in der Pflegerinnenschule des Roten Halbmondes ihre Ausbilung genossen haben. (50) [2 Abb.]: (1)Ankunft Djemal Paschas in Bir Saba im süden Plästinas. (2)Der Kommandant von Jaffa (Palästina) hält an die ausrückenden Truppen und das Volk eine begeisternde Ansprache. (51) Die Verluste der englischen Kriegsflotte seit Beginn des Krieges. (52) [Abb.]: Der russische Panzerkreuzer "Pallada" wird durch das deutsche Unterseeboot U 26 torpediert. ([53]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Feldmäßig bepackter Telegraphist. (2)Ordnung im Granatfeuer: Regimentsgeschäftszimmer in einem Keller. (54) Der Untergang des russischen Panzerkreuzers "Pallada". (54) Die Feldtelegraphie. (55) [2 Abb.]: (1)Eine aufgefahrene Telephonabteilung in Deckung dicht hinter der Front. (2)Ausgabe der zur Legung einer Telephonleitung notwendigen Geräte an die Mannschaften. (55) [2 Abb.]: (1)Der von den österreichisch-ungarischen Truppen am 15. Mai 1916 erstürmte italienische Stützpunkt "Castello Dante" bei Rovreit. (2)Teil des Kampfgrabens im italienischen Stützpunkt "Castello Dante" bei Robreit nach der Erstürmung durch österreichisch-ungarische Truppen. (56) [Abb.]: Österreichisch-ungarische Truppen besetzen bei ihrem Vordringen in Südtirol am 18. Mai 1916 im Etschtale südlich von Rovreit den Ort Mori. ([57]) Die Kämpfe in Südtirol. (58 - 59) [Abb.]: Eroberung eines italienischen Dorfes durch österreichisch-ungarische Truppen. (58 - 59) [2 Abb.]: (1) Von der österreichisch-ungarischen Artillerie zerstörte Mörserbatterie auf Campomolon. (2)Bei den Kämpfen um die Doberdohochfläche übergelaufene italienische Bersaglieri werden von einem österreichisch-ungarischen Offizier des Generalstabes verhört. (60) [Gedicht]: Immelmann †. (60) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 104 (Heft 104) ([61]) [3 Abb.]: (1)Der neue italienische Kriegsminister Paolo Morrone unter dem Ministerium Bissolati. (2)Der neue italienische Marineminister Camillo Corsi unter dem Ministerium Bissolati. (3)Einbringung italienischer Gefangener mit französischen Stahlhelmen. ([61]) [3 Abb.]: (1)Zur Hochebene führende Straße eines von den Italienern zerstörten österreichisch-ungarischen Grenzstädtchens. (2)Von den Italienern zerschossenes österreichisch-ungarisches Grenzstädtchen: Blick auf die Kirche. (3)Blick auf die zerstörten Häuser am Marktplatz des Städtchens gegenüber der Kirche. (62) [Abb.]: Der berühmte Brunnen am Hauptplatze in Asiago, der trotz des ständigen Feuers der italienischen schweren Artillerie wie durch ein Wunder unversehrt blieb. (63) [3 Abb.]: Die italienische Panzerfeste Monte Verena, die von den österreichisch-ungarischen Truppen am 22. Mai 1916 erstürmt wurde. (1)Zwei der vier Kuppeln des italienischen Panzerwerks Monte Verena. Der Bericht des italienischen Generalstabes hatte die Zelte als lediglich "flüchtig besetzte Geschützstände" bezeichnet. (2)Die Panzerfeste Monte Verena. Am Gipfel das von den österreichisch-ungarischen Truppen eroberte Panzerwerk. (3)Die südöstliche Ecke der italienischen Panzerfeste Monte Verena. ([64]) [Abb.]: Eroberung des von Alpini stark besetzten Monte Castelgomberto, nördlich des Monte Meletta, am 8. Juni 1916 durch österreichisch-ungarische Truppen. (65) [Abb.]: Oberleutnant Albin Mlaker, vom k.u.k. Sappeurbataillon Nr. 14, der ungeachtet des beiderseitigen Feuers in das zur Befestigungsgruppe von Arsiero gehörige italienische Panzerwerk Casa Ratti eindrang, die Besatzung gefangennahm und so drei unversehrte schwere Panzerhaubitzen, sowie zwei leichte Geschütze erbeutete. (66) [Karte]: Kartenskizze zum Artikel: "Die Eroberung des Vorwerks Leonowka". (66) [3 Abb.]: Beilder von der österreichisch-ungarischen Flotte. (1)Österreichisch-ungarische Torpedobootpatrouille in der Adria. (2)Österreichisch-ungarische Kreuzerflottille in voller Fahrt, von einer Beschießung der italienischen Küste zurückkehrend. (3)Österreichisch-ungarischer Torpedobootzerstörer verläßt den Hafen von Lissa. (67) [3 Abb.]: Bilder von der österreichisch-ungarischen Flotte. (1)Österreichisch-ungarische Torpedobootpatrouille in der Adria. (2)Österreichisch-ungarische Kreuzerflottille in voller Fahrt, von einer Beschießung der italienischen Küste zurückkehrend. (3)Österreichisch-ungarischer Torpedobootzerstörer verläßt den Hafen von Lissa. (67) [Abb.]: Der Deutsche Kaiser bei der Armee des kommandierenden Generals Exzellenz v. Fabeck im Osten. Besichtigung der Truppen durch den Kaiser, an seiner Seite General v. Fabeck. (68) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (68) Die Eroberung des Vorwerks Leonowka. (68) [Abb.]: Erstürmung des Vorwerks Leonowka durch deutsche Truppen der Armee des Generals v. Linsingen. ( - ) [Abb.]: Einbringung gefangener Russen an der Front von Smorgon. ([69]) [2 Abb.]: (1)General v. Linsingen, der Leiter der deutschen Gegenoffensive im Raume Kowel-Luck. (2)Deutsche Truppen auf dem Vormarsch in Galizien. (70) Mißhandlung deutschen Sanitätspersonals in Frankreich. (70) [Abb.]: Österreichisch-ungarische Stellung am Strypaflusse. (71) [Abb.]: General Brussilow, der Kommandant der russischen Armeegruppe der Südfront. (72) [Karte]: Zu den Kämpfen an der bessarabischen Grenze. (72) Immelmanns letzter Flug. (72) [Abb.]: Österreichisch-ungarische Flieger belegen die Bahnhofanlagen Veronas am 14. Juni 1916 erfolgreich mit Bomben. ([73]) Feldmarschalleutnant Ignaz Trollmann, der Bezwinger des Lovcen. (74) [2 Abb.]: (1)Feldmarschalleutnant Trollmann, Kommandant der albanisch-österreichisch-ungarischen Streitkräfte in Albanien. (2)Albanische Gendarmerie, die den vordringenden österreichisch-ungarischen Truppen wirkungsvolle Dienste leistete. (74) [Abb.]: Aus dem Albanierviertel von Uesküb. Leben und Treiben vor den Albanierhütten, in denen auch deutsche Soldaten Unterkunft fanden. (75) Die Fliegersprache. (75) Der Krieg in Ostafrika im April und Mai 1916. (76) [2 Abb.]: (1)Oberst v. Lettow-Vorbeck, der Kommandeur der Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika. (2)Deutscher kleiner Panzerdeckskreuzer "Königsberg", im Rufidji-Fluß (Ostafrika) eingeschlossen. (76) [Abb.]: Vom deutschen Heldenkampf in Deutsch-Ostafrika: Vorgehen deutscher Schutztruppenabteilungen im Kilimandscharogebiet . (77) [Karte]: Karte zu den Kämpfen in Deutsch-Ostafrika. (79) Das neue Reichsamt. (78) [3 Abb.]: (1)v. Batocki, der Präsident des "Kriegsernährungsamts", der neuen Behörde für die Lebensmittelversorgung des deutschen Volkes, früher Oberpräsident der Provinz Ostpreußen. (2)Dr. Clemens Delbrück, der ehemalige, um die Organisation der Lebensmittelversorgung des deutschen Volkes hoch verdiente Staatssekretär des Reichsamtes des Innern. (3)Ein guter Fang im Oberrhein an der Mündung der Kinzig. (80) [Abb.]: Abführung gefangener Franzosen nach dem Sturm auf Fleury in der Nacht vom 23. auf den 24. Juni 1916. ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 105 (Heft 105) ([81]) [Abb.]: Der Armeeführer Kronprinz Wilhelm vor Verdun und drei seiner mit dem Orden Pour le Mérite geschmückten Offiziere. Von links: Hauptmann Bölcke, Leutnant Rackow, Erstürmer von Vaux, der Kronprinz, Oberleutnant Brandis, Erstürmer von Donaumont. ([81]) [Abb.]: Das Schlachtfeld bei den Maashöhen vor Verdun. (82) [2 Abb.]: (1)Das von deutschen Truppen eroberte Dorf Fresnes vor Verdun nach der Erstürmung. (2)Das von deutschen Truppen eroberte Dorf Haucourt bei Avocourt westlich von Verdun, dessen Kirche von dem deutschen Artilleriefeuer verschont wurde. (83) [Abb.]: Vorbereitung zum Abschießen eines Lufttorpedos aus einem französischen Schützengraben. (84) [Abb.]: Abwehr eines Angriffs starker, zum Teil neu herangeführter französischer Truppen gegen die von den Deutschen am 23. Juni eroberten Stellungen bei Fleury durch Artilleriesperrfeuer und vorgehende deutsche Infanterie am 27. Juni 1916. Links Fort Souville, davor Chapitrewald, rechts das zerschossene Fleury. ([85]) [Abb.]: Blick in die französische Ortschaft Lavannes bei Reims in der Champagne. (86) [Abb.]: Ein Minentrichter auf der Strecke zwischen Perthes und Tahure in der Champagne. (87) [Karte]: Das Hauptangriffsgebiet der engl.-franz. Offensive. (87) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (87) Die Schwarzen greifen an! (87) [Abb.]: Kulturkämpfer für Frankreich und England. (88) [Abb.]: Schwere englische Haubitzen im Zusammenarbeiten mit Flugzeugen an der französischen Front im Abschnitt südlich von La Bassée. ([89]) [Abb.]: Generalleutnant R. Robertson, der neue Chef des englischen Generalstabs. (90) [2 Abb.]: (1)Regenschirme und Stahlhelme im englischen Schützengraben. (2)Rattenjagd im englischen Schützengraben. (91) Die Schlachtfelder Wolhyniens. (92) [Abb.]: Bajonettsturm türkischer Truppen gegen die stark befestigten russischen Stützpunkte auf der über 2000 Meter hohen Bergkette nördlich des Tschorokflusses im südlichen Kaukasus am Morgen des 22. Juni 1916. ([93]) Die Badener beim Sturm am Jahnwäldchen. (94) [3 Abb.]: Deutsche Fürsten an der Front. (1)Herzog Ernst August zu Braunschweig und Lüneburg spricht einem Infanteristen, der sich vor Verdun besonders auszeichnete, seine persönliche Anerkennung aus. (2)Erzherzog Adolf Friedrich II. von Mecklenburg-Strelitz überreicht bei einer Truppenbesichtigung auf dem östlichen Kriegschauplatz Offizieren Auszeichnungen. (3)Großherzog Friedrich II. von Baden bei der Besichtigung eines Regiments, das sich bei den Junikämpfen 1916 im Westen auszeichnete, im Gespräch mit einigen Soldaten. ([95]) [Abb.]: Sturm der Badener am Jahnwäldchen. ([96 - 97]) Legen einer Telefonleitung in den Dolomiten. (98) [Abb.]: Nachrichtendienst im österreichisch-ungarischen Heere. Ein Telefonunterstand an der Tiroler Front. (98) [Abb.]: Beim Legen einer Telefonleitung in den Dolomiten. ([99]) Die Wanderbühne im Felde. (98) [2 Abb.]: (1)Ankunft der Truppe des feldgrauen Wandertheaters in Alberschweiler. (2)Die gesamte Truppe des Wandertheaters, zum Teil in Kostümen, aufgenommen in Wieh. (100) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 106 (Heft 106) ([101]) [Abb.]: Russische Truppen ergeben sich. Ein Augenblicksbild aus den erfolgreichen Kämpfen der deutschen Truppen im Osten. ([101]) [Abb.]: Artillerieoffiziere beobachten von einem mit Soldatengräbern besetzten Hügel aus den Rückzug der Russen aus einem in Brand geschossenen Dorfe. (102) [3 Abb.]: (1)Ein Beitrag zur schonungslosen Hinopferung russischer Soldaten: Russischer Soldatenfriedhof in Wolhynien. Der Friedhof ist mehrere Kilometer lang. (2)Eroberte russische Reservestellung bei Tarnopol. (3)Mustergültig ausgebauter österreichisch-ungarischer Unterstand am Styr. (103) [Abb.]: Erfolgreicher deutscher Vorstoß in den russischen Stellungen nördlich vom Miadziolsee an der nordöstlichen Front am 26. Juni 1916. ([104 - 105]) [Abb.]: Generaloberst v. Woyrsch (1) mit Oberstleutnant v. Heye (2) und Oberleutnant Prinz Reuß (3) bei der Besichtigung eines österreichisch-ungarischen Regiments in Rußland. (106) [Abb.]: Zusammenbruch des russischen Reiterangriffs bei Tlumacz im Artillerie- und Infanteriefeuer deutscher und österreichisch-ungarischer Truppen am 2. Juli 1916. ([107]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Auf der Flucht vor den Russen. (2)Von den Russen angezündetes Dorf an der galizischen Grenze. (108) [Abb.]: Sturm thüringischer Truppen auf die Trümmer von Cumières im Morgengrauen des 23. Mai 1916. ( - ) [Abb.]: Heldenmütige Verteidigung von Domidowka, westlich von Dubno, durch österreichisch-ungarische Infanterie. ([109]) [Abb.]: Blick auf Tolmein am Isonzo. (110) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (110) Die große Offensive. (110) [2 Abb.]: (1)Österreichisch-ungarische Soldaten bereiten auf einer Berghöhe eine Steinlawine vor. (2)Italienische Stellung im Suganer-Tal, aus der die österreichisch-ungarischen Truppen den Feind im ersten Ansturm vertrieben. (111) Zwischen Forges und Cumières. (112) [2 Abb.]: (1)Im serbischen Hochgebirge. (2)Überschreiten eines Gebirgsbaches bei Krivolac in Südmazedonien. (112) [Abb]: Aus den Kämpfen der Österreicher und Ungarn mit den Italienern. Österreichisch-ungarische Truppen dringen auf dem Kamm eines Berges im Handgranatenangriff über die erste italienische Linie vor. ([113]) [Abb.]: Blick auf Zerstörungen im Rabenwalde bei Verdun. (114) [Karte]: Das Kampfgelände vor Verdun westlich der Maas aus der Vogelschau gesehen. (114) [3 Abb.]: (1)Eine Straße in Forges. (2)Erstürmte Straßensperre in Forges. (3)Zerstörte Häusergruppe in Forges. (115) Tapfere Schwaben. Neues vom Kgl. Württembergischen Gebirgsbataillon. (116) [2 Abb.]: (1)Drei wackere Schwaben vom Königlich Württembergischen Gebirgsbataillon. (2)Ehrenurkunde des Königlich Württembergischen Gebirgsbataillons. (116) [Abb]: Ein am 10. Juli 1916 angesetzter Sturmangriff der Senegalneger auf die Höhe von La Maisonette (Sommegebiet) bricht an den deutschen Hindernissen blutig zusammen. ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 107 (Heft 107) ([117]) [Abb.]: Abwehr eines britischen Gasangriffs im Handgranatenkampf. Die Mannschaften tragen Masken zum Schutz gegen die giftigen Gase. ([117]) [Abb.]: Gefangene Franzosen von der englisch-französischen Offensive werden vom Bahnhof Perconne weiterbefördert. (118) [Karte]: Vogelschaukarte zur englisch-französischen Offensive vom Ancrebach bis beiderseits der Somme. ([119]) [Abb.]: Zu den Kämpfen an der Somme: Angriff der preußischen Garde auf die englischen Stellungen bei Contalmaison. ([120 - 121]) [Karte]: Das neue Angriffsgebiet der engl. französischen Offensive. (122) [Abb.]: Zerstörte Straße in Albert mit der Kathedrale, die von den Franzosen als Beobachtungsturm benutzt wurde und deshalb durch deutsche Artillerie beschossen werden mußte. (122) [Abb.]: Französische Stellung an der Somme mit Mörsern und Schützengrabenkanonen im heftigen Feuer deutscher Artillerie. ([123]) [Abb.]: Erstürmung der französischen Stellungen bei der "Hohen Batterie von "Damloup" im Handgranatenkampf am Morgen des 3. Juli 1916. Die Stürmenden sind mit den neuen Stahlhelmen ausgerüstet. (124) [Abb.]: Sturm des 10. bayerischen Infanterieregiments "König" und des bayerischen Infanterie-Leibregiments nach wirksamer Feuervorbereitung auf den Höhenrücken "Kalte Erde" und auf das Panzerwerk Thiaumont am 23. Juni 1916. Die Truppen sind mit den neuen Stahlhelmen ausgerüstet. ([125]) [Abb.]: Von den Kämpfen an der Somme: Das von den Franzosen vollständig zusammengeschossene Maschinenhaus einer Zuckerfabrik. (126) [4 Abb.]: (1)Die Hausflagge der Deutschen Ozean-Reederei G.m.b.H., Bremen. (2)Kapitän Paul König, Führer des ersten deutschen Untersee-Handelschiffs "Deutschland", das am 10. Juli 1916 in Baltimore mit einer Ladung wertvoller Farbstoffe eintraf. (2)Kapitänleutnant Loth. v. Arnauld de la Perière, Kommandant des Unterseeboots U 35, das ein Handschreiben des Deutschen Kaisers an den König von Spanien und Arzneimittel für die in Spanien weilenden Kamerun-Deutschen nach Cartagena brachte und auf der Rückfahrt den bewaffneten französischen Dampfer "Hérault" versenkte. (3)Direktor Alfred Lohmann vom Norddeutschen Lloyd, Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats der Deutschen Ozean-Reederei G.m.b.H., Bremen, der den Gedanken eines Untersee-Frachtverkehrs mit Amerika erfolgreich durchgeführt hat. (127) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (128 - 129) Ein deutsches Husarenstück zur See. U 35 in Cartagena. (128 - 129) [Abb.]: Ein deutsches Husarenstück zur See. (128 - 129) Die Elektrizität im Kriege. (130) [2 Abb.]: (1)Hochgeschraubter Scheinwerfer in Leuchtstellung. (2)Auf Kraftwagen montierte französische Scheinwerfer an der Westfront. (130) [2 Abb.]: (1)Kleine Scheinwerfer werden betriebsfertig gemacht. (2)Elektrisch betriebener Militärlastzug durchfährt einen Ort in Galizien. (131) [Abb.]: Gesamtansicht der Stadt Buczacz, wo die Russen bei ihrer Offensive im Sommer 1916 wiederholt unter Einsetzung aller Kräfte durchzubrechen versuchten. (132) [Abb.]: Aus den Kämpfen der russischen Offensive im Raume von Buczacz. ([133]) Eroberung eines belgischen Panzerautomobils bei Buczacz. (134) [Abb.]: Eine Sanitätsabteilung in Wolhynien bei Holoby und Bol Porsk, wo heftige Kämpfe mit den Russen stattfanden, auf dem Wege zur Front. (134) Die große russische Offensive. (134) [Abb.]: Das brennende Swidnika an der wolhynischen Front, nordwestlich von Luck, ein russischer Stützpunkt, der von den deutschen Truppen genommen wurde. (135) [Abb.]: Der deutsche Kaiser bei einer Garde-Reservedivision im Westen. (136) [Abb.]: Kampf um den Monte Pasubio. ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 108 (Heft 108) ([137]) [Abb.]: Verbandplatz hinter der österreichisch-ungarischen Front gegen Italien, der in wenigen Tagen an der Landstraße angelegt wurde. ([137]) [Abb.]: Verwundetenfürsorge im Hochgebirge. Ein Verwundeter wird von einem Berggipfel herabgelassen, wo sich das Feldlazarett befindet. (138) [2 Abb.]: (1)Eigenartige neue Schützenstellungen der Italiener. (2)Italienische 28-cm-Mörser, der unversehrt österreichisch-ungarischen Truppen in die Hände fiel. (139) [Abb.]: Vom Treiben der Russen in der Bukowina: Die Bevölkerung wird gezwungen, unter Aufsicht russischen Militärs ein Schlachtfeld aufzuräumen. ([140 - 141]) [Abb.]: Stachelbandhindernis auf dem östlichen Kriegschauplatz. (142) [2 Abb.]: (1)Deutsche Stellung im italienischen Grenzgebiet. Das Bild zeigt die ungemeinen Schwierigkeiten, mit denen unsere Feldgrauen in Rußland zu kämpfen haben. (2)Horchposten in Mückenschleiern ziehen auf Wache. (143) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (144) Erwerbsmöglichkeiten für heimkehrende Kriegsteilnehmer in geistig arbeitenden Berufen. (144) [Abb.]: Der Kriegshafen von Reval mit den Werftanlagen. (144) [Abb.]: Deutsche Truppen in der Gegend von Baranowitschi halten heftigen Massenangriffen der Russen stand. ([145]) Die Tätigkeit der Armee Pflanzer-Baltin auf dem Gebiete der Wohlfahrt und Wirtschaft. (146) [Abb.]: Unsere Soldaten helfen in Feindesland beim Aufstapeln des Heus. (146) [2 Abb.]: Unsere Soldaten bei der Kartoffelernte in Feindesland. (1)Kartoffelmiete. (2)Die Kartoffeln werden zusammengetragen. (147) Türkischer Bajonettangriff in der Schlacht bei Felahie (22. April 1916). (148) [Abb.]: Leben und Treiben in der Hauptstraße Bagdads. (148) [Abb.]: Türkischer Bajonettangriff in der Schlacht bei Felahie. ([149]) Krieg und Geld. (150) [2 Abb.]: (1)Die Wirkung amerikanischer Munitionslieferung. (2)Das Verhältnis der vom Weltkrieg geforderten Opfer an Toten und Verwundeten. (150) [2 Abb.]: (1)Die bis zum 31. März 1916 erwachsenen Gesamtkosten des Weltkrieges werden auf 160 Milliarden Mark beziffert. (2)Neunzig Eisenbahnzüge zu je 70 und ein weiterer zu 72 Wagen wären erforderlich, um die Masse des Goldes zu befördern, das den bis zum 31. März 1916 erwachsenen Gesamtkosten des Weltkrieges entspricht. (151) [2 Abb.]: (1)Zur Beförderung des Goldes, das jede Minute des Weltkrieges kostet, wären drei Mann erforderlich. (2)Bildliche Darstellung der Menschenverluste der in den Weltkrieg verwickelten Völker. (152) Überfall preußischer Dragoner auf einen russischen Proviantzug. (152) [Abb.]: Erbeutung einer russischen Fuhrparkkolonne durch preußische Dragoner. ([153]) Über Feldstand- und Kriegsgerichte. (154) [Abb.]: Straßenbau in Frankreich durch die dortige Bevölkerung unter Leitung deutschen Militärs. (154) [8 Abb.]: Feldgraue Handwerker. (1)Österreichisch-ungarische Feldküche bei Görz. (2)Ausnutzung von Altmaterial: Reste eines französischen Transportdampfers, von deutschen Soldaten zum Bau von Unterständen benutzt. (3)Mechaniker einer Kraftwagentruppe bei der Ausbesserung eines Motors. (4)In einer deutschen Feldbäckerei. (5)Feldschusterwerkstatt in den Ruinen eines Dorfes in der Champagne. (6)Feldgraue bei der Herstellung von spanischen Reitern (Drahtverhauen für die Schützengräben). (7)Feldgraue als Gärtner hinter der Front. (8)Verkleidung des Schützengrabens mit Drahtgeflechten gegen das Nachrutschen des Erdreichs. ([155]) [2 Abb.]: (1)General Wille (X), der Oberbefehlshaber des Schweizer Heeres, bei einer Truppenbesichtigung. (2)Der Vierverband. Lehmfiguren, geformt von einem deutschen Feldgrauen im südlichen Elsaß dicht an der Schweizer Grenze. (156) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 109 (Heft 109) ([157]) [Abb.]: Deutscher Infanterist in neuer Ausrüstung. ([157]) [Abb.]: Englische Kavallerie reitet zur Attacke an (Sommegebiet). (158) [3 Abb.]: (1)Blick auf eine Gruppe ehemaliger Wohnstätten bei Peronne. (2)Ruinen in einem vollständig zerschossenen französischen Dorfe (Gegend von Peronne). (3)Zerschossene betonierte deutsche Unterstände an der Somme, die beim ersten Anprall verloren, dann aber zurückerobert wurden. (159) [Abb.]: Zu dem beispiellosen Munitionsaufwand der Engländer im Westen: Zufuhr von Wurfminen in die englischen Schützengräben. (160) [Abb.]: Deutsche Maschinengewehrabteilung und Infanterie in Pozières verteidigen einen Straßeneingang. ([161]) [Abb.]: Zerschossene, mit Sandsäcken geschützte Straßenecke in Verdun. (162) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (162) Erwerbsmöglichkeiten für heimkehrende Kriegsteilnehmer in geistig arbeitenden Berufen. (162) [2 Abb.]: Verdun vor dem Kriege und während der Beschießung 1916.(1)Morgenstimmung am Ufer der Maas, Sommer 1913. Verdun, am Horizont Belleville. (2)Zerstörungen im unteren Stadtteil Verduns am Ufer der Maas. ([163]) [Abb.]: König Ludwig von Bayern und der deutsche Kronprinz schreiten eine Ehrenkompanie ab (westlicher Kriegschauplatz). (164) [Abb.]: Zu den Kämpfen im südöstlichen Kaukasus (Kurdistan): Russisch-kaukasische Aufklärungsabteilung fällt in einen kurdischen Hinterhalt. ( - ) Der Feldzug in Mesopotamien. (165) [Abb.]: Französische Überläufer vor Verdun werden eingebracht. Die Offiziere suchen sich durch Verdeckung des Gesichts unkenntlich zu machen. (165) [Abb.]: Djemal Pascha, Kommandant der Wüstenarmee. (166) [2 Abb.]: (1)Eine Abteilung des Roten Halbmonds auf dem Marsch in der Wüste. (2)Türkische Infanterie und Kamelreiter auf dem Marsch in der Wüste. (167) Der Übergang über die Meurthe am 24. August 1914. (170) [Abb.]: Übergang über die Meurthe am 24. August 1914. ([168 - 169]) Feld- und Etappenbäckereien. (170) [Abb.]: Eine Anzahl "Ausgehungerter". (170) [2 Abb.]: (1)Feldbäckerei an der Westfront in der Champagne, die Brot für eine ganze Division bäckt. Das frisch gebackene Brot wird zum Lagerraum gebracht. (2)Feldbäckerei an der Westfront in der Champagne, die Brot für eine ganze Division bäckt. Das Mehl wird zur Backstube getragen. (171) Nachtkämpfe am Hilsenfirst in den Vogesen. (172) [Abb.]: Am Brunnen in einem Vogesenstädtchen. (172) [Karte]: Skizze zu dem Aufsatz: Nachtkämpfe am Hilsenfirst. (172) [Abb.]: Nächtlicher Kampf am Hilsenfirst. ([173]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Zum Besuch des Kaisers und des Kronprinzen in den Vogesen. (2)Französische Fahnenwache in den Vogesen verläßt ihren Unterstand, um sich in das Kampfgebiet zu begeben. (174) [Abb.]: Sandsackstellung in sumpfigem Gelände in den Vogesen. (175) Generalmajor Maximilian Ritter v. Hoen, Kommandant des k.u.k. Kriegspressequartiers und Direktor des Kriegsarchivs beim k.u.k. Kriegsministerium in Wien. (175) [Abb.]: Generalmajor Maximilian Ritter v. Hoen, Kommandant des k.u.k. Kriegspressequartiers und Direktor des Kriegsarchivs beim k.u.k. Kriegsministerium in Wien. (176) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 110 (Heft 110) ([177]) [Abb.]: Zur Erweiterung des Befehlsbereichs des Generalfeldmarschalls v. Hindenburg. ([177]) [Abb.]: Rast österreichisch-ungarischer Truppen nach einem mühseligen Bergmarsch. (178) [2 Abb.]: (1)Beförderung eines italienischen Geschützes an einem zwischen zwei Berggipfeln ausgespannten Seile. (2)Österreichisch-ungarisches Flugzeug zum Aufstieg bereit. (179) [Abb.]: Abgeschlagener Alpiniangriff im Hochgebirge. ([180 - 181]) [Abb.]: Auf Feldwache in einem wolhynischen Haferfeld. (182) [4 Abb.]: (1)Gefangener Russe vom Kaukasus. (2)Von den österreichisch-ungarischen Truppen an der südlichen Ostfront gefangener Tscherkessenanführer in einer Prunkuniform. (3)Gefangener Russe kurz nach seiner Einbringung. (4)Gefangene Russen auf der Straße dicht hinter der Front in Wolhynien. (183) [Abb.]: Soldaten der bulgarischen XI. mazedonischen Infanteriedivision mit französischen Gefangenen. (184) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (184) Massenspeisungen. (184) [Abb.]: Im Gefecht abgesessene Reiterei im Osten schleicht sich an den Feind heran. ( - ) [Abb.]: Bajonettangriff bulgarischer Infanterie. (185) [Abb.]: Essenausteilung an unbemittelte Kinder. (186) [2 Abb.]: (1)Militärische Obstverwertungsanlage im Westen: Das Einkochen des Winterobstes. (2)Militärische Obstverwertungsanlage im Westen: Das Abfüllen des Fruchtsaftes und Einlegen des gekochten Obstes in die Gläser. (187) Der Kampf um die Feste Vaux. (186) [Abb.]: Französische Telephonleitung zu den vordersten Schützengräben. (188) [Abb.]: Zu dem Ringen um die Feste Vaux: Deutsche Truppen brechen aus dem Schützengraben zum Handgranatenkampf vor. ([189]) Neue Kämpfe in Wolhynien und den Karpathen. (190) [2 Abb.]: (1)Österreichisch-ungarischer Stab im Erdunterstand in Galizien. (2)Verlassene russische Stellung an der südlichen Ostfront. (191) [Karte]: Vogelschaukarte der Ostkarpathen und der Bukowina mit Daten, die das allmähliche Vordringen der Russen veranschaulichen. (192) Kaperkrieg an Englands Küste. (192) [Abb.]: Aufbringung eines feindlichen Handelsdampfers durch deutsche Hochseestreitkräfte an der englischen Küste. ([193]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Gekaperte Schiffe in flandrischen Häfen. Dampfer "Lestris". Vor ihm liegt ein Ladekahn. (2)Gekaperte Schiffe in flandrischen Häfen. "Brussels" und "Zaandstrom" im Hafen von Brügge. Die "Brussels" war das Schiff des erschossenen englischen Freibeuters Kapitän Fryatt. (194) Entwicklung und Ausbau unserer Schützengräben und Unterstände. (195) [Abb.]: Unterstand in den Vogesen, 40 Meter vorm Feinde. (195) [Abb.]: Aus Weidengeflecht hergestellte Barrikade an einem deutschen Schützengraben im Westen. (196) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 111 (Heft 111) ([197]) [Abb.]: Blick auf den Hof des Offiziersgefangenenlagers in der Zitadelle von Mainz, wo sich englische, französische und belgische Offiziere befinden. ([197]) [Abb.]: Englisches lenkbares Luftschiff, nach längerer Fahrt an seine Ausfahrtstation zurückkehrend. (198) [Abb.]: Eigenartiges Mißgeschick eines englischen Luftschiff-Beobachtungsoffiziers. Der Fallschirm seines Fesselballons wurde durch den Wind aus seiner Umhüllung gerissen und aufgespannt, wodurch der Korb des Beobachters in Gefahrt geriet, umzukippen. Nur durch schnelles Abschneiden des Taus vermochte sich der Insasse zu retten. (199) [Abb.]: Aus den Minenkämpfen im Westen bei der französisch-englischen Sommeroffensive 1916: Den nach vielstündiger Artillerievorbereitung vorstürmenden englischen Massen stürzen sich immer wieder aus unterirdischen Stollen, Minentrichtern und Granatlöchern deutsche Abteilungen entgegen, die den Engländern mit ihren Maschinengewehren, sowie im Nahkampf mit Handgranaten, Bajonett, Messer und Schaufel blutige Verluste zufügen. ([200 - 201]) [Abb.]: Großer Betonunterstand im Bau. (Westlicher Kriegschauplatz). (202) [Abb.]: Von der englisch-französischen Offensive im Sommer 1916: Schwere englische Haubitze in Tätigkeit. ([203]) [Abb.]: Ankunft tonkinesischer Schützen aus Französisch-Indochina in Paris. (204) [Abb.]: In Erdlöchern und Gräben verborgene deutsche Maschinengewehr-Abteilung hält dem nach stundenlanger Artillerievorbereitung durch das Stacheldrahtgewirr hereinbrechenden englischen Anprall erfolgreich stand. ( - ) [Abb.]: Sächsische Reserve schlägt am 10. August 1916 einen englischen Durchbruchsversuch hart nördlich der Somme zurück. ([205]) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (206) Der Kampf um die Feste Vaux. (206) [Abb.]: Englische Soldaten bauen eine Straße durch die Trümmer von Contalmaison, das durch Geschützfeuer vollständig verschüttet wurde. (207) Entwicklung und Ausbau unserer Schützengräben und Unterstände. (207) [Abb.]: Aus Azannes, nördlich von Donaumont bei Verdun: Deutsche Soldaten mit den neuen Stahlhelmen beziehen ihre Stellungen. (208) Militär-Lastkraftwagen. (208) [Abb.]: Abwehr eines Angriffs starker, zum Teil neu herangeführter französischer Truppen gegen die deutschen Stellungen zwischen Maurepas und der Somme durch Artilleriesperrfeuer und vorgehende deutsche Infanterie am 9. August. ([209]) [Abb.]: Hauptmann Kalau vom Hofe, Führer des 1. Bataillons des Grenadierregiments Nr. 12, wurde für die heldenmäßige Verteidigung der Feste Donaumont im Mai 1916 durch Verleihung des Ordens Pour le Mérite ausgezeichnet. (210) [2 Abb.]: (1)Mannesmann-Mulag-Panzerwagen. (2)Kraftwagenzug der Pioniere. (211) Die Russenschlacht in Nordostgalizien. (210) [Abb.]: Österreichisch-ungarische Tragtierkolonne auf dem Marsch in Nordostgalizien. (212) Überfall auf ein italienisches Lager in Tripolis. (212) [2 Abb.]: (1)Zu den Kämpfen in Nordafrika: Berittener Askari in der italienischen Kolonie Erythräa. (2)Überfall auf ein italienisches Lager in Tripolis. (213) Arbeit hinter der Front. (214) [Abb.]: Deutsche Organisation in Polen. Vor einer deutschen Kommandantur warten Arbeitsuchende auf Zuweisung von Arbeit. (214) [3 Abb.]: Vom Betriebe der polnischen Quarantäne-Anstalt in Modlin (Nowo-Georgiewsk). (1)Etwa 3000 flüchtige Bauern aus der Gegend von Minsk, Riga und Dünaburg kamen mit der Eisenbahn in dem von deutschen Truppen besetzten Gebiet an, wo sie in der Quarantäneanstalt entlaust, geimpft und von deutschen Militärärzten auf ihren Gesundheitszustand untersucht wurden. Nach Ablauf von drei Wochen wurden die Bauern, hauptsächlich Weißrussen, über die Kolonien in Polen verteilt. (2)Die gereinigten und gespeisten Flüchtlinge werden durch deutsche Soldaten in Gruppen eingeteilt zwecks Verwendung in verschiedenen Gebieten. (3)Ein Teil der Flüchtlinge mit den mitgebrachten Haushaltungsgegenständen. (215) Kriegsnotgeld. (214) [Abb.]: Ankunft von Liebesgaben auf einem Bahnhof im Osten. (216) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 112 (Heft 112) ([217]) [Abb.]: Die Piazuttakirche in Görz mit dem umliegenden zerschossenen Straßenviertel und Blick gegen das Kastell. ([217]) [Karte]: Görz und Umgebung aus der Vogelschau. (218) [Abb.]: Italienische Verwundete werden vom Schlachtfeld zum Verbandplatz gebracht. (219) [Abb.]: Die Stärke der europäischen Völkerschaften. (220) [Abb.]: Säuberung des Isonzoufers von den dort eingedrungenen italienischen Truppen. ([221]) [Karte]: Karte zum Vormarsch der Bulgaren an der mazedonischen Front. (222) [Abb.]: Zur Bekämpfung der auf dem Balkan besonders großen Seuchengefahr: Deutsche Soldaten werden zum Schutz gegen die Cholera geimpft. (223) [Abb.]: Blick auf Doiran am Doiransee an der serbisch-griechischen Grenze. (224) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (224) Die Kämpfe zwischen Pruth und Dnjestr. (224) [Abb.]: Generalfeldmarschall v. Mackensen (X) und der bulgarische General Bojadieff (XX) während einer Fahrt auf dem Ochridasee. (224) [Abb.]: Niederwerfung der Russen im Bajonett- und Handgranatenkampf am Skobrowabach 9. August 1916. ( - ) [3 Abb.]: (1)Von den Franzosen auf ihrem Rückzuge zerstörte Brücke in Mazedonien. (2)Eine Abteilung der bulgarischen XI. mazedonischen Infanteriedivision mit erbeuteten französichen Maschinengewehren. (3)Eine Abteilung der bulgarischen XI. mazedonischen Infanteriedivision in einem beim Vormarsch gegen die Franzosen aufgeworfenen Schützengraben. (225) [Abb.]: Serbischer Soldat in neuer Ausrüstung. (226) Russische Kampfformen in der Sommeroffensive 1916. (226) [3 Abb.]: (1)Generaloberst v. Teresztyanszky, Führer einer Armee an der Ostfront. (2)Der rumänische Ministerpräsident und Träger der vertragswidrigen Politik Rumäniens, Bratianu. (3)König Ferdinand von Rumänien. (227) [Abb.]: Essenfassen türkischer Truppen auf einem galizischen Bahnhof. (228) [Abb.]: Türkische Truppen in Galizien weisen am 17. August 1916 einen russischen Angriff an der Zlota Lipa zurück. ([229]) Körperpflege im Heere. (228) [Abb.]: Eine von deutschen Truppen errichtete Badeanstalt. Die Wände sind mit lustigen Zeichnungen geschmückt. (230) [3 Abb.]: (1)"Autobadewagen" auf der Fahrt. (2)Aufgeschlagener "Autobadewagen". (3)In Betrieb gesetzter "Autobadewagen". (231) Französische Feldbriefe. (230) Aus dem Kriegstagebuch eines Schwarzkragens. (232) [4 Abb.]: (1) General Schostow, Chef des bulgarischen Generalstabs, starb am 1. September 1916 an den Folgen eines schweren Anfalls von Blinddarmentzündung. (2)Die eiserne Gedenkmünze der Deutschen Reichsbank, die den Einlieferern von Goldgegenständen verliehen wird. (3)(4)Bescheinigung der Deutschen Reichsbank für den Umtausch von Gold in Kassenscheine. (232) [Abb.]: Deutsche Flieger über Belfort. ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 113 (Heft 113) ([233]) [Abb.]: Marktplatz von Peronne mit zerschossenen Häusern und dem Denkmal der heldenmütigen Jungfrau von Peronne. ([233]) [Abb.]: Der von den Engländern zu einem Trümmerhaufen zusammengeschossene Ort Mametz nördlich der Somme. (234) [2 Abb.]: (1)Eingang zu dem Dorfe Fromelles im Gebiet der englischen Offensive im Westen, wo die Bayern am 19. Juli 1916 starke englische Angriffe zurückwiesen. (2)Von Geschossen aller Art duchsiebtes Haus in Fromelles. (235) [Abb.]: Französischer Flammenwerfer. (236) [Abb.]: Essenholen vor dem Einrücken in die Kampfstellung am Vauxberg vor Verdun. ([237]) [Karte]: Vogelschaukarte zu den Kämpfen zwischen Thiaumont und dem Chapitrewald, um Fort Souville bei Fleury und Fort Tavannes vor Verdun. (238) [6 Abb.]: Zerstörungen in den Dörfern vor Verdun, westlich der Maas. (1)Granateinschläge, beobachtet von der Höhe 304 vor Verdun. (2)Sperrfeuer, von der Höhe 304 aus gesehen. (3)Trümmer von Haucourt-Malancourt am Fuß der Höhe 304. (4)Das gänzlich zerstörte Malancourt. (5)Der Fuß der Höhe 304 bei Haucourt-Malancourt. (6)Das gänzlich zerstörte Dorf Haucourt am Fuß der Höhe 304. ([239]) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (240) Seestrategie und Seetaktik. (240) [Abb.]: Die kühne Mannschaft des ersten Handelsunterseebootes "Deutschland" mit ihrem Kapitän König nach der glücklichen Wiederkehr von ihrer Amerikafahrt in den Bremer Freihafen. (240) [Abb.]: Die Einfahrt des ersten Handelsunterseebootes "Deutschland" in die Wesermündung am 25. August 1916. ([241]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Kapitänleutnant Walter Forstmann. (2)Abgeschossene französischer Kampfdoppeldecker mit zwei Motoren. (242) [7 Abb.]: Erfolgreiche deutsche Kampfflieger im Westen. (1)Leutnant Mulzer, Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite. (2)Oberleutnant Freiherr v. Althaus. (3)Leutnant Wintgens, Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite. (4)Leutnant Baldamus. (5)Leutnant Höhndorf, Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite.(6)Leutnant Parschau, Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite, starb den Fliegertod im Westen. (7)Leutnant Frankl, Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite. (243) [Abb.]: Deutsche Hochseestreitkräfte beim Vorstoß in die Nordsee am 19. August 1916. ([244 - 245]) Der Tod als Würger. (246) [Karte]: Vogelschaukarte zu den türkischen Angriffen an der Front des Suezkanals. (247) Aus der Sommeschlacht. (248) [2 Abb.]: (1)Rumänische Infanterie, ausgerüstet zur Front. (2)Rumänische Offiziere. (248) [Abb.]: Ein englischer Gasangriff auf deutsche Schützengräben an der Somme. ([249]) [3 Abb.]: (1)Gefangene Engländer aus der Sommeschlacht vor der Kaserne der Zitadelle von Cambrai (4. August 1916). (2)Gefangene weiße und farbige Franzosen aus der Sommeschlacht in der Zitadelle von Cambrai (4. August 1916). (3)Gefangene Engländer aus der Sommeschlacht in der Zitadelle von Cambrai (4. August 1916)- (250 - 251) Rumäniens militärische und politische Bedeutung. (252) [Abb.]: Rumänischer Kavallerist in feldmarschmäßiger Ausrüstung. (252) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 114 (Heft 114) ([253]) [Abb.]: Auf der Hauptstraße in Kowel. Deutsche Artilleristen auf dem dem Wege zur Front. ([253]) [Abb.]: Armeekommandant General der Kavallerie Erzherzog Karl (der österreichisch-ungarische Thronfolger Karl Franz Joseph) bei der Beratung mit den seiner Armee zugeteilten deutschen Führern. (254) [Abb.]: Beförderung eines 30,5-cm-Mörsers auf schwerer Etappenbrücke bei Stryj an der Strecke nach Chodorowo in Galizien. (255) [2 Abb.]: (1)Völlig erschöpfte russische Pferde in einem deutschen Pferdelazarett. (2)Verhör gefangener Russen kurz nach ihrer Einbringung. (256) [Karte]: Vogelschaukarte der deutschen und österreichisch-ungarischen Ostfront vom Meere bis zum Balkan. ([257]) [Karte]: Sonderkarte von Rumänien. (258) [Abb.]: Blick auf die an der Dreiländerecke, der Grenze Österreich-Ungarns, Rumäniens und Serbiens gelegene Stadt Orsova an der Donau, vom serbischen Ufer aus. (259) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (259) Keine kolonialpolitischen Verzichte! (259) [2 Abb.]: (1)Blick auf Kronstadt (ungarisch Brasso) mit Umgebung in Siebenbürgen. Die Stadt wurde von den Österreichern und Ungarn vor den eindringenden Rumänen geräumt. (2)Straßenbild aus Herkulesbad (Herkules-Fürdö). Auf den Höhen östlich des bekannten ungarischen Heilbades wurden rumänische Angriffe abgeschlagen. (260) [Abb.]: Zur Vergewaltigung Griechenlands: Die englisch-französische Flotte vor dem Piräus am 1. September 1916. Links die Hafeneinfahrt des Piräus , rechts die Bucht von Phaleron, dahinter Athen. ( - ) [Abb.]: Stürmische Begeisterung der Bulgaren in Sofia anläßlich der Kriegserklärung gegen Rumänien. Bulgarische Truppen werden bei der Abreise zur Dobrudschafront von der Bevölkerung Sofias jubelnd begrüßt. Im Hintergrunde die Sobranje und davor das Denkmal des "Zar-Befreiers". ([261]) [Abb.]: Der französische General Sarrail, Oberbefehlshaber der verbündeten Truppen in Saloniki, wohnt der Ankunft des ersten italienischen Regiments bei. Hinter ihm ein italienischer höherer Offizier. (262) Seestrategie und Seetaktik. (262) [Abb.]: Stellungskizze zu dem Aufsatz "Seestrategie und Seetaktik". (263) [Abb.]: Vergeblicher Ansturm englischer Divisionen gegen die tapfer standhaltenden württembergischen Truppen bei Ovillers. ([264 - 265]) [Abb.]: "Nach zwei Jahren - Waffenbrüder. Eine Allegorie der Entente." (266) Aus der Sommeschlacht. (266) [Abb.]: Gefangene Franzosen aus den Kämpfen an der Somme warten am Bahnhof Ham in Nordfrankreich auf ihre Überführung nach Deutschland. (266) [Abb.]: Ein Riesenperiskop in hochgeschraubter Stellung. (267) Periskope des Landkrieges. (268) [Abb.]: Das Riesenperiskop fertig zum Transport. (268) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 115 (Heft 115) ([269]) [Abb.]: Ruhe nach schwerem Gefecht. ([269]) [Abb.]: Aufbruch einer Radfahrerkompanie zum Sturmangriff bei den Kämpfen der englisch-französischen Offensive. (270) [Abb.]: Erkundungsfahrt auf einem Neckarsulmer Motorrad durch einen von schwerem Granatfeuer umgelegten Wald. (271) [2 Abb.]: (1)Generalleutnant Hermann v. Stein, Führer eines Reservekorps an der Somme, erhielt den Orden Pour le Mérite. (2)Laufgräben zur vordersten Linie und unterirdische Stollen, die unter den Ruinen der Häuser hindurchführen. (272) [Abb.]: Gefangennahme einer englischen Abteilung in einer Dorfkirche nördlich der Somme. ([273]) [Abb.]: Vorgehen deutscher Sturmtruppen beim Haumontwald vor Verdun. (274) [Abb.]: Vorfahrende Munitionskolonne einer schweren Batterie vor Verdun. (275) [Abb.]: Bulgarisches Feldlager im Gelände von Tutrakan in der Dobrudscha. (276) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (276) Seestrategie und Seetaktik. (276) [Abb.]: Die siegreichen bulgarischen und deutschen Truppen in der Dobrudscha nehmen den stark befestigten Platz Tutrakan im Sturm (6. September 1916). ( - ) [Abb.]: Das Szekler Infanterieregiment Nr. 82 in erfolgreichem Kampfe mit rumänischen Aufklärungsabteilungen südlich Kronstadt. ([277]) [Abb.]: Petroleumtanks im Hafen von Constanza, dem stark befestigten rumänischen Kriegshafen an der Küste des Schwarzen Meeres, der bereits mehrfach von deutschen Luftstreitkräften beschossen wurde. (278) Beschießung deutscher Stellungen an der asiatischen Küste der Dardanellen. (279) [Abb.]: Zeltlager österreichisch-ungarischer Truppen an der siebenbürgisch-rumänischen Grenze (279) [Abb.]: Beschießung deutscher Stellungen an der asiatischen Küste der Dardanellen durch die englisch-französische Mittelmeerflotte. ([280 - 281]) [Abb.]: Mit Hopfen geschmückte französische Kriegsgefangene, die bei der Hopfenernte in der Holledau, dem hopfenreichsten Teile Bayerns, tätig sind und denen diese Beschäftigung eine angenehme Abwechslung in ihrer Kriegsgefangenschaft bietet. (282) Das Ringen um Görz. (282) [Abb.]: Wie nach englischer Darstellung die Italiener unter österreichisch-ungarischem Feuer den Isonzo durchquerten, um Görz zu erstürmen. ([283]) [Abb.]: Innenansicht einer von den Italienern völlig zerstörten Kirche in Görz. (284) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 116 (Heft 116) ([285]) [Abb.]: General v. Gerok, der in dem Armeeverbande des Generals der Kavallerie Erzherzog Karl den Russen blutige Verluste beiderseits der Narajowka beibrachte. Unter General v. Linsingen bei der Südarmee erwarb sich General v. Gerok im Juli 1915 den Orden Pour le Mérite. ([285]) [Abb.]: Schwieriger Vormarsch mit Ochsenvorspann in den Karpathen. (286) [2 Abb.]: (1)Vorgeschobene Fernsprecherpatrouille einer Kavalleriedivision vor ihrem Unterstand in der Gegend des Naroczsees, südlich von Dünaburg. (2)Deutsche Fußartillerie auf dem Marsch in Galizien. (287) [Abb.]: Schützengraben eines ungarischen Honvedregiments an der russischen Front. (288) [Abb.]: Die russische Niederlage bei Swiniuchy, südwestlich von Luck, im August 1916. ([289]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Österreichisch-ungarische Kraftwagenkolonne im Astachtal. (2)Österreichisch-ungarische Truppen nehmen Vorräte in Empfang. (Front gegen Italien.) (290) [Abb.]: Kampflinie im Karst auf 2100 Meter Höhe. (291) Illustrierte Kriegsbeilage. (292) Generalquartiermeister. (292) [Abb.]: Flüchtlinge von der Isonzofront bei der sechsten italienischen Angriffsbewegung. (292) [Abb.]: Einzug deutscher und bulgarischer Kavallerie in Silistria am 9. September 1916. ( - ) [Abb.]: Abwehr eines italienischen Überfalls am Berge Majo zwischen Etsch- und Astachtal. ([293]) Im Kampf gegen die Rumänen. (294) [Abb.]: Generalfeldmarschall v. Mackensen, der Führer der siegreichen deutschen, bulgarischen und türkischen Streitkräfte in der Dobrudscha. (294) [Karte]: Vogelschaukarte zum Vordringen Mackensens in der Dobrudscha. (295) [Abb.]: Einbringung der ersten rumänischen Gefangenen in Sofia am 11. September 1916. (296) Der Krieg in Ostafrika im Juni und Juli 1916. (296) [Abb.]: Von dem linken Flügel der russischen Kaukasusfront: Türkische Truppen überfallen infolge eines glücklichen Handstreichs russische Gräben Ende August 1916, wobei eine große Beute an Kriegsmaterial und über 5000 Gefangene gemacht wurden. ([297]) [Abb.]: Bahnhof und Bahnhofsgebäude in Mombo an der Usambarabahn. (298) [2 Abb.]: (1)Fort Kilimatinde in Deutsch-Ostafrika. (2)Eingeborene von Deutsch-Ostafrika, die Trägerdienste für das deutsche Militär leisten, rasten auf der "Barra-barra" (Karawanenstraße). (299) [2 Abb.]: (1)Blick auf die von den Engländern am 13. Juni 1916 besetzte ehemalige Station Alt-Langenburg am Nordende des Nyassasees. (2)Station Bismarckburg wurde am 11. Juni 1916 von den Engländern besetzt. (300) [Abb.]: Munitionskolonne überschreitet die Brücke über den Forgesbach in dem stark unter Feuer der feindlichen Artillerie von der Richtung des nördlichen Hessenwaldes und der Höhe 304 her gehaltenen Dorfe Forges. Im Hintergrunde der Rabenwald und ganz rechts hinten, in Granatenrauch gehüllt, der Tote Mann. ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 117 (Heft 117) ([301]) [Abb.]: Starke Grabenstellung im Westen mit Schulterwehren für den einzelnen Mann. ([301]) [Karte]: Die Front Gueudecourt - Bouchavesnes. (302) [Abb.]: Eine der neuen Errungenschaften des Krieges: Maskiertes französisches 24-cm-Geschütz an der Sommefront. ([303]) [Abb.]: Deutscher Flieger in den Wolken. (304) [Abb.]: Deutsche Infanteriepatrouille beim Sturm auf ein Blockhaus in der Champagne. ([305]) [Abb.]: An einem Berghang vor Verdun von den Franzosen staffelförmig eingebaute Befestigungen und Unterstände für die Soldaten, sowie sicher angelegte Munitionskammern. (306) [Abb.]: Französische Kulturkämpfer. (307) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (308) Die Kämpfe im Karstgebiet (September 1916). (308) [Abb.]: Leben und Treiben auf einer Etappenstrecke am Isonzo. Auf den Kraftwagen die flüchtende Bevölkerung. (308) [Abb.]: Österreichisch-ungarische Tragtierkolonne im krainischen Hochgebirge. ([309]) [3 Abb.]: Neue Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite. (1)Generalleutnant Ilse, Chef des Generalstabes eines Oberkommandos im Westen. (2)General der Infanterie v. Goßler. (3)General der Infanterie v. Hoehn, kommandierender General eines Reservekorps an der Somme. (310) [6 Abb.]: Neue Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite. (1)General der Infanterie Sxt v. Arnim, Führer einer Armeegruppe, die bei Thiepval besonders heftigen englischen Angriffen standhielt. (2)General der Kavallerie v. Laffert. (3)Oberst Heye, Chef des Generalstabes des Generalobersten v. Woyrsch. (4)Generalleutnant v. Kuhl, Chef des Generalstabes des Oberkommandos einer Heeresgruppe. (5)Generalder Kavallerie v. Bernhardi, der bekannte Militärschriftsteller, stellvertretender kommandierender General eines Armeekorps. (6)Königlich bayerischer General der Infanterie v. Xylander, kommandierender General eines Armeekorps. (311) Der Leuchtturm von Warnemünde. (312) [Abb.]: Küstenbeobachtungstation an der Ostsee: Der Leuchttum von Warnemünde. ([313]) Die stellvertretenden Generalkommandos und ihre Aufgaben. (314) [Abb.]: Zur Fleischversorgung im Felde: Soldaten treiben Vieh zu einer Korpsschlächterei im Osten. (314) [Abb.]: Der Wochenbedarf eines Armeekorps an Schweinen. (Westlicher Schauplatz.) (315) Die Feier des Beiramfestes am 31. Juli 1916 im Weinbergslager. (315) [3 Abb.]: Feier des Beiramfestes im Lager der mohammedanischen Kriegsgefangenen in Wünsdorf bei Zossen. (1)Die feierliche Ansprache und das Gebet. (2)Eine Gruppe gefangener Spahis während des Gebets. (3)Die gefangenen Russen mohammedanischen Glaubens während des Gebets. (316) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. heft 118 (Heft 118) ([317]) [2 Abb.]: (1)General v. der Marwitz, Befehlshaber der Truppen westlich von Luck, wurde unter Belassung in seinen Dienstverhältnissen zum Generaladjutanten des Deutschen Kaisers ernannt. (2)Ankunft frischer Truppen auf dem östlichen Kriegschauplatz: Nach dem Verlassen des Eisenbahnzuges. ([317]) [Abb.]: Blick auf ein deutsches Feldlager im Osten. (318) [Abb.]: Deutsche Armierungstruppen im Osten arbeiten an der Wiederherstellung von Festungswerken. (319) [Abb.]: Vergeblicher nächtlicher Sturm der Russen in den Karpathen. ([321]) [Karte]: Vogelschaukarte der Dobrudschafront. (322) [Abb.]: Eine Straße in Hermannstadt (Nagy Szeben) in Siebenbürgen, das zu Beginn der Kampfhandlungen mit Rumänien von den österreichisch-ungarischen Truppen geräumt und durch die siegreiche Schlacht vom 26.-28. September 1916 den Rumänen wieder entrissen wurde. (323) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (323) Zwischen Wasser und Feuer. (323) [2 Abb.]: (1)Generalleutnant v. Staabs, Führer deutscher und ungarischer Truppen in den wechselvollen Kämpfen gegen die Rumänen in Siebenbürgen im Raume des Balkan- und Szurdukpasses bei Petrofeny. (2)Die Talenge beim Szurdukpaß an der siebenbürgisch-rumänischen Grenze. (324) [Abb.]: Verfolgung der Rumänen in der Dobrudscha durch deutsche und bulgarische Kavallerie nach der Schlacht bei Dobric. ( - ) [Abb.]: Erstürmung des Szurdukpasses durch die Truppen des Generalleutnants v. Staabs am 19. September 1916. ([325]) [Abb.]: Generalleutnant Krafft v. Delmensingen, der Sieger am Roten-Turm-Paß in Siebenbürgen, südlich von Hermannstadt. (326) Krieg und Flachsbau. (326) [Abb.]: Flucht der Reste der in der Umfassungschlacht bei Hermannstadt von deutschen und österreichisch-ungarischen Truppen unter dem Oberbefehl des Generals v. Falkenhayn geschlagenen ersten rumänischen Armee über den Roten-Turm-Paß, wo sie von dem verheerenden Feuer bayerischer Truppen unter Generalleutnant Krafft v. Delmensingen empfangen wurden. ([327]) Besuch in Donaumont. (328) [Abb.]: General Schekow, Generalissimus der bulgarischen Armee, im Felde. (328) [Abb.]: Bulgarische Kavallerie zersprengt am 17. September 1916 südlich der Linie Poroj-Matnica am Fuße der Belasica Planina die weichende italienische Infanterie. ([329]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Ankunft des ersten Abteilungstransportes des 4. griechischen Armeekorps in Görlitz. (2)In Görlitz am 27. September 1916 eingetroffene griechische Soldaten des 4. griechischen Armeekorps, das sich in den Schutz des Deutschen Reiches begeben hat und in einem Barackenlager bei Görlitz untergebracht wurde. (330) [2 Abb.]: (1)Im Kehlgraben 1 der völlig zerschossenen Feste Donaumont vor Verdun. (2)Statistik der jährlichen Baumwollernte der Erde. (331) Die Pistolkamera. (331) [3 Abb.]: (1)Die deutsche Pistolkamera im Gebrauch während des Fluges. (2)Die deutsche Pistolkamera von rechts gesehen. (3)Die deutsche Pistolkamera von links gesehen. (332) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 119 (Heft 119) ([333]) [3 Abb.]: (1)General der Infanterie v. Kathen. (2)General der Infanterie v. Boehn. (3)General der Infanterie v. Schenck. ([333]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Von den Franzosen durchlöcherter Fabrikschornstein bei Chaulnes. (2)Verheerungen durch einschlagende Geschosse in einem Wäldchen bei Perconne. (334) [Abb.]: Neue Reservemannschaften ziehen an die Front in Nordfrankreich. Ankunft und Ausladen von Geschützen an der Bahn von Bapaume. (335) [Abb.]: Aus den Kämpfen an der Somme: Unterirdische Geräusche kündigen an, daß der englische Schützengraben von deutscher Seite her untermininiert wird, wodurch die Besatzungstruppen sich genötigt sehen, ihre Stellung zu verlassen und den Graben zu räumen. Das deutsche Sperrfeuer zwingt sie jedoch in die Stellung zurück. ([336 - 337]) [Abb.]: neue belgische Riesenautomobile an der flandrischen Front. (338) [Karte]: Das bisherige Ergebnis der Somme-Offensive im Verhältnis zu dem Vorrücken auf Verdun und dem besetzten Gebiet. (339) [Abb.]: In der Sommeschlacht gefangene Franzosen werden auf dem Hofe des Kastells in Ham in Nordfrankreich mit Kaffee und Butterbrot gespeist. (339) [Abb.]: Von der Feier einer Fliegerabteilung im Westen bei Verleihung des Ordens Pour le Mérite. (340) [Abb.]: Thüringische Ulanen Nr. 6 (Hanau) überraschen und nehmen südöstlich der Stadt Tutrakan eine rumänische 15-cm-Batterie von vier Geschützen. ( - ) [Abb.]: Deutsches Fokkerflugzeug verfolgt einen Gegner. (341) [3 Abb.]: (1)Oberleutnant z.S. Peterson erlitt den Heldentod beim Luftangriff auf London am 23./24. September 1916. (2)Hauptmann Wilhelm Schramm Kommandant des Luftschiffes, das in der Nacht vom 2. zum 3. September 1916 über London im feindlichen Feuer abstürzte. (3)Kapitänleutnant Heinrich Mathy, Kommandant des beim Luftangriff auf London am 1./2. Oktober 1916 vernichteten Luftschiffes. (342) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (342) Thüringische Ulanen Nr. 6 bei Tutrakan. (342) [2 Abb.]: (1), (2)Lichtbildaufnahme des von deutschen Fliegern gesprengten englischen Munitionslagers bei Audruick, 16 Kilometer südlich von Calais, des größten Munitionslagers der Welt, am Tage vor und - nach dem Angriff. (342) [2 Abb.]: (1)Ein seltenes Denkmal: Der Mast des "Maori". (2)Matrosenkompanie auf dem Marsch an der flandrischen Küste. (343) Rettung französischer U-Boot-Mannschaft durch österreichisch-ungarische Flieger. (344) [Abb.]: Die Fliegeroffiziere einer österreichisch-ungarischen Flotten-Flug-Abteilung mit ihrem Kommandanten, Linienschiffsleutnant Konjovic. (344) Der Kampf gegen die Rumänen. 2. Die Befreiung Siebenbürgens. (344) [Abb.]: Heldenmütige Rettung der gesamten Mannschaft des versenkten französischen Unterseebootes "Foucault" durch zwei österreichisch-ungarische Seeflugzeuge. ([345]) Frauen als Kämpferinnen. (346) [4 Abb.]: Weibliche Mitkämpfer im österreichisch-ungarischen und russischen Heer. (1)Fräulein Maria v. Fery-Bognar, die beim österreichisch-ungarischen Heere als Kriegsfriwillige kämpfte, zum Korporal befördert wurde und für bewiesene Tapferkeit vom Kaiser Franz Joseph eine goldene Brosche mit Initialen erhielt. (2)Fräulein Jarema Kuz, Kadettaspirant der Ukrainer freiwilligen Ulanenschwadron im österreichisch-ungarischen Heere. (3)Fräulein Tania, eine sechzehnjährige Russin, die als Infanterist im russischen Heere mitkämpfte. Der Infanterist zu ihrer Linken ist ein fünfzehnjähriger russischer Freiwilliger. (4)Marsa Malko, die Frau eines russischen Unteroffiziers, die an dessen Seite kämpfte, bis er fiel, und selbst bei Schaulen in deutsche Gefangenschaft geriet. Im Gefangenenlager Laugszargen wurde sie als Frau erkannt und mußte ihre Uniform mit Frauenkleidern vertauschen. (347) Gold gab ich für Eisen. (348) [Abb.]: Gold gab ich für Eisen. (348) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 120 (Heft 120) ([349]) [2 Abb.]: (1)General v. Eben, Kommandierender General an der Ostfront, dessen Truppen nördlich Zborow russische Massenstürme im Bajonettkampf restlos zurückschlugen, erhielt vom Kaiser den Orden Pour le Mérite. (2)Anlegen von Drahtverhauen vor den österreichisch-ungarischen Stellungen an der bessarabischen Front. ([349]) [Abb.]: Russische Gefangene werden gleich nach ihrer Einbringung mit warmem Essen gespeist. (350) [Abb.]: Blick auf die Straße eines von den deutschen Truppen besetzten russischen Dorfes in der Gegend von Kowel. (351) [Abb.]: Malerische Ansicht aus einem von deutschen Truppen besetzten russischen Dorf in Wolhynien. (352) [Abb.]: Aus den Kämpfen in Wolhynien: eine Schwadron ungarischer Landsturmhusaren verfolgt bei Nowo-Poczajew zurückgeschlagene Russen. ([353]) [Karte]: Vogelschaukarte des Gebietes um Kronstadt. (354) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (354) Grandpré an der Aire und sein Schloß. (354) Österreichisch-ungarische Vortruppen im Kampf mit den weichenden Rumänen vor Kronstadt. (355) [Abb.]: Vom Kriegschauplatz an der siebenbürgisch-rumänischen Grenze: Die Südkarpathen südlich von Kronstadt, wo die verbündeten Truppen die Grenze überschritten. (356) Die Funkentelegraphie im Weltkriege. (356) [Abb.]: Leben hinter der Front: Vor dem Schloß in Grandpré. Ausrückende Ulanenpatrouille, rechts Speisung französischer Gefangener. ( - ) [Abb.]: Einzug der siegreichen deutschen Truppen in das befreite Kronstadt. ([357]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Der Franziskanerpater Kovács begrüßt vor der Kirche die erste Honvedtruppe, die in Kronstadt eindrang. (2)Ansicht von Monastir mit dem Peristerigebirge (2532 Meter). (358) [Abb.]: Angriff deutscher und bulgarischer Truppen auf befestigte Feldstellungen an der Cerna. ([359]) Der Sturmangriff bei Zillebeke. (360 - 361) [Abb.]: Die Erstürmung des Höhenrückens südöstlich von Zillebeke bei Ypern und der dahinter gelegenen englischen Stellungen durch württembergische Regimenter am 2. Juni 1916. (360 - 361) [Abb.]: Moderne Schutzwaffen: Die Stahlweste eines englischen Hauptmanns, die ihn vor dem sicheren Tode rettete. (362) Der weiße Krieg. (362) [6 Abb.]: Aus dem Gletschergebiet des Ortlers in Südtirol. (1)Beförderung eines Geschützes über die Ferner. (2)Abfeuern eines Mörsers. (3)Patrouille sicht sich ihren Weg durch einen Gletscherbruch. (4)Abseilen eines Verwundeten. (5)Beförderung von Holz durch Hunde. (6)Verwundetentransport vom Gletscher. ([363]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Telegraphenstation auf einem Farman-Zweidecker. (2)Automobilstation (Innenansicht). (364) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 121 (Heft 121) ([365]) [Abb.]: Kapitänleutnant Hans Rose, der das deutsche Unterseeboot "U 53" aus Wilhelmshaven in 17 Tagen über den Atlantischen Ozean nach Newport auf Rhode Island (Amerika) führte, wo er am 8. Oktober 1916 ankam. ([365]) [Abb.]: Exzellenz v. Lochow, Kommandierender General des brandenburgischen Armeekorps im Westen. (366) [2 Abb.]: Bilder aus den besetzten Städten Cambrai und Bapaume. (1)Eine Infanteriekolonne überschreitet den Marktplatz in Cambrai. (2) Straßenbild aus Bapaume. (367) [Abb.]: Blick auf ein Schlachtfeld an der Somme von einem Flugzeuge in 200 Metern Höhe aus während des Kampfes um Vermandovillers am 17. September 1916. (368) [Abb.]: Deutsche Truppen weisen im Nahkampf französische Angriffe aus dem Raume Morval-Bouchavesnes zurück. ([369]) [Abb.]: Flugzeug eines französischen Fliegergeschwaders, das den Auftrag hat, Bomben auf deutsche Städte zu werfen. (370) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (371) Der Unterseebootkrieg im Herbst 1916. (371) [Abb.]: Handgranatenwerfer mit Sthalhelm (Sturmpionier). (371) [Karte]: Karte der neuen russischen Bahn zur Murmanküste. (372) [Abb.]: Katharinen-Hafen bei Alexandrowsk auf der Halbinsel Kola, der Endpunkt der Murmanbahn. (372) [Abb.]: Der deutsche Tauchboot "U 53" an der amerikanischen Küste. Begegnung mit dem amerikanischen Zerstörer "Benham" beim "Nantucket"-Feuerschiff. ( - ) [Abb.]: Beschießung des Hafens von Alexandrowsk, des Endpunktes der russischen Murmanbahn am nördlichen Eismeer, durch ein deutsches Unterseeboot. ([373]) Die Vorbereitung der Friedenswirtschaft. (374) [Abb.]: Französische Truppen auf dem italienischen Kriegschauplatz bereiten sich ihre Suppe. (374) [Abb.]: Kriegshunde als Zugtiere in der österreichisch-ungarischen Armee an der italienischen Front. (375) Die Vertreibung der Italiener aus Tripolis. (375) [Abb.]: Österreichisch-ungarisches Maschinengewehr im Krn-Abschnitt in Stellung. (375) [Abb.]: Siegreicher Angriff der türkischen Freiwilligen unter Nuri Pascha, dem Bruder des Enver Pascha, auf die Italiener bei Mistrata in Tripolis (Juli 1916), wobei 200 Offiziere und 6000 Mann gefangen genommen sowie 24 Geschütze erbeutet wurden. ([376 - 377]) Neues von der Feldpost. (378) [2 Abb.]: (1)Die Feldpost auf dem Vormarsch (östlicher Kriegschauplatz). (2)Feldpostexpedition im Unterstand (östlicher Kriegschauplatz). (378) [Abb.]: Die Feldpost in einer Stadt auf dem westlichen Kriegschauplatz. (379) [8 Abb.]: Unterhaltungen der Feldgrauen hinter der Front. (1)Kegelbahn hinter der Front. (2)Beim Krocketspiel in einem flandrischen Küstenort. (3)Kinovorstellung im Quartier. (4)Theatervorstellung im Unterstand. (5)Beim Boxen. (6)Beim Angeln in der Maas. (7)Kraftfahrerkapelle bei lustiger Musik. (8)Beim Skat vor dem Quartier. ([380]) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 122 (Heft 122) ([381]) [Abb.]: Oberleutnant v. Cossel und sein Flugzeugführer Vizefeldwebel Windisch. ([381]) [3 Abb.]: Aus den ostpreußischen Kriegsgefangenenlagern. (1)Baracken des Kriegsgefangenenlagers Tublauken bei Gumbinnen. (2)Die Kriegsgefangenen des Lagers Gumbinnen in ihrer Lagerstätte beim Morgenkaffee. (3)Ankunft der Post für die Kriegsgefangenen des Lagers Stallupönen. (382) [3 Abb.]: Aus den ostpreußischen Kriegsgefangenenlagern. (1)Russische Kriegsgefangene des Lagers Stallupönen beim Mittagsgebet. (2)Fünf verschiedenen Völkern angehörende Gefangene des Lagers Stallupönen beim Kartoffelschälen. (3)Engländer, Franzose, Serbe, Russe und Belgier in der Kantine des Kriegsgefangenenlagers Stallupönen (383) [Abb.]: Deutsche Infanterie und Artillerie bei Überschreiten der Narajowka. (384 - 385) [Abb.]: Zum Besuch König Ferdinands von Bulgarien bei der Armee des österreichisch-ungarischen Thronfolgers Erzherzog Karl, jetzigen Kaisers Karl I. (386) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (387) Die Bartholomäusnacht am Roten-Turm-Paß. (387) [Abb.]: Generalfeldmarschall v. Mackensen besichtigt von dem bulgarischen Thronfolger Kronprinzen Boris begleitet ein bei den Dobrudschkakämpfen hervorragend beteiligtes bulgarisches Regiment. (387) [Karte]: Kartenskizze zur Umklammerung Rumäniens. (387) [Abb.]: Im rumänischen Petroleumgebiet: Blick auf Petroleumquellen des Predealtales mit seinen unzähligen Petroleumtürmen (Sonden). (388) [Abb.]: Vorstoß deutscher Torpedobootstreitkräfte aus der Deutschen Bucht durch die Straße Dover-Calais bis zur Linie Folkestone-Boulogne im Kanal in der Nacht vom 26. auf den 27. Oktober 1916. ( - ) [Abb.]: Deutsche Flieger bewerfen die rumänische Hafenstadt Constanza am Vortage ihrer Einnahme mit Bomben. ([389]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Die unter König Karl I. von Rumänien erbaute große Donaubrücke bei Cernavoda, die von den Rumänen auf ihrem Rückzuge zerstört wurde. (2)Ein Teil der zerstörten Donaubrücke bei Cernavoda. (390) Die Vorbereitung der Friedenswirtschaft. (390) [Abb.]: Ein Bataillon schottischer Hochländer auf dem Marsche durch gebirgiges Gelände bei Saloniki. (391) Der deutsche Vorstoß in den Kanal. (392) [Abb.]: Vor der bulgarischen Kommandantur in Veles am Wardar. Die Vorderseite des Gebäudes zeigt zahlreiche Geschoßtreffer. (392) [Abb.]: Die malerisch am Wardar gelegene Stadt Veles in Mazedonien. (393) Helden der österreichisch-ungarischen Armee. (394) [Abb.]: Kommodore Michelsen, der Führer der deutschen Torpedobootstreitkräfte, die in der Nacht vom 26. auf den 27. Oktober 1916 aus der Deutschen Bucht durch die Straße Dover-Calais bis zur Linie Folkestone-Boulogne im Kanal vorstießen, wobei sie eine Anzahl feindlicher Vorpostendampfer und Zerstörer teils vernichteten, teils schwer beschädigten. (394) Feldgeistliche. (395) [3 Abb.]: (1)Seekadett Johann Ritter Fritsch v. Cronenwald, Flugzeugführer bei vielen erfolgreichen Unternehmungen, so am 2. August 1916 gegen italienische Luftfahrzeuge bei Durazzo. (2)Der in den österreichisch-ungarischen Tagesberichten mehrfach wegen seiner kühnen und erfolgreichen Seeflüge genannte Leutnant Gottfried Banfield. (3)Leutnant Karl Kaiser, der Held vom Monte Interrotto, der mit einer sechs Mann starken Patrouille 266 Italiener, darunter vier Offiziere, als Gefangene zurückbrachte. (395) [2 Abb.]: (1)Beim Feldgottesdienst. (2)Deutsche Feldgeistliche evangelischer und katholischer Konfession. (396) [Abb.]: Eine deutsche Kolonne mit Feldküche zieht durch ein Dorf vor Verdun. ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 123 (Heft 123) ([397]) [Abb.]: Besichtigung der Sommekämpfer. ([397]) [Abb.]: Eines der von den Franzosen an der Sommefront verwendeten schweren Geschütze, die auf fahrbare Gerüste aufgebaut sind und auf Geleisen schnell nach jeder beliebigen Stelle der Front geschafft werden können. (398) [2 Abb.]: (1)Verwendung farbiger Völker bei der Munitionsherstellung in Frankreich. (2)Verwendung farbiger Völker bei der Munitionsherstellung in Frankreich. (399) [Abb.]: Ein Opfer englischer Barberei. Kapitänleutnant Claus Hansen, Kommandant des deutschen Unterseebootes U 41, das am 24. September 1915 in der Nähe der Scillyinseln von einem englischen Dampfer unter amerikanischer Flagge vernichtet wurde. (400) [2 Karten]: (1)Kartenskizze zu den Kämpfen nördlich von Perconne bis zum 4. November 1916. (2)Kartenskizze zu den Kämpfen südlich von Perconne bis zum 4. November 1916. (400) [Abb.]: Störung englischen Fischfangs nördlich von Schottland durch ein deutsches Unterseeboot, das, plötzlich aus den Wellen auftauchend, die deutsche Kriegsflagge hißt und Befehl gibt, daß sich alle Fischermannschaften an Bord eines Fahrzeuges zu begeben haben, damit die übrigen sämtlich versenkt werden können. ([401]) [Abb.]: Feierliche Einholung der Leiche des Fliegerhauptmanns Bölcke. Die Eltern und Brüder begeben sich zur Totenfeier in die Kathedrale zu Cambrai. (402) [Karte]: Kartenskizze zu den Kämpfen am Karst. (403) [Abb.]: Eselkarren für den Wassertransport im Hochgebirge an der österreichisch-ungarischen Front gegen Italien. (403) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (404) Der Krieg in Ostafrika im August und September 1916. (404) [Abb.]: Mpapua in Deutsch-Ostafrika an der Usambarabahn, etwa 350 Kilometer westlich von Daresalam. (404) [2 Abb.]: (1)Ein Eingeborenendorf auf den Ulugurenbergen in Deutsch-Ostafrika. (2)Das Eingeborenenviertel von Kilossa in Deutsch-Ostafrika. (405) [Abb.]: Die Feste Mahenge in Deutsch-Ostafrika. Askari in Verteidigungstellung. (406) [2 Abb.]: (1)Die Feste Tabora in Deutsch-Ostafrika. (2)Ein deutscher Militärkraftwagen in den Straßen von Daresalam in Deutsch-Ostafrika. (407) Die Grundlagen der britischen Seeherrschaft. (407) [Abb.]: Gefangennahme italienischer Truppen auf einem Berggipfel des Karstgebietes, der von österreichisch-ungarischen Soldaten im Sturm genommen wurde. ([408 409]) [Abb.]: Straßenverkehr in der von den deutschen Truppen besetzten russischen Stadt Lida. (410) [2 Abb.]: Auf dem großen Wochenmarkt von Lida in Rußland. (1)Deutsche Soldaten beim Einhandeln von Kälbern, in der Mitte die Marktpolizei (mit Armbinde). (2)In langen Reihen, wie ausgerichtet, stehen die Schlitten, auf denen die Landbevölkerung ihre Waren zu Markt bringt. (411) Leben und Treiben in der von den deutschen Truppen besetzten russischen Stadt Lida. (412) Französische Ritterlichkeit im Felde. (412) [Abb.]: Ein neuer Rettungsapparat für die Besatzung von Unterseebooten. (412) [Abb.]: Überfall des flüchtenden rumänischen Heeres am Roten Turm-Paß. ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 124 (Heft 124) ([413]) [Abb.]: General der Infanterie v. Beseler, Kaiserlicher Generalgouverneur von Warschau. ([413]) [Abb.]: Eine Abordnung von Offizieren der polnischen Legion im Hofe des alten polnischen Königschlosses in Warschau am Tage der Verkündigung des neuen Königreiches Polen, am 5. November 1916. (414) [2 Abb.]: (1)Generalmajor v. Woyna, unter dessen Führung am 9. November 1816 brandenburgische Truppen und das Infanterieregiment 401 in der Gegend von Skrobowa in etwa vier Kilometer Breite mehrere russische Verteidigungslinien stürmten und den Feind über den Skrobowabach zurückwarfen. (2)Blick auf Brzezany vom Kloster aus. (415) [Abb.]: Nach der Schlacht bei Brzezany. Der Zug der russischen Verwundeten wälzt sich unabsehbar über die vom Regen aufgeweichte Landstraße nach Osten. ([416 - 417]) [Abb.]: Deutsche Lazarettzelte auf der Paßhöhe des Prislop in den Waldkarpathen. (418) [2 Abb.]: (1)Beobachtender Offizier einer österreichisch-ungarischen Maschinengewehrabteilung während eines russischen Angriffs in den Waldkarpathen. (2)Feuernde Honvedfeldartillerie in den Siebenbürgischen Bergen. (419) [2 Abb.]: (1)Zerstörte Häuser in dem Kampfgebiet vor Predeal in Rumänien. (2)Deutsche Mörserbatterie beim Überschreiten der Grenzstraße vor Predeal. (420) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (420) Die Vorbereitung der Friedenswirtschaft. (420) [Abb.]: Die Erstürmung des von den Rumänen zäh verteidigten Bahnhofs von Predal am Nachmittag des 23. Oktober 1916. ([421]) [Abb.]: Gedenktafel des deutschen Alpenkorps am Eingang des Roten-Turm-Passes. (422) Die letzten Tage von Constanza. (423) [Abb]: Vogelschauansicht der rumänischen Hauptstadt Bukarest mit ihrem Festungsgürtel, der von einem deutschen Flugzeug mit Bomben belegt wird. (423) [2 Abb.]: (1)Übungen deutscher Artillerie auf dem Marsfelde von Konstantinopel. (2)Seine Exzellenz der türkische Kriegsminister Enver Pascha (X) und Admiral Souchon (XX), dem der Orden Pour le Mérite verliehen wurde, schreiten die Front türkischer Marinesoldaten ab. (424) [Abb.]: Einschiffung deutscher Truppen für die Suezkanal-Front im Goldenen Horn in Konstantinopel. ([425]) [Abb.]: Einige der von den Rumänen bei ihrer Vertreibung aus Constanza in Brand gesetzten Öltanks (der größte Teil der Anlagen blieb unversehrt). (426) Einschiffung am Goldenen Horn. (426) Die Franzosen an der Somme. (426) [Abb.]: Blick auf eine von türkischen und deutschen Soldaten belebte Landstraße in der Richtung nach Constanza. (427) [Abb.]: Vorbeimarsch deutscher Sturmtruppen an der Somme vor dem Deutschen Kaiser und dem Kronprinzen Rupprecht von Bayern. (428) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/16. Heft 125 (Heft 125) ([429]) [Abb.]: Die Hauptstraße der nördlich der Somme gelegenen Stadt Bapaume, die infolge der Beschießung der Franzosen von den Einwohnern völlig geräumt wurde. ([429]) [Abb.]: Aus dem Kampfgebiet der Somme. (430) [2 Abb.]: (1)Sturmangriff deutscher Truppen an der Somme in der Gegend von Peronne. (2)Kriegsrat im Schützengraben an der Sommefront vor einem Erkundungsvorstoß. (431) [3 Abb.]: (1)Die Trümmer eines bei einem feindlichen Fliegerangriff auf süddeutsche Städte in der Rheinebene vernichteten französischen Großkampfflugzeuges und drei Motoren und einer Einrichtung zur Mitnahme von 30 Bomben. Die Größe des Flugzeuges läßt sich an den dabei stehenden Peronen erkennen. (2)Generalleutnant v. Höppner, bisher Führer einer Reservedivision, wurde zum Kommandierenden General der Luftstreitkräfte ernannt, da die wachsende Bedeutung des Luftkrieges es erforderlich machte, den Befehl über die gesamten Luftstreitkräfte und Flugzeug-Abwehrmittel des deutschen Heeres nur einer Dienststelle zu übertragen. (3)Nahansicht der zertrümmerten Motore des vernichteten französischen Großkampfflugzeuges. (432) [Abb.]: Abschuß englischer Flieger bei ihrem mißglückten Angriff auf Zeebrügge und Ostende am 10. November 1916. ([433]) [Abb.]: Ein neuartiges italienisches Panzerautomobil. (434) [Abb.]: Ein von den Italienern eroberter Schützengraben an der Karsthochfläche wird im Gegenangriff von k.u.k. Truppen zurückgewonnen. ([435]) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (436) Straßenkampf in Montigny. (436) [Karte]: Das serbisch-griechische Grenzgebiet zwischen Ochrida- und Doiran-See aus der Vogelschau. (436) [Abb.]: Wiedereroberung einer am 15. November 1916 von den Serben genommenen Höhe nordöstlich von Cegel. ([437]) Die Vorbereitung der Friedenswirtschaft. (438) [Abb.]: Im Sumpfgelände Wolhyniens. (438) Angriff der russischen transamurischen Division bei Kowel. (439) [Abb.]: Deutsche Husarenpatrouille in Wolhynien. (439) [Abb.]: Aus den Kämpfen um Kowel: Attacke der Transamur-Division gegen die deutschen und österreichisch-ungarischen Stellungen bricht im Sperrfeuer zusammen. ([440 - 441]) Der Feldzug in Siebenbürgen. (442) [2 Abb.]: (1)Die Reste eines abgeschossenen rumänischen Flugzeuges aus der Schlacht bei Hermannstadt in Siebenbürgen. (2)Besuch des Generalfeldmarschalls Erzherzog Friedrich (II) beim Armeekommandanten Falkenhayn (III) an der siebenbürgischen Front. General v. Morgen (I) hält dem Generalfeldmarschall Vortrag über die Kriegslage. (442) [Karte]: Vogelschaukarte zur Schlacht bei Hermannstadt. (443) [Karte]: Vogelschaukarte von Westrumänien. ( - ) [Rechnungsbeleg]: R. Pirngruber, F.S.L. Hof-Buch- und Kunsthändler, Linz, vom 22.VIII.1916 für 1 Ill. Geschichte d. Weltkrieges 101-110 über 3 K 80 h. ( - ) Einband ( - ) Einband ( - )
4$ IA iramSirimiSiiimiminiimi., _ _j&. ,' It > :i!3 ft :«- THE -:- Gettysburg mERCURY. DEGEmBEH, 1897. CONTENTS: The Schmucker Statue, Dr. P. Anstadt 35 The recent Tour of Duty at Hazleton, Capt. F. M. Olt,. 38 Reverie, ] 4° Emperor Conrad and the Weinsbergers, Rev. George Conrad Henry, 47 Our Unknown Dead, 51 The Ghosts' Christmas Gift, 51 Chrysanthemums, 56 A College Song 58 Deed of a Stormy Night, 58 The Influence of Happy Thought, 59 Life's Duty 6T The Game at Philadelphia, 62 Editor's Desk 64 Our Exchange Table 66 Sense and Nonsense 67 ■■■M.M.M.,.M.1,.,Mt,.,.nM,ULLUi m-rriTTTrrixTrirxxiimilituUi "■ 0. MILLER, PRIN' G6TTVSBURQ. HH FAVOR THOSE WHO FAVOR IIS. J. R. STINE & SON, debts' ••• pur^is^er, CHAMBERSBURG ST. C B. KITZMILLER, —DEALER IN- (lag, dapg, Boof$ and pljoeg, GETTYSBURG, PA. Reafly for Fall an! Winter. Suits to Order—Prices $12.00 to $35.00; Trousers, $2.50 to $9.00 ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING DONE-All the new effects in Check and Over Plaids you will find at THE LEADING TAILOR, CLOTHIER AND GENTS' FURNISHER, I U Mm llBalt0-st- J 1 f I 1 JTI J V I O, Gettysburg, Pa. S. B. ALCOTT~ —AGENT FOR— Browning King & Co., Merchant Tailor, New York. Suits $12.00 up, Overcoats $12.00 up, Pauts$4.oo. Fit and workmanship guaranteed. R. A. WONDERS' Corner Ci£ar Parlors, A FULL LINE OF Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &c. Scott's Cor. Opp. Eagle Hotel, Gettysburg EPH. H. MINNIGH, Manufacturer, Wholesale »nd Retail 'Dealer in Confectionery and Ice Cream, Oysters in Season. News Depot & Subscription Agency, MAIN ST., GETTYSBURG, PA Sole Mannf'r of Dr. Tyler's Cough Drops SAMUEL FABER7 FINE CIGARS AND SMOKER'S ARTICLE. Chambersburg St., GETTYSBURG, JOHN JK. WWW CONFECTIONERY AND ICE CREAM, OYSTERS STEWED AND PRtED. No: 17, BALTIMORE STREET. COLLEGE OK PWskians § Sur^ons, BALTIMORE, M». The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Baltimore, Maryland, is a well equipped school. Four ses-sions are required for graduation. For full information send for the annual catalogue, or write to THOMAS OPIE, M. D., Dean. Cor. Calvert and Saratoga Sts. The Ijett^bitfg NJei'cu^, Entered at the Post Office at Gettysburg as second-class matter. VOL. V. GETTYSBURG, PA.; DECEMBER, 1897. No. 8. STAFF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, W. H. Bruce Carney, '99 BUSINESS MANAGER, ALUMNI EDITOR, Rev. F. D. Garland ASSISTANT EDITORS, Steward W. Herman, 99. /y^/ /'^^/y^*0' Robert W. Woods,' THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 49 the hand, threw herself at his feet. "Your Majesty," she cried, "must our innocent children suffer?" The Emperor started ; he looked at the white-headed boy who was greedily chewing a crust. He went back to his own childhood and remembered hearing his mother telling him to be kind and merciful—and then, he thought of Christmas. "Peace upon earth !" The angels had sung, and now he was about to kill children for whom the Saviour had come to earth as for him, the haughty com-mander. His face assumed a gentler look and he turned towards the woman. All women and maidens, with the little children may leave the city ! I will give you your lives ! If any of you have anything which is dear to you, you are hereby per-mitted to carry away as much as you can load on your backs. Everything else belongs to me ! Your men must die!" The little band drew back into the devoted town. They were thankful, in a measure, for the graciousness of their Conqueror. But the noble women of the city were deeply moved at the expected fate of their husbands, brothers and sons, and mourned bitterly on that night of the twentieth of December. The Emperor slept soundly. He flattered himself on his clemency in sparing women and children; on the poor men he never bestowed a thought. * * * * "Your Majesty," called one of his pages, "come here quickly! The Weinsberg women are playing a huge trick on you !" It was dawn of the twenty-first of December. Out of the gate came a wonderful procession. All the noble women of the little city were panting under a heavy bur-den, and the knees of some of them seemed breaking, for each woman was carrying her husband on her back ! As the astonished commander beheld the strange sight he realized how adroitly these women had tricked him ; but his nobles and pages cried, "All must die now, women, children and men, for so deceiving the Emporer !" The women advanced and threw themselves at his feet. "Your Majesty told us that we might take our best 50 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. and dearest possession. What better than our husbands, who protect us and our children ?" As the Emperor was thoughtfully stroking his long beard, as the women and children stood around weeping, as the men, one by one, descended to the ground, the bells on the city church towers began to play, for the Christmas week had begun, when every morning it was the custom of the children to go to the church and sing sweet carols. The old bell-ringer who had no faithful wife to carry him, and to whom death was a welcome guest, was performing his duty as on other joyous occasions. The soldiers scarcely heard the bells for they were vehemently urging the Emperor to punish the women. But Conrad was hearing the bells, and merrily they chim-ed, "Peace upon earth to men of good will." He called aloud, "An Emperor's word shall not be broken!" The wild faces of his soldiers fell. "I promised these women that they might carry their dearest possessions out of the city! They have so done ! Let them go in peace." And so it came to pass ; and as you stand to-day among the ruins of the old city, the Castle Weibertreme (faithfulness of women) tells its own pathetic story. Three days after, on Christmas Eve, as Emperor Con-rad heard his father confessor read the Gospel for the day, his heart was full of joy ; while the Weinsbergers in the neighboring hamlets recalled the merciful kindness of the stern soldier with heartfelt gratitude. Over seven hundred and fifty years have fled since the Emperor laid down his weary head, but he is not for-gotten ; not because he was Emperor—for these are for-gotten— bul because for the sake of the Chist-child he showed kindness to his enemies. Shippensburg, Pa. THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 51 OUR UNKNOWN DEAD. The sons of freedom, brave and strong, Defended liberty's fair name, When she by an accursed wrong Was threatened with disgrace and shame. The brows of some are laurel crowned, Their praises rise from every tongue ; But others perished unrenowned, And seldom are their glories sung. No statues stand to mark their graves, In memory of their bravery shown Against the surging battle waves ;— In narrow rows they sleep unknown. Stay, friend, step not upon the mound, Though small may be the marking stone ; For just as hallowed is the ground, Though epitaphs are but "Unknown." Nor pass their resting places by Like careless ships on waveless seas ; No gift is dearer than to die, No champions braver than were these. And when upon the mounds you strew Sweet flowers, like precious seed well sown ; Perchance a mother blesses you, Whose son is sleeping, still unknown. . J- N. K. H., '99. THE GHOSTS' CHRISTMAS GIFT. The sun was shining brightly in the little village of Clarksburg, one beautiful December day. People hurried along the streets, full of the bustle and joy of the Christ-mas- tide, and showed by their merry greetings and glad faces that the Day of days was near. From one well-known face, however, the universal joy was not reflected. Tom Wilson, usually the gayest of the gay, was sad and depressed. He had been out of work for a long time, and had awakened that morning to the fact that in two days' time Christmas would be here, and he was penniless. His youngest son had torn his father-heart by asking over his breakfast of bread and molasses, "Wot yo' gwine ter give me fo' a Chrismus SSI8E BwKW 52 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. gif ?"; while the oldest one added, "Will yo' bring de tukey home ter-day fo' us ter git acquainted wif, like yo' use ter?" Tom had not answered, and the mother, eager to save him further pain, said sharply, "Hyar, yo' chilluns, eat yore breakfus ! Cayn't yo' see yore pa doant want ter be pestered ?'" And the meal was concluded in silence, after which the little black people slunk off to school. " 'Taint no use, Sallie," said Tom, after they had gone, "dey'll hev to go 'thout Chrismus disyear." But Sallie laid her hands on his arm and said rather timidly, "Chrismus '11 be hyar jes' de same, Tom, 'thout gif's, ef we wants ter hev it." Then forcing herself to be hopeful she added brightly, "But I doant b'lieve yore bad luck's gwine ter hoi' ; yo' go down street an' try yore nan' fer a job." Tom rose wearily, " 'Taint no use," he muttered again ; but he went down street. Judge Oliver was just coming out of his office as Tom passed. Tom was a prime favorite with the Judge, and as the latter caught sight of the woe-begone face he called, "Stop a moment, Tom, I want to speak to you." Tom turned listlessly. "Why in the world are you carrying about a. face like a tombstone? Are you in trouble, and can 1 help you out?" questioned the Judge. "No, yore honor, thank yo'," said Tom with studied indifference. The Judge gave him a keen glance. He knew how different Tom was from his fellows, how proud and sensitive; so, thinking to change the subject, he said carelessly, "Have you captured your Christmas turkey yet?" Tom winced so perceptibly that the Judge under-stood ; but he gave no sign as Tom answered with diffi-culty, "No, yore honor, we done sort o' got tired o' tukey an' won't hev none dis year." "Well, go along, Tom, I have a case to look up. By the way, I'm coming to hear you debate to-night,—you're on, aren't you?" THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 53 Tom hesitated. "Y-a-s, your honor,—least ways I war; but I's jes gwiue ter tell Jim ter get somebody else. I ain't up ter snuff fo' dat sort o' thing ter-day." "Oh! come now," exclaimed Judge Oliver, really con-cerned, "I have invited some of my guests to accompany me to that debate especially to hear you. There is no one who can take your place" (Tom bowed and scraped, pleased in spite of his deep dejection), "and you, even you, can't win that debate for your side, I'll bet!" Tom's face said, "Just try me," and to the Judge's keen eyes it proved an inspiration. "Here, Tom," he said, "I'll bet you a Christmas dinner that you don't win !" "Done !" cried Tom, slapping his knee, while his face shone as if illumined by a sun-burst, "yo're a goner, Jedge; 111 get dat dinner, shore !" They both laughed as they went their separate ways, and Tom chuckled glee-fully, "Yo'll git you tukey, chilluns, fo' dey ain't but one way dat queshion kin come out! An' I didn't beg !" he added proudly. That night, much to Sallie's surprise, he went to the meeting of the Debating Society. The Evergreen Debating Society was an acknowl-edged feature in the life of Clarksburg. How it came to be so could never be accurately determined. Whether it had been born of Tom Wilson's overmastering love of argument, or of some one's else devotion to the church, or "whether its organization had been instigated by the law-yers of the town, who were its unfailing and delighted supporters, no one was willing,—perhaps able,—to testify. Whatever its origin, its right to existence was as unques-tioned as was that of Clarksburg's most honored citizen. Once in two weeks a debate was given before the pub-lic. Tom was always present, alive with keenest interest ; the ten-cent admission fees were received at the door as long as there was standing room inside, and afterward were faithfully turnedovertoZion's A.M. E. church which provided the room for the meeting ; and the front bench was never without representatives of the legal profession 54 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. who well knew they could give their friends and them-selves no better entertainment than an evening with the Evergreen. On these memorable occasions, the basemmt of the African church presented a sight which was imposing or ludicrous, according to the standpoint from which it was viewed. The long, low room was lighted on either side by lamps which were usually kept clean and bright; on the platform where the debate took place, the judges chairs were arranged with a precision which argued well for the fairness of the decision which their always grave, often pompous looking, occupants would render. Just below them, in the foremost ranks, were the seats reserved for "de white frien's"; while beyond these to the door, on seats and in the aisle, swarmed the belles and beaux of colored circles, old "Aunties" and "Uncles" who could not miss "de chillun's fun", with here and there a child which some unusually anxious mother could not bring herself to leave at home. The debate on the evening of which this story treats was one of vital interest to the negro element of the com-munity, and, consequently, offered more than ordinary attraction to the patrons for whom the front seats were reserved. Even the lamps seemed to be affected by the weirdness of the subject, "Ghost or No Ghosts ?" for they were smoky and dim. They seemed to say, by the dubious, questioning light which they gave forth, "We fully realize the momentousness of the question to be did cussed, and would consider ourselves personally respon-sible if, by shining out bright and clear, we unduly influenced the decision." Tom Wilson was wild with excitement. The hope of the dinner inspired him to a brilliant effort. He dashed into his argument, carrying his audience with him, until as he neared his conclusion, cold shivers were capering up and down the backs of his hearers, breaths were drawn in quick gasps, and when, just then, a door banged shut and some one exclaimed in abject fear, "Lawd a-massy !' the terror of the audience was complete, and the reality of THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 55 ghosts seemed established beyond the peradventure of a doubt. But alas for Tom! He was followed by a dapper little mulatto who argued so glibly, "from de stan' point ob scientificness," against the possibility of seeing ghosts, that the black eyes of the audience which, during Tom's speech, had been surrounded by ever-increasing rings of terrified white, gradully resumed their normal appear-ance, and their owners began to think that they might venture to pass the graveyard at night, some time, the braver ones even going so far as to think that perhaps they might try it that night. When the decision was rendered, it was overwhelm-ingly against the poor ghosts ; whereupon Tom sprang to his feet, and, bowing to the judges and then to the aud-ience, he turned again to the former and said, "With deepest respec' fo' yore corporosity ez jedges, I wants ter put dis queshion ter a risin' vote." The judges gave the desired permission, and Tom turned to the audience, saying, "All dose in dis hyar room wot b'lieves dey is no ghoses, rise to der feet." Those of the audience who had been most impressed by Mr. Perkins' profound argument started to rise ; but, seeing that "de white folk" on the front benches remained seated, they subsided into their seats again. Tom waited several impressive moments, and then he called, in a voice which rang out like a clarion, "Now, all dose wot b'lieves dey is ghoses, rise to der feet!" Instantly Judge Oliver and his friends sprang up, and their example was followed by the entire audience. Tom's grin showed all his white teeth. "I's glad ter see yo' all has de courage o' yore evic-tions." he said. "I 'llowed dat de ghoses in Pennsylvany couldn't be so mighty diffunt f'om ghoses in Virginy, an' I knows dey's ghoses down dar; least ways, ef I hasn't seen 'em I's heerd 'em!" And Tom retired amid a thun-dering burst of applause. As the audience filed out, one old Uncle said to another, "Wall, Rastus, wot yo' tink now ? It sutteny am mighty 56 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. quar how dese niggahs kin mak a pussen tink one ting one time an' anudder anudder.'' But Rastus only shook his head with a movement which Pete took for unqualified assent to his remark, but which Judge Oliver, who saw it, understood to mean an unalterable opinion on this subject. With a laugh he turned to the friend next him, and, pointing to Uncle Rastus, interpreted the expression of his face in the words of Edward Lear, "I think so then, and I thought so still.'" To Tom he whispered as he passed him, "I'll send the din-ner to-morrow so that Sallie Can cook it next day." Early on Christmas morning Tom shouted, "Hi! chil-luns, wek up ! It's Christmus !" Little Tom opened his eyes and stared stupidly ; but Pete only closed his more tightly as he muttered, " 'Taint no Chrismus 'thout Chrismus gif's." "Come on, an' see wot Santy Claus brung yer," in-sisted Tom in a voice so peculiar that the boys obeyed in spite of themselves. And lo! a vision of candy and oranges and toys greeted them such as their young eyes had never before beheld. In a single bound Pete seized a horn and began to blow it, while his brother approached more slowly and touched a tin soldier with one small black finger. Their father, delighted, stole softly down stairs. It was not until they were seated around the bounti-fully spread dinner-table that Pete found time to ask : "Who gev us these hyar Christmus gif's, ennyway?" Tom laughed ; then he said solemnly, "Dis dinner an' yore Chrismus gif's, chilluns, is a present f'om my 'steemed frien's, de ghoses ob Virginy." JAY SWEET. CHRYSANTHEMUMS. Just now, when the whole world seems dark and dreary, these lovely flowers come, to brighten with their cheery presence the last hours of the dying year. Everywhere is bleakness and desolation. Long ago the roses died, and were buried with the pride and beauty THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 57 of the lost summer ; the last leaf has fluttered away from the forest trees and found a grave with the flowers ; not a vestige remains of all the glory and grandeur of the Autumn time. And so we look around and say "Not one bit of beauty or brightness is left", and we mourn for the dear, dead flowers. But what is this ! Has Summer in her hasty flight for-gotten some of her treasures ? Has Autumn relented and spared to us a tiny part o'f her wealth and beauty ? For everywhere are masses of brilliant bloom, great clusters of many colored flowers. We look out upon the wonderful transformation. In the garden, where so lately all was bleak and barren, the blossoms peep forth, timidly at first, then bolder, until the pretty heads are brightening and smiling everywhere. How lovely they are! From, the great flower of purest white, with its snowy, curling petals to the tiny, golden bud, all are lovely. They are brave blossoms, too, and do not seem to mind the chill nights and. frosty mornings, but nod gaily in the sunshine, as tho' glad of their kindly mis" sion. And we fill our hands with the flowers, and wear them on our bosoms, and give them a place in our hearts. We note their delicate petals and beautiful colors, and we say, "These, too, shall be our favorite flowers." Their white purity tells us of the snowy flakes that shall fall, their crimson tints, of the glorious sunsets winter shall bring, and their gold, of the sunshine that shall follow shadow. No frail, delicate blossoms are these, flowers of the summer, bearing in their sweet perfume the memory of soft breezes and gentle sunshine, but brave, hardy flowers, heralds of the winter, bringing in their strong, bi tter odor, suggestions of wild winds and snowy scenes. And what beauty they bring ! They brighten the sad, dark earth until the snow shall come to cover her desola-tion. And when at last the poor old year shall die, and white flakes shall drift into his grave, his bier shall be strewn w;.th the faded blossoms of the Chrysanthemum. A. R. W., '99. 58 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. For " The Gettysburg Mercury." A COLLEGE SONG. The college days abound in joys The alumni oft recall, Our gala days have come, my boys, The happiest days of all. Chorus: Hail Gettysburg, live Pennsy boys ! Hail Pennsylvania! We forge ahead with little noise, But we'll "get there," 'rah ! 'rah ! Come, boys, the standard we'll sustain, The Course tops all to date, Let us endeavor to attain The scholar's high estate. Foot-ball's all right; yes, yes, (we guess); All other sports beside ; T'is brawn that gives brain-work success, Let "dafties" ponies ride. No cannon balls now make alarms ! The battlefield lies still, The "vets" return no more in swarms, But students "fill the bill." We're student girls and student boys, Do not forget, dear friends, Old Pennsy well deserves applause, Her fame far out extends. Hurrah for "The Gettysburgian"\ And "Mercury" renewed! New-made the College seeks the van And marches victor-viewed. —'80. A DEED OF A STORNY NIGHT. It was a fearful night. Pale lightning quivered at intervals through the clouds. The wind, howling around the corners in fitful blasts driving the rain before it in whirling, dizzying sheets, lent a horror and a wierdness almost unendurable. Flaring and fluttering in its at-temps to penetrate the gloom, the dim and uncertain street-lamp, swayed by the storm, cast huge, blurred, THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 59 ghost-like shadows It is on just such nights, that crimi-nals commit their crimes. Having no light in my room, I was standing by the window looking out into the storm. I saw my neighbor, a man of suspicious character, even now in the shadow of the law, his coat buttoned close up to his neck, his hat drawn over his eyes, come out of his door, carrying something in his hand. I saw the look of grim determination, as the light from his own door streamed upon his face. I saw him with nervous tread, stooped posture, head thrown forward, and the arm which carried the doubtful something drawn back as though about to strike, sneak up to the corner of his house, where, in the friendly shadow of the street-lamp, he paused. Still it rains; but above the howl of the wind and the swish of the rain, soon he hears some one approaching. He cautiously peers around the corner, and sees by the light of the street-lamp that the man coming, bears a striking resemblance to a certain one who, only that morning, attempted in court to prove him a thief. Upon this man he had sworn to take vengeance. I see my neighbor crouching there ready to spring upon this man. Yet a few steps, and he will be avenged. Fearer comes the unsuspecting man ; lower my neighbor crouches ; the man is before him, I hear a low gurgle ; but the couch-ant figure did not spring upon him. Can this be the wrong man? The man is safely past, and still the figure is couchant. A glimmer from an opened door shows that I have been mistaken ; to-morrow is wash-day. He is placing a tub under the spout, and that low gurgle is made by the water falling into it. J. K. H. '00. THE INFLUENCE OF HAPPY THOUGHT. Our attention is often directed to the influence of our habits of actions upon our conduct and character, but the influence exerted by our habits of thought is not so gener-ally emphasized. This influence is no less potential and is ever more important than that produced by our habits of muscular action. GO THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. We can plainly see that each effort to use the fingers, in sewing or writing, for instance, leaves a tendency to do the same way until it becomes automatic. But we can not so clearly see what is progressing in the same way—that each thought tends to repeat itself until it is wholly invol-untary, and furthermore that every thought we think has either a good or bad influence in the formation of our character. Therefore in our college life it is esoecially important that we cultivate the habit of happy thought, because of the variety of our thoughts, the ones that we cherish pertinaciously will finally become a part of us and remain through life just as the action of the hand in writing or playing a musical instrument will finally become automatic. By the habit of happy thought is not meant the utter exclusion of all that is unpleasant and sad, but a sunny outlook upon life. Some one has said, "If we love beauty, and look for it, we will find it everywhere." Every book we read, every person we meet, every incident that occurs has a pleasant or an unpleasantside to it. We must choose which of these sides we will get into the habit of seeing. That, "Our thoughts are our angels," is certainly true if we are in the habit of seeing the bright side, if we are in the habit of cherishing happy thoughts. Two men may live in the same house, may have the same surroundings, but may not live in the same world. To the one everything seems dark, deformed, and the world seems to be out of joint; in men he sees only the cimes without, but not the good within. The other lives in the sunshine of life ; he is friendly to everbody; no one wishes him harm. He has formed the habit of happy thought; the other has not. As our thoughts are, so will be our actions, our char-acters. Bishop Porteous said, "Bad thoughts quickly ripen into bad action," and it is just as true that happy, altruistic thoughts produce good and noble men and women. Pure, virtuous thoughts are as guardian angels to watch over and protect us from evil and wickedness. THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 61 Plato said, "Thinking is the talking of the soul with itself.' The conversation of some persons is not only pleasant but also profitable to us, of others it is injurious. So are our thoughts sources of extreme happiness, as well as a benefit, or they are an injury to us. As we are judged by the company we keep so are we known to the world by the thoughts we think because they reveal themselves in our character, our action, and also in our features. Our minds are gates and their keeper, the Will, will exclude all thoughts we do not desire. Those that do enter will soon find themselves in the world of action. H. S. R., '01. LIFE'S DUTY. Old bells grown such with ringing Peal sweetest melodies ; Song-birds cease not from singing Though brown and bare the trees; The brook that leaps in glory And turns the busy mill, Is praised in song and story; But ne'er the one that's still. When purple morn appeareth, When hours are long and bright, When twilight slowly neareth And silent fades in night; Go forth unto your duty, Though it be play or work; Those lives contain most beauty Which ne'er a duty shirk. When all your toil and sorrow On earth is here complete, The angels, on the morrow, And loved ones you will meet. O sweet and blessed meeting, When portals ope to all! O joyous, happy greeting, Within the jasper wall! —C. S. B., ■^■■1 02 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 1HEGAME AT PHILADELPHIA. SEEN THROUGH A WOMAN'S EYES. Perhaps it may interest your readers to hear of the great game from one who was there. The day was Heaven's own child, the mists of the morning had rolled away and there could not have been more delightful conditions for those who came to see. For those who came to play ball the day was too warm, so said "those-who-know." And just here I may say that "those-who-know" have a decided advantage over common folk who do not know, when it comes to a game of foot-ball. For instance when attention is called to the number of rooters on the field, the unknown scans the field, sees no pigs, confesses ignorance and learns that the excitable young men with huge tin horns—megaphones I believe—are the professional "rooters." I suppose it has a classical root, since it is in the college boys vocabu-lary. Eyes that are unaccustomed to crowds fail to esti-mate when numbers exceed the hundreds ; so to me there seemed to be • an innumerable host of beings, closely packed in the tiers of seats on the ball ground. A University man says twenty-five thousand tickets were sold ; probably twenty thousand people were there. At any rate it was an interesting scene, one not easily for-gotten, and what matters a few thousands more or less to such a host. It was a jolly crowd ; hundreds of college boys sang, bands played, men and women chattered, and at intervals came the "yells" of two Universities. But the supreme shout greeted the players as they ran upon the field; the Harvard boys in their crimson stockings and sweaters ; the U. P. team in their garments of red and blue. Last of all came Jumbo, clad in a red and blue blanket; and as the heavy mastiff ran into the centre of the field and took the ball into his jaws, another round of cheering broke forth for the U. P's. mascot. The large number of Harvard partisans was a matter of surprise ; and it was a pleasure to us who wore the crimson badge, but went feeling there would be no one to THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 63 cheer the Boston boys. On one of the stands two large Harvard flags—beauties they were, of crimson silk— floated out bravely on the breeze, until the second part of the game; when a wag lowered one of them in token of the waning fortune of the day. Gayly dressed women and merry girls wearing the college colors of their choice gave fine color to the scene that would have been monotonous without them. How monotonous a company of men would have been was im-pressed upon me by the prevalence of one tone in the hats worn by them. Surely out of ten thousand men, nine thousand five hundred wore the light gray felt hat that has come into the full tide of fashion. Get a gray felt, with a black and gray band and be happy. Only once did Harvard win the heartiest applause by their fine playing ; and that was in Parker's brilliant dash, which even the unknowning could fully appreciate. "Those-who-know" say it is an old trick by which the Penn boys should not have been caught; he called it a mossback but I cannot find this word in my diction-ary. At no time was Penn's. goal threatened. Harvard played a stubborn, defensive game from first to last. There were no serious accidents to mar the game ; bloody brow and limping legs, were trifles you know. Umpires and referees were much in evidence among the players, but on the whole great good feeling seemed to prevail. One U, P. man left the field "disqualified for slugging." It was sad to see the beaten team go deject-edly from one corner of the field, while from another cor-r ner the captain of the conquering band was borne from the field on the shoulders of his jubilant comrades. C. I, ■■■^■■H 64 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. EDITORS' DESK. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow : The year is going, let him go ; Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring in the valiant man and free, The larger heart, the kindlier hand; Ring out the darkness of the land, Ring in the Christ that is to be. —In Memoriam. * * * OuR"Gettysburg College Songs"is now only a question of time and leadership. The sentiment is strongly in fa-vor of the movement. Sentiment is the first essential, but only the first. We must have the songs. Every man who can versify and has a musical element in him should now seize this opportunity to show it. Many of the boys are already at work and others will do something during the long holidays. Our first song is from an alumnus. Next! MUCH the same might be said of the MERCURY. It is with us to stay as a literary paper and we are trying to conduct it in such a way as will meet the approval of our readers. All we need to make it the kind of a paper you think it ought to be is for you to write the kind of mater-ial you think it ought to contain. When you graduate, are you going to sit down and wait for a position to seek you, or are you going to seek it ? Can you prepare for life by a purely passive receptivity ? Mere knowledge is not power. The man of power is the man who has knowledge and skill. The latter comes only from within. Says Marion Crawford,''Any one who means to make a career of litera-ture must read widely and write much." The principle has a universal application. The vacant places on the staff are to be filled in the future by those who show by contribution the most inter-est and ability. By personal solicitations for material, we run counter to this proposed method of election. The so- THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 65 lution is for you to give us articles unasked. If they are not published, the editor and writer are Ihe only ones in the knowledge; if you don't want your name before the readers as the author of your articles, again we are the only ones in the secret. "We have two educations, one which we receive from others, and one which we give to ourselves. It is this lat-ter which gives us our place in society and finally our condition in this life." ONE of the considerations entering into the average stu-dent's choice of a college or university is the extensiveness of its library. But after having begun his course he seems gradually to drift from his noble purpose of availing him-self of every advantage the library affords. This is more because he has not attempted to cultivate a taste for litera-ture, or thinks he has not the time to read, than because he believes that there is no gain in it. For who doubts the value of reading ? Who cannot single out the reader by his conversation, language, thoughts, in short, by his cul-ture? The force of Bacon's saying that, "Reading maketh a full man," is easily realized by him who associates with ci reader or is himself one. WE live in an age of books. Never before was there such a universal distribution of literature, available to practically every one. To-day it is almost a fact that no man has any excuse for being ignorant. If books and general literature can do so much for the ordinary man, what can they not do for him who is especially in pursuit of knowledge ? Students, awake and read ! It is needless to say that it should be the best. G6 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. OUR EXCHANGE TABLE. The November issue of The Free Lance and of The Col-lege Student is a "Foot Ball Number." The former gives a record of foot-ball since '87 ; the latter has a nnmber of excellent articles on various phases of the game, three of which are written by members of the faculty. Women comprise 55 per cent of our undergraduates. Tbe Senior Basket-Ball Team bave honored Pennsyl-vania College by adopting orange and blue as their colors. —Irving Sketch-Buok. There are 1000 women in the medical schools of Tokio, Japan. Cambridge and Oxford refuse to bestow degrees upon women. Li Hung Chang graduated at the head of a class of 15,000. A series of articles on "Books one should read before graduation*' are appearing in The Lafayette. The fact is emphasized that it is easier to tell a college student what to read than when to find time to do it. Ann Arbor enrolls over 3000 students. Dartmouth students have adopted the honor system of examinations. All required work in Greek and Latin is completed in Freshman year. Senior year is all elective, Junior almost all. For every dollar spent on the army, Russia spends for public schools, li cents, France 18 cents, Italy 24 cents, Prussia 25 cents, Austria 46 cents, United States $3.50. The Kalends always contains some interesting stories. THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 07 It ranks among our best exchanges. "Christmas Edition" is especially good. Robert R. Gaily, Princeton's famous foot-ball center, will soon sail to China as a missionary. Yale claims the honor of out 92 college presi-dents. Harvard has 3739 students. We welcome the following exchanges : Wittenberger, Susquehanna, Midland, Roanuke Collegian, Maryland Collegian, The Pharetra, Mountaineer, Western Maryland Monthly, St. John's Collegian, The Campus, The Muhlen-berg, Ursinus Bulletin, The Phcenix, College Forum, Col-lege Folio, Mont Amoenian, Orange and White, Amulet, Normal Herald, Delaware College Review, Haverfordian, Cordiensis. Each of these contain some highly creditable work. We are deficient in a suitable place where they may be kept on file and be accessible to the students. SENSE AND NONSENSE. Of all the gifts this side of heaven That ever were to mortals given, The best to have, the worst to miss, The truest, sweetest source of bliss, The one rail left on Eden's fence, Stands the pure charm of common sense. LITTLE SISTER—"What's the diff'rence 'tween 'lec-tric'ty and lightnin'?" Little Brother—"You don't have to pay nuthin' fur lightnin'." A man with a two-inch brain and a three-inch mouth is like a five foot boiler and a seven-foot whistle—every time the whistles blows the engine has to stop. us THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. THE man who thinks he knows all there is to know is already too dead to know that he is dying. MOTHER—Johnny, you said you'd been to Sunday School. Johnny (with a faraway look)—Yes'm. Mother—How does it happen that your hands smell fishy? Johnny—I—I carried home th' Sunday School paper, an'—an' th' outside page is all about Jonah an' th' whale. You will find a full line of Pure Drugs & Fine Stationery PEOPLES' DRUG STORE. Prescriptions a Specialty. J. A. TawneY is ready to furnish clubs and board-ing houses with Bread, Rolls, &c, at short notice and reasonable rates. Washington and Middle Sts., Gettysburg David Troxel, .DEALER IN. FINE GROCERIES AND NOTIONS. =Yorli Street. Go To^ ^HOTEL GETTYSBURG^? BARBER SHOP. Centre Square. B. M. SEFTON. MUMPER & BENDER, Cabinet Making, Picture Frames. Baltimore St., - GETTYSBURG, PA. SIMON J. CODORI, —DEALER IN— BEEF, PORK, LAMB, VEAL, SAUSAGE, York Street, Gettysburg, J3F"Special rates to clubs. .Go To. ^TIPTON & BARBEHEOt BARAERS, In the Eagle Hotel, Cor. Main and Washington Sts. Subscribe for > The PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. RCGUJIIUIiATED WEAIiTH. Laying: up of riches isn't the only thing in life, for frequently a sour disposition is Hie result. You want to take comfort in life as you go along, one of the best ways to taRe comfort is to buy well-fltting clothing. My Fall Styles are now here and the selection is large and varied Suits made to your order from §12 up. Pressing and Repairing done at short notice. J. D. LIPPY, Merchant Tailor. 45 Chambersburg St., Gettysburg. G. E. SPANGLER, (Successr to J. W. Eicholtz & Co.) DEALER IN PIANOS, ORGANS, MUSIC, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, Etc. YORK STREET, ist Square, Gettysburg. 1108 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Wright's EngraYing House, HA8 become the recognized leader in unique styles of COLLEGE and FRA-TERNITY ENGRAVINGS and STATION-ERY, College and Class-Day Invitations, engraved and printed from steel plates ; Programmes, Menus, Wedding and Re-ception Invitations, Announcements, etc. etc., Examine prices and styles before ordering elsewhere. 50 Visiting Cards from New Engraved Plates $1.00. ERNESTA. WRIGHT, noS CliestnutSt., Philadelphia. ^JOHN L. SHEADS, NEW CIGAR STORE Next door to W. M. Depot, Gettysburg, Pa. ~P. F. HENNIG7 —DEALER IN— Bread, Rolls, Pretzels Crackers, YORK STREET, GETTYSBURG. ®°Reasonable Rates to Clubs. L. D. MILLER, ig Main St., Gettysburg. Grocer, Confectioner and Fruiterer. ICE CREAM and OYSTERS in SEASON. GETTYSBURG, PA., Main St. Free 'Bus to and from all trains. Rates $1.50 ta $2.00 per day. Thirty seconds' walk from either depot. DINNER WITH DRIVE OVER FIELD WITH 4 OR MORE $1-35. JOHN E. HUGHES, Prop'r Go Tn __ c. A. BLOCHER'S Jewelry Store .FOR. Souvenir Spoons, Sword Pins, &c. All Kinds of Jewelry. Repairing a Specialty. Post Office Corner, Centre Square. PHOTOGRAPHER, NO. 3 MAIN STREET, GETTYSBURG, PA. Our new Enameled Aristo Por-traits are equal to Photos made afiywhere, and at any price. WE RECOMMEND THESE BUSINESS MEN. BASE BALL SUPPLIES, Spaldings League Ball, Mits, Masks, etc., Managers should send for samples and special rates. Every requisite for Tennis, Golf, Cricket, Track and Field Gymnasium Equipments and Outfits. Complete Catalogue Spring and Summer Sports Free. "THE NAME THE GUARANTEE" A. G. SPLLDING, & BROS., New York, Philadelphia, Chicago. S. G. Spangler, & Co. Fine Groceries, iN1 •*- Telephone 39, 102 E. Middle Si. S. J. CODO$I, JPM DRUGGIST. .DEADER IN., Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Ar-ticles, Stationery, Blank Books, Amateur Pho-tographic Supplies, Etc., Etc. BALTIMORE STREET. R. H. GULP, 43. * $ ">.v Second Square, York Street. College Emblems, EJVIIli ZOTHE, Engraver, Designer and Mauufact'g Jeweler. 19 SOUTH NINTH STREET; PHILADELPHIA, PA. SPECIALTIES : Masonic Marks, Society- Badges, College Buttons, Pins, Scarf Pins, Stick Pins and Athletic Prizes. All goods ordered through C.H.Tilp. BOHRDINCT By Day, Week or Month. Rates reasonable. House equipped with all modern improvements. GROCERY STORE in same building. Full line of goods kept and sold at small profits. House and Store located on Cor. of College Campus, opposite Brua Chapel. ^"Public Patronage Solicited Samuel EC. Tanghinbangh, Prop. MENEELY BELL CO. Troy, N. Y. Manufacturers of SUPERIOR BELLS. The 2000 pound bell now ringing in the tower of Pennsylvania College was manufactured at this foundry. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. AH^ E$(ERT —DEALER IN— Hats, Shirts, Shoes, Ties, Umbrellas, Gloves, Satchels, Hose, Pocket Books. Trunks, Telescopes, Rubbers, Mo'.',. Etc., AMOS ECKERT. Job printer1, WEAVER BUILDING, Centre Square, JO1|RJ. Thomseu's Sons IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP + DRUGS, '• Nos. 16 and 18 W. German street, BALTIMORE, SID. Offer to the trade their large and well-selected stock ol' DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS and PERFUMERY. Make a specialty to have on hand everything required by Pharmacists. A complete stock can at any time be selected or wants supplied. ALONZO L. THOMPSEN, Manufacturing Chemist. Race, Winder, Sharp & Leadenhall Sts , P. O. Box 557. BALTIMORE, MD. I beg to call attention to the trade that I have recently added to my Plant a com-plete set ol Drug Milling Machinery of the most improved pattern. J. I. MUMPER, PHOTOGRAPHER, 29 BALTIMORE ST., GETTVSBEKG, PA. Speciai Mtention CQLLEGE WORK. A PINE COLLECTION OP BATTtEFIFLD VIEWS. Always on- hand. Mail Orders receive Prompt Attention. CALL ON . . F. MARK BREAM, The Carlisle Street Grocer, Who always has on hand a full line of fine Groceries. WE RECOMMEND THESE BUSINESS MEN. HOTEL GETTYSBURG, Located on Centre Square where McClellan House formerly stood. GET"n SBUIW, PA. RATES $3 PER DAY. It is the acknowledged Lead-ing Hotel of Gettysb'g Heat-ed throughout with steam; hot or cold Baths; commodious Sample Rooms: Dinine-room capacity 200; has a Cosine of par excellence. Headquarters for League American WfaejBl-man. Headquarters couimei" cial travelers. Headquarters military or civic societies, Free 'bus to and from all trains. II. .V I>. K. Miller Prop's. ElfflER & AMEND, Manufacturers and Importers of CHEMICALS ani CHEMICAL • APPARATUS, 205, 207, 209 & 211 Third Avenue, Corner 18th Street. NEW YORK. Finest Bohemian and German Glassware, Rojal Berlin and Meis-sen Porcelain, Purest Hammered Platinum, Balances and Weights. Zeiss Microscopes, and Bacteriologi-cal Apparatus, Chemical Pure Acids and Assay Goods. — Established 1S76 -*■ PENROSE MYERS, Watchmaker and Jeweler. Gettysburg Souvenir Spoons, College Souvenir Spoons, No. 10. Balto. si. Gettysburg', Pa "PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT" THE LUTHERAN PUBLISHING HOUSE. ^ No. 42 North 9th St., "^' PHILADELPHIA, PA. Acknowledged Headquarters for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING in the way of Books for Churches, Families, Col-leges, and Schools, and Lit-erature, for Sunday Schools. Please Remember That by sending your orders to as you help build up and develop one of the Church institutions, with pecun-iary advantage to yourself, Address;, Henry S. Boner, Sui>"t. No. 42 North 9;h Street, p PHILADELPHIA. BARBER ^SHOP, CHARLES C. SEFTON, Proprietor, BALTIMORE STREET. The place for Students to go. Only First-class Tonsorial Work.
Transcript of an oral history interview with General Gordon R. Sullivan, conducted by Sarah Yahm at the Sullivan Museum and History Center on 23 April 2015, as part of the Norwich Voices oral history project. Gordon Sullivan was a member of the Norwich University Class of 1959. After graduating from Norwich University, he served in a variety of Army command and staff assignments in the United States, Germany, Korea and Vietnam. He became Chief of Staff of the U. S. Army on 21 June 1991. The Sullivan Museum and History Center at Norwich University was named in his honor. Topics of interest within the oral history include General Sullivan's Army career as well as his legacy, philosophy, and activities after his retirement from the U.S. Army. ; 1 Gordon Sullivan, NU 1959, Oral History Interview April 23, 2015 Interviewed by Sarah Yahm GORDON SULLIVAN: I have often talked -- I talk a lot to troops and groups and so forth and so on and I'm very quick to tell them that I have been in and around the United States Army since 1955 in one form or another, either as a cadet at Norwich when I took my oath in the summer -- late summer of 1955 -- and obviously as a commissioned officer in the United States Army since 1959, 1995. Then, in my retired life, other than a two-year period when I was doing something in the commercial sector which I frankly didn't -- it wasn't for me. I knew it wasn't for me. I did okay at it but I didn't want to continue doing it. The job was open as the president of the Association of the United States Army, which is the Army's professional association, designed to tell the story of land power and the story of the Army and to do whatever we could to help soldiers and their families. So, in reality, I've spent my adult life in or around the United States Army. Since I retired, in addition to the association and the United States Army, I've done a couple of things which, to me, fit with the way I wanted to live my life. One was to create with three other retired officers an organization known as the Marshall Legacy Institute, Marshall being General George C. Marshall, former Secretary of State who, in 1948, created the Marshall Plan; he and others who worked for him. The essential nature of the Marshall Plan was to help war-torn nations recover in a collaborative way, not in a Big Brother way where we went in and did all the work and they stood by and watched us. It was where we collaborated with them and enabled them to help themselves. So, by happenstance, I was asked, since I had been the chief of staff of the Army to help commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the creation of the Marshall Plan. I found out that what they wanted was celebratory activities; a cocktail party and so forth and so on, which didn't interest me. So, I found some kindred spirits and we created the Marshall Legacy Institute, which has been around since 1997, and we have over 200 mine detection dogs out around the world. We have raised the money. The State Department has supported us, and these dogs are in some of the worst places in the world, enabling others to take landmines, a silent killer, out of the ground, and to provide safe living and a way of being; food, commerce, and so forth in war-torn countries such as in the Balkans, in Afghanistan, Iraq, African countries like Angola, one of the most mine-infested countries in the world, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, so forth and so on. We have -- those dogs have cleared, along with their indigenous handlers, millions and millions of square you-name-it -- square kilometers or yards or whatever, whatever metric you want, ground for people to live safely. I view that as sort of right up along with everything else I did when I was in uniform. It's the same kind of a business, making the world safe for others to live, save lives, not take lives, save lives. As a part of -- for some reason, let's put it this way. Sometimes in life, things happen that you really don't -- you didn't expect and so forth. I was asked to be a part of a study group in 2006. The study group was on -- conducted by CNA. That's otherwise known in a previous life as the Center for Naval Analysis. Well, I'm an Army general and it was kind of odd to be asked to do something 2 with the CNA but I was asked to do it and I did. It seemed like a good idea at the time. It was to look at the national security implications of global climate change. Well, the implications of global climate change, no matter how you feel about it, the trends of anything related to climate are going in the wrong direction; not the specifics. If you argue point data, there is always someone who has better data or different data. So, that becomes very contentious. All right, I think it was twelve retired admirals and generals were on this study group and by some fluke, I guess, I became the chairman of this group. We published a study in '07 which said that climate change is a national security threat or presents a national security threat to the United States of America. Failed and failing states, whether they failed because of drought or political reasons or why they failed, become like a Petri dish within which extremist groups grow, and that goes from Somalia to the Sudan and you name it; Syria and so forth. Syria was later but the ones we were dealing with at the time were mainly in the Middle East and Africa and we could see it. So, we published that study and it got some attention. Actually, we, within reason, steered away from the maelstrom of political stuff because we were the least likely people to say it. All of us were mostly operators. Now, we had one astronaut, a naval officer, and one of them was a nuclear -- you know, you would expect the Navy because of the nuclear-powered submarines and ships and so forth. So, they were scientists, really, and they had access to data and they knew about the phenomenon. But, the rest of us were either fighter pilots or I'm a ground combat guy or Marine -- Marines; you know, just people with a lot of experience in international stuff and defense and security. So, anyway, that study was replicated in '14 and said, "Well, this is what we said in '07. It's worse." Things got worse, and that's what we said; that not only was it bad then, but it's worse today. Obviously, we had Syria and various other garden spots on the table; Syria, Libya, on and on and on. Arab Spring was caused, in many places, since -- Arab Spring, what became known as Arab Spring, was caused by drought or one of the causes was drought in Russia, which -- and the Russians stopped exporting wheat because they had to -- they had a shortage of wheat so they stopped exporting it. That caused ripples throughout North Africa and Mesopotamia, specifically, Syria. SARAH YAHM: So, I have a couple questions for you, and I do want to -- you know, I feel like we're talking now for a little bit and I do want to sit down when I have more time to prepare and really give a couple hours. GS: I want you to do that. What I'm telling you is I put it all together and my time here at Norwich here as the chairman and it's all a piece. SY: Well, that's what I sense is that you felt this urgency to come in today. GS: I want you to know that in case -- I'm now 77, almost 78. I want to take advantage of you being here, me meeting you, so that you know how I really feel about it. SY: So, yeah, so you feel this urgency about your legacy. So, what -- so, you're telling me something now that it seems like you're afraid isn't in the historical record or won't be in the historical record. GS: It's not. SY: So, is it the idea that this global warming work, this landmine work, that is all part and parcel -- GS: That's all a part and parcel of how I view my life.3 SY: OK, and so you see this linear thread that goes through your life. GS: Yes. SY: So, if you were to articulate the values of that linear thread, how would you articulate it? GS: I think -- I don't know it. I think that when I sit here today, this morning I was talking about -- I was introducing these 200 things that you don't know about Norwich, and I said to myself, well, there's a lot I don't know about Norwich but I know about myself. I don't think I'm unique, by the way, in the history of Norwich. I think I'm just one of the people who went here. So, you have this museum which, you know, is -- I find this hard to say, but, okay, there's this museum here, and you've got some of my stuff. It doesn't -- it's hard -- yeah, how do -- what do I think? How do -- there's some stuff out there. There's nobody but me who could tell you why I think some of those artifacts tell the story. SY: No, you need to interpret the story of your life. GS: Yeah, I need to interpret it. SY: You need to interpret it. GS: It's me. I don't think -- SY: Absolutely. GS: I don't think -- I can go to things out there. I can show you one panel that shows me as a young man struggling to figure out who I am and Norwich, my buddies, this institution enabled me to mature and they didn't throw me out, because I was, struggling. I don't mean that in a -- I was struggling to figure out how I would fit in the world, and I don't think I'm unique and Norwich helped me do that. Okay? SY: Absolutely. GS: So, on the same panel, it goes from me being, you know, this guy I was who was whatever. I'm not apologizing for any of it because I don't have anything to apologize for. But, I can tell you it went from somebody who was immature to the chief of staff of the Army with the woman I was married to for 49 years standing beside me when I became the chief of staff in the Army. I will tell you, I'd do it all the same way and marry the same woman. SY: I think your vulnerability matters, and I think that's something that needs to go in the record, too -- the confusion of being a 20-year old, right? GS: Yeah, the confusion of being a 20-year old and now 70 -- in my late seventies. I'm reasonably healthy but I know my own -- I mean, I'm human. I've figured it out obviously since my wife essentially died, you know. I mean, well, she did die. I'm also struggling. I'm not struggling with it. I think I've accommodated. I understand it all but I know, okay, that's the way it is, and I want you to know it. SY: Yeah, and you're evaluating. You're in a moment in your life of evaluation, right? GS: Yeah, right. What did I do? What did I do with my life? SY: Yeah, and that has to be richer than a list of accomplishments, right? GS: It's not the accomplishments. It's what do you -- how does it fit? I think I am occupying a very large part of the space there, and there are many people like me and I know that, and they should be here, too. SY: Yeah, and we're actually -- I mean, we are collecting their voices, but maybe the key is to figure out how you're representative of a moment.4 GS: Yeah, whatever. You're the expert. I'm just here, and I don't think for one minute -- I have a hard time telling people. I talk about this as 'the museum.' SY: Not the 'Sullivan Museum.' GS: No, no, I don't say that. I have never said it. SY: So, we'll sit down and we'll talk and we'll have you curate the story of your life, you know, and that will help enrich our museum. I also think -- I mean, you oversaw a messy century, you know. The second half of the 20th century was a messy century, right? GS: Well, yeah, here's the cycle, though. I just came back from Germany. I was in the headquarters of the United States Army Europe. I went to Europe for the first time in 1965, 50 years ago, when the Soviet Union, the Warsaw Pact, was right up against the border. I went up into a part of Germany. I was about 40 miles from the inner German border in a tank battalion. I later commanded a tank brigade -- an armored brigade -- in the same division, the largest brigade in the US Army at the time; five maneuver battalions, three tank battalions, two mechanized infantry battalions, about 5000 men and women. There were some women. The Cold War -- so the Cold War is over. I go 50 years later. Twenty years ago, Russia was sort of off the screen militarily. So, I'm sitting in the room and I look out at this expanse of Europe and in Eastern Ukraine, there's this major penetration, this major red thrust. What goes around comes around. In my life, I have gone from an officer who spent twelve and a half years in Germany during the Cold War, became the chief of staff in the Army. I saw the Wall come down and now this, where the Russians are back moving again. I mean, it's -- what goes around comes around, and I'm seeing the nation-state, the concept of nation-states being questioned. Will the Middle East unravel so that it's just tribes? This is -- I mean, this has been in my lifetime, and I've been a part of it, in a sense. SY: No, in a very concrete sense. Does it lead you to despair? Does it lead you to -- GS: No, it doesn't lead me to despair. It leads me to understand that the cycles of history have a way of repeating themselves and it's the human interaction. That's missteps. Did we handle it right? Did we appreciate how -- well, how Russia would perceive what happened when the Cold War ended. How would the Russian people perceive it? Clearly, as an amateur looking at it, people say, "Well, Russia needs --." Russia has needs like any country, and they have always wanted to have the near abroad as a buffer. So, let's say that's real. Let's say that's true for the sake of argument. Then, now we have a nationalist. That's what he is. Putin is a nationalist and he has turned the switch. They sign up politically. They sign up. SY: Yeah, they always do. GS: They always do. They always have, and they are again, and here it is. So, look, that doesn't -- I don't think I'm the first Norwich grad to figure that out. I don't -- I wouldn't -- but it's been a part of my life, and I am what I am. What I am, for better or worse, is a soldier. I'm just a soldier that's retired. SY: Yeah. Could you talk a little about the connection -- so, you know, most of your life was concrete soldiering, right? GS: Yes, real soldiering. SY: Real soldiering. Now, you're talking about specifically this landmine work. How do you see the two as connected, because in one part of your life, you were in charge of --5 GS: Putting landmines in the ground. SY: Yes. GS: Right, and I wasn't -- I am a defender of that because it protects soldiers and so forth and so on because they do protect soldiers. It's one of these strange weapons. They protect soldiers and they kill soldiers. OK, so, in 1997, when I and three combat arms colonels -- retired colonels -- created this thing, this entity, we wanted to do something to help others and it was the mines. Get the mines out of the ground. Everybody was talking mines are bad but they were talking about it. Mines are bad, right? Got it. What are you going to do about it? We wanted to do something about it. It wasn't to philosophize. It was to take them out of the ground, help other people take them out of the ground; like to make things -- make something happen, action-oriented. That's more important to me than all the great ideas of the world. Yeah, global hunger -- I've got it. You know, make the world mine-free. Well, okay, if you want to take mines out of the ground, you can. We've actually, along with others -- there are other ways to take mines out of the ground mechanically and that's a lot of what Princess Diana was involved with -- Princess Diana was involved with and now Harry -- Prince -- SY: Yeah, the royal British family, yeah. GS: So, anyway, we -- so that's -- to me, that fits, okay? SY: Yeah, it's not something -- GS: Now, whether anybody else thinks it fits or not, I don't know, but to me it does. SY: But, to you, it doesn't seem like a contradiction to you? GS: It's not a contradiction to me. SY: Could you talk more about that? GS: Why? What? SY: Well, because I'm curious about getting at your sort of philosophy and understanding so that it does seem part and parcel of the same work. GS: It seems part and parcel of the same work because the country says -- I don't know where we are on the treaty, whether -- the chiefs have said, of which I was one; you know, in my former life, I was one of the Joint Chiefs, a member of the Joint Chiefs. We're protecting South Korea. We're partners with the South Koreans -- Republic of Korea -- and the UN protecting South Korea. Part of that defense involves the demilitarized zone, which is heavily mined. At certain points in Afghanistan and Iraq, I would suspect that there are mines which are -- you can turn them on and off. That type of protection is used, not much but it is periodically. It's there. It's available if they want to use them. I don't view that as much of a contradiction. These things are, as I say, you turn them on and you turn them off. You put them back in your rucksack and unless somebody hits one with a round or something, they're not going to detonate. SY: Yeah, they're safer. GS: Safer. SY: They're not going to get women and children 20 years later. GS: No. That's not -- no, that's not going to happen. SY: You know -- GS: So, anyway, I guess I'm a theory to practice guy. Okay, I've got the theory. I've got the concept and, okay, let's do something about it then.6 SY: That's the thread that goes through your life. GS: That's the thread for me. Let's do something about it. So, global climate change -- national security issue. I came up here and talked about that. You have the speech that I gave down here, and I gave another one at the Society of American Military Engineers, which -- a national security issue for the United States of America is -- and an economic issue and a health issue is we're running out of water -- fresh water -- fresh, potable water. Now, the Corps of Engineers, which US Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for a lot of that in some sense. So, I represent -- I'm trying to tell the Army story, right? It's my job -- Association of the United States Army. The Corps of Engineers is a part of it. The Army Medical Department -- just the researchers and medical researchers just discovered a vaccine which prevents Ebola. Walter Reed was an Army officer. So, we -- Lewis and Clark were Army people. SY: Do you remember, you know, the kid you were at Norwich -- the 20-year old kid -- and the world you lived in then? GS: Yes. SY: What do you think he would have thought of this particular world we're in now, of this US, of this globe? GS: Well, there's some that wouldn't have surprised him, given that I was a history major. I was quoted in the Boston Globe in 1989. I was giving a talk in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the Sonesta. I was at a conference. I was a three-star at the time. I was the chief of operations in the United States Army and before I got up to speak -- I was to speak on doctrine, Army doctrine -- I was handed a note that said, "Heads up. The Wall just came down and people are streaming and streaming into Berlin -- West Berlin." The heads-up was that the press was in the room. So, anyway, I gave my -- whatever I was going to say. The first question I was asked was, "The Berlin Wall just opened. What do you think?" I gave an honest answer. SY: What did you think? GS: I said, "I don't know what I don't know." I didn't. I mean, I was -- you know, I was obviously pleased. That was apparent, but in the back of my mind, I didn't -- you couldn't -- I couldn't predict it. SY: You couldn't -- GS: I couldn't then -- I couldn't predict it and I wasn't going to. SY: Your whole life had been a Cold War world. GS: Yes, I understand that, and I couldn't -- I didn't know what it would mean. Well, what it meant was genocide in the Balkans. What it has meant is a lot of things that aren't good. The whole world that we knew is over time coming apart, like the nation-state. Remember what I said earlier here? Will the nation-state, which was created by -- at the end of World War I -- will those boundaries hold in the Middle East? What about the Balkans? What about the Baltic nations? It's all a part. My uncertainty then -- it's all -- it's still playing out. What's the role of the United States of America? I have no idea. SY: What do you think it should be? GS: Well, I think everybody expects the United States of America to be what it has been since the end of World War II, like the United States of America, the leader; in some sense, the leader. I think we're struggling with that. Are we? Do we really want to be the leader? 7 What about a world where the United States is a reluctant leader? What kind of a world is that? I don't know. That's beyond me. All I know is what I know. That, by the way, if you can figure that out, all I know is what I know or what I feel -- SY: Yeah. Did you have any moments when you had -- when you were talking about you feel gut reactions that really helped you out, that steered you in the right direction? GS: A lot of time, a lot of time. I suppose there is some type that you could say this guy is this type of person. I'm pretty good at reading people. I can read -- I think I am, anyway. That may be a conceit of mine, but I think I am, and I can -- I don't -- yeah, sometimes I go by feel. Sometimes, when I'm doing things, which is why I like the give and take in a meeting, why I need to hear, I want to hear from people. I like ideas. I like the dialog because I learn from it. SY: Yeah, we're thinking a lot about this citizen soldier idea, right, which means a lot of different things to different people but to some people it means having the courage to stand up for what you believe in in moments where it's scary. Can you think of moments like that in your life where you pushed back out of your gut and it was scary? GS: Yeah, well, when you go up to Capitol Hill and you tell people things that politically they don't agree with or if the senator comes from a coal-producing state and you're there telling him that, hey, this climate change is serious, and certainly, one of the causes is carbon, hydrocarbons, whatever, in the air, okay, now don't ask me how many parts per million but for some reason, it's warmer in the last 10 years, like 4 or 5 of the years have been the warmest in recorded history. Something is going on which is warming the planet up. Is that a part of it? Perhaps, probably. You know, he's going to come back -- he or she is going to come back at you and say, "Well, you're smoking dope but it's not. It happens all the time, right?" Well, yeah, but you've got a lot of trends that are going in the wrong direction. Okay, but at any rate, yeah, sure, you know. People said, "Well, we need -- the country needs a peace dividend," which is all well and good. Right after the Cold War, the country did need a peace dividend but at some point, you get so small -- the Army gets so small that you wind up fighting wars. You fight two wars and the strength of the Army -- active Army -- was such that you asked too much from too few and you wind up with soldiers who are psychologically damaged because the same men and women went back and forth and back and forth. You think that's popular to say that? I don't care. It's true. SY: Yeah, I mean, right. You spent a lot of time in Capitol Hill, obviously the most partisan place in the country and you served under -- you were chief of staff under a Republican and then a Democrat, right? GS: That's correct. SY: How did you navigate that partisan world? GS: You just -- well, you know, first of all, you don't -- you're not partisan. I'm not partisan. Nobody knows what I am and that's the way I like it. I'm my own person. I'm essentially an independent and I decide. Frankly, many people like me -- I didn't vote when I was a chief of staff and before. I just didn't vote. SY: Talk about that. GS: Well, I think that that's fine. I mean, I didn't vote. I could have voted but I elected not to because I'm nonpartisan. I'm serving the country. Now, I know people would say, 8 "Well, you know, it's your duty to vote." Yeah, but when I -- the more senior I became -- first of all, I was overseas 17 years out of 36. In spite of what everybody says, getting absentee ballots to some of the places I was -- give me a break. It's not going to happen. You know, all the paperwork; who are you? What do you mean? Who? It wasn't worth it. Then, the more senior I became, it just became -- to me, it didn't make any difference. I was not going to be known as a Democrat or a Republican or anything. I didn't want to be known as anything other than as a soldier. But, I understand very clearly. There is a distinction between citizen soldier and soldier citizen. I always felt I was a citizen first. SY: What's that distinction? GS: Well, the distinction to me was that when I was retired that it was not -- I knew -- I always knew that I would leave the Army some day and that I would do something. Well, it just so happens so when it came, it came. I mean, I knew I was so I got a job. It just so happens that the job I ultimately have is related to the Army. SY: When you were here at Norwich and you were struggling just like any kid struggles, what were you struggling with? What were your ambitions? What were your visions? GS: I didn't know. I didn't know. I told somebody last night that, you know, one of my friends -- he's still a close friend of mine; like I talk to him once a week, anyway. He said to me -- I don't know whether I was a junior or a senior, but he said, "Well, what do you want to do?" I said, "Well, maybe," I think I answered him, "Well, maybe, I'll go in the Army," or maybe at that time I was writing a column for the newspaper for -- SY: The Guidon. GS: -- the Guidon. Sully's -- it was called Sully's Scratchings. I said, "Maybe, I'll get into the newspaper business or something, become a columnist or whatever." I mean, that seemed like a good idea at the time, you know. Whether I could have done it or not, I don't know but I thought it. Well, as it turned out, you know, as it turned out, it turned out. I found what I really liked. SY: When was the moment that you realized you had this passion? GS: In summer camp -- ROTC summer camp. SY: What -- GS: Went to Fort Knox. Well, I was very -- I found it very attractive what -- the kind of people I met there, the noncommissioned officers who were teaching the courses. Officers were sort of distant to cadets. It was the NCOs and I found that relationship in keeping with what I had done during the summer, working. I worked construction jobs and so forth and so on. I liked that kind of stuff, being outside and most of them were men who were doing labor and building things and making things. So, I think I found that attractive. SY: It seemed honest to you? GS: Well, it was honest. Yeah, it was an honest way of making a living, you know, but I knew I didn't want to do it for the rest of my life but -- and I liked that relationship. So, anyway, one thing led to another and I became a commissioned officer and I didn't want to stay a reservist because I thought that being a reservist was -- I mean, I didn't have anything against being a reserve officer but it was just I wanted to be a part of the -- in it, committed to being a soldier. Immediately upon becoming a regular Army officer, I was sent to Korea, and that's where I really, really knew that I was -- had chosen correctly.9 SY: Was there a moment when you knew it? GS: Well, I knew it as soon as I got there because it was -- first of all, the country, at that time -- it was in June of 1961. I had been at Fort Hood for a while but that was sort of kind of getting my feet on the ground. It was very, very under-resourced units and there was not -- it was not fulfilling at all. When I arrived in Korea, we were full up. We were up close to the DMZ. It was real soldiering, and that's where I learned how much I liked it. SY: Did you also learn that you were good at it? Was there a moment when you were like, oh, hey, I'm good at this? GS: No. I felt I was -- probably felt at that time I was a good platoon leader and company commander and I had a staff job for a while. Then, I volunteered to go to Vietnam and you can see a picture of me in that passport I gave yesterday. So, I went from Korea to Vietnam. Some people say, "Well, you know, why?" I said, "Because that's what I thought soldiers did." The chief of staff of the Army asked for volunteers and I thought that's what you do. You volunteer to go to war. That's what I was -- a professional soldier. So, I did that for 18 months and then I came back home. I didn't meet my wife. I knew my wife. I had gone to grammar --I'd gone -- I knew her. We grew up in the same town so I knew who she was as a kid. Then, we were in the same junior high school class. You know, like I'd known her forever. I knew her forever. Then, I went to public school, public high school. I blew that. My mother said, "This is not going to work out," so I wound up at what we called then a country day school -- a private school but not a live-in school. Gay was my classmate in summer school because she couldn't do math either and neither could I so I had to take a summer course. SY: Did you need more structure? Is that what happened with you and public school? GS: Yeah, it's probably the same thing. I mean, it was the same thing that you saw here. I had -- I'm the kind of guy that they would say, "Well, he has lots of talent but he doesn't apply himself because he's with his buddies and doing other things while he should be studying or something else." SY: You were like that at Norwich, too? GS: The same thing. It was the same thing. SY: What were you doing? GS: Well, I was working in the mess hall, selling sandwiches at night to make a couple of bucks for my buddy, actually, my buddy who I memorialized a building for him last week. I was a eulogist at his funeral. One of the things that's sort of fallen to me, you know, whatever, it's the sad kind of stuff is being the eulogist at two -- Jack (Dirgins?) who I came up here as a senior in high school when we both decided to come here. I went to high school with him and Norwich with him, and I'm the godfather of one of his children and I buried him. That's -- you know, that's hard duty -- SY: Yeah, it is. GS: -- because they're my buddies. I also -- my wife told me the day she died -- she said -- she gave me instructions. She said, "I want you to speak at my funeral service, not as an army general, as my husband." SY: Those are good instructions. GS: That's different. I said, "Are you sure?" She said, "I'm very sure." SY: What did she mean?10 GS: She meant she didn't want me to give some Army kind of speech. She wanted me to tell them what kind of a person she was. SY: She wanted you to be vulnerable. GS: Yeah, well, sure, sure. SY: It sounds like she was a good counterbalance. GS: She was a great counterbalance and a huge part of my life. SY: Yeah, 49 years? GS: Forty-nine years. One night she told me -- I was -- oh, I had something going on professionally and so forth and she was -- she said, "Look," we were in the kitchen, just the two of us. I think all the kids had gone by then. She said, "Look, I'm going to bed. I'm tired of listening to you, you know, sort of fuming around and stumbling around." She said, "Just remember this -- suck it up. It's a test." That was it. "Suck it up. It's a test," and it was and she was right, and how I handled it was a test and it all worked out. When I woke up the morning of her funeral and I had been through about eight drafts of what I was going to say, I had papers and notes all over the place. I laid in bed and I said to myself, "What would Gay have said?" She would have said, "Suck it up. It's a test." SY: That's beautiful. GS: Life's a test. I don't know whether I passed or not. It's a test. SY: Do you have doubts? GS: I have no doubts. That's false modesty. That's really not me. SY: So, you do think you passed. GS: I passed. (laughter) I passed. SY: All right! GS: OK? SY: OK. GS: I don't want Norwich -- anybody at Norwich University to think I think I failed. SY: Yeah. What are you proudest of? GS: I'm proud to say I'm a Norwich University graduate. I'm proud to say I was an American soldier and I don't care who knows it. SY: Proud of being a good husband? GS: I'm proud of being a good husband, and a good father, and a good grandfather. I'm proud of all of it. Was I as good a father as I could have been? Probably not. SY: Is anyone? GS: I don't know. I'm sure everybody has their doubts about that. Being a parent never ends -- never ends -- and being a grandfather is a joy. SY: Did you have to be away from them a lot? GS: Well, my children, I did, yes. My wife and I actually raised one of our grandchildren and that was the joy, extra joy, in our life. He's now a junior in college and doing pretty good. He's a good boy, thanks to his grandmother and me to some extent. Anyway, so that's what I wanted you to know, okay? SY: OK.11 GS: Now, I could show you some things in there which are more meaningful than others to tell that story but personally, frankly, I don't think that story holds. I don't think that what's in there -- I'm not arguing for any more space. You could probably do less and do the same thing. You've got some stuff. I mean, I can tell stories about almost everything you've got and how it all fits. SY: But, it sounds like, yeah, you have a slightly different narrative, so what -- GS: I have a different narrative than what a historian would pick out. SY: So, what would your narrative be? GS: Well, I think my narrative would be I can take you right in there right now and start -- and show you stuff that supports what I just told you. SY: All right. Do you want me to take the microphone and we can go in there? END OF AUDIO FILE
DON RIGOBERTO'S SEXUAL FANTASY IN MARIO VARGAS LLOSA IN PRAISE OF THE STEPMOTHER Dinda Anisa Larasati English Department, Language and Arts Faculty, State University of Surabaya Drs. Much. Khoiri M.Si. English Department, Language and Arts Faculty, State University of Surabaya Abstract Sexuality is seen as sinful thing which influences Christian to behave and act based on the society role. Some people tend to repress their sexual fantasy because sexual fantasy is a genre that can lend itself very easily to the sexual elements of life, the depraved, the debauched, or the downright saucy and controversial. The aim of this study is to describe how Don Rigoberto's sexual fantasy depicted in Mario Vargas Llosa In Praise of the Stepmotherand and to reveal how Don Rigoberto's sexual fantasy can impact on his wife. The data are in the form of quotation, fragments, and dialogues or monologues that indicated the thoughts and action concerning form of sexual fantasy.The data is applying the theory of fantasy by Jacques Lacan and supported with Baron. This study also uses the concept of anxiety and psychological trauma. Initially, Don Rigoberto obsessed with three things: Physical Hygiene, sex with his wife, and erotic paintings. He devotes a day a week for the care of a different member or organ.His love life with Lucrecia in a world more imaginary than real, of what he wishes she were than what she really is. He always lost in his dream which is imagined erotically things from some media and those can support his sexual fantasy. Don Rigoberto forced his wife (to have) sex with another man which can be deeply shocking for her. Those facts are proof that Don Rigoberto get his satisfaction from his obsession. Keywords: sexuality, fantasy, desire, anxiety, psychological trauma Abstrak Seksualitas dipandang sebagai hal yang berdosa yang mempengaruhi Kristen untuk bersikapdanbertindak berdasarkan peran masyarakat. Beberapa orang cenderung untuk menekan fantasi seksual mereka karena fantasi seksual adalah genre yang dapat menjatuhkan diri seseorang ke dalam unsur-unsurseksualkehidupan, buruk, yang tidak bermoral, dan kontroversial. Tujuan dari skripsi ini adalah untuk menggambarkan bagaimana fantasi seksual Don Rigoberto yang digambarkan di Mario Vargas Llosa In Praise of the Stepmother dan mengungkapkan bagaimana fantasi seksual Don Rigoberto yang berdampak pada istrinya. Di dalam data tersebut terdapat kutipan, fragmen, dan dialog atau monolog yang menunjukkan pemikiran dan tindakan mengenai bentukfantasi. Untuk data seksual menerapkan teori fantasi dari Jacques Lacan dan didukung dengan Baron. Analisis ini juga menggunakan konsep anxiety dan psychological trauma. Pada awalnya, Don Rigoberto terobsesi dengan tiga hal: Fisik higienis, seks dengan istrinya, dan lukisan erotis. Dia menjadikan satu hari dalam seminggu untuk melakukan perawatan pada anggota atau organ badan yang berbeda. Kehidupan cintanya dengan Lucrecia di dunia lebih kepada imajinasi daripada kenyataan, apa yang dia ingin adalah berada dari apa yang sebenarnya dia. Dia selalu terjebak dalam mimpinya, yaitu dengan membayangkan hal-hal erotis dari beberapa media dan mereka dapat mendukung fantasi seksualnya. Don Rigoberto memaksa istrinya untuk berhubungan seks dengan laki-laki lain dan hal itu sangat mengejutkan istrinya.Faktanya adalah bukti bahwa Don Rigoberto mendapatkan kepuasan melalui obsesinya. Kata kunci: sexuality, fantasy, desire, anxiety, psychological trauma Introduction Human cannot be separated with needs. There are three basic drives such as eating, sleeping, and sex. As a normal human being, sexuality is given from the beginning ourselves. Nietzche asserts that "we are not only rational out being, but we are also full of desire, with the drives and hidden longing, which formed, our ideas and views about the world" (O'Donnel, 2008: 41).In reality, sexuality describes a huge range of activities. This is half of dialectic, anything can be sex because sex has whatever meaning human experience moment by moment, and sex hasan infinite range of meanings because the scope of activities that can properly be called sexual is so vast. Lisa Downing says that sexuality is something that we ourselves create-it is our own creation, and much more than the discovery of secret side of our desire. Sex is not fatally, it is possible to creative life (Downing 2008:104). Sex can make people different. It means that sex is created because of love, relationship, and perhaps necesity or situation. Sex is not taboo anymore in this modern era, but sex can help viability in science. In psychoanalyticterms, sexuality plays an enormously influential rolein psychological development.From a veryearly age, how people experience their bodies in relation to the physical world as well as to the internal stimuli and feelings their bodies generate profoundly effects how they view the world and themselves.In particular,conscious and unconscious fantasies are about human's bodies and sexuality influence the development of stable patterns of sexual identity, and with that,sexual behaviors.( Sexual fantasies play a central role in mental life, despite – or rather: because of – the fact that they in particular meet the fate of repression, which is why Freud calls them "the weak spot in our psychical organization" (Freud, 1911: 223). This repression creates the psychic disposition towards neurosis in man, the conflict between unconscious desires and conscious control. That sexuality is actually the weak spot in man's psychical organization is proven by the fact that many (predominantly male) users of the Internet cannot resist the temptation to seek sexual pleasure via the computer screen. Sex is still the biggest business on the net, offering such a massive electronic hallucination of gratifying objects. In Praise of the Stepmother with Mario Vargas Llosa as the author, Mario Vargas Llosa, which reached worldwide recognition with his novels Pantoja and the Special Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter, The War of the Worlds.In Praise of the Stepmother, made a foray into a genre that is emerging in many of his works, the erotic. Sex in the novels may offend, amuse, or worse. As this study has come toexpect of VargasLlosa as the author of this novel, he uses a precisely structured form to present the distinct components of his story. Structure can be invaded or skewed which is an interesting way to make point innocence and morality are strong themes which are compound in unusual ways. In Praise of the Stepmother with Mario Vargas Llosa as the author, Mario Vargas Llosa, which reached worldwide recognition with his novels Pantoja and the Special Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter, The War of the Worlds.In Praise of the Stepmother, made a foray into a genre that is emerging in many of his works, the erotic. Sex in the novels may offend, amuse, or worse. As this study has come toexpect of VargasLlosa as the author of this novel, he uses a precisely structured form to present the distinct components of his story. Structure can be invaded or skewed which is an interesting way to make point innocence and morality are strong themes which are compound in unusual ways. Mario Vargas Llosa was born in Arequipa, the second city of Peru, in March 1936.In 1958 he travelled to Paristhanks to a prize won in a short story competition,and on his return to Lima he completed his higher education and received a grant to transfer to theUniversity of Madrid. A few months after arriving in the capital of Spain,he left his studies for the doctorate and settled in Paris, where he was to stay for seven years.In 1963 he published his first great novel, "La ciudad y los perros", with which he won several literary prizes, among them the "BibliotecaBreve" and "La Crítica".It has currently been translated into more than twenty languages. His second major work wastobe"La Casa Verde",published in 1966, the same year he moved to London, wherehewould teach at the university and contribute frequently to newspapers and magazines.Afterwritingone of his fundamental novels, "Conversación en la catedral", VargasLlosatravelled to Barcelona in 1970, where he was to stay for almost five years until in 1974 he put an end to his European exile and returned to Peru with the intention, for the first time, of settling down there. In 1973, his novel Pantaleóny lasvisitadoras, which was adapted for the cinema two years later, had come out.In 1975 he began a seriesof projects related with the cinema and in March of that year he was elected as numerary member of the Peruvian Academy of the Spanish Language. Two months later, he was appointed as president of Pen Club International, a post which he would hold until 1979. Mario Vargas Llosa began his political activity in 1987, due to the nationalization of thefinancial system in Peru. As candidate for the presidency of his country in 1989 with the centre-right coalition Frente Democrático, he was finally defeated in the ballot by Alberto Fujimori. Apart from the works mentioned above, the following works may be highlighted among the output of Mario Vargas Llosa: the novels "La tía Julia y el escribidor" (1977), "La Guerra del fin del mundo" (1981), "Historia de Mayta" (1984), "Quiénmató a Palomino Molero?" (1986), "El hablador" (1987) and "Elogio de la madrastra" (1988); in his facet as a playwright he has written "La señorita de Tacna" (1981), "Kathie y el hipopótamo" (1984) and "La Chunga" (1986) and as an essayist he has published important works such as "GarcíaMárquez: historia de un deicidio" (1971) and "La orgíaperpetua:Flauberty Madame Bovary" (1975)."In Praise Of The Stepmother" (1988). Mario VargasLlosa was a conservative candidate (Fredemo, the Democratic Front) for the Peruvian presidency in 1990.The development of his political convictions, from a sympathizer of Cuban revolution to the liberal right, has astonished his critics and has made it impossible to approach his work from a single point of view. Sabine Koellmann has noted that the publication of Vargas Llosa's La Fiesta del Chivo (2000, The Feast of the Goat) confirmed, "thatpolitics is one of the most persistent 'demons' which, according to his theory, provoke his creativity." (Vargas Llosa's Fiction & the Demons of Politics, 2002) Vargas Llosa was defeated by Alberto Fujimori, an agricultural engineer of Japanese descent, also a political novice, but who had a more straightforward agenda to present to the voters. Anunexpected twist in the plot of this political play occurred in 2000, when President Fujimori escaped to his ancestral homeland Japan after a corruption scandal. From 1991 to 1992 Mario Vargas Llosa worked as a visiting professorat Florida International University, Miami and Wissdens chafts kolleg, Berlin. In addition to the Nobel Prize, the author has received many other honors. Among other distinctions, he has received the "Ramón Godoy Lallana" Journalism Prize, the LiteraryPrize of the Italo-American Institute, the "Pablo Iglesias "LiteraturePrize, the "Hemingway"Prize, the Gold Medal of the Americas and the Max Schmidheiny Foundation Liberty Prize. Already a classic due to the scope and quality of his work, he is one of the Spanish-American writers who has most consistently and determinedly brought theresources of the 20th century literary avant-garde inour language. In Praise of the Stepmother is one literary work by Mario Vargas Llosa. In this novel, there are found many expressions by the characters Don Rigoberto is an art connoisseur and erotic explorer night by night as well as man obsessively devoted to the care of his own body. Lucrecia as a second wife of Don Rigoberto, she is a beautiful and passionate woman, and then his son Alfonso, known as Fonchito.The first character introduced to us in the novel In Praise of the Stepmother, Vargas Llosa takes on an expedition through the mind of Don Rigoberto, day by day an insurance executive, by night a pornographer and sexual enthusiast. Don Rigoberto is a member of Lima's well-heeled bourgeois society. He is the kind of man one sees at board meetings and cocktail parties. But by night Don Rigoberto sheds his conventional skin to pursue his true passions: erotic art and sexual fantasy. Rigoberto's love for Lucrecia is an addiction of her body parts, a revere or an objectification of her physical persona. This way of looking at love and people and considers women as their property, rather than primarily enjoying her body is part of her. He loves her as a compilation of body parts. In the novel In Praise of the Stepmother signals the historical endpoint to the popularity of the 1960s liberationist sexuality, especially female sexuality as a carrier of a symbolic charge of social freedom. This novel is a thought-provoking fantasia on innocence, sex, and art. It opens with a portrayal of a liberated sexual woman, Lucrecia, who is adored by her husband, Rigoberto. Don Rigoberto's and Lucrecia's erotic exploits which are modeled after paintings that are actually printed in the book. Through this story, Mario Vargas Llosa explores the ideas of the erotic imagination. Rigoberto creates erotic fantasies, the erotic and sexual lives of Rigoberto and Lucrecia, much of which is driven by Rigoberto's fantasies formulated from paintings. In this Story, Fonchito seems to corrupt innocence, live a harmonious sexual fantasy with her stepmother. Nothing inhibits them or stops them. Dona Lucrecia and stepson Fonchito are revealed in every detail. There is erotic novel. Sexual Fantasy of Rigoberto, a harmonious sexual fantasy of Alfonso to his stepmother, and sexual attraction Lucrecia to Alfonso. Sexual Fantasy is chosen where this study is taken because of the interesting case and the impact which make the wife had anxiety and psychological trauma. From the reading, the study can be interested in focus on the sexual fantasy experienced by the main character. In the novel In Praise of the Stepmother, this study would like to learn more, how Don Rigoberto's sexual fantasy. What are the activities of Don Rigoberto's Sexual Fantasy, what are the factors,the causes and the theory, which is matching discuss those cases istheory of Fantasy of Jacques Lacan, supported theory fantasy of Baron. Many kinds of Sexuality, there are Sexualization, Sexual health and Reproduction. Sexual identity, sensuality and intimacy. Sensuality involves human's level of awareness, acceptance and enjoyment of men's own or others bodies. In the circle of sexuality, fantasy is part of sensuality. Sensuality is match with Don Rigoberto's Sexual Fantasy. In the novelIn Praise of the Stepmother, Many statements which can prove that Don Rigoberto have an extreme sexual fantasy. One night, he said that Lucrecia is his fantasy not his wife. He imagined that Lucrecia is Venus, a person who is his fantasies. For the tittle of my thesis is "Don Rigoberto's Sexual Fantasy.DonRigoberto has an extreme sexual fantasy, he obsesses of three things: Personal Hygiene, sex with Lucrecia, and erotic paintings. His sexual fantasy actually impact on his wife, according to me that's so interesting.Because of those, thus this study directed to more examine about Don Rigoberto's sexual fantasy. In analyzing Don Rigoberto's sexual fantasy and Don Rigoberto's sexual fantasy impact on his wife, it is used some related concept and two theories. In this thesis, the problem statement is divided into two. The first problem statement deals with Don Rigoberto's sexual fantasy reflected in this novel. While the second problem deals with How does Don Rigoberto's sexual fantasy impact on his wife in Mario Vargas Llosa"In Praise of the Stepmother. Those problems can be analysed by using the theory fantasy of Jacques Lacan, supported with Baron and also using concept of anxiety and psychological trauma. The first statement is how Don Rigoberto's sexual fantasy reflected in In Praise of the Stepmother. This statement will use theory fantasy of Jacques Lacan and suppoeted with theory fantasy of Baron. Through fantasy, the subject attempts to sustain the illusion of unity with the other and ignore his or her own division. Fantasy originates in "auto-eroticism" and the hallucinatory satisfaction of the drive. Fantasies are the way in which subjects, structure or organize their desire: it is the support of desire. Then the second statement isHow does Don Rigoberto's sexual fantasy impact on his wife in Mario Vargas Llosa"In Praise of the Stepmother. This statement will also apply the theoryof fantasy of Jacques Lacan and also apply the concept of anxiety and psychological trauma. Actually, there are two impacts of Don Rigoberto's sexual fantasy. Methods Research methodolgy that used in this analysis here must be qualified as an applying in literary appreciation. The thesis is regarded as a descriptive-qualitative study and uses a library research.The data obtained to answer research question study. This study uses novel of Mario Vargas Llosaentitled In Praise of the Stepmother that published in 1988 as the data source of this study. The datas are in the form of direct and indirect speech of the characters, dialogues, epilogues and quotations which indicate and represent aspect of infidelity and love and will which is experienced by the main character. This thesis is using the library method in collecting the data. It does not use the statistic method. That is why it is not served in numbering or tables. Library research used an approach in analyzing this study. The kind of library research which is used here is intensive or closely reading to search quotations or phrases. It also used to analyze the literary elements both intrinsic and extrinsic. The references are taken from library and contributing ideas about this study from internet that support the idea of analyzing. Some steps of how the data is analyzed will be described as follows: Classification based on the statement of the problems. This classification is used to avoid the broad discussion. There are two classifications in this study. They are sexual fantasy and the main factor that lead to his sexual fantasy. Describing Don Rigoberto's sexual fantasywhich is stated from the quotations or statements by using theory of fantasy to be applied to the data.Describing Don Rigoberto's sexual fantasy impact on his wife which is stated from the quotations or statements by using theory of fantasy and the concept of anxiety and psychological trauma will to be applied to the data. RESULT 3.1 Reflection of Don Rigoberto's Sexual Fantasy Based on theory of fantasy of Baron, fantasy can be a kind of activity that permits the subject to escape, however briefly from the stresses and boredom of the subject's life. Schaefer and Millman support this theory by stating that fantasies provide "a strong feeling of satisfaction in comparison to the bedroom of everyday activities" as an escape of the continued failure of difficulties in their everyday life". (Baron, 1995: 31-32) Fantasy is used as an escape from responsibility or a harsh home or work situation. Then the person needs to begin to pray for favor on the job or at home, asking God to open hearts to each other's needs and binding out demonic forces. We have had great reports from this kind of prayer. Then as the stress is lifted and the relationships are made stronger, the desire to escape lifts as well. The fantasies are no longer a problem. Fantasy escape Don Rigoberto from stresses and boredom of his life Don Rigoberto is the dull though the prosperous manager of a Lima insurance company. His life represented in the eyes of others, that routine existence as the general manager of an insurance company, he has many activities. Well-earned that he stress or bored with some of his activities as an insurance executive. He had found in his solitary hygienic practiced and all in the love of his wife appeared to him to be sufficient compensation for his normalcy. He creates erotic fantasies, and Lucrecia lives out the character she has been chosen to be. "Just a pinch of wisdom to use as a momentary antidote to the frustrations and annoyances that seasoned existence. He thought: Fantasy gnaws life away, Thank God" (Llosa, 1988: 104) From the statement above, Rigoberto seems like indeed the power of wisdom can be used as a momentary antidote to the frustrations and annoyances that seasoned existence, but it just can be a momentary antidote now the make frustrations and annoyances gnaws away. As a manager of a Lima insurance company, it is definitely that he has 1many activities so he needs something which can release him from the frustrations and annoyances. The word "Fantasy gnaws life away, Thank God", it shows that Don Rigoberto thinks that fantasy helped him out of the frustrations and annoyances thing which is part of being an insurance executive. He was thankful, fantasy make he enjoyed or even suspected as happiness. There is proof that Fantasy can escape from the stresses and boredom of life "[.] as though happy to rid itself of the policies and the detritus of the day's bussiness.Ever since, in the most secret decision of his life-- so secret that probably not even Lucrecia would ever be privy to it in its entirity-he had resolved to be perfect for a brief fragment of each day. (Llosa, 1988: 54) Rigoberto is obsessed with Personal Hygiene, he assumes that is the part of his sexual fantasy to get pleasure. According to him, the nightly ritual can as a though happy to a rid himself from detritus bussiness day. He had resolved to be perfect for a brief fragment of each day through nightly ritual. 3.2 Don Rigoberto's Sexual Fantasy impact on his wife In the novel In Praise of the Stepmother, Don Rigoberto focuses so completely on hisrich fantasy life - a fantasy life,multiplyed by his reproductions of smutty nudes by the likes of Titian and Jordaens (left), that he doesn't notice the risks that cause Dona Lucrecia anxiety. In this novel, there is no communication between Don Rigoberto and Dona Lucrecia about sexual fantasy, Don Rigoberto's intend for his wife disrupts into his fantasies—at times he is too impaired by sorrow and desire to go on. "The queen sometimes awakens at night, overcome with terror in my arms, for in her sleep the shadow of the Ethiopian has once again burst into flame on top of her." (Llosa, 1988: 20) This quotation above describes that Lucrecia feels anxiety, she always pictured events that foregoing Don Rigoberto forced Dona Lucrecia sex with Atlas, Don Rigoberto assumes that Atlas is the best endowed of his Ethiopian slaves. It can be explained through this statement : "One night-I was drunk-I summoned Atlas, the best endowed of my Ethiopian slaves, to my apartments, merely to confirm that this was so. I had Lucrecia bow down before him and ordered him to mount her.Intimated by my presence, or because it was too great a test of his strength, he was unable to do so. Again and again I saw him approach her resolutely, push, pant, and withdraw in defeat" (Llosa, 1988: 15) Fantasy is 'that thing is what can satisfy me' – objectivation of desire.This line of thought on perverse fantasy, that fixates desire onto a certain object and thus screens off from its infinity, make the interpretations understandable From the quotation above Don Rigoberto was fantasized and forced his wife into having sex with Atlas. There looks Rigoberto so rude to treat his wife, he made his wife as an object because he wanted to prove whether Atlas, the best endowed of my Ethiopian slaves can equals him and he merely to confirm that this was so. The Fantasy that is shown by Don Rigoberto occurs when he decided his wife sex with Atlas. Don Rigoberto feels satisfied and relieved after that incident. Because of that incident, he discovered that no one can equal him. Butitis notperceivedby Lucrecia, she feels not enjoy. "In order to fulfill my part of the offer, we were obliged to act with the greatest discretion. That episode with Atlas, the slave, had been deeply shocking to my wife. (Llosa, 1988: 19) In the statement above, He has also realized that the episode with Atlas makes Dona Lucrecia shock. In contrast, Don Rigoberto does not appreciate his wife. He just concerned with his fantasy and never regards Dona Lucrecia's pleasure. There is no communication between Don Rigoberto and Dona Lucrecia about sexual fantasy, Rigoberto just concerned with his fantasy and Dona Lucrecia only silent to face it. She did not attempt to revolt or reject command from her husband She never stated that she does not enjoy it. She feels anxiety until it can be said that she have psychological trauma. Lucrecia always awakens at night just because it was too painful for her. For Lucrecia it would be a deeply shocking. In the chapter twelve, Labyrinth of Love.Lucrecia expresses her feelings that she felt as fortunate victim, she just an inspiration. Until there show that she fantasized with herself "I know this because I have been the fortunate victim; the inpiration, the actress as well [.]. Myself, erupting and overflowing beneath your attentive libertine gaze of a male who has officiated with competence and is now contemplating and philoshopizing (Llosa,1988: 118) It shows that Dona Lucrecia feels that she just an actress who serve her husband for being another person, not being herself while they having sex. She was erupted and overflows, she wants to vent all her anxiety. Until she actually made masturbation to gained the power of magic, mystery and bodily enjoyment. "That woman is what I am, slave and master, you offering. Slit open like a turtledove by love's knife: I: cracked apart and pulsing. I:slow masturbation. I: flow of musk. I: labyrinth and sensation. I: magic ovary, semen, blood, and morning dew.That is my face for you, at the hour of the senses. I am that when, for you, I shed my everyday skin and my feast-day one. That may perhaps be my soul. Yours." (Llosa, 1988: 119) In the statement above, it is clear that Lucrecia uncomfortable with the sexual fantasy of his husband. She even feels the pleasure through masturbation. Because throughon masturbation, she could be herself, not as an actress or inspiration of her husband. Conclusions This last chapter is drawn to sun up the results of the analysis, which is presented in the form of summary. In this chapter, the conclusion will be divided into two, in line with the statement of problem. The first conclusion in terms of Don Rigoberto's sexual fantasy. For the second conclusion is Don Rigoberto's sexual fantasy impact on his wife. From the analysis that has been in the previous chapter, it can be conclude in the first conclusion that Don Rigoberto obsessed with three things, they are personal hygiene, sex with his wife and erotic paintings. Based on Don Rigoberto's it is found out that there are many habits and factors which are espouse his sexual fantasy. Besides, his character is his sexual fantasy done for his pleasure and cause of his desire. As aLima manager insurance, Rigoberto definitely has many activities, multiple frustrations and annoyances. So, the fantasy can help to escape him from that. In this study also reveal that Fantasy can make Rigoberto to be wise. He had rediscovered that wisdom all by himself, on his own and at his own risk. He did many habits like imagining erotically things about the media then sets the intent of those media into his mind.He reduces his wife as an object. He determines himselfbecome someone who is in the media, he proud of person in the paintings which can inflame his subject's imaginings then he changes himself as that person. In the novel In Praise of the Stepmother learn of the erotic and sexual lives of Rigoberto and Lucrecia, and which is driven by Rigoberto's fantasies formulated from paintings and other media. He showers her with affection, but the reader is left wondering if he truly knows her, or if he has created an illusion of her. Don Rigoberto's Sexual Fantasy happened because of any media, and he enjoyed his sexual fantasy by any media, like painting, poet and tried to take it into his mind, then reveal to his wife. His love life with Lucrecia in a world more imaginary than real, of what he wishes she were than what she really is. Don Rigoberto assumes that his wife is like another person who is in his mind, not the realism of his wife's self. He always lost in his dream which is imagined erotically things from some media and those can support his sexual fantasy. Don Rigoberto is compulsive about his personal cleanliness and his bodily functions. He appreciates them as impressive and necessary. He devotes a day a week for the care of a different member or organ: Monday, hands; Tuesday, feet; Wednesday, ears; Thursday, nose; Friday, hair; Saturday, eyes; Sunday, skin. Don Rigoberto is a sensualist of the highest order and, nightly, he and his wife have erotic heights. He did nightly ritual,all of those are the parts of his sexual fantasy. The pictures and roses of the painting are as an inspiration for him while having sex with his wife. Sexual fantasy can have a profound impact on a person's emotions. Sexual fantasy is articulated with anxiety and it is closest proximity to the psychological traumatic real, Lucrecia always be object of Rigoberto's sexual fantasy, she forced sex with Atlas, the best endowed of Ethiopian slaves. It shows that Don Rigoberto never worried about Lucrecia's anxiety. He actually lets Lucrecia having sex with another man, just for create pleasure Dona Lucrecia as his wife feel that she just an actress who serve her husband for being another person, not being herself while they having sex. She actually made masturbation to gained the power of magic, mystery and bodily enjoyment. She also did sexual attraction to her stepson, Fonchito. Because while having sex with her stepson, she feels splendid orgasm she is to be herself, she felt the pleasure and comfort thats he never got while having sex with Rigoberto, with Foncho, she feels that he is innocence and not seems like Rigoberto who makes she is an object imagination of anyone and object for him to get sexual satisfaction and pleasure. Don Rigoberto can do sexual fantasy to his wife because of his desire, he obsessed of personal hygiene,erotic paintings, then he makes his wife become the object of his fantasy and he wants to get pleasure which can alter his mood to be happy. The act of Don Rigoberto that forced his wife with another man can be classified as sexual violence which is the cause of psychological trauma. So, with the sexual fantasy of Don Rigoberto can impact Lucrecia has psychological trauma. Refferences Allen, Richard. 1995. Projecting Illusion. Film Spectatorship and the Impression of Reality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 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La investigación tiene por objeto evaluar, en forma integral, los resultados de la política pública de emprendimiento en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C., durante el período 2006-2014, en sus aspectos fundamentales, particularmente aquellos relacionados con: La generación de nuevas fuentes de empleo para la población juvenil (consecución, conservación de empleo y acceso a diferentes alternativas laborales y a posibilidades de autoempleo) e impactos en la reducción de tasas de desocupación Constitución de nuevas unidades económicas surgidas desde el programa de emprendimiento Disponibilidad y acceso a recursos económicos provenientes del Fondo Emprender Comportamientos de la población con niveles de educación superior (postgraduados, universitarios, técnicos y tecnólogos) en la estructura del mercado laboral ; The research aims to assess, in a comprehensive manner, the results of public policy venture in the city of Bogotá D.C., during the period 2006-2014, in its fundamental aspects, particularly those related to: The generation of new sources of employment for the youth population (procurement, preservation of employment and access to different employment alternatives and possibilities for self-employment) and impacts on reducing unemployment rates Establishment of new economic units arising from the entrepreneurship program Availability and access to economic resources from the Undertaking Fund Behaviors of the population with higher education levels (postgraduate students, academics, technicians and technologists) in the structure of the labor market ; Magíster en Ciencias Económicas ; Maestría
ILLUSTRIERTE GESCHICHTE DES WELTKRIEGES 1914/15. ACHTER BAND. Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges (-) Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/15. Achter Band. (Achter Band) ( - ) Einband. ( - ) [Abb.]:Deutsches U=Boot wehrt in der Otranto=Strasse den Angriff italienischer Wasserflugzeuge ab. ( - ) Illustrierte Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. ([I]) Impressum ([II]) Inhaltsverzeichnis. ([III]) Kunstbeilagen. (IV) Karten. (IV) Kriegskalender zur Origianl=Einbanddecke der Illustrierten Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Achter Band enthaltend die Ereignisse vom 1. Januar bis 30. Juni 1918. Verlag der Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft in Stuttgart, Berlin, Leipzig, Wien. ( - ) Januar. Februar. März. ( - ) April. ( - ) Mai. Juni. ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 176 (Heft 176) ([1]) Österreichisch=ungarischer Vorposten auf der Höhe im Vallarfatal am Gardasee ([1]) [Abb.]: Auf einer Vormarschstrasse bei Flitsch. (2) [Abb.]: Abführung gefangener Italiener im Isonzotal. (3) [Abb.]: Durch brandenburgische und schlesische Divisionen von Norden her abgeschnitten und durch österreichisch=ungarische Korps von Süden umfasst, strecken östlich vom unteren Tagliamento mehr als 60 000 Italiener die Waffen. ([4 - 5]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Österreichisch=ungarische Trainkolonne im Vormarsch auf einer der Passstrassen bei Flitsch. (2)Blick auf die Orte Pontebba (rechts) und Pontafel (links) in den Karnischen Alpen. Die Orte werden durch den Corsinbach voneinander getrennt. (6) [Abb.]: Die italienische Stadt Udine nach ihrer Einnahme durch die Verbündeten. (7) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (7) In letzter Stunde. (7) [Abb.]: Maulesel mit Geschützteilen und Schlitten für deutsche Hochgebirgstruppen. (8) [Abb.]: Flucht der italienischen Truppen und der Bevölkerung in der Friaulischen Ebene. ([9]) [Abb.]: Blick auf Venedig von einem Flugzeug aus. Der Markusplatz mit dem Campanile. Die Insel San Giorgio. (10) Einsetzen schwerer Geschütze auf einem deutschen Linienschiff. (10) [Abb.]: Vogelschaukarte von Norditalien. ([11]) Der Krieg in Ostafrika im August und September 1917. (12) [Abb.]: Das neue deutsche Schlachtschiff "Grosser Kurfürst". (12) [Abb.]: Einsetzen schwerer Geschütze auf einem deutschen Linienschiff (Neubau). (13) [Abb.]: Massaikrieger im vollen Schmuck. Die Massai gehören zu den kriegerischten Völkern Ostafrikas. (14) Plünderung der türkischen Stadt Ordu durch Kosaken. (14) [Abb.]: Frontkarte von Deutsch=Ostafrika. (14) [Abb.]: Das englische Fesselballon=Mutterschiff "Manica" lässt an der Küste von Deutsch=Ostafrika einen Ballon aufsteigen, um deutsche Batteriestellungen ausfindig zu machen (15) Die Feldapotheke. (16) [Abb.]: Das Innere einer deutschen Feldlazarettapotheke in Mazedonien. (16) [Abb.]: Plünderung der türkischen Ortschaft Ordu am Schwarzen Meer durch Kosaken. ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 177 (Heft 177) ([17]) [Abb.]: Zum Gegenstoss vorgehende deutsche Sturmabteilung im Westen. ([17]) [Abb.]: Der Gipfel des Hartmannsweilerkopfes. (18) [2 Abb.]: (1)Jägerdenkmal auf dem Hartmannsweilerkopf. (2)Kriegsgepäckwagen in den Vogesen (19) [Abb.]: Essenträger an der Kampffront im Westen. (20 - 21) [2 Abb.]: (1)Deutscher Maschinengewehrposten in einem Granattrichter in Flandern. (2)Rast in einem Granattrichter in Flandern. (22) [Abb.]: Ein in den Schlamm einer flandrischen "Strasse" eingesunkenes englisches Artilleriepferd wird ausgegraben. (23) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (23) In letzter Stunde. Ein Erlebnis bei der Eroberung Libaus. (23) [8 Abb.]: Neue Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite. (1)Oberstleutnant Kraehe, Kommandeur d. Füsitier=Regts. Nr. 34 (2)Oberstleutnant v. Behr. (3)Generalleutnant Elstermann v. Elster. (4)Oberstleutnant v. Oven. Erfolgreiche deutsche U=Boot=Kommandanten. (5)Kapitänleutnant Rud. Schneider(†). (6)Kapitänleutnant Vikt. Dieckmann. (7)Kapitänleutnant E. Fr. Hashagen. (8)Kapitänleutnant Meusel. (24) [4 Abb.]: Erfolgreiche deutsche U=Boot=Kommandanten. (1)Kapitänleutnant Rud. Schneider(+). (2)Kapitänleutnant Vikt. Dieckmann. (3)Kapitänleutnant E. Fr. Hashagen. (4)Kapitänleutnant Meusel. (24) [Abb.]: Indische und englische Lanzenreiter im türkischen Maschinengewehrflankenfeuer im Wadi Hesi, einem eingetrockneten Flussbett nördlich von Gaza an der Palästinafront. In der Mitte des Bildes zwei durch schwere Grananten ausser Gefecht gesetzte englische Panzerkraftwagen. ( - ) [Abb.]: Ein feindliches Segelschiff wird von einem deutschen U=Boot im Sperrgebiet um England angehalten. ([25]) [Abb.]: Der Deutsche Kaiser beim Besuch eines der Dardanellenforts auf Gallipoli. (26) [2 Abb.]: (1)El=Kossaima, eine vorgeschobene englische, von den Türken besetzte Militärstation in der Wüste, von wo aus man einen weiten Blick in den wildzerklüfteten Djebel Helal hat. (2)Der Kampf um den Suezkanal: Türkische Maschinengewehrabteilung im Wüstensand. (27) Nikolaus II. (27) [Abb.]: Der Kampf um den Suezkanal: Türkische Maschinengewehrabteilung im Wüstensand. (27) [2 Abb.]: (1)Lenin, Vorsitzender des russischen Rats der Volkskommissare. (2)Trotzki, der russische Volkskommissar für auswärtige Angelegenheiten. (28) [Abb.]: Vogelschaukarte des Frontgebietes in Palästina. (28) [Abb.]: Die aufständischen Leninisten beschiessen den Winterpalast in Petersburg in der Nacht vom 8. zum 9. November 1917. ([29]) [3 Abb.]: Die Ausbildung von Sanitätshunden und Führern im Sanitätshunde=Ersatzdepot Fangschleuse bei Erkner, einem Vorort von Berlin. (1)Eine Abteilung von Sanitätshundeführern mit ihren Tieren auf dem Marsche. (2)Gehorsamsübungen: Die Hunde warten auf ein Kommando. (3)Eine Abteilung von Sanitätshunden mit ihren Führern bei Fliegergefahr. (30) [Abb.]: Aufnahme eines besonders klugen Sanitätshundes nach einer erfolgreichen Suche. (31) Die deutschen Sanitätshunde und ihre Abrichtung. (32) [Abb.]: Sanitätshundeführer mit ihren Tieren auf dem südlichen Kriegschauplatz (32) [Abb.]: Kaiser und König Karl beobachtet in Begleitung des Erzherzogs Eugen und des Prinzen von Parma (hinter dem Kaiser) den Übergang österreichisch=ungarischer Truppen über den Tagliamento bei Latisana. ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 178 (Heft 178) ([33]) [Abb.]: 50 000 gefangene Italiener im Lager von Cividale, das ursprünglich für österreichisch=ungarische Gefangene bestimmt war. ([33]) [3 Abb.]: (1)Vor der deutschen Kommandantur auf der Piazza Vittorio Emanuele im eroberten Udine. (2)Erbeutetes italienisches 30,5=cm=Geschütz auf einer Gebirgstellung bei Cividale. (3)Eroberte italienische Geschützstellung an der Passhöhe von Cividale. (34) [Abb.]: General v. Below, der Führer der siegreichen deutschen Italienarmee. (35) [2 Abb.]: (1)Im eroberten Udine erbeuteter Flughörapparat französischer Herkunft, der Abwehrbatterien zur Feststellung von Fliegern dient. (2) Von einem italienischen Verwundetenhilfsplatz auf einem Bergvorsprung wird ein Schwerverletzter auf einer Drahtseilbahn zu Tal gelassen. (36) [Abb.]: Einbruch deutscher Truppen in eine italienische Batteriestellung. ([37]) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (38) In letzter Stunde. (38) [3 Abb.]: (1)Die Panzerkuppen des italienischen Werkes Leone auf dem von österreichisch=ungarischen Truppen eroberten Cima di Campo. (2)Das von österreichisch=ungarischen Truppen eroberte italienische Werk Cima di Lan nach der Sprengung durch die Italiener. (3) K. u. k. Feldzeugmeister Generaloberst Graf v. Scheuchenstuel. (38) [Abb.]: Das von österreichisch=ungarischen Truppen eroberte italienische Werk Cima di Lan nach der Sprengung durch die italiener. (38) [Abb.]: Vogelschaukarte des Gebietes zwischen der Brenta und der Piave. ([39]) [Abb.]: Sammelstelle von Schlachtvieh am Skutarisee. (40) [8 Abb.]: Bilder aus dem besetzten Albanien. (1)Einmarsch in ein Dorf. (2)Alarm in einer Kaserne. (3)Erfrischung am Dorfbrunnen nach anstrengendem Marsch. (4)Aushebung von Freiwilligen auf einem Kasernenhof. (5)Eine Strasse in Skutari. (6)Tabakmarkt in Elbassan. (7)Offizierspatrouille überschreitet einen Gebirgsfluss. (8)Maultierkolonne auf der Strasse zum Lovcen. ([41]) [Abb.]: Das Sühnedenkmal in Serajewo zur Erinnerung an die Ermordung des österreichisch=ungarischen Erzherzog=Thronfolgers Franz Ferdinand und seiner Gemahlin. (42) Die englische Sommeroffensive in Flandern. (42) [Abb.]: Von den Bulgaren an der mazedonischen Front gefangene Schottländer. (43) [2 Abb.]: (1)Von den Bulgaren an der mazedonischen Front gefangene Schottländer. (2)Feldgraue im Strassenleben von Üsküb in Mazedonien. (43) [Abb.]: Nächtlicher Angriff der Engländer auf Langemark in Flandern. ([44 - 45]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Ankunft frischer deutscher Truppen (Kavallerie mit Stahlhelmen) für die Front in Flandern. (2)Aus dem Hafen von Ostende ausfahrendes deutsches Torpedoboot. (46) [Abb.]: Aus dem Hafen von Ostende ausfahrendes deutsches Torpedoboot. (46) Kriegsgefangenenfürsorge in deutschen Lagern. (47) [Abb.]: Verladen englischer Panzerkraftwagen. (47) [Abb.]: Gute Verpflegung der Kriegsgefangenen in Deutschland. In den Gefangenenlagern sind vielfach Küchen eingerichtet worden, in denen sich die Gefangenen ihr Speisen nach Belieben selbst zubereiten können. Von dieser praktischen und für die Gefangenen angenehmen Einrichtung wird reger Gebrauch gemacht. (48) [Abb.]: Deutsche Infanterie treibt in kühnem Gegenstoss die Engländer aus dem Dorfe Fontaine bei Cambrai. ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 179 (Heft 179) ([49]) [Abb.]: Im feindlichen Granatenfeuer vorgehende deutsche Artillerie. ([49]) [Abb.]: Das Schlachtfeld südwestlich von Cambrai. (50) [2 Abb.]: (1)Deutscher Granatenwerfer in Flandern. (2)Verladen einer deutschen Batterie an der Flandernfront. (51) [Abb.]: Sperrfeuer über einer Ortschaft im Westen. (52) [Abb.]: Deutscher Gegenstoss in Flandern. ([53]) [Abb.]: Französische Artillerie im winterlichen Kampfgebiet der Vogesen. Schwere Geschütze in Deckung. (54) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (54) In letzter Stunde. (54) [Abb.]: Eine Munitions= und Proviantkolonne sucht in einer Waldlichtung Deckung vor dem Feinde. (55) [5 Abb.]: (1)Kapitänleutnant Treusch Freiherr v. Buttlar=Brandenfels, erfolgreicher deutscher Luftschiffkommandant. (2)Oberleutnant z. S. Wendlandt, erfolgreicher deutscher U=Boot=Kommandant. (3)Kampfflieger Leutnant Ernst Udet, Führer einer Jagdstaffel, einer der erfolgreichsten deutschen Flieger. (4)Kampfflieger Leutnant Buckler, wurde wegen seiner hervorragenden Kampfleistungen zum Leutnant befördert. (5)Österreichisch=ungarisches U=Boot mit dem Kommandanten v. Falkhausen kehrt von einem Ausflug in die Adria in den Heimathafen zurück. (56) [Abb.]: Das Schiff ohne Mannschaft. Wie sich die Engländer denken, durch den Bau von Schiffen ohne Besatzung, die von bewaffneten Dampfern geschleppt werden und durch ihre flache Bauart den spähenden U=Booten entgehen sollen, der immer drohender werdenden Frachtraumnot Herr werden zu können. ([57]) [Abb.]: Major Ludwig Graf v. Holnstein aus Bayern, Chef des Generalstabs des I. Bayrischen Armeekorps. (58) Aufruhr in Kasan. (58) Die Armeebekleidungsfabrik der k. u. k. 2. Armee. (59) [Abb.]: Schweizerische Haubitzenbatterie. (59) [Abb.]: Der Aufruhr in Kasan im September 1917: Meuternde Infanteristen durchbrechen den Kosakenring. ([60 - 61]) [3 Abb.]: Die Armeebekleidungsfabrik der k. u. k. 2. Armee in Freiberg in Mähren. (1)Zuschneidesaal der Konfektionsanstalt.Leistungsfähigkeit 2000 vollständige Uniformen in der Woche bei 30 Arbeitern. (2)Werkstätte der Konfektionsanstalt. Leistungsfähigkeit auf 64 Maschinen etwa 750 vollständige Uniformen in der Woche bei 150 Arbeitern. (3)Desinfektionsanstalt. Die in grossen Wagenladungen aus dem Feld einlangenden ausbesserungsbedürftigen Kleidungsstücke und Rüstungsgegenstände werden entgegengenommen und nach Gattungen geschieden. (62) [3 Abb.]: Die Armeebekleidungsfabrik der k. u. k. 2. Armee in Freiberg in Mähren. (1)Desinfektionsanstalt. Die Sortierhalle, in der die bereits desinfizierten Sachen nach Gattungen abgelegt werden. (2)Lederabteilung. Das Auswählen der Schuhe und Zusammenstellen der Paare. (3)Lederabteilung. Die Werkstätte II der Sattlerei mit dem Lager fertiger Sachen. (63) [Abb.]: Drei aus französischer Gefangenschaft entwichene deutsche Soldaten nach ihrem Wiedereintreffen bei ihrem Truppenteil. (64) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 180 (Heft 180) ([65]) [4 Abb.]: (1)K. u. k. Generalmajor Freiherr v. Waldstätten, Chef der Operationsabteilung des österreichisch=ungarischen Armeeoberkommandos, erhielt den Orden Pour le Mérite. Siegreiche Heerführer an der italienischen Front. (2)K. u. k. General der Infanterie v. Henriquez, erhielt von Kaiser und König Karl das Grosskreuz d. Leopoldordens m. d. Kriegsdekoration u. den Schwertern. (3) K. u. k. Feldmarschalleutnant Scotti, erhielt vom Kaiser und König Karl den Leopoldorden 1. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration u. den Schwertern. (4)K. u. k. Feldmarschalleutnant Freiherr v. Schariozer, erhielt vom Kaiser und König Karl den Leopoldorden 1. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration u. den Schwertern. ([65]) [2 Abb.]: (1) Kartenskizze zu den Kämpfen an der unteren Piave.(2(Kartenskizze zu den Kämpfen beiderseits der Brenta (66) [Abb.]: Der "aufgschlitzte" Kirchturm in Ponte die Piave. (67) [2 Abb.]: (1)Mit Schutzschilden versehene Italiener gehen über ein vom Feuer bestrichenes offenes Feld.(2) Italienische Maschinengewehrabteilung in einer Felsenstellung. (68) [Abb.]: Mannschaften des 3. Kaiserschützenregimentes vertreiben die Italiener aus ihren Stellungen am Monte Miela. ([69]) [Abb.]: Gebirgschlucht an einer der Vormarschstrassen gegen Italien mit ehemaligem italienischem Barackenlager. (70) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (70) In letzter Stunde. (70) [3 Abb.]:(1) Deutsche Kolonnen auf dem Marktplatz im eroberten Vittorio in der venetianischen Ebene. (2)Schlachtviehkolonnen im Vormarsch auf der Strasse Udine=Codroipo. (3)Die unermessliche Geschütz= und Materialbeute an einer der italienischen Rückzugstrassen nach dem Tagliamento. (71) [3 Abb.]: (1)Deutscher Aufklärungstrupp in Mazedonien vor seinem Quartier, zum Aufbruch bereit. (2)Der mehrfach im bulgarischen Heeresbericht rühmend genannte deutsche Kampfflieger Leutnant v. Eschwege wurde nach seinem 20. Luftsieg vom feindlichen Abwehrfeuer getroffen und starb den Heldentod. (3)Leben und Treiben auf einem bulgarischen Bahnhof in Mazedonien. (72) [Abb.]: Gefecht auf dem Presenagletscher und dem Passo Paradiso im Adamellogebiet zwischen Ortler und Gardasee am 9. Juni 1915. Ein Bataillon Alpini wird von siebzig Kaiserschützen blutig zurückgeschlagen. ( - ) [Abb.]: Deutsche Reiterpatrouille im Gefecht mit rumänischen Kundschaftern. (73) Ein Gefecht auf dem Presenagletscher. (74) [Abb.]: Die Khalil=Pascha=Strasse in Bagdad. In der Mitte ein englischer Armeelastwagen. (74) Deutschland und die Türkei. I. (75) [2 Abb.]: (1)Der Hetman der Donkosaken General Kaledin. (2)Blick auf Jerusalem, im Hintergrund der Ölberg. (75) [Abb.]: Ankunft der russischen Unterhändler bei der ersten deutschen Stellung zwecks Einleitung der Waffenruhe am 26. November 1917. ([76 - 77]) [Abb.]: Durchschnitt durch einen französischen Minenstollen. (78) Minenkrieg. (79) [Abb.]: Ein fahrbares Offiziersheim, das seinen Standort beliebig wechseln kann. (79) [Abb.]: Deutsche Soldaten bei Arbeiten in dem grössten Steinbergwerk Frankreichs in der Nähe von Berry au Bac bei Reims. Das Bergwerk befindet sich in deutschem Besitz und wird instand gesetzt. Die gewonnenen Steine werden zum Ausbau der Schützengräben verwendet. Unser Bild zeigt, auf welche Weise die Wände der Stollen durch Birkenstämme gestützt werden. (80) [Abb.]: In den Ruinen von Apremont (Argonnen). ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 181 (Heft 181) ([81]) [Abb.]: Bei den Aufräumungsarbeiten in dem von den Engländern zwecklos zerstörten Cambrai. ([81]) [Abb.]: Der englische General Sir Julian Byng, der Leiter der misslungenen Cambraioffensive. (82) [2 Abb.]: (1)Abtransport englischer Tankmannschaften, die in der Schlacht bei Cambrai gefangen wurden. (2)Zerstörter englischer Tank bei Rumilly. (83) [Abb.]: Englische Truppen werden durch Maschinengewehrfeuer von den Dächern eines erbeuteten englischen Proviantzuges bei Cambrai zusammengeschossen. (84 - 85) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (84 - 85) Deutschland und die Türkei. II. (84 - 85) [3 Abb.]: (1)Joseph Caillaux, der frühere französischer Ministerpräsident, dessen friedensfreundliche Tätigkeit der französischen Regierung unbequem wurde. (2)Georges Clemenceau, der neue französische Ministerpräsident, der zur Fortsetzung des Krieges mit allen Mitteln schürte. (3)St. Mihiel, südlich von Verdun, mit Vororten. (86) [Abb.]: Trichtergelände in Flandern vor der Höhe von Passchendaele. ([87]) Minenkrieg. (88) [Abb.]: Am Steuer eines Marine=Luftschiffes in grosser Höhe. Der Steuermann trägt (wie die ganze Bemannung des Luftschiffes) eine Schwimmweste und einen Fallschirmgürtel und hat den Schlauch des Sauerstoffapparates im Munde. (88) [Abb.]: An der Towerbrücke über die Themse in London. Englische Anstrengungen zur Abwehr deutscher Luftangriffe auf London. Schweinwerfer leuchten den Himmel ab, der ausser von Mond und Sternen von unzähligen leuchtenden Schrapnellen erhellt wird. ([89]) [4 Abb.]: (1)Kampfflieger Leutnant Walter v. Bülow, Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite. (2)K. u. k. Hauptmann Otto Indra, Kommandant einer österreichisch=ungarischen Fliegerkompanie, hat seit Januar 1915 219 erfolgreiche Feindesflüge unternommen und 8 feindliche Flugzeuge abgeschossen. (3) Kampfflieger Leutnant Hans Klein, Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite. (4)Zwei französische Flieger, kenntlich an den Fliegerabzeichen rechts auf der Brust, die bei einem Angriff auf das deutsche Heimatgebiet zur Landung gezwungen wurden, inmitten einer Gruppe Franzosen, die bei einem Vorstoss am Hartmannsweilerkopf in deutsche Gefangenschaft fielen. (90) Unsere Front im Elsass. (91) [Abb.]: Deutscher Panzerkraftwagen auf einer Gefechtsfahrt. (91) Schwere Arbeit am Geschütz beim Anhalten eines feindlichen Seglers. (91) [Abb.]: Deutsche U=Boot=Tätigkeit im Sperrgebiet: Schwere Arbeit am Geschütz beim Anhalten eines Seglers ([92 - 93]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Deutsche Schneeschuhläufer=Abteilung auf einem Erkundungsmarsch in den Vogesen. (2)Deutsche Posten an einer Wegsperre in den Vogesen. (94) [Abb.]: Eine deutsche Truppenabteilung zieht durch Ammerzweiler im Oberelsass. (95) Theatereröffnung. (95) [2 Abb.]: (1)Kartenskizze der Kampffront in den Vogesen. (2)Theatervorstellung im Ruhequartier. (96) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 182 (Heft 182) ([97]) [Abb.]: Österreichisch=ungarische Kletterpatrouille auf der kleinen Navois=Scharte. Im Hintergrund der Montasch auf dem sich die italienischen Stellungen befinden. ([97]) [Abb.]: Kartenskizze zum Kampf um das Monte=Grappa=Massiv. (98) [2 Abb.]: (1)Deutsche Infanterie rückt in das besetzte Vittorio ein. (2) Deutsche Kriegsgepäckwagen am Lago Morto auf dem Vormarsch zur Piavefront. (99) [3 Abb.]: (1)Nächtliche Besichtigung in einem österreichisch=ungarischen Panzerwerk an der italienischen Front. (2)Österreichisch=ungarische Drahtseilbahnstation und Unterkünfte im Tiroler Hochgebirge. (3)Österreichisch=ungarischer Artillerie=Beobachtungstand an der iatlienischen Front. ([100]) [Abb.]: Erstürmung des italienischen Panzerwerkes Leone auf der Cima di Campo. ([101]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Das nach jeder Richtung drehbare Oberdeck eines der mit schweren Geschützen bestückten englischen Monitore, die im Adriatischen Meere zur Unterstützung der Landkämpfe an der italienischen Front verwendet wurden. (2)Erbeutetes schweres italienisches Riesengeschütz in einem Dorfe hinter Udine. (102) [Abb.]: General Diaz, der an Stelle Cadornas Generalstabschef des italienischen Heeres wurde. (103) [Abb.]: Deutscher Fesselballon zur Beobachtung feindlicher Artillerie über dem Piavetal. (104) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (104) Minenkrieg. (104) [Abb.]: Deutsche Fliegerabwehrkanone auf einem Kraftwagen an der italienischen Front. (104) [Abb.]: Aus den Kämpfen der österreichisch=ungarischen Truppen an der Piave. ([105]) [Abb.]: Das seit dem deutschen Friedensangebot am 12. Dezember 1916 von den Heeren des Vierbunds eroberte feindliche Gebiet, das eine Ausdehnung von mehr als 50 000 Quadratkilometer hat. (106) [Abb.]: Verlauf der Demarkationslinie in der Ostsee. (107) Der letzte Appell. (107) [Abb.]: Verlauf der Demarkationslinie im Schwarzen Meer. (107) [2 Abb.]: (1)Das Gebäude in Brest=Litowsk, in dem die Waffenstillstandsverhandlungen stattfanden. (2)Empfang der russischen Delegation auf dem Bahnhof von Brest=Litowsk. (108) Der Krieg in Ostafrika im Oktober und November 1917. (109) [Abb.]: Die Unterzeichnung des Waffenstillstandsvertrages zwischen dem Vierbund und Russland in Brest=Litowsk durch Prinz Leopold von Bayern, den Oberbefehlshaber von Ober=Ost. 1. Kameneff. 2. Toffe, Vorsitzender der russischen Delegation. 3. Frau A. Biecenko. 4. Konteradmiral Altvater. 5. Lipsky, Hauptmann im russischen Generalstab. 6. Sekretär Karachan. 7. Fokke, Oberstleutnant im russischen Generalstb. 8. Exzellenz Zeki Pascha, der Bevollmächtigte der Türkei. 9. Botschafter v. Mérey. 10. Prinz Leopold von Bayern. 11. Generalmajor Hoffmann, Chef des Stabes. 12.Oberst Gantschew, der bulgarische Bevollmächtigte. 13. Kapitän z. S. Horn. 14. Hey, Hauptmann im Generalstb. 15. Brinkmann, Major im Generalstb. 16. Major v. Kameke. 17. Rittmeister d. R. v. Rosenberg. 18. Major Frh. v. Mirbach, österreichisch=ungarischer Bevollmächtigter. 19. Delive=Dobrowolsky. (109) [ 2 Abb:]: (1)Um während der Regenzeit trockenen Fusses in Deutsch=Ostafrika vorwärts zu kommen, mussten englische Pioniere weite Strecken erst durch Bau von Brücken zugänglich machen. (2)Englische Kolonialtruppen setzen mittels einer Dampffähre über einen tiefen, in der Regenzeit angeschwollenen Strom in Deutsch=Ostafrika. (110) [Abb.]: Belgische Kolonialsoldaten erhalten in Deutsch=Ostafrika Unterricht in der Bedienung von Grabenmörsern. (111) Das württembergische Gebirgsbataillon in Italien. (111) Kampf um ein Gehöft bei Jakobstadt. (111) [4 Abb.]: Major Sprösser, Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite (2)Generalleutnant Graf v. Schmettow, der Eroberer von Jakobstadt, erhielt den Orden Pour le Mérite.(3)Oberleutnant Rommel, Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite. (4)Der deutsche Durchbruch bei Jakobstadt: Kampf um ein Gehöft. (112) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 183 (Heft 183) ([113]) [Abb.]: Schwerer deutscher Minenwerfer in gedeckter Stellung. ([113]) [Abb.]: Teil des Houthoulster Waldes in Flandern, aus einer höhe von 50 Metern von einem deutschen Flieger aufgenommen. Der ehemals dichte Wald ist in ein Trichterfeld mit kahlen Baumstümpfem verwandelt. (114) [2 Abb.]: (1)Deutsche Stellung in dem vollständig zerschossenen Houthoulster Wald bei Zypern. (2)Eine Drahtseilbahn in den Vogesen. (115) [Abb.]: Deutsche Kriegsgepäckwagen auf dem Marktplatz von Sulz im Oberelsass. (116) [Abb.]: Heerstrasse von Damvillers nach Azannes vor Verdun am Tage der Erstürmung von Fleury und Thiaumont im Juni 1916 ([117]) [Abb.]: Zwei in den flandrischen Kämpfen gefangene englische Fliegeroffiziere, deren Flugzeug unversehrt in deutsche Hände fiel. (118) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (119) Charakterköpfe der Weltkriegsbühne. 8. Caillaux=Clemenceau. (119) [Abb.]: Abführung gefangener Franzosen durch bayrische Reiter. (119) [5 Abb.]: Hervorragende Kampfflieger der deutschen Armee. (1)Leutnant Kissenberth, Führer einer bayrischen Jagdstaffel. (2)Leutnant Hess (+). (3)Oberleutnant Schleich. Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite. (4)Kapitänleutnant Hans Kolbe, Führer leichter deutscher Seestreitkräfte, die am 12. Dezember 1917 an der englischen Ostküste den Geleitzugsverkehr Bergen-Shetlandsinseln erneut angriffen. (5)Der von einem deutschen U=Boot (Kommandant Kapitänleutnant Hans Rose) am 5. Dezember 1917 im Ärmelkanal versenkte amerikanische Zerstörer "Jakob Jones". (120) [Abb.]: Abgeschlagener feindlicher Fliegerangriff auf ein Industriewerk. ([121]) [Abb.]: Das Schlussstück des Waffenstillstandsvertrages von Brest=Litowsk mit den Unterschriften der Bevollmächtigten der beteiligten Mächte. (122) Was das amerikanische Heer in Frankreich nötig haben wird. (123) [2 Abb.]: Generalmajor v. Hoffmann, Chef des Generalstabs des Oberbefehlshabers Ost, der bevollmächtigte deutsche Vertreter bei den Verhandlungen über einen Waffenstillstand mit Russland. (2) Zu den Waffenstillstandsverhandlungen an der rumänischen Front. 1. Generalleutnant v. Morgen, Leiter der Verhandlungen. 2. Generalmajor v. Hranilovic, Vorsitzender der österreichisch=ungarischen Abordnung. 3. Oberstleutnant im Generalstab v. Förster=Stressleur, österreichisch=ungarischer Delegierter. 4. Major im Generalstab v. Hempel, österreichisch=ungarischer Delegierter. 5. oberstleutnant Popow, der Vertreter Bulgariens. 6. Major Rasim Bei, der Vertreter der Türkei. 7. General Keltschewski, der Führer der russisch=rumänischen Abordnung. 8. Hauptmann Baron Tiefenhausen, russischer Kommissar der Armeeorganisationen. 9. General Lupescu, Führer der rumänischen Abordnung. (123) [Abb.]: Zu den Waffenstillstandsverhandlungen an der rumänischen Front. 1. Generalleutnant v. Morgen, Leiter der Verhandlungen. 2. Generalmajor v. Hranilovic, Vorsitzender der österreichisch=ungarischen Abordnung. 3. Oberstleutnant im Generalstab v. Förster=Stressleur, österreichisch=ungarischer Delegierter. 4. Major im Generalstab v. Hempel, österreichisch=ungarischer Delegierter. 5. oberstleutnant Popow, der Vertreter Bulgariens. 6. Major Rasim Bei, der Vertreter der Türkei. 7. General Keltschewski, der Führer der russisch=rumänischen Abordnung. 8. Hauptmann Baron Tiefenhausen, russischer Kommissar der Armeeorganisationen. 9. General Lupescu, Führer der rumänischen Abordnung. (123) [Abb.]: Holzkohlenbrand unter deutscher Militärverwaltung in Frankreich zwecks Versorgung der Schützengräben mit rauchlosem Heizmaterial Kohlenmeiler im Walde hinter Talmat in den Argonnen. ([124 - 125]) Generalmajor Hoffmann. (126) [Abb.]: Büffelgespann im Dienste des Roten Kreuzes auf dem Balkankriegschauplatz. (126) Des Köhlers Kriegsarbeit. (126) [Abb.]: Verschiedenartige Beförderungsmittel der österreichisch=ungarischen schweren Artillerie in der Türkei. (127) Das Kamel im Kriegsdienst. (127) [Abb.]: Bulgarischer Kamelreitertrupp. (127) Zum Stapellauf des größten deutschen Frachtdampfers. (128) [Abb.]: Stapellauf des für die Hamburg=Amerika=Linie auf der Bremer Bulkanwerft erbauten grossen deutschen Frachtdampfers "Rheinland". (128) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 184 (Heft 184) ([129]) [Abb.]: Nächtliche Patrouille ([129]) [Abb.]: Der erste englische Tank aus dem Westen in den Strassen Berlins, der vom Bahnhof aus mit eigener Kraft zu den Austellungshallen am Zoologischen Garten fuhr, in denen das unversehrte Beutestück im Betrieb gezeigt wurde. (130) [8 Abb.]: Aus der von den Engländern verlorenen Tankschlacht bei Cambrai. (1)Strassenbild aus Fontaine mit einem der erbeuteten englischen Tanke. (2)Durch englisches Granatfeuer völlig zerstörte Kirche von Fontaine. (3)Englischer Tank wirft auf dem Vormarsch einen starken Baum um. (4)Durch einen deutschen Volltreffer zerstörter Tank am Bourlonwalde. (5)Das Kommando der Tankbergungstelle Cambrai. (6)Abbeförderung unversehrt erbeuteter englischer Tanke. (7)Bei Cambrai erbeutete leichte englische Geschütze. (8)Bei Cambrai erbeutete schwere englische Mörser. ([131]) [Abb.]: Der schwere Zusammenbruch englischer Hoffnungen bei Cambrai. Durch dauernde deutsche Gegenstösse zermürbt, vermögen die englischen Truppen trotz Einsatzes stärkster Kräfte und zahlreicher Tanke dem deutschen Druck nicht mehr standzuhalten und wserden mit schwersten Verlusten zum Weinen gebracht. (132 - 133) [Abb.]: Blick auf ein Zeltlager in der ägyptischen Wüste. (134) [ 2Abb.]: (1)Türkische Telegraphentruppen warten auf ihre Beförderung durch die Bagdadbahn. (2)Englische Transportkolonnen ziehen an dem Bogen von Ktesiphon vorüber, einem grossartigen Bauwerk des Altertums in Mesopotamien. (135) [Abb.]: Das alte griechische Kloster Sveti Bogorodizia am Ochridasee in Albanien. (136) [Abb.]: Türkisches Lager in der Wüste. ( - ) [Abb.]: Ein Gegenstoss albanischer Freischaren vereitelt einen Angriff französischer Infanterie westlich von Korka. ([137]) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (138) Lagerleben in der Wüste. (138) [Abb.]: Grenzschutz der Schweiz. Ein Beobachtungsturm an einer schweizerischen Grenze. (138) Die Räumung Deutsch=Ostafrikas. (139) [Abb.]: Italienisches Caproni=Grossflugzeug, das von einem deutschen Flieger zur Landung gezwungen wurde. Das Flugzeug hat zwei Motore mit drei Propellern. Unter der Gondel liegen die Bomben. (139) [Abb.]: Die italienische Besatzung auf dem Monte Castelgomberto streckt, seit 24 Stunden eingeschlossen, am 5. Dezember 1917 nach tapferer Gegenwehr die Waffen ([140 - 141]) [Abb.]: Leben und Treiben zwischen den deutschen und russischen Stellungen während des Waffenstillstandes im Osten. Russen beim Einkauf von Gebrauchsgegenständen. (142) K. u. K. Pferdespitäler im Hinterland. (143) [2 Abb.]: (1)Graf Czernin, der österreichisch=ungarische Minister des Äussern, und Staatssekretär Dr. v. Kühlmann, der Vertreter Deutschlands, in Brest=Litowsk. (2)Abgeordnete der ukrainischen Rada im Gespräch mit deutschen Offizieren vor dem ehemaligen Gouvernementsgebäude in Brest=Litowsk. (143) Ein deutsches Bombenflugzeug. (144) [Abb.]: Bombenabwurf von einem der neuen deutschen "Gotha"=Flugzeuge. Die Seite des Rumpfes ist geöffnet, um die innere Einrichtung des Apparates zu zeigen. (144) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 185 (Heft 185) ([145]) [Abb.]: Juden in Lida, einer Kreisstadt an der Eisenbahn Wilna=Rowno. ([145]) [Abb.]: General Krylenko, der russische Oberbefehlshaber. (146) [6 Abb.]: Zwischen den deutschen und russischen Stellungen vor Dünaburg. (1)Zusammentreffen deutscher und russischer Soldaten in der neutralen Zone.(2)Übergabe von Postsachen für Kriegsgefangene an einer der neutralen Verbindungsstellen. (3)Deutsche Posten an der Grenze der neutralen Zone beim Lesen der neuesten Nachrichten. (4)Deutscher und russischer Posten in der neutralen Zone an der Bahnstrecke Wilna-Dünaburg. (5)Rückkehr russischer Auswanderer aus der Schweiz in die Heimat. Ankunft der Heimkehrenden an der neutralen zone auf der Reise nach Dünaburg. (6)Rückkehr russischer Auswanderer aus der Schweiz in die Heimat. Übergang von der deutschen Kleinbahn in russische Schlitten vor der Fahrt nach Dünaburg. ([147]) [Abb.]: Untergang eines feindlichen Truppentransportdampfers nach der Torpedierung durch ein deutsches U=Boot in der Meerenge von Gibraltar. ([148 - 149]) [Abb.]: Karte der "Bundesrepublik Russland" nach den Plänen der Fremdvölker. (150) [2 Abb.]: (1)Eine der vielgenannten, von österreichisch=ungarischen Truppen eroberten italienischen Svobba=Batterien. (2)Italienische Truppen im Frenzelatal. (151) [ 5 Abb.]: (1)Vizeadmiral Behncke, Chef eines Verbandes deutscher Linienschiffe, erhielt wegen hervorragender Leistungen bei den Unternehmungen gegen die baltischen Inseln den Orden Pour le Mérite. Erfolgreiche deutsche U=Bootkommandanten. (2)Oberleutnant z. S. Hors Obermüller. (3)Oberleutnant z. S. Lohs. (4)Korvettenkapitän Kophamel (5)Oberleutnant z. S. Steindorff. (152) [Abb.]: Vor einem deutschen Soldtenheim an der Westfront. ( - ) [Abb.]: Gefangene Russen, die in einem Boot nach Bornholm zu entkommen suchten, werden, bereits auf hohe See, von einem deutschen Wasserflugzeug an einer Stahltrosse nach Pommern zurückgeschleppt. ([153]) [Abb.]: Ein österreichisch=ungarischer 30,05=cm=Mörser in den Bergen der Pustertaler Alpen. (154) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (154) Ein deutsches Soldatenheim an der Westfront. (154) Einbringen entwichener russischer Gefangener durch ein deutsches Wasserflugzeug. (155) In den Ruinen von Apremont in den Argonnen. (155) [Abb.]: Anschrauben des Rettungsringes eines schweren österreichisch=ungarischen Geschützes auf dem italienischen Kriegschauplatz. (155) Gefangenenaustausch zwischen Deutschland und England. (156 - 157) [Abb.]: Das Trümmerfeld von Apremont in den Argonnen. (156 - 157) Gefangennahme der ersten Amerikaner an der deutschen Westfront. (156 - 157) [Abb.]: Eine Anzahl der ersten aus englischer Kriegsgefangenschaft in Rotterdam eingetroffenen Deutschen, die dem deutsch=englischen Abkommen gemäss in Holland interniert und zum Teil nach der Heimat zurückgeschickt werden sollen. In der Mitte Fregattenkapitän v. Müller (+), der Kommandant des kleinen Kreuzers "Emden". (158) Die französischen Kriegsziele in geschichtlicher Beleuchtung- (158) [2 Abb.]: Die ersten Kriegsgefangenen Italiener in Deutschland. Eine Gruppe von den etwa 2500 Mann im Gefangenenlager zu Merseburg. (2)Die ersten kriegsgefangenen Soldaten der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika, die von bayrischen Truppen am Kapellbuckel bei Monhofen gefangen wurden. (159) [Abb.]: Deutsche Krankenpflegerinnen mit Gasschutzmasken leisten die erste Hilfe nach einem feindlichen Gasangriff im Westen. (160) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 186 (Heft 186) ([161]) [Abb.]: Abstieg einer österreichisch=ungarischen Abteilung auf dem Marsche zu einer Stellung auf der Cima di Presanella. ([161]) Übersichtskarte über die grossen Gebiete, die Italien auf Kosten Österreich=Ungarns vom Verband zugesichert erhielt. Die-.-.-.-Linie zeigt die bisherige Grenze Italiens. Die______Linie zeigt, wie weit die Grenze Italiens nach dem Berbandsabkommen auf das österreichisch=ungarische Gebiet ausgedehnt werden sollte. (162) [2 Abb.]: (1)Schwalbennester. Österreichisch=ungarische Unterstände auf der Marmolata.(2)Bosnisch=herzegowinisches Infanterieregiment begibt sich auf dem Vormarsch in Italien aus der Höhenstellung ins Tal. (163) [Abb.]: Stimmungsbild aus einem französischen Städtchen: Immer mehr Soldaten! (164 - 165) [Abb.]: Oberleutnant z. S. d. Res. Fr. Christiansen, erfolgreicher deutscher Marineflieger, der bei einem Flug über den Hoosden am 11. Dezember 1917 das englische Luftschiff "C 27" vernichtete, erhielt den Orden Pour le Mérite. (166) [2 Abb.]: (1)Die Vernichtung des englischen Luftschiffes "C 27", das ein deutsches Marineflugzeug, Führer Oberleutnant z. S. d. Res Fr. Christiansen, über den Hoosden (Nordsee) in Brand schoss. Die Photographie zeigt den Augenblick, da das Luftschiff brennend in die See stürzt. (2)Das englische Luftschiff "C 27" aufgenommen vor dem Angriff des deutschen Marineflugzeuges. (167) [4 Abb.]: (1)Korvettenkapitän Heinecke, unter dessen Führung leichte deutsche Seestreitkräfte vor der Tynemündung ein erfolgreiches Gefecht mit englischen Vorpostenschiffen geführt haben. (2)Kapitänleutnant Wenninger, erfolgreicher deutscher U=Bootkommandant, versenkte im Ärmelkanal trotz beträchtlicher feindlicher Gegenwirkung rund 20 000 Tonnen Schiffsraum. (3)Kapitänleutnant Remy, der als deutscher U=Bootkommandant im Ärmelkanal und an der französsischen Westküste 10 Schiffe mit zusammen 28 000 Tonnen Raumgehalt versenkte. (4) Kapitänleutnant Otto Schulze, erfolgreicher deutscher U=Bootkommandant, der im westlichen Mittelmeer eine Anzahl feindlicher Dampfer versenkte. (168) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (168) Brückenbau deutscher Pioniere in Pont=a=Mousson. (168) [Abb.]: Die Lebensmittelknappheit in England, ein Erfolg des deutschen U=Bootkrieges. Eine Kartoffelpolonäse in London. (168) [Abb.]: Wiederaufbau der zerstörten Moselbrücke in Pont=a=Mousson durch deutsche Soldaten. ( - ) [Abb.]: Deutsche Hochseestreitkräfte auf der Streife nach der englischen Ostküste. ([169]) [Abb.]: Das Schlussstück des Friedensvertrages zwischen dem Vierbund und der Ukraine mit den Unterschriften der Bevollmächtigten. (170) Selige Augen. (170) [2 Abb.]: (1)Die Grenzen der Ukraine. (2) Die Schlussitzung der Friedensverhandlungen mit der Ukraine in der Nacht vom 8. zum 9. Februar 1918 in Brest=Litowsk. 1. Graf Czernin, der österreichisch=ungarische Bevollmächtigte. 2. Staatssekretär v. Kühlmann, der deutsche Bevollmächtigte. 3. Ministerpräsident Radoslawoff und 4. Oberst Gantschew, die bulgarischen Bevollmächtigten. Im Vordergrund die türkischen Bevollmächtigten. 5. Major Brinkmann. 6. Generalmajor Hoffmann. 7. Rykola Lewytsikyi, ukrainischer Bevollmächtigter. (171) [Abb.]: Im Kampf um Udine. (172 - 173) [Abb.]: Reste einer von den Italienern vor ihrer Flucht mit Benzin übergossenen und in Brand gesteckten Schlachtviehstallung mit Haufen verkohlter Rinder. (174) Kämpfe um Udine. (174) [Abb.]: Von der österreichisch=ungarischen Artillerie in Brand geschossene italienische Eisenbahnzüge in Stazione per la Carnia. (174) [Abb.]: Auf einer italienischen Rückzugstrasse bei St. Daniele am Tagliamento. (175) Die französischen Kriegsziele in geschichtlicher Beleuchtung. (175) [Abb.]: Besetzungsmarken der Mittelmächte. (176) Die Besetzungsmarken der Mittelmächte. (176) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 187 (Heft 187) ([177]) [Abb.]: An die Front! ([177]) [Abb.]: Materialtransport mittels Ochsengespanns und Strassenbahn bis in die vordersten Linien an der Westfront. (178) [2 Abb.]: (1)Stapelplatz fertig geschnittener Hölzer zum Bau von Unterständen und Minengängen in den vordersten Gräben hinter der Front in Flandern. (2) Lagerplatz von Baustoffen hinter der deutschen Front im Westen. (179) [2 Abb.]: (1)General Sir Henry H. Wilson, der an Stelle des zurückgetretenen Generals Robertson englischer Generalstabschef wurde. (2)Die Versenkung des amerikanischen Truppentransportdampers "Tuskania" westlich von der irischen Küste durch ein deutsches U=Boot in der Nach zum 5. Februar 1918 trotz stärksten Schutzes durch englische Zerstörer. (180) [Abb.]: An der Westfront ankommender amerikanischer Truppentransport wird von deutschen Fliegern beschossen. ([181]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Eine italienische Seidenspinnerei unter deutscher Verwaltung in Vittoria, in der die Seidenkokons bis zum fertigen Seidenfaden verarbeitet werden. Innenansicht der Spinnerei: Die Bürstenanlage. Etwa 50-60 Kokons werden in 40 Grad heisses Wasser gelegt und ihre Fadenaufänge durch Bürsten losgelöst. (2) Abwiegen von Kokons. Eine Spinnerin erhält täglich 4 Kilogramm Kokons zugwiesen, die sie im Laufe des Tages verarbeitet. (182) [Abb.]: Erfolgreicher Angriff eines deutschen Fliegers auf einen feindlichen Fesselballon. 1. Das deutsche Flugzeuzg überfliegt den Ballon. 2. Der Ballon ist durch die Brandgeschosse des Fliegers in Brand geraten. 3. Die Überreste des Ballons stürzen brennend ab. (183) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (184) Selige Augen. (184) [Abb.]: Deutsche Fliegeraufnahme der Düna hinter Riga mit der von deutschen Pionieren geschlagenen Notbrücke im Vordergrund. (184) [Abb.]: Freudige Begrüssung deutscher Reiter auf ihrem Vormarsch in Livland durch die von der russischen Gewaltherrschaft befreite Bevölkerung. ([185]) [3 Abb.]: Bilder aus dem Cholmer Gebiet. (1)Oberes Bild: Strassenbild von Cholm.- (2)Mittleres Bild: Ukrainische Juden am Sabbat in Cholm. -(3) Unteres Bild: Ukrainische Bäuerin am Spinnrad. (186) [3 Abb.]: (1)Tschernow, Führer der russischen Minimalisten, ein erbitterter Gegener Trotzkis und Lenins. (2) Wsetwolod Holubovicz, wurde am 5. Februar 1918 zum Ministerpräsidenten der neugegründeten Republik Ukraine gewählt. (3)Gesamtansicht von Kiew, der Hauptstadt der Ukraine. (187) [Abb.]: Strassenkämpfe in Petersburg unter der Schreckensherrschaft der Bolschewiki. 1. Kampf um den Winterpalast mit Panzerwagen. 2. Wirkung eines Artilleriegeschosses. 3. Vernichtung von Zeitungen auf dem Newsky=Prospekt. 4. Strassenkampf. (188) Charakterköpfe der Weltkriegsbühne. 9. Leo Nikolaus Trotzki. (188) [Abb.]: Die Schreckensherrschaft der Roten Garde in Livland. Sie verbreitete sich über den ganzen, von den Deutschen bisher nicht besetzten Teil Livlands. Die meisten Hofbesitzer wurden ausgeraubt und von Haus und Hof verjagt. Wer sich widersetzte, wurde sofort erschossen. ([189]) [Abb.]: Nordteil der deutschen Front gegen Grossrussland vor Beginn des neuen Vormarsches nach Ablauf des Waffenstillstandes. (190) [2 Abb.]: (1)Südteil der deutschen Front gegen Grossrussland vor Beginn des neuen Vormarsches nach Ablauf des Waffenstillstandes. (2)Südteil der deutschen Front gegen Grossrussland vor Beginn des neuen Vormarsches nach Ablauf des Waffenstillstandes. (190) Der Vormarsch nach Livland. (191) [Abb.]: An der grossen Verkehrstrasse Riga-Petersburg durch die Hügellandschaft Livlands: Übergang deutscher Truppen über die Bahnstrecke Riga-Petersburg. (191) [Abb.]: Das neue Abzeichen für deutsche Fliegerschützen (in 1/2 Grösse), das für diejenigen Mannschaften bestimmt ist, die als Maschinengewehrschützen zur Flugzeugbesatzung gehören. (192) [Abb.]: Sie kommen! ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 188 (Heft 188) ([193]) [Abb.]: Generalfeldmarschall v. Eichhorn (links) und General v. Bredow (rechts) mit Offizieren des Stabes bei der Besichtigung von Minsk nach der Einnahme der Stadt. ([193]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Russische Gefangenentypen: Mohammedaner aus Astrachan. (2) Der Friedensplaltz mit der polnischen Kirche und dem Gouvernementsgebäude in Minsk. (194) [3 Abb.]: (1)Svinhufvud, finnischer Ministerpräsident. (2)Generalleutnant Freiherr v. Seckendorff, der Eroberer von Reval. (3)Vogelschaukarte der Festung Reval, die am 25. Februar 1918 von deutschen Truppen nach Kampf genommen wurde. (195) [Abb.]: Die deutsche Front zur Zeit des Friedenschlusses mit Grossrussland am 3. März 1918. (196) [Abb.]: Auf der Kleinbahn zur Front in den Argonnen. ([197]) [Abb.]: Vogelschaukarte der Alandsinseln. (198) [4 Abb.]: (1)Fregattenkapitän Nerger, Kommandant des deutschen Hilfskreuzers "Wolf". (2)Kapitänleutnant Franz Becker, erfolgreicher deutscher U=Boot=Kommandant im Mittelmeer. (3)Kapitänleutnant Sietz, erfolgreicher deutscher U=Boot=Kommandant im östlichen Mittelmeer. (4)Kapitänleutnant Brandes, Kommandant des deutschen Hilfskreuzers "Iltis". (199) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (199) Das Deutschtum in den baltischen Landen. (199) [4 Abb.]:(1) Kapitänleutnant Spiess, erfolgreicher Führer eines deutschen U=Bootes. (2)Flugzeugbeobachter Leutnant Hans Jürgen Horn, Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite. (3)Leutnant Bongartz, erfolgreicher deutscher Kampfflieger, Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite. (4)Oberleutnant z.S. Karl Neumann, erfolgreicher Führer eines deutschen U=Bootes im Mittelmeer. (199) [Abb.]: Die Mannschaft des deutschen Hilfskreuzers "Wolf" nach ihrer Rückkehr von fünfzehnmonatiger Kreuzfahrt durch den Atlantischen, Indischen und Stillen Ozean. ([200]) [Abb.]: Einlaufen des deutschen Hilfskreuzers "Wolf" in den Kieler Hafen. (201) Kriegshunde. (202) [3 Abb.]: Aus einer Kriegsmeldehunde=Schule dicht hinter der deutschen Front. (1)Oberes Bild: Die Vorbereitung der Mittagmahlzeit durch die Köche. - (2)Mittleres Bild: Antreten und Appell der Hundeführer vor dem Ausmarsch zur Übung. - (3)Unteres Bild: Die Kriegsmeldehunde beim Mittagmahl in ihren Stellungen. (203) Von Riga bis nach Dorpat. (203) [Abb.]: Der Durchbruch der deutsch=ostafrikanischen Schutztruppe unter Führung des Generalmajors v. Lettow=Vorbeck über den Rowuma=Grenzfluss auf portugiesisches Gebiet. ([205]) [Abb.]: Eintreffen der deutschen und österreichisch=ungarischen Austauschgefangenen auf einem schwedischen Dampfer in Sassnitz. (206) Der Durchbruch der deutsch=ostafrikanischen Schutztruppe nach Portugiesisch=Ostafrika und die Kämpfe dort im Dezember 1917. (206) [Abb.]: Die neu eingekleideten deutschen Austauschgefangenen nach ihrer Ankunft in Sassnitz. (207) Deutsch=russischer Gefangenenaustausch in Sassnitz. (207) [Abb.]: Gefangenenaustausch in Sassnitz auf der Ostseeinsel Rügen. Die wohl aussehenden russischen Gefangenen gehen an Bord. (207) [Abb.]: Wiedereroberung des Castellaccio (Tonalegebiet). (208) Wiedereroberung des Castellaccio (Tonalegebiet) am 14. September 1915. (208) [Abb.]: Ein Blick über den vordersten Graben. Inmitten des zerschossenen Waldgeländes zieht sich in 75 Meter Entfernung der französische Graben hin. Im Vordergrund bezieht eine Kolonne Feldgrauer die Stellung. ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. (Heft 189) ([209]) [Abb.]: Deutscher Meldereiter mit Gasmaske überbringt in feindlichem Feuer eine wichtige Meldung. ([209]) [5 Abb.]: (1)Kartenskizze zu der fortschreitenden deutschen Offensive in Frankreich. Ende März 1918. Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite. (2)Major Freiherr v. Schleinitz, Bataillonskommandeur des Garde=Grenadierregiments Nr. 5. (3)Oberstleutnant Freiherr v. Lupin, Kommandeur des württ. Grenadierregiments Nr. 123, der sich durch hervorragende Tapferkeit bei der Wegnahme von Fins auszeichnete. (4)Generalleutnant Oskar Freiherr v. Watter, Kommandeur einer Division, die sich bei Cambrai rühmlich hervortat. (5) Major Heinrigs, Bataillonskommandeur im Infanterieregiment Nr. 24. (210) [ 9 Abb.]: Hervorragende Führer der Grossen Schlacht in Frankreich. (1)General Walter Frhr. v. Lüttwitz. (2)General Ritter und Edler v. Ötinger. (3)General v. Conta. (4) General v. dem Borne. (5) Oberleutnant z. S. Walter Warzecha, erfolgreicher deutscher U=Boot=Kommandant. Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite. (6)Oberstleutnant Ernst Freiherr v. Forstner, Kommandeur eines badischen Grenadierregiments. (7)Königlich sächsischer Generalmajor Hammer, führte bei Kriegsausbruch das 104. Infanteriergiment. (8)Generalmajor v. Sabain, im Frieden zuletzt Kommandeur der 12. Infanteriebrigade in Brandenburg. (9)General v. Wedel, Führer einer brandenburgischen Division, die sich auf dem italienischen Kriegschauplatz hervorgetan hat. (211) [2 Abb.]: (1)Unversehrt erbeutetes englisches Munitionslager bei Aubigny vor Ham. (2) Vor Ham gestürmte schwere englische Batterie. (212) [Abb.]: Auffahrende deutsche Artillerie. ([213]) [3 Abb.]: Bilder aus der Grossen Schlacht im Westen. (1) Über die ersten gestürmten englischen Stellungen vorgehende deutsche Kavallerie. (2)Über gestürmte englische Stellungen vorgehende deutsche Pioniere. (3)Über die ersten gestürmten englischen Stellungen vorgehende deutsche Artillerie. (214) [3 Abb.]: Bilder aus der Grossen Schlacht im Westen. (1)In St. Quentin bereitgestellte deutsche Reserven. (2)Deutsche Kolonnen auf der Vormarschstrasse vor Ham. (3)Eintreffen der ersten englischen Gefangenen in einer Sammelstelle bei St. Quentin. (215) [Abb.]: Wie sich der Flieger gegen Kälte schützt. Deutscher Flieger beim Anlegen von elektrisch geheizten Handschuhen. (216) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (216) Die Badener an der Wetterecke am 1. März 1918. (216) [Abb.]: Aufklärungsflug an der dalmatinischen Küste. (217) [3 Abb.]: (1)Alexander Marghiloman, wurde als Nachfolger Averescus zum rumänischen Ministerpräsidenten ernannt mit der Aufgabe, die Friedensverhandlungen zum Abschluss zu bringen. (2)General Averescu, der in der Übergangsregierung als rumänischer Ministerpräsident die Vorfriedensverhandlungen geführt hat. (3) Offiziere der 1. ukrainischen Division. (218) [2 Abb.]: (1) Aus russischer Gefangenschaft zurückkommende deutsche und österreichisch=ungarische Mannschaften in ihre Heimat. (2) Aus russischer Gefangenschaft zurückkommende deutsche Mannschaften bei der Abbeförderung in ihre Heimat. Die Soldaten tragen noch ihre Lagerkleider. (219) Die Eroberung Estlands. (220 - 221) [Abb.]: Verladung türkischer Kamele in Hidja Tschistchan an der Bagdadbahn. (220 - 221) [2 Abb.]:(1) Generalleutnant Adams. Führer der deutschen Truppen in Livland, die Dorpat besetzten. (2)Rast deutscher Truppen am Ufer des Peipus=Sees in Livland. (222) [6 Abb.]: Bilder vom deutschen Vordringen in Est= und Livland. (1)Blick zwischen den Narowafestungen durch auf den Fluss. (2)Die russische Festung Iwangorod bei Narwa. (3)Russische Soldaten melden sich auf dem Rathaus in Dorpat. (4)Die alte Deutschordensritterburg in Narwa. (5)Blick auf die Altstadt von Narwa von der Narowabrücke aus. (6)Die Schwedenfestung bei Narwa von der Narowabrücke aus. (223) Deutschlands künftige Weltwirtschaft. (223) [Abb.]: Das Eiserne Kreuz mit goldenen Strahlen, das Blücherkreuz, das bisher nur einmal, dem Fürsten Blücher nach der Schlacht bei Belle=Alliance, und jetzt vom Deutschen Kaiser dem Generalfeldmarschall v. Hindenburg verliehen wurde. Der Orden ist die höchste Klasse des Eisernen Kreuzes und in nur einem Exemplar auf Anordnung des Deutschen Kaisers angefertigt worden. (224) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 190 (Heft 190) ([225]) [Abb.]: Eroberung englischer Langrohrgeschütze in der Durchbruchschlacht bei Bapaume. ([225]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Deutsche Maschinengewehrkompanie geht in Stellung. (2) Deutsche Kolonnen auf dem Vormarsch durch das zerschossene Templeux. (226) [2 Abb.]: (1)Eine Batterie von deutschen 21=cm=Mörsern in den gestürmten Linien im Kampfgelände zwischen Bapaume und Arras. (2)Gestürmte englische Linien bei Bullecourt-Croisilles zwischen Bapaume und Arras. (227) [2 Abb.]: (1)Einschlagen einer Gasgranate.(2)Einschlagen einer Stahlgranate. (228) [Abb.]: Deutsche Feldbatterien jagen im Galopp über die gestürmten englischen Stellungen in die vorderste Linie zur Unterstützung der Infanterieangriffe aus nächster Nähe. ([229]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Englisches Grossflugzeug (Typ Handley=Page) mit zurücklegbaren Tragflächen, das von den Deutschen unversehrt erbeutet wurde. Das Flugzeug ist 30 Meter breit, 20 Meter lang, 6 1/2 Meter hoch und hat 2 Motore zu je 260 Pferdestärken, die 2 vierflügelige Schrauben treiben. Bewaffnung: 3 Maschinengewehre; Besatzung: 5 Mann. (2) Von den Deutschen erbeuteter französischer Nieuport=Kampfeinsitzer mit einem Maschinengewehr, das an den oberen Tragflächen angebracht ist. (230) [2 Abb.]:(1) Verwundeter gefangener Führer eines abgeschossenen englischen Flugzeuges. (2)Unversehrt vorgefundene Wohnbaracken und Unterstände einer englischen Fliegerabteilung auf dem Flugplatz Favreuil. (231) [5 Abb.]: (1)Leutnant Röth, der am 1. April 1918 vor Arras vier englische Fesselballone vernichtete. (2)Vizefeldwebel Wagner, der am 1. April 1918 vor Arras einen englischen Fesselballon abschoss. (3)Vizefeldwebel Bäumer, deutscher Kampfflieger, der sich an der Westfront hervorgetan hat. (4)Oberleutnant Lörzer, erfolgreicher deutscher Kampfflieger, Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite. (5)Bei einem deutschen Jagdgeschwader an der Westfront. Blick auf den Flughafen mit den Zelten und abfahrtbereiten Flugzeugen, unter denen sich einsitzige Fokker=Kampfdreidecker befinden. Von einem deutschen Flugzeuge aus geringer Höhe aufgenommen. (232) [Abb.]: Wiederherstellung einer durch sogenannte Masken gegen Sicht geschützten, hochgelegenen Argonnenstrasse, die täglich unter feindlichem Feuer liegt und durch eine Fliegerbombe aufgerissen worden war. Die Masken bestehen aus Binsen=Weidenruten mit Laubansatz. In der Eichengruppe links ein Artilleriebeobachtungstand. Im Nebel des Hintergrundes die Höhenzüge des Argonnenwaldes. ( - ) [Abb.]: Zerstörung englischer Fesselballone vor Arras am 1. April 1918. (233) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (234) Wiederherstellung einer durch sogenannte Masken gegen Sicht geschützten und durch Beschiessung aufgerissenen Höhenstrasse. (234) [Abb.]: Übersichtskarte über das Gebiet von Japan und den ostsibirischen Hafenstädten. (234) Die Badener an der Wetterecke am 1. März 1918. (234) [2 Abb.]: (1)Der neue Stahlhelm der Schweizer Armee (2)Die Wirkung des Aushungerungskrieges Englands in der neutralen Schweiz: Städtischer Kartoffelverkauf der Notstandshilfe in Zürich. In verschiedenen Stadtstreifen Zürichs sowie in anderen schweizerischen Städten werden Kartoffeln als unentbehrliches Nahrungsmittel zu ermäßigten Preisen an die bedürftige Bevölkerung abgegeben. (235) [Abb.]: Am Verbandplatz. (236 - 237) [Abb.]: Österreichisch=ungarischer Soldat auf dem Markt von Winica in der Ukraine. (238) Die Befreiung der Ukraine. (238) [Abb.]: Von österreichisch=ungarischen Truppen auf dem Vormarsch nach Odessa gefangene Japaner. (239) [2 Abb.]: (1)May Senta Hauler, die Tochter eines auf dem italienischen Kriegschauplatzgefallenen österreichisch=ungarischen Offiziers, die sich als Schütze "Wolf Hauler" dem Württembergischen Gebirgsbataillon angeschlossen hat.(2) Die Vorhut der k. u. k. 30. Infanteriedivision (Feldmarschalleutnant v. Jesser) dringt am 13. März 1918 unter Führung des Generalmajors Alfred v. Zeidler von Norden her über den Frachtbahnhof in Odessa ein, während von Westen her zwei deutsche Bataillone die Stadt besetzen. (240) [Abb.]: Übergang deutscher Truppen über die Lys. ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 191 (Heft 191) ([241]) [Abb.]: Der von den Franzosen gesprengte Oise=Aisne=Kanal, der über den Oisefluss führt. Rechts und links vom Kanal Sumpfgelände. ([241]) [2Abb.]: (1)Kartenskizze zu der Schlacht bei Armentiéres. (2)Kartenskizze zum Vorstoss der Armee Boehn zwischen Oise und Aisne. (242) [Abb.]: Das eroberte Chauny, das von den Franzosen vor ihrem Rückzug in Brand gesteckt wurde, aus 200 Meter Höhe von einem deutschen Flieger aufgenommen. (243) [2 Abb.]: (1)Deutsche Pioniere beim Überbrücken eines Minentrichters im Kampfgelände zwischen St. Quentin und Ham. (2)Zwei erbeutete englische Langrohrgeschütze auf einem Schienenstrang im Westen. (244) [Abb.]: Mit der Uhr in der Hand vor dem Sturm. Ein deutscher Sturmtrupp erwartet in einer Sappenkopfstellung den Befehl zum Vorbrechen. ([245]) [Abb.]: Aus der Hochburg des deutschen Kriegsmaterials: Lager von Rohgeschossen bei Krupp in Essen. (246) [3 Abb.]: Bei einer deutschen Batterie in Flandern. (1)Ein Geschütz wird gedreht. (2)Munition wird mittels kleiner Wagen zur Batterie gebracht. (3)Im Geschützturm einer schweren Küstenbatterie in Flandern. (247) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (247) Der Brigadier. (247) [2 Abb.]: (1)Kartenskizze zur Offensive in Finnland. (2)Russische Torpedoboote und Minenschiffe im Eis des Hafens von Helsingfors. Von einem deutschen Flieger aus 100 Meter Höhe aufgenommen. (248) [Abb.]: Landung deutscher Truppen im Hafen von Hangö in Finnland. ([249]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Deutsche Soldaten beim Bau von Unterkunftsräumen an der mazedonischen Front.(2)Auf einer Strasse am Wardar in Mazedonien: Am Bergrücken ein altes Kloster. (250) Kraftfahrer voran. (251) [Abb.]: Kriegerisches Strassenbild aus einer mazedonischen Stadt. (251) [2 Abb.]:(1) Deutscher Offizier reitet zur Front im Orient. (2)Österreichisch=ungarische Gebirgsartillerie auf dem Marsche im Tigristal. (252) [Abb.]: Deutsche Flieger bewerfen ein englisches Lager bei Jericho mit Bomben. Im Hintergrunde das Tote Meer und die Moabiter Berge. (253) [10 Abb.]: (1)General v. Eberhardt, dessen Truppen bei der erfolgreichen Umfassung von Armentiéres beteiligt waren. (2) General v. Quast, ein Führer der siegreichen deutschen Truppen in der Schlacht bei Armentiéres. (3)General v. Carlowitz, dessen Truppen mit denen des Generals v. Stetten den Feind in Richtung Baillent und Merville zurückwarfen. (4)Generalmajor v. Schippert, Führer einer württembergischen Division in der Grossen Schlacht in Flandern. (5)Generalmajor Höfer, der mit seinen Truppen den Übergang über die Lys bei Bac=St. Maux erkämpfte. (6)Leutnant Drebing, durch dessen schneidiges Zufassen der Übergang über die Lys bei Bac=St. Maux erzwungen wurde. (7)Oberleutnant z. S. Sprenger, erfolgreicher deutscher U=Boot=Kommandant im östlichen Mittelmeer (8)Leutnant v. R. Kroll, erfolgreicher deutscher Kampfflieger, Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite (9)Oberleutnant Fricke, erfolgreicher deutscher Beobachtungsflieger, Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite. (10)Oberleutnant z. S. Herm. Menzel, erfolgreicher deutscher U=Boot=Kommandant auf dem nördlichen Seekriegschauplatz. (254) [4 Abb.]: Deutsche Truppen in Livland. (1)Deutsche Radfahrerabteilung bei der Verfolgung raubender Bolschewikibanden. (2)Deutsche Radfahrerabteilung im Kampf mit raubenden Bolschewikibanden. (3)Ein nach Kampf mit den Bolschewiki erbeuteter russischer Panzerkraftwagen. (4)Deutsche Artillerie im Kampf mit einem abziehenden Panzerzug raubender Bolschewikibanden. (255) Krieg und Arbeitskräfte. (255) [Abb.]: Eine Kriegsauszeichnung für deutsche U=Boot=Besatzungen. Das aus patinierter Bronze hergestellte Abzeichen kann Offfizieren, Deckoffizieren und Mannschaften verliehen werden, die sich auf drei Fahrten gegen den Feind besonder hervorgetan haben. (256) [Abb.]: Aus den Kämpfen bei Langenmark. ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 192 (Heft 192) ([257]) [Abb.]: Eroberte englische Stellung vor Armentiéres; durch deutsche Artillerie stark zusammengeschossen. ([257]) [Abb.]: Übersichtkarte zur Schlacht in Flandern (258) [6 Abb.]: Bilder aus der Schlacht bei Armentiéres. (1)Deutsche 21=cm=Mörserbatterie beim Stellungswechsel vor Estaires. (2)Eine Batterie deutscher 21=cm=Mörser im Feuer. (3)Erbeutete schwere englische Haubitze in Armentiéres (4)Österreichisch=ungarischer 30,5=cm=Mörser wird in Stellung gebracht. (5)Während des Kampfes überlaufende englische Soldaten werden von den Deutschen zu einer Sammelstelle gewiesen. (6)Ein Trupp der ersten aus der Schlacht eingebrachten englischen und portugiesischen Gefangenen. (259) [Abb.]: Der Deutsche Kaiser beobachtet auf einem Gefechtstande südlich von Armentiéres den Verlauf der Schlacht. Im Vordergrund ziehen Kolonnen mit Pioniergerät der vorstürmenden Infanterie nach. ([260 - 261]) [7 Abb.]: Hervorragende Kommandnaten deutscher Marineluftschiffe. (1)Korvettenkapitän Arnold Schütze. (2)Kapitänleutnant Flemming. (3)Kapitänleutnant v. Freudenreich. (4)1)RegimentskommandeurOberstleutnant Pohlmann, dessen Truppen in selbtstätigem Handeln die Höhe von Rossignol stürmten. (5)General Grünert, Führer deutscher Truppen in dem Kampfgebiet zwischen Bapaume und Peronne. (6)General Sieger, der Eroberer von Wytschaete, dessen Truppen auch an der Erstürmung des Kemmelberges beteiligt waren. (7)General v. Webern, siegreicher deutscher Truppenführer in dem Kampfgebiet zwischen Ham und Chauny. (262) [2 Abb.]: (1)Wie die Franzosen die deutschen Heldengräber schänden. Auf dem Holzkreuz eines Grabes auf dem Friedhof des wiedereroberten Nesle ist das Wort "Kameraden" vom Feinde mit schwarzer Farbe überstrichen worden. (2)Wie die Franzosen die deutschen Heldengräber schänden. Mutwillige Zerstörungen auf dem Friedhofe im wiedereroberten Nesle. Die Soldatengräber wurden von den französischen "Kulturträgern" vor ihrem Rückzug aufgerissen, die Holzkreuze gewaltsam zerbrochen, die Grabsteine absichtlich umgestürzt und die Inschriften mit den Namen der Toten und dem Zeichen des Eisernen Kreuzes vernichtet. Die deutschen Gräber wurden ausserdem von den übrigen durch einen Zaun aus Draht und Dachpappe getrennt. (263) [Abb.]: Deutsche Fliegeraufnahme der Kathedrale von Laon, die durch französisches Artilleriefeuer zerstört wurde. (264) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (264) Die Durchbruchschlacht in Frankreich. (264) [Abb.]: Deutsches U=Boot beschiesst Monrovia und Kap Palma in Liberia (Westafrika). ([265]) [Abb.]: Bau eines Bohrturmes in dem unter österreichisch=ungarischer Militärverwaltung stehenden rumänischen Rohölgebiet. (266) [Abb.]: Hochziehen eines österreichisch=ungarischen Fesselballons vom Meere aus. (267) [Abb.]: Eine Fahrt durch den Amanustunnel hinter der Palästinafront. (268 - 269) Darstellung der Befestigungswerke von Verdun. (268 - 269) [Abb.]: Reliefdarstellung der Befestigungswerke von Verdun in der Austellung "Die französische Festung und ihre Verteidigung" in den Austellungshallen am Zoologischen Garten zu Berlin. (268 - 269) Stosstruppen. Einbruch. Durchbruch. (271) [Abb.]: Fort Bauban, dritte Verteidigungslinie von Verdun. Im Relief wiedergegeben in der Austellung "Die französische Festung und ihre Verteidigung" in den Austellungshallen am Zoologischen Garten zu Berlin. (271) [Abb.]: Übung von Infanterietruppen im Zusammenarbeiten mit einem Infanterieflieger in einem hinter der Front dem Kampfplatz nachgebildeten Übungswerk. (272) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 193 (Heft 193) ([273]) [Abb.]: Die Volksabstimmungen für den Rat von Flandern. Kundgebung der Flamen für ein selbstständiges Flandern. Umzug durch die Strassen Antwerpens. ([273]) [Abb.]: Erbeutete englische Flugabwehrkanone auf der Strasse nach Bapaume. (274) [2 Abb.]: (1)Generalleutnant v. Lindequist, einer der erfolgreichen deutschen Heerführer im Westen. (2)Ansicht des Kemmelberges mit Vorgelände. (275) [Abb.]: Die Eroberung des Kemmelbergs. (276 - 277) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (276 - 277) Die flämische Bewegung. (276 - 277) [Abb.]: Die Ruinen des Tuchhallen von Ypern und der Kathedrale St. Martin im Mondschein. (278) [2 Abb.]: (1)Die berühmte Jagdstaffel des Rittmeisters Manfred Freiherrn v. Richthofen, deren Führer nach Erringung von 80 Luftfliegen am 21. April 1918 einer feindlichen Kugel erlag. (2)Im Luftkampf an der Westfront aabgeschossener Sopwith=Kampfeinsitzer. In dem auffallend bemalten Rumpfvorderteil ist der Umdrehungsmotor sichtbar, darüber zwei starre Maschinengewehre. (279) [2 Abb.]: Zum missglückten englischen Handstreich auf Seebrügge und Ostende. (1)Fliegeraufnahme eines der versenkten englischen Sperrkreuzer , mit zahlreichen Spuren der Beschiessung durch die deutschen Küstenbatterien. (2)Fliegeraufnahme der versenkten englischen Sperrkreuzer "Brilliant" und "Sirius von denen der eine in Brand geschossen wurde. (280) Wehrhaft Kirche in St. Juvin. (280) [Abb.]: Kartenskizze zum missglückten englischen Handstreich auf Zeebrügge. a) Deutsche Prahmsperre, b) Einbruch der versenkten englischen Schiffe. (280) [Abb.]: Die wehrhaft Kirche in St. Juvin. ( - ) [Abb.]: Der missglückte englische Handstreich gegen Zeebrügge: Der Kampf auf der Mole. ([281]) [Abb.]: Die deutschen Linienschiffe im Eise vor Finnland. (282) Das Los deutscher Gefangener. (282) [3 Abb.]: (1)Einzug der deutschen Truppen in Helfingfors, die von den Bolschewiki geräumte Hauptstadt Finnlands. (2) Der Magistrat von Helfingfors begrüsst den deutschen General Grafen v. d. Goltz beim Einzug auf dem Platz vor dem Dom. (3)Die Einwohnerschaft von Helfingfors bringt ein Hoch auf Deutschland aus. Im Vordergrund links der Magistrat der finnischen Hauptstadt, rechts General Graf v. d. Goltz mit seinem Stab. (283) [2 Abb.]: (1)Der gestorbene bulgarische Gesandte in Berlin, Dr. Dmitri Rizow, der sich um das deutsch=bulgarische Freundschaftsbündnis sehr verdient gemacht hat. (2)Die Radobilj=Passstrasse zwischen Gradiska und Prilep in Mazedonien, eine der längsten Kehrstrassen der Welt, durch die eine 40 Kilometer lange Drahtseilbahn von Prilep nach Drenowo führt. (284) [Abb.]: Ein Zeppelin=Luftkreuzer über Kreta. (285) [Abb.]: Übersichtskarte vom südöstlichen Russland. (286) Die Durchbruchschlacht in Frankreich. (287) [2Abb.]: (1)Das erste Kriegschiff des Vierbundes im Hafen von Odessa: Der türkische kleine Kreuzer "Hamidie". (2)Ukrainischer Train auf der Brücke des von österreichisch=ungarischen Truppen besetzten Ortes Kamenez Podolski in der Ukraine. (287) [Abb.]: Ein feindlicher Handelsdampfer sucht einem deutschen U=Boot zu entkommen, indem er einen Rauch entwickelnden Behälter ins Wasser gleiten lässt, der durch die erzeugte Rauchwand das Schiff den Blicken der Angreifer entziehen soll. (288) Künstlicher Nebel als U=Boot=Abwehrmittel. (288) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 194 (Heft 194) ([289]) [Abb.]: Nach der Schlacht am Kemmelberg: Verwundete Gefangene werden auf der Lys mittels Kähnen abbefördert. ([289]) [Abb.]: Meldung eine österreichisch=ungarischen Kommandanten bei seinem Eintreffen auf dem westlichen Kriegschauplatz (290) [ 3Abb.]: Bilder von der deutschen Beute im Westen. (1)Erbeutetes englisches Kriegsmaterial auf einer Sammelstelle. (2)Im Wasser stecken gebliebener englischer Motorschlepper für schwere Geschütze. (3)Ein unversehrt erbeuteter englischer 22=cm=Mörser (291) [Abb.]: Im Raume von St. Quentin-Noyon flüchtende Engländer werden von deutscher Artillerie unter Feuer genommen. ([292 - 293]) [Abb.]: Schematische Darstellung eines stark gesicherten englischen Geleitzugs. Die Frachtschiffe fahren in Doppelkiellinie und sind in der Mitte und an beiden Seiten - alles in entsprechenden Abständen voneinander - durch eine Anzahl bewaffneter Fischdampfer schützt. In Zickzacklinie seitwärts fahrende Torpedoboote sowie Spitzen= und Schlussschiffe mit Fesselballonen vervollständigen die Sicherung der wertvollen Transportzüge. (294) [5 Abb.]: Erfolgreiche deutsche U=Boot=Kommandanten. (1)Kapitänleutnant Hundius. (2)Kapitänleutnant Klasing. (3)Kapitänleutnant Neureuther. (4)Kapitänleutnant v. Glasenapp. (5)K. u. k. Offizierstellvertreter Kitz, erfolgreicher österreichisch=ungarische Kampfflieger, der 19 Gegner abschoss und dreimal mit der Goldenen, viermal mit der Grossen Silbernen, zweimal mit der kleinen Silbernen und mit der bronzenen Tapferkeitsmedaille ausgezeichnet wurde. (295) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (295) Die Durchbruchschlacht in Frankreich. II. Angriff. (295) [2 Abb.]: (1)Der ukrainische Hetman Pawel Petrowitsch Storopadski.(2)Der Führer der Bolschewiki=Organisation in Cherson am Dnjepr, der Matrose Wassiljew (in der Mitte sitzend), mit seinem Stabe. Nach einem beim deutschen Vormarsch nach der Krim in Cherson vorgefundenen Bilde. (296) [Abb.]: Einmarsch deutscher Truppen in Noyon. Im Hintergrund die Kathedrale ( - ) [Abb.]: Die Rote Garde in Finnland streckt nach fünftägiger Schlacht bei Tavastehus die Waffen. ([297]) Die Krim. (298) [3 Abb.]: Die Schweiz im Weltkriege. Schweizerische Grenzwacht an der elsässischen Grenze. Ein hochgebauter Beobachtungsturm auf einer die Umgebung beherrschenden Anhöhe mit starken Fernrohren. (298) [3 Abb.]: Die Schweiz im Weltkriege. Oberes Bild: Ablegen der Werkzeuge und Abmarsch nach Arbeitschluss im Stellungsbau. Mittleres Bild: Stellungsbau im Juragestein. Unteres Bild: Einfahren der Brückenkähne beim Bau einer Brücke. (299) [Abb.]: Das deutsche Abzeichen für Verwundete, das laut Kaiserlicher Kabinettsorder vom 3. März 1918 als besondere Anerkennung den im Dienste des Vaterlandes Verwundeten verliehen wird. (300) Die deutsche Getreidewirtschaft im Kriege. (300) [Abb.]: Einzug finnischer Truppen in die Festung Wiborg. ([301]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Teilansicht eines Musterraumes für eingelieferte Getreideproben. (2) Die Reichsgetreidestelle. Abteilung Mühlenbetrieb. (302) K. u. k. Sturmtruppen säubern eine von den Russen genommene Stellung in der südlichen Bukowina. (303) [2Abb.]: (1)Getreideuntersuchungsraum. (2) Die Reichsgetreidestelle. (303) [Abb.]: K. u. k. Sturmtruppen säubern in kühnem Gegenangriff eine von den Russen Tags zuvor besetzte Stellung in der südlichen Bukowina. (304) Das Tragtier in den Karpathen. (304) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 195 (Heft 195) ([305]) [Abb.]: Granatwerfer 16 beim Schiessen von Sperrfeuer auf dem westlichen Kriegschauplatz. Ein leichter, allgemein in der deutschen Armee eingeführter Minenwerfer, der der Infanterie beigegeben worden ist und es ihr ermöglicht, sich selbst ihr Sperrfeuer zu legen oder feindliche Stützpunkte niederzukämpfen. Die Leute im Vordergrunde des Bildes machen die Wurfgranaten fertig: der andere Mann ist im Begriff, den Werfer abzuziehen. ([305]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Ein bedeutsamer Wegweiser in Flandern: Nach Nieuw=Kerke und nach Kemmel. (2) Bau einer Feldbahn im Kampfgelände von Kemmel durch deutsche Eisenbahntruppen. (306) [Abb.]: Die freie Fahrrinne im Hafen von Zeebrügge. Unsere Aufnahme zeigt die Wracke der v ersenkten englischen Schiffe und die völlig ungesperrte Hafenausfahrt als klarsten Beweis für das Misslingen des mit so schweren Opfern durchgeführten englischen Flottenangriffs. (307) [Abb.]:Übergabe der russischen Festung Kars an die siegreichen türkischen Truppen. ([308 - 309]) [2 Abb.]:(1) Die im Frieden von Bukarest festgelegte neue Grenzlinie zwischen Rumänien und Österreich=Ungarn (westlicher Abschnitt). (2)Kartenskizze der von Rumänien an den Vierbund abgetretenen Gebiete. (310) [2 Abb.]: (1)Die im Frieden von Bukarest festgelegte neue Grenzlinie zwischen Rumänien und Österreich=Ungarn (östlicher Abschnitt). (2)Zur Unterzeichnung des Friedensvertrages von Bukarest: Blick in den Sitzungsaal vor der Unterzeichnung der Schriftstücke. Um Tische von links nach rechts: der türkische Minister des Äusseren Ahmed Nessimy Bey, der österreichisch=ungarische Minister des Äusseren Graf Burian, der deutsche Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen Amtes v. Kühlmann, der bulgarische Ministerpräsident Radoslawow. (311) [Abb.]: Türkische Soldaten in der Wüste. (312) [Abb.]: In das eroberte Batum einziehende türkische Truppen werden von einer Abordnung der Bürgerschaft begrüsst. ( - ) [Abb.]: Die englische Niederlage am Jordan. ([313]) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (314) Erstürmung der letzten Forts von Batum durch die Türken. (314) [2 Abb.]: (1)K. u. k. Generalmajor Freiherr v. Zeidler, der Eroberer von Odessa. (2)K. u. k. Vizeadmiral Ritter v. Keil, wurde zum Admiral befördert. (314) [2 Abb.]: (1)Durchmarsch österreichisch=ungarischer Sturmtruppen durch Constanza am Schwarzen Meer. (2)Einschiffung österreichisch=ungarischer Sturmtruppen in Constanza zur Fahrt nach Odessa. (315) Die Eroberung der Krim. (316 - 317) [Abb.]: Einzug der deutschen Truppen in Sebastopol. (316 - 317) [Abb.]: Die von einem deutschen Infanterieflieger abgeschossene, mit einer Meldung versehene und Rauch entwickelnde Signalpatrone (Rauchmeldepatrone) wird von einem Infanteristen eingeholt. Die Rauchmeldepatrone ist eines der Mittel, wodurch der in 50-200 Meter Höhe fliegende Infanterieflieger die Verbindung zwischen der kämpfenden Infanterielinie und der Truppenführung herstellt, wenn bei schwerem Feuer alle anderen Nachrichtenmittel versagen. Er unterstützt die in den vordersten Gräben und Trichtern liegende Infanterie, beobachtet Angriffsabsichten des Feindes und kann hiergegen selbständig das Feuer der eigenen Artillerie anfordern. (318) Über die Verständigung zwischen Flieger und Truppe. (318) Charakterköpfe der Weltkriegsbühne. 10. Czernin. (319) [Abb.]: Die in der Rauchmeldepatrone enthaltene Meldung wird in der vordersten Stellung gelesen. (319) [2 Abb.]: (1)Wie die Franzosen den Krieg zu gewinnen gedenken: Ein in den deutschen Stellungen gelandeter französischer Werbeballon aus Papier, wie solche von den Franzosen häufig über die deutschen Linien abgelassen werden. Sie sind mit Zeitungen belastet, worin die deutschen Soldaten zum Überlaufen aufgefordert werden, da dann der Krieg bald beendet sei. Außerdem machen die Franzosen die verlockendsten Versprechnungen, weil sie einsehen, dass ihnen durch die Waffen der Sieg nicht zufällt. (2)Deutsche Soldaten belustigen sich an dem Inhalt der französischen Werbezeitungen. (320) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 196 (Heft 196) ([321]) [2 Abb.]:(1) Meldung des Kommandanten der bulgarischen Ehrenkompanie in Küstendil. 1. Kaiser und König Karl. 2. König Ferdinand von Bulgarien. 3. Kronprinz Boris von Bulgarien. (2)Das österreichisch=ungarische Herrscherpaar auf der Reise nach Sofia und Konstantinopel. Ankunft in Konstantinopel. 1. Kaiser und König Karl. 2. Kaiserin und Königin Zita. 3. Sultan Mohammed V. ([321]) [Abb.]: Schipperarbeit in den flandrischen Dünen. (322) [2Abb.]: (1)Im offenen Kampfgelände am Kemmelberge erbeutete schwere englische Haubizenbatterie. (2) Deutsches Lazarett am Kemmelberge unter englischem Feuer. (323) [Abb.]: Innenansicht einer deutschen Marketenderei in einem ehemaligen französischen Basar in Laon. Zu den besetzten Gebieten werden von der deutschen Militärverwaltung zahlreiche vorbildliche Einrichtungen zum Wohle der Feldgrauen geschaffen. In diesen Verkaufsstellen können sich die Soldaten zu erstaunlich niedrigen Preisen erwerben, was ihnen vom Heere nicht unmittelbar geliefert wird. So kostet hier ein grosser Eimer der besten Marmelade, die in den eigenen Obstverwertungsanlagen der Militärverwaltung hergestellt wird, nur 3 Mark. (324) [Abb.]: Bei der grossen Bagage in der Nähe von Dixmuiden. ([325]) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (326) Rückeroberung der k. u. k. Feldwache II am Monticellohang im herbst 1915. (326) Charakterköpfe der Weltkriegsbühne. 11. Storopadski, der Hetman der Ukraine. (326) [8 Abb.]: Bilder von der deutschen Feldpost im Westen. (1)Ankunft der Heimatpost im besetzten Gebiet. (2)Im Sortierraum eines Feldpostamtes. (3)Ausladen der Heimatpost. (4)Abfahrt der Feldpost für eine Kompanie. (5)Eintreffen der Feldpostsäcke in den Stellungen. (6)Verteilung der Feldpost an die Gruppenführer der Kompanie. (7)Austeilen der Feldpost im Graben. (8)Beim Lesen der Heimatgrüsse. ([327]) [4 Abb.]: (1)Leutnant Löwenhardt, erfolgreicher deutscher Kampfflieger und Führer einer Jagdstaffel im Westen. (2) Oberleutnant z. S. Walter Schmitz, erfolgreicher Kommandant eines in Flandern stationierten deutschen U=Bootes (3)Leutnant Menkhoff, erfolgreicher deutscher Kampfflieger Ritter des Ordens Pour le Mérite (4) Korvettenkapitän Eckelmann, Führer des U=Kreuzers, der im Sperrgebiet um die Azoren 48247 Tonnen Schiffsraum versenkt hat. (328) [Abb.]: Rückeroberung der k. u. k. Feldwache II am Monticellohang. ( - ) [Abb.]: Das Heldenstück eines deutschen U=Bootes (Kommandant Kapitänleutnant Steinbauer ) im Hafen von Carloforte auf Sardinien im Morgengrauen des 29. April 1918 ([329]) [Abb.]: Die Kathedrale von Amiens, deren figurenreiche Eingänge durch Sandsäcke geschützt sind. Nach einer französischen Darstellung von Ende April 1918. (330) [Abb.]: Englands Hilfsvöker: In der Schlacht an der Lys gefangene Portugiesen in einem Lager hinter der deutschen Front. (331) Die Durchbruchschlacht in Frankreich. III. Die Schlacht an der Lys. (331) [Abb.]: Kurze Rast deutscher Truppen auf einem Platze in Armentiéres. (331) [Abb.]: Deutsche Pioniere beim Wegebau während der Durchbruchschlacht im Westen. (332 - 333) Krieg und Vermessungswesen. (332 - 333) [Abb.]: Die ersten amtlich ausgegebenen Flugpostmarken der am 1. April 1918 früh um 5 1/2 Uhr auch für den öffentlichen Verkehr eröffneten k. u. k. österreichischen Flugpost Wien-Krakau-Lemberg. Die erste Ausgabe besteht aus drei Werten zu 1,50, 2,50 und 4 Kronen. (334) 2 [Abb.]: (1)Der erste deutsche Flugpostdienst. Vor dem Hause des Kurierdienstes in Brest=Litowsk, in dem sich die Lufpost=Annahmestelle befindet.(2)Der erste deutsche Flugpostdienst. Verladen der Postsäcke aus dem Automobil in das Postflugzeug. (335) Das Flugzeug im Dienste der Post. (335) [Abb.]: Das ehemalige französische Unterseeboot "Turquoise", mit dem kurz nach seinem Stapellauf der damalige türkische Marineminister Oschemal Pascha eine Probefahrt machte, das infolge wohlgezielter Kanonenschüsse des türkischen Unteroffiziers Müstedjik Onbaschi in die Hände der Türken gefallen ist. Es wurde in Gegenwart des türkischen Kriegsministers Ender Pascha und des Admirals Souchon auf den Namen Müstedjik Onbaschi" getauft. (336) Das von den Türken eroberte französische Unterseeboot "Turquoise". (336) [Abb.]: Die Beschiessung Laons durch die Franzosen. Den Einwohnern der weit hinter der deutschen Front liegenden französischen Stadt verursachte die Beschiessung durch die eigenen Landsleute grossen Schaden. (336) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 197 (Heft 197) ([337]) [Abb.]: Fort Malmaison am Chemin des Dames; im Hintergrund im Aisnetal das brennende Vailly. ([337]) [Abb.]: Vogelschaukarte zur Schlacht um den Chemin des Dames Ende Mai 1918. ([338]) [2 Abb.]:(1) Generalfeldmarschall v. Hindenburg an der Spitze seines früheren Regiments. (2)Generalfeldmarschall v. Hindenburg verteilt Auszeichnungen an Mannschaften seines Regiments. (339) [Abb.]: Die Einnahme von Vailly durch Sturmtruppen der deutschen Kronprinzenarmee. (340 - 341) [3 Abb.]: (1)Blick auf Berry au Bac am Chemin des Dames von einer deutschen Blinkerstation aus am Morgen des ersten Angriffstags. (2)Deutsche Minenwerfer überschreiten nach erfolgreichem Kampf die ersten englischen Stellungen bei Berry au Bac am Chemin des Dames. (3)Die ersten englischen Gefangenen aus dem Kampfgelände des Chemin des Dames werden bei Berry au Bac durch Laufgräben eingebracht. (342) [4Abb.]: (1)General v. Winckler, dessen Korps am 28. Mai die Beste überschritten. (2) (343) [Abb.]: General d. Inf. Fritz v. Below, Armeeführer der Heeresgruppe Deutscher Kronprinz. (343) [Abb.]: Karte zum Vordringen der Deutschen an die Marne. (343) [2 Abb.]:(1) Der Chemin des Dames wird von deutschen Truppen überquert. (2)Eines der bei Pargny am Chemin des Dames von den Deutschen erbeuteten schweren französischen Flachbahngeschütze, die durch ihre tägliche Beschiessung Laons schwere Opfer unter der französischen Bevölkerung forderten. (344) [Abb.]: Erstürmung von Soissons durch brandenburgische Pioniere. ([345]) [3 Abb.]: Bei einem deutschen Bombenflugzeuggeschwader. (1)Oben: Deutsches Grossflugzeug, abfahrtbereit. - (2)Mitte: Vorbereitung zum Flug, Prüfen des Maschinengewehrs und Einfüllen des Benzins. - (3)Unten: Aufhängen der Bomben unter dem Flugzeug. (346) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (346) Gedanken über die Ukraine. (346) [3 Abb.]: Bei einem deutschen Bombenflugzeuggeschwader. (1)Oben: Deutsche Fliegerbomben verschiedenen Kalibers (von links nach rechts 25 kg, 50 kg, 100 kg, 300 kg) - (2)Mitte: Eine 300=kg=Bombe zwischen zwei 50=kg=Bomben in der Aufhängewvorrichtung unter dem Flugzeug. - (3) Unten: Rumpfvorderteil eines Grossflugzeuges mit den Sitzen für Führer, Beobachter und Maschinengewehrschützen. (347) [Abb.]: Feltre in Oberitalien. Vor dem Stadttor zur oberen Stadt. (348) [Abb.]: K. u. k. Kaiserjäger werfen die Italiener aus ihren Stellungen auf der Zugna Torta. ([349]) [Abb.]: Deutsche Fliegerfunker bei der Aufnahme von drahtlosen Meldungen, die von einem schwebenden Flugzeug aus gemacht werden. Der Mann rechts gibt dem Flieger mit der Signalpistole das Zeichen, dass Verständigung erzielt ist. (350) Nachrichtenmittel im Felde. (350) [Abb.]: Deutscher Meldehund bringt in schwerem Feuer eine Nachricht aus der vordersten Stellung. (351) Generaloberst Freiherr v. Hazai. (352) [Abb.]: Generaloberst Samuel Freiherr v. Hazai, Chef des Ersatzwesens der gesamten bewaffneten Macht von Österreich=Ungarn. (352) [Abb.]: Der Deutsche Kaiser und Generalfeldmarschall von Hindenburg begegnen am 28. Mai 1918 auf dem Rückwege vom Winterberg dem Deutschen Kronprinzen. ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 198 (Heft 198) ([353]) [Abb.]: Deutsche Munitionskolonne auf dem Vormarsch zur Marne in schwierigem Gelände ([353]) [Abb.]: Deutscher Posten mit Panzerhemd in vorderster Stellung an der Westfront. (354) [3 Abb.]: (1)Gefangene Franzosen und Engländer an einem amerikanischen Sanitätswagen in dem von den Deutschen erbeuteten Lazarett Mont Notre Dame im Kampfgelände um Fismes. (2)Einer der zwischen Aisne und Marne erbeuteten vollbeladenen Proviantzüge, von denen der Gegner infolge des überstürzten Rückzuges mehrere zurücklassen musste. (3)Massentransporte von Gefangenen in der Zitadelle von Laon. Vom 25. Mai bis zum 14. Juni 1918 wurden die Fochschen Reserven allein an Gefangenen um 55 000 Mann vermindert. (355) [Abb.]: Aus der Schlacht bei Soissons: Erstürmung der Höhen westlich von Chaudun durch die Truppen des deutschen Kronprinzen. (356 - 357) [Abb.]: Deutsches Sturmwagengeschwader in Bereitschaftstellung für die Schlacht bei Reims. (358) [3 Abb.]: (1)Das von deutschen Truppen eroberte Fort St. Thierry bei Reims. (2)Aus der grossen Beute: Beim Vormarsch der Deutschen zur Marne fielen bedeutende Viehbestände in ihre Hände. (3)Von den Franzosen in Brand geschossene Häuser in Soissons. (359) [4 Abb.]: (1)Oberleutnant z. S. Dönitz, erfolgreicher Kommandant eines deutschen U=Bootes im Mittelmeer. (2)Kapitänleutnant Prinz Heinrich XXXVII. Reuss i. L., erfolgreicher U=Bootkommandant. (3)Kapitänleutnant Werner, erfolgreicher deutscher U=Bootkommandant im Sperrgebiet um England. (4)Kapitänleutnant Freiherr v. Loe, erfolgreicher deutscher U=Bootkommandant im Sperrgebiet um England. (360) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (360) Die Versenkung des englischen Dampfers "Eyklops". (360) [Abb.]: K. u. k. Oberleutnant Arn. Barwig, der meistausgezeichnete Beobachteroffizier der österreichisch=ungarischen Luftfahrtruppen. (360) Der U=Bootkrieg an der amerikanischen Küste. (360) [Abb.]: Versenkung des englischen 9033=Tonnen=Dampfers "Eyklops" in dem durch Sperren geschützten und durch Flieger bewachten Hafen von Augusta (Sizilien) durch das deutsche U=Boot unter dem Oberleutnant z. S. Dönitz (siehe Bild Seite 360), das trotz feindlicher Gegenmassnahmen unbeschädigt den Hafen wieder verliess. Im Hintergrunde der Ätna. (361) [Abb.]: Rast einer türkischen Kolonne auf dem Taurus. (362) Die englischen Angriffe auf die flandrische Küste. (362) [2 Abb.]: (1)Von der Ausbildung türkischen Landsturms vor einem Zeltlager bei Drama an der Küste des Ägäischen Meeres. (2)Türkischer Landsturm auf dem Marsche zur Kaserne. (363) [3 Abb.]: (1)Der englische Angriff auf den Hafen von Zeebrügge in der Nacht zum 23. April 1918 in schönfärberischer englischer Darstellung , durch die eine englische Zeitschrift ihre Leser über den Misserfolg des Unternehmens zu täuschen versuchte. (2)Das italienische Motorboot Grillo, das in der Nacht zum 14. Mai 1918 in den Hafen von Pola einzudringen versuchte und durch das Artilleriefeuer der österreichisch=ungarischen Wachschiffe vernichtet wurde. (3)Das ehemalige englische Schlachtschiff "Vindictive", das bei dem zweiten misslungenen englischen Handstreich gegen Ostende von den deutschen Küstenbatterien zusammengeschossen wurde. (364 - 365) [Abb.]: Doppeldecker mit zwei Motoren und drei Mann Besatzung. Unter dem Rumpf Aufhängevorrichtung für Bomben. (366) Fliegerwaffen. (366) [4 Abb.]: (1)Oberhalb der Tragflächen eines englischen Doppeldeckers angebrachtes Maschinengewehr. (2)Auf einem französischen Voisin=Doppeldecker angebrachte 3.8=cm=Schiffskanone (3)Eine in Blech geschnittene Shilhouette eines deutschen Flugzeuges als Visiervorrichtung an einem französischen Flugapparat, die das Zielen beim Luftkampf erleichtern soll. (4)Beobachtersitz eines deutschen Zweisitzerdoppeldeckers mit luftgekühltem Maschinengewehr, das, auf dem Ring um den Sitz schwenkbar, mit einem auf eine Trommel gewickelten Patronengurt versehen ist. (367) [Abb.]: Ein Kaiserschütze stösst einen italienischen Alpino im Kampf in eine Randspalte am Corno Scuro im Tonalegebiet. (368) Ein Kaiserschütze stösst einen Italiener im Kampfe in eine Randspalte (Tonalegebiet). (368) [Abb.]: Rast deutscher Truppen in Soissons. ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 199 (Heft 199) ([369]) [Abb.]: Zwischen Aisne und Marne von den Deutschen völlig unversehrt erbeutetes Riesengeschütz. ([369]) [3 Abb.]: Zum siegreichen deutschen Vorstoss zwischen Montdidier und Noyon und zwischen Aisne und Marne. (1)Deutsche Artillerie mit Maschinengewehrbedeckung auf dem Marsch durch Fismes. (2)Maschinengewehre werden von deutschen Soldaten in einem zerschossenen Hause in Stellung gebracht. (3)Deutsche Kavallerie auf dem Vormarsch. (370) [3 Abb.]: Zum siegreichen deutschen Vorstoss zwischen Montdidier und Noyon und zwischen Aisne und Marne. (1)Erbeutetes Kleinbahnmaterial in Bazoches, dessen Wegnahme eine empfindliche Schwächung der Fochschen Armee an Kriegsmitteln bedeutete. (2)Deutsches Regiment in Bereitschaftstellung dicht vor Tracy-le-Val. (3)Deutsche Munitionskolonne, deren Mannschaften und Pferde mit Gasmasken ausgerüstet sind, durchquert ein vergastes Waldstück. (371) [Abb.]: Der deutsche Vorstoss zur Marne. Stosstruppen und Flammenwerfer überrennen die feindlichen Stellungen (links deutsches Sperrfeuer). ([372 - 373]) [Abb.]: Beobachter Leutnant Eisenmenger (X) und Flugzeugführer Vizefeldwebel Gund (XX), die während eines Beobachtungsfluges am 23. Mai 1918 mit sechs englischen Kampfeinsitzern ins Gefecht gerieten und dabei vier Gegner abschossen (374) [2 Abb.]: (1)Flugzeugabwehrmaschinenkanone, die kleine Granaten verfeuert. Die Geschosse sind mit einem Gurtband auf die links sichtbare Trommel gewickelt. Die Mannschaft ist mit Stahlhelm und Gasmaske ausgerüstet. (2)Flugzeugabwehrmaschinenkanone. Man sieht in der Trommel deutlich die auf einen Gurt gereihten Grananten. (375) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (375) Über den Flugabwehrdienst. (375) [Abb.]: Die Tote=Mann=Mühle in dem Waldlager der Argonnen. Links französische Soldatengräber, von deutschen Landwehrleuten geschmückt. (376) Ein Beobachtungsturm im Argonnenwald. (376) [Abb.]: Der "Mudraturm". Beobachtungstelle in einem Truppenlager im Argonnenwalde. ([377]) [2 Abb.]: (1)Generalmajor Linder, erfolgreicher Führer finnländischer Truppen gegen die Rote Garde in Finnland. (2)Brand der Roten=Garde=Kaserne. Die Gebäude der Kaserne wurden von den darin untergebrachten gefangenen finnischen Roten Gardisten selbst in Brand gesteckt. (378) [2 Abb.]: (1)Einzug des finnischen Generals Mannerheim in Helsingfors. (2)Das Gefangenenlager Lahti für 20 000 Rote Gardisten mit ihren Frauen und Kindern und etwa 6000 Pferden und Wagen. (379) Finnlands Befreiung. (379) [Abb.]: Vertreibung plündernder russischer Roter Garden aus einem finnischen Dorfe. (380 - 381) Der Wetterdienst im Kriege. (382) [3 Abb.]: (1)Oberes Bild: Ukrainische Flugschüler beim Aufstellen eines sogenannten Böenmessers zur Ermittlung der Windgeschwindigkeit. (2)Mittleres Bild: Ausbildung ukrainischer Flugzeugbeobachter im Maschinengewehrschiessen durch Zielen nach kleinen Pilotballonen. (3)Unteres Bild: Prüfen der Wetterlage vor dem Aufstieg. (382) [ 5 Abb.]: (1)Ablesen der Temperatur und der Luftfeuchtigkeit an den Apparaten in der Thermometerhütte. (2)Beobachten des Windmessers (Schalenkreuzanemometers) auf der Erde. (3)Behelfsmäßiges Messen der Menge des Regens. (4)Beobachten des Pilotballons mittels des Anschneidegerätes. (5)Der Luftdruckmesser und =schreiber. (383) [Abb.]: Deutscher Landsturm in Strohmieten. (384) [Abb.]: Einbruch österreichisch=ungarischer Truppen in die italienischen Stellungen am Montello. ( - ) Die Geschichte des Weltkrieges 1914/18. Heft 200 (Heft 200) ([385]) [Abb.]: Feier des 30. Jahrestages des Regierungsantritts Kaiser Wilhelms II. im Großen Hauptquartier. Im Vordergrund von links nach rechts: Der Kaiser, Oberstleutnant Bauer, Generalfeldmarschall v. Hindenburg und der Deutsche Kronprinz. ([385]) [Abb.]: Der Deutsche Kaiser im Gespräch mit einem gefangenen englischen Brigadegeneral auf dem Winterberg. (386) [4 Abb.]: Rastende deutsche Kolonne bei St. Leger. (2)Lager württembergischer Truppen bei Irles. (3)Deutsche Lastwagen, sogenannte "Raupe". (4)Auf einem Verbandplatz im Westen während der Schlacht. (387) [Abb.]: Aus den Kämpfen um Cháteau=Thierry. (388 - 389) [Abb.]: Das zerstörte Fort Condé, 8 Kilometer östlich von Soissons. (390) [Abb.]: Zerstörungen im Fort Condé (391) Illustrierte Kriegsberichte. (391) Die Schlacht zwischen Soissons und Reims. I. (391) [4 Abb.]: (1)K. u. k. Generaloberst Erzherzog Josef. (2)K. u. k. General der Kavallerie Fürst Schönburg=Hartenstein. (3)K. u. k. Generaloberst Freiherr v. Wurm. (4)Kartenskizze zur Schlacht in Venezien im Juni 1918. (392) [Abb.]: Die Truppen des k. u. k. Generalobersten Freiherrn v. Wurm (Heeresgruppe Feldmarschall v. Boroevic) erzwingen sich den Übergang über den angeschwollenen Piavefluss und nehmen die beiderseits der Bahn Oderzo=Treviso eingebauten Stellungen der Italiener. ([393]) [Abb.]: Der Piavefluss mit den Bergen Tomba und Pallone sowie den Höhenzügen gegen Bassano. (394) Kraftfahrer Matthias. (395) [Abb.]: Blick auf das Gebirge zwischen Brenta und Piave, den Monte Pallone. Monte Spinuccia und Monte Grappa. (395) Die neuen polnischen Briefmarken. (396) [Abb.]: General Knoerzer, dessen Truppen westlich von Taganrog 10 000 Bolschewiki vernichtend schlugen. (396) Die Minenwerfer. (396) [Abb.]: Bolschewistische Banden werden bei Taganrog durch deutsches Feuer nahezu vernichtet. ([397]) [Abb.]: Schematische Darstellung eines schutzfertigen Minenwerfers. (398) [3 Abb.]: (1)Durchschnitt durch das Geschützrohr mit Mine. (2)Zündvorrichtung (Durchschnitt). (3)Durchschnitt durch das Geschützrohr mit Mine, die mit einem Zünder für Zeit= und doppelte Aufschlagzündung versehen ist. (399) [Abb.]: Eingebauter schwerer Minenwerfer vor dem Abschuss. (400) Einband ( - ) Einband ( - )
0 ORGANIZZAZIONE DEL PROGETTO: "Analisi degli ambiti prioritari di domanda e offerta di tecnologie per la "Fabbrica Intelligente"" 0.1 Cenni Teorici sull'attività di Project Management La parola "Progetto" è utilizzata per indicare compiti e attività in apparenza molto diverse tra loro, basti pensare ad un progetto di ricerca e ad un progetto di costruzione di un edificio: due attività assai diverse e formalmente senza punti in comune. Al fine di approfondire i concetti legati al progetto in esame, sarebbe utile definire in maniera più precisa cosa si intende con la parola "progetto". Sin dai primi studi di Taylor e Gantt ad inizio del 1900 si è cercato di dare una definizione chiara del termine, arrivando a definirlo come: "Un insieme di persone e di altre risorse temporaneamente riunite per raggiungere uno specifico obiettivo, di solito con un budget determinato ed entro un periodo stabilito" (Graham, 1990) "Uno sforzo complesso, comportante compiti interrelati eseguiti da varie organizzazioni, con obiettivi, schedulazioni e budget ben definiti" (Russel D. Archibald, 1994) "Un insieme di sforzi coordinati nel tempo" (Kerzner, 1995) "Uno sforzo temporaneo intrapreso per creare un prodotto o un servizio univoco" (PMI – Project Management Institute, 1996) "Un insieme di attività complesse e interrelate, aventi come fine un obiettivo ben definito, raggiungibile attraverso sforzi sinergici e coordinati, entro un tempo predeterminato e con un preciso ammontare di risorse umane e finanziarie a disposizione." (Tonchia, 2007) È da notare che, a prescindere dall'organizzazione e dal settore di riferimento, un progetto è caratterizzato da alcuni elementi distintivi: • un obiettivo da raggiungere con determinate specifiche; • un insieme di attività tra loro coordinate in modo complesso; • tempi di inizio e fine stabiliti; • risorse normalmente limitate (umane, strumentali e finanziare); • carattere pluridisciplinare o multifunzionale rispetto alla struttura organizzativa. La specificità dell'obiettivo determina l'eccezionalità del progetto rispetto alle attività ordinarie e quindi l'assenza di esperienze precedenti. Le organizzazioni, siano esse imprese, enti pubblici o Università, svolgono appunto due tipologie di attività con caratteristiche distinte: 1. funzioni operative; 2. progetti. Talvolta le due categorie presentano aree comuni e condividono alcune caratteristiche: • sono eseguiti da persone; • sono vincolati da risorse limitate; • sono soggetti a pianificazione, esecuzione e controllo. Nonostante queste caratteristiche comuni, progetti e funzioni operative hanno obiettivi diversi tra loro: il progetto infatti è di natura temporanea e ha lo scopo di raggiungere il proprio obiettivo e quindi concludersi, la funzione operativa invece è di natura ripetitiva e fornisce un'azione di supporto continuativo all'azienda. Un progetto indipendentemente dal settore e dall'organizzazione nel quale si sviluppa, ha 3 vincoli fondamentali tra loro in competizione: • qualità o prestazioni; • tempo; • costo. Per di più se il progetto è commissionato da un cliente esterno sarà presente un quarto vincolo, ovvero le buone relazioni tra l'organizzazione e il cliente, è chiaro infatti che è tecnicamente possibile gestire un progetto rispettando i primi tre vincoli senza coinvolgere il cliente, ma così vengono pregiudicati i futuri business. Le principali caratteristiche di un progetto sono: 1. Temporaneità: Ogni progetto infatti ha come detto una data di inizio e di fine definite, e quest'ultima viene raggiunta quando: a. gli obiettivi del progetto sono stati raggiunti; b. è impossibile raggiungere gli obiettivi; c. il progetto non è più necessario e viene chiuso. Temporaneità non significa che un progetto ha breve durata, i progetti infatti possono durare anche diversi anni, l'importante è comprendere che la durata di un progetto è definita con l'obiettivo di creare risultati duraturi. La natura temporanea dei progetti può essere applicata anche ad altri aspetti: - l'opportunità o finestra di mercato è generalmente temporanea; - come unità lavorativa, raramente il gruppo di progetto sopravvive dopo il progetto, il gruppo infatti realizzerà il progetto e alla conclusione di questo verrà sciolto, riassegnando il personale ad altri progetti. 2. Prodotti, servizi o risultati unici: Un progetto crea prodotti, servizi o risultati unici. I progetti solitamente creano: - un prodotto finale o un componente di un prodotto; - un servizio; - un risultato, come degli esiti, dei documenti e report. L'unicità è un'importante caratteristica degli output di un progetto. 3. Elaborazione progressiva: con questa espressione si intende lo sviluppo in fasi, organizzate attraverso una successione incrementale per tutto il ciclo di vita del progetto, infatti man mano che un Project Team (Gruppo di Progetto) approfondisce la conoscenza del progetto è anche in grado di gestirlo ad un maggiore livello di dettaglio e sarà in grado di arricchirlo di maggiori dettagli via via che il Team sviluppa delle conoscenze sul settore. L'attività di Gestione del Progetto o Project Management è l'applicazione di conoscenze, abilità, strumenti e tecniche alle attività di progetto al fine di soddisfarne i requisiti, dove il Project Manager (PM) è la persona incaricata del raggiungimento degli obiettivi di progetto. La gestione di progetto include: • identificare i requisiti; • fissare obiettivi chiari e raggiungibili; • adattare specifiche di prodotto, piani e approccio alle diverse aree di interesse e alle diverse aspettative dei vari stakeholder. • individuare il giusto equilibrio tra le esigenze di qualità, ambito, tempo e costi, che sono in competenza tra di loro. Nella gestione dei progetti infatti, è costante lo sforzo atto a bilanciare i tre vincoli (qualità e prestazioni, tempi e costi), poiché i progetti di successo sono quelli che consegnano il prodotto, il servizio o il risultato richiesti nell'ambito stabilito, entro il tempo fissato e rimanendo entro i limiti del budget definito, infatti la variazione anche di uno solo dei tre vincoli implica che almeno un altro ne risulta influenzato. Il PM si occupa inoltre di gestire i progetti tenendo conto dei rischi intrinseci di un progetto, ossia eventi o condizioni incerte che, se si verificano, hanno un effetto o positivo o negativo su almeno uno degli obiettivi di progetto. Una Gestione dei Progetti efficace ma allo stesso tempo efficiente, può essere definita quindi come il raggiungimento degli obiettivi del progetto al livello di prestazioni o qualità desiderate, mantenendosi nei tempi e nei costi previsti e utilizzando senza sprechi le risorse disponibili. Tutto ciò è fondamentale che sia conforme al desiderio del cliente, infatti nei casi in cui un progetto è commissionato da un cliente esterno, le relazioni con quest'ultimo diventano un ulteriore vincolo di progetto e quindi Il successo di un progetto si raggiunge con quanto detto sopra e con l'accettazione da parte del cliente. Raramente i progetti vengono completati rispettando l'obiettivo originale, spesso infatti con l'avanzamento del progetto alcune modifiche sono inevitabili, e se non gestite in maniera opportuna possono anche affossare il progetto e il morale di chi ci lavora. Perciò è necessario un accordo reciproco tra PM e cliente relativo ai cambiamenti degli obiettivi, che comunque devono essere minimi e sempre approvati. È da ricordare infine che i PM devono gestire i progetti in base alle linee guida dell'azienda a cui fanno riferimento, rispettando procedure, regole e direttive dell'organizzazione, altrimenti si rischia che il PM venga considerato come un imprenditore autonomo, finalizzato esclusivamente al raggiungimento dei suoi obiettivi, rischiando così di modificare il flusso di lavoro principale dell'organizzazione. 0.2 Scopo del Progetto Sotto il suggerimento della Commissione Europea, tutte le Regioni degli Stati membri dell'UE, sono state invitate a stilare un documento nel quale si definisca la propria Smart Specialisation Strategy SSS , al fine di favorire lo sviluppo delle politiche di coesione delle regioni e degli stati membri, da finanziare con i Fondi Strutturali per il periodo 2014-2020. Il concetto indica Strategie d'innovazione concepite a livello regionale ma valutate e messe a sistema a livello nazionale con l'obiettivo di: • evitare la frammentazione degli interventi e mettere a sistema le politiche di ricerca e innovazione; • sviluppare strategie d'innovazione regionali che valorizzino gli ambiti produttivi di eccellenza tenendo conto del posizionamento strategico territoriale e delle prospettive di sviluppo in un quadro economico globale. In linea con le direttive comunitarie e in coerenza con quanto indicato nella SSS della Regione Toscana, IRPET Regione Toscana ha incaricato quindi il Consorzio QUINN a redigere un report denominato "Analisi degli ambiti prioritari di domanda e offerta di tecnologie per la "Fabbrica Intelligente"", affinché venga delineato il panorama delle imprese regionali che fanno uso di queste tecnologie, al fine di erogare in una seconda fase dei finanziamenti per la ricerca e lo sviluppo, in particolare quelli gestiti nell'ambito dei fondi strutturali che svolgono un ruolo rilevante come promotori dell'innovazione tecnologica. La "Fabbrica Intelligente" infatti rappresenta una delle 9 aree tecnologiche individuate dal Bando «Cluster Tecnologici Nazionali» presentato dal MIUR il 30 maggio 2012, e definita come strategica per la competitività del Paese. Nella SSS regionale, l'ambito prioritario legato alle tecnologie per la Fabbrica Intelligente si rivolge alle tecnologie dell'automazione, della meccatronica e della robotica. Ai fini degli obiettivi della SSS queste tre discipline concorrono in maniera integrata a sviluppare soluzioni tecnologiche funzionali all'automazione dei processi produttivi, in termini di velocizzazione, sicurezza e controllo, della sostenibilità ed economicità degli stessi, nonché dell'estensione della capacità di azione. Per un più semplice inquadramento definitorio, le tecnologie di questi tre settori vengono di seguito approfonditi e descritti in maniera distinta. 1. AUTOMAZIONE : Per "automazione" si intende lo sviluppo di sistemi, strumentazioni, processi ed applicativi che consentono la riduzione dell'intervento dell'uomo sui processi produttivi. L'automazione in tal senso si realizza mediante soluzioni di problemi tecnici legati all'esecuzione di azioni in maniera ripetuta, nella semplificazioni di operazione complesse, nell'effettuazione di operazioni complesse in contesti incerti e dinamici con elevato livello di precisione. Il concetto di automazione assume un carattere estensivo di integrazione di tecnologie e di ambiti applicativi (dal laboratorio, alla fabbrica intelligente), mantenendo il focus sul controllo automatico dei processi. 2. MECCATRONICA : La "meccatronica" è una branca dell'ingegneria che coniuga sinergicamente più discipline quali la Meccanica, l'elettronica, ed i sistemi di controllo intelligenti, allo scopo di realizzare un sistema integrato detto anche sistema tecnico. Inizialmente la meccatronica è nata dalla necessità di fondere insieme la meccanica e l'elettronica, da cui il nome. Successivamente l'esigenza di realizzare sistemi tecnici sempre più complessi ha portato alla necessità di integrare anche le altre discipline per applicazioni industriali robotiche e di azionamento elettrico. 3. ROBOTICA : Come ramo della cibernetica rivolto alle tecniche di costruzione (ed i possibili ambiti di applicazioni) dei robot, la robotica è la disciplina dell'ingegneria che studia e sviluppa metodi che permettano a un robot di eseguire dei compiti specifici riproducendo il lavoro umano. La robotica moderna si è sviluppata perseguendo principalmente: a) l'autonomia delle macchine; b) la capacità di interazione/immedesimazione con l'uomo e i suoi comportamenti. 0.3 Stakeholder del Progetto La definizione stakeholder o portatori di interesse fu elaborata nel 1963 al Research Institute dell'Università di Stanford da Edward Freeman, definendoli come i soggetti senza il cui supporto l'impresa non è in grado di sopravvivere. Gli stakeholder di un progetto sono persone o strutture organizzative coinvolte attivamente nel progetto o i cui interessi possono subire effetti dell'esecuzione o dal completamento del progetto, possono quindi avere influenza sugli obiettivi e sui risultati del progetto. Ignorare gli stakeholder può portare a conseguenze negative sui risultati del progetto, il loro ruolo infatti può avere sia un impatto negativo che positivo sul progetto: gli stakeholder positivi sono quelli che traggono vantaggi dalla buona riuscita del progetto, è quindi vantaggioso supportarne gli interessi, mentre i negativi sono quelli che vedono risultati sfavorevoli dalla buona riuscita del progetto, gli interessi di questi ultimi avrebbero la meglio con un aumento dei vincoli sull'avanzamento del progetto. Solitamente gli stakeholder principali in un progetto sono rappresentati da: • Project Manager: persona responsabile della gestione del progetto; • Cliente/utente: persona o struttura organizzativa che utilizzerà il prodotto del progetto; • Membri del Team di progetto: membri del gruppo incaricati all'esecuzione del progetto; • Sponsor: persona o gruppo che fornisce le risorse necessarie al progetto; • Soggetti influenti: persone o gruppi che sono non direttamente collegati con l'acquisto o l'uso del prodotto ma che, a causa della posizione ricoperta nella struttura organizzativa del cliente, possono influire positivamente o negativamente sul corso del progetto. Il compito di gestire le aspettative degli stakeholder va al Project Manager, spesso ciò non è semplice a causa dei differenti e contrastanti obiettivi degli stakeholder. Nel presente progetto gli stakeholder coinvolti nelle varie attività possono quindi essere ricondotti a quattro soggetti o gruppi: • Ente Committente: IRPET; • Ente Incaricato: Consorzio QUINN; • Team di Progetto; • Regione Toscana. 0.3.1 IRPET: ISTITUTO REGIONALE PER LA PROGRAMMAZIONE ECONOMICA DELLA TOSCANA L'IRPET, nato nel 1968 come organo tecnico-scientifico del CRPET (Comitato regionale per la programmazione economica della Toscana) con la finalità di compiere gli studi preliminari all'istituzione dell'ente Regione, è diventato Ente pubblico con legge della Regione Toscana nel 1974. L'Istituto è ente di consulenza sia per la Giunta che per il Consiglio regionale per lo svolgimento di compiti di studio e ricerca in materia di programmazione. Sono compiti dell'Istituto, in particolare: a) lo studio della struttura socio economica regionale e delle sue trasformazioni, degli andamenti congiunturali e dei relativi strumenti analitici; b) lo studio della struttura territoriale regionale e delle sue trasformazioni e dei relativi strumenti analitici; c) lo studio delle metodologie di programmazione, di valutazione e di verifica delle politiche; d) gli studi preparatori per gli atti della programmazione regionale e per il piano di indirizzo territoriale regionale in ordine ai problemi economici, territoriali e sociali; d bis) elaborazione dei documenti o rapporti di valutazione dei programmi nazionali e dell'Unione europea gestiti dalla Regione Toscana, di cui agli articoli 10, comma 5, e 12 della legge regionale 2 agosto 2013, n. 44 (Disposizioni in materia di programmazione regionale). e) la circolazione delle conoscenze e dei risultati di cui alle lettere a) b) e c). L'Istituto, nell'ambito delle medesime materie, può altresì svolgere altre attività di studio, ricerca e consulenza su committenza di soggetti pubblici e privati diversi dalla Regione, e inoltre: • stabilisce relazioni con enti di ricerca, anche esteri, istituti specializzati, dipartimenti universitari; • assume iniziative di formazione specialistica nelle discipline oggetto dell'attività dell'Istituto. 0.3.2 QUINN: CONSORZIO UNIVERSITARIO IN INGEGNERIA PER LA QUALITÀ E L'INNOVAZIONE Istituito nel 1989 su iniziativa dell'Università di Pisa con l'adesione di numerose grandi imprese italiane e riconosciuto dal MURST (oggi MIUR) con Decreto del 1991, l'attuale QUINN: Consorzio Universitario in Ingegneria per la Qualità e l'Innovazione viene costituito inizialmente con il nome "Qualital" allo scopo di far collaborare un gruppo di grandi imprese nella ricerca applicata e nella formazione manageriale in una disciplina in forte crescita, il Total Quality Management ed in particolare l'ingegneria dei processi aziendali. Nel 2005 alla missione originaria se ne affianca un'altra: l'innovazione. Cambia il nome: Quinn, Consorzio Universitario in Ingegneria per la Qualità e l'Innovazione, ma resta l'approccio rigoroso: sviluppare metodologie e strumenti di supporto ai processi innovativi derivanti dalla migliore ricerca e dalle esperienze più avanzate a livello internazionale. Il Consorzio con sede a Pisa, non ha fine di lucro; esso mira a creare sinergie tra le competenze del suo staff e dei partner accademici e le capacità operative delle Imprese industriali, delle Organizzazioni pubbliche e private operanti nella produzione di beni e servizi, allo scopo di promuovere e svolgere: • ricerca applicata e sperimentazione on field di metodologie e strumenti per il miglioramento della qualità di prodotti e servizi; • progetti di rilievo nazionale ed internazionale finalizzati allo sviluppo scientifico e tecnologico dell'ingegneria della qualità e dell'innovazione. Per quanto concerne la ricerca applicata le linee strategiche seguite riguardano: • Metodiche, strumenti per l'innovazione, la qualità, il miglioramento delle performance aziendali; • Gestione per Processi sviluppata in contesti diversificati; • Sistemi Integrati Qualità, Ambiente, Sicurezza, Sostenibilità. Il Consorzio QUINN è una struttura professionale con al vertice un rappresentante della componente accademica dell'Università di Pisa (discipline ingegneristiche) e gestito dal Direttore operativo con comprovata esperienza manageriale. QUINN opera quindi con un pool di professionisti che, con background multidisciplinare e approccio per «commessa», presidiano i principali ambiti di intervento: • il recupero di efficienza dei processi organizzativi; • la capitalizzazione dell'ascolto dei clienti e delle lessons learned; • il miglioramento continuo delle performance di unità operative e key people; • l'evoluzione dei sistemi di gestione Qualità, Ambiente e Sicurezza verso la sostenibilità. I componenti del pool, oltre ad operare personalmente sul campo, attivano collaborazioni con esperti del mondo della ricerca e delle professioni, per portare a termine progetti e ricerche che creino valore tangibile per i Committenti. Gli incarichi di QUINN si caratterizzano per la relativa non convenzionalità degli obiettivi assegnati, dei metodi di lavoro utilizzati e per l'interdisciplinarietà delle competenze richieste; costante è la flessibilità di approccio per rispondere ad esigenze che evolvono anche durante l'iter progettuale e l'attenzione a coinvolgere le risorse del Cliente che possono contribuire al risultato finale. Tra le linee di intervento a supporto dell'Innovazione attivate da QUINN negli ultimi 15 anni evidenziamo i "Servizi di supporto alle Policy pubbliche", che per la realizzazione di interventi di supporto alle policy regionali toscane (2010-2014) per l'innovazione delle imprese si sono articolate in: • Organizzazione e gestione di un percorso d'incontri per i centri servizi e di trasferimento tecnologico aderenti alla Tecnorete della Regione Toscana; • Revisione catalogo dei servizi avanzati e qualificati, sua estensione all'internazionalizzazione; • Analisi del concetto e di esperienze di Dimostratore Tecnologico; • Linee guida per la Divulgazione Tecnologica nel Trasferimento Tecnologico; • Linee guida per la valutazione della performance dei laboratori di ricerca e trasferimento tecnologico e laboratori di prova/analisi; • Linee guida alle attività di Business-Matching / Matchmaking; • Studio di fattibilità per una società di seed capital per Toscana Life Sciences e collaborazione con le attività di incubazione di Siena (2006); • Studi di fattibilità per le policy di sostegno alla nascita di nuove imprese innovative - CCIAA Lodi, ARTI/Regione Puglia (2007- 2008); • Indagine sul sistema dei Parchi Scientifici e Tecnologici Italiani (2010); • Studio di fattibilità dell'incubatore universitario di Sesto Fiorentino (2009); • Progettazione condivisa con gli attori territoriali del progetto Innovation Building a Prato (2009); • Ricerca sulla nuova imprenditorialità e attrazione di investimenti nel distretto della nautica della Spezia (2007-2008); • Attività di supporto all'Incubatore tecnologico di Firenze finalizzate alla ricerca e accoglimento di nuove imprese (2007); • Analisi di opportunità di nuove imprese innovative derivanti dalla costruzione di un nuovo ospedale (2006-2007). 0.4 Fasi del Progetto La Pianificazione del Progetto, nell'ottica di un'efficace Project Management, è stata svolta suddividendo il progetto in fasi al fine di poter effettuare un miglior controllo. I passaggi da una fase all'altra del progetto, che rappresentano il ciclo di vita del progetto, comportano generalmente una forma di trasferimento tecnico o comunque un passaggio di consegne, dove gli output ottenuti da una fase a monte, prima di essere approvati per procedere alla fase a valle vengono analizzati per verificarne completezza e accuratezza. Quando si ritiene che i possibili rischi sono accettabili, può essere che una fase venga iniziata prima dell'approvazione dei deliverable della fase precedente. Per fasi si intendono sequenze identificabili di eventi composti da attività coerenti che producono risultati definiti e che costituiscono l'input per la fase successiva. Le fasi standard identificabili nella maggior parte dei progetti sono: • Concezione e Avvio del Progetto; • Pianificazione; • Esecuzione e Controllo; • Chiusura. In sostanza il ciclo di vita del progetto definisce quale lavoro tecnico deve essere svolto in ciascuna fase, quando devono essere prodotti i deliverable in ciascuna fase e come ciascun deliverable deve essere analizzato, verificato e convalidato, chi è coinvolto in ciascuna fase e come controllare e approvare ciascuna fase. Le fasi che hanno portato alla redazione del report, nel quale le informazioni raccolte sul campo sono state organizzate in modo tale da consentire l'inquadramento del fenomeno della Fabbrica Intelligente in Toscana, sono così individuabili: • FASE 0: Fase Preliminare Dopo aver ricevuto l'incarico da parte di IRPET per la redazione del report, il QUINN ha analizzato la fattibilità del progetto, in modo da prevenire un rischio di insuccesso e dare concretezza all'idea progettuale, e una volta verificata ha redatto la propria Offerta Tecnica. Dopo l'accettazione dell'Offerta da parte dell'Ente Committente, QUINN ha costituito il Team di Progetto incaricato a svolgere le attività progettuali, assegnando a ciascun componente le proprie responsabilità e mansioni. Grazie all'utilizzo di tecniche efficaci per la pianificazione, sono state programmate nel dettaglio tutte le attività da svolgere, al fine di completare il report entro il termine fissato. • FASE 1: Comprensione del Contesto di riferimento In questa fase l'obiettivo centrale era rappresentato dalla comprensione del contesto del progetto, il Team di Progetto rispetto al contesto imprenditoriale italiano ha svolto un'analisi interna e una esterna, che hanno permesso di inquadrare il tema della "Fabbrica Intelligente". Partendo dalle origini prettamente letterarie del concetto, è stata illustrata l'evoluzione industriale che ha preceduto questo fenomeno, successivamente sono stati analizzati i macro trend socio-economici che hanno maggiore impatto sull'industria che stanno caratterizzando l'attuale scenario industriale, concludendo infine con la presentazione delle varie iniziative comunitarie e nazionali a sostegno della ripresa manifatturiera attraverso la "Fabbrica Intelligente". • FASE 2: Esplorazione del Concetto nel Panorama Internazionale Durante questa fase, svolta quasi in parallelo con la precedente, sono state analizzate le varie declinazioni al concetto di Fabbrica Intelligente e congiuntamente ricercati i trend e le tecnologie abilitanti. Attraverso un esercizio di Forecasting Tecnologico, osservando molteplici studi condotti da un altrettanto numero di esperti, sono stati identificati i trend attuali e quelli emergenti connessi alla Fabbrica Intelligente, con i conseguenti impatti sulle aziende e sulla forza lavoro. Alla fine sono stati ricercati alcuni casi di Fabbrica Intelligente, o di Industria 4.0 che dir si voglia, sviluppati da diverse aziende nel mondo. • FASE 3: Studio dell'Applicazione del Modello nella Regione Toscana Nello svolgimento di questa fase, si è passati allo studio degli ambiti prioritari della domanda e dell'offerta di tecnologie per la Fabbrica Intelligente nella Regione Toscana, per come identificata all'interno della SSS, focalizzandoci sulle tecnologie connesse all'automazione, alla meccatronica e alla robotica. Successivamente si è passati ad individuare possibili legami tra gli ambiti tecnologici analizzati e lo sviluppo di soluzioni tecnologiche funzionali ai processi produttivi, "in termini di velocizzazione sicurezza e controllo dei processi, della sostenibilità ed economicità degli stessi, nonché dell'estensione della capacità di azione". Si è arrivati infine a delineare il panorama della diffusione del modello della Fabbrica intelligente nelle imprese del sistema produttivo toscano, grazie all'analisi della diffusione fra le aziende produttrici e utilizzatrici delle tecnologie correlate, attraverso il merging di due DB di imprese Toscane stilati da enti qualificati, interviste in profondità e telefoniche, e infine attraverso l'organizzazione di due Focus Group. • FASE 4: Realizzazione Conclusiva del Report La quarta e ultima fase ha portato alla redazione finale del report, nel quale le informazioni sia di carattere quantitativo, ma soprattutto qualitativo raccolte sul campo sono state elaborate in maniera tale da evidenziare la diffusione del fenomeno nel tessuto produttivo toscano. I risultati conseguenti all'elaborazione di tali informazioni risultano essere: - la descrizione di casi studio sia di utilizzatori che di sviluppatori, con la presentazione delle peculiarità di adozione delle tecnologie che prefigurano possibili modelli di adozione alla Fabbrica intelligente; - la mappatura della diffusione delle tecnologie abilitanti della Fabbrica intelligente in Toscana con riferimento alle imprese utilizzatrici; - inquadramento del livello di maturità dei diversi settori produttivi toscani rispetto alle tecnologie target identificate dal Cluster Fabbrica Intelligente; - raccomandazioni di policy. 0.5 Strumenti e Tecniche utilizzate nell'ambito del Progetto Per una più facile comprensione dei contenuti, in questo paragrafo vengono descritti in forma teorica gli strumenti e le tecniche gestionali, che il Team di Progetto ha utilizzato per lo svolgimento delle attività progettuali, elencandoli in funzione dell'impiego nelle diverse fasi del progetto. Nel proseguo del lavoro, dove verranno presentati i contenuti del report, saranno illustrate le modalità operative realmente avviate nell'applicazione dei vari strumenti. 0.5.1 FASE 0: FASE PRELIMINARE In questa fase preliminare il PM detiene la responsabilità della pianificazione, integrazione ed esecuzione dei piani. La pianificazione, ovvero il P nella logica PDCA, è fondamentale a causa della breve durata del progetto e per l'assegnazione delle risorse. L'integrazione risulta altrettanto importante, altrimenti ogni soggetto sviluppa la propria pianificazione senza tener conto degli altri. La pianificazione è la definizione di cosa fare, quando va fatto e da chi; è destinata in linea teorica a: • "acquisire" gli obiettivi del processo; • individuare le fasi o meglio processi, diretti ed indiretti, che consentono di raggiungere gli obiettivi prefissati ovvero stesura della "mappa" di processi e delle interazioni; • scegliere metodi per il do, il check e l'act, il personale, i materiali e/o le informazioni, le macchine/tecnologie e/o attrezzature per ogni processo operativo aggredibile; • provare, sperimentare, verificare là dove non si sa; • emettere specifiche, standard; • occuparsi delle eventuali attività di comunicazione e addestramento. Per un PM è fondamentale utilizzare tecniche di pianificazione efficaci, e di seguito sono descritte quelle utilizzate durante tutte le fasi del progetto: • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS); • Matrice RACI; • Diagramma di Gantt; • Flow Chart (FC). Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) La WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) è una forma di scomposizione (o disaggregazione secondo una struttura ad albero) strutturata e gerarchica del progetto che si sviluppa tramite l'individuazione di sotto-obiettivi e attività definite ad un livello di dettaglio sempre maggiore. Scopo della WBS è di identificare e collocare all'ultimo livello gerarchico pacchetti di lavoro (Work Package) chiaramente gestibili e attribuibili a un unico responsabile, affinché possano essere programmati, schedulati, controllati e valutati. La WBS è uno strumento di fondamentale importanza nel Project Management, infatti fornisce le basi per sviluppare una matrice delle responsabilità e successivamente effettuare lo scheduling . Attraverso la suddivisione dei deliverable in componenti più piccoli definiti "work package" si semplifica la gestione del progetto. Il work package infatti rappresenta il gradino più basso della gerarchia WBS ed è tramite questo che si possono definire in maniera più affidabile schedulazione dei tempi e costi. La suddivisione per livello procede riducendo ampiezza e complessità fino a quando non perviene a una descrizione adeguata e inequivocabile della voce finale. La Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), ha permesso di individuare, ai vari livelli, tutte le attività di sviluppo del progetto. La logica di scomposizione utilizzata è stata quella del processo di lavoro, questa logica consiste nel suddividere il progetto in relazione alla sequenza logica delle attività realizzative che verranno messe in opera, e ci ha permesso di individuare, per ogni pacchetto di lavoro: • scopo del lavoro con obiettivi e vincoli; • il processo di lavoro e le sue interfacce; • le risorse assegnabili e assegnate; • i limiti di tempo. Matrice RACI La Matrice RACI è uno strumento che viene utilizzato per l'individuazione delle responsabilità all'interno di un progetto. Essa indica alle risorse umane coinvolte le mansioni e il grado di responsabilità all'interno del progetto, inoltre fornisce indicazioni specifiche su come comportarsi nel gestire le relazioni e responsabilità di altre persone coinvolte, rappresentando un forte elemento di motivazione per le stesse. La matrice di responsabilità nella sua intersezione indica il tipo di persona a cui è delegata una persona o un'unità organizzativa. Generalmente vengono utilizzate delle sigle che esprimono le responsabilità, le più utilizzate sono quelle corrispondenti all'acronimo RACI: • R: "Responsabile": è il ruolo di colui che è chiamato ad eseguire operativamente il task (per ogni task è possibile avere più Responsabili); • A: "Approva": è aziendalmente il ruolo a cui riporta il Responsabile o che comunque dovrà svolgere un ruolo di supervisione del lavoro del/dei Responsabili(ci può essere un solo A per ogni attività); • C: "Coordinamento": è il ruolo di chi dovrà supportare il/i Responsabile nello svolgimento del task fornendogli informazioni utili al completamento del lavoro o a migliorare la qualità del lavoro stesso • I: "Informato": è il ruolo di chi dovrà essere informato in merito al lavoro del/dei Responsabile e che dovrà prendere decisioni sulla base delle informazioni avute. Diagramma di Gantt La complessità sempre maggiore di molti progetti, la gestione di grandi quantità di dati e le scadenze rigide incentivano le organizzazioni verso l'utilizzo di metodi per la pianificazione delle attività su scala temporale. Le tecniche di scheduling più comuni sono: • Diagrammi a barre o di Gantt; • Tecniche reticolari: - PDM (Precedence Diagram Method); - ADM (Arrow Diagram Method); - PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique); - CPM (Critical Path Method). • Approccio della Catena Critica CCPM (Critical Chain Project Management). La tipologia di rappresentazione utilizzata nel presente report, è il diagramma a barre (di Gantt), un mezzo molto semplice e intuitivo per visualizzare le attività o gli eventi tracciati in relazione al tempo, come nel nostro caso, o al denaro. La rappresentazione utilizzata riguarda l'evoluzione del progetto su scala temporale, dove ogni barra rappresenta un'attività la cui lunghezza è proporzionale alla durata dell'attività stessa, la quale è collocata sulla scala temporale. Il diagramma di Gantt permette perciò di definire cosa fare in una determinata quantità di tempo, e stabilisce inoltre eventi o date chiave (milestone) di progetto e un riferimento per il controllo dell'avanzamento. Il vantaggio che ha apportato sta nell'ottimizzazione delle risorse, attraverso una contemporanea visualizzazione delle attività, delle tempistiche e dei soggetti coinvolti. Ha comunque tre limitazioni principali, infatti non illustra: • le interdipendenze tra le attività; • risultati di un inizio anticipato o tardivo nelle attività; • l'incertezza inclusa nell'esecuzione dell'attività. Flow Chart (FC) o Diagramma di Flusso Il Diagramma di Flusso, detto anche Flow Chart, rappresenta una modellazione grafica per rappresentare il flusso di controllo ed esecuzione di algoritmi, procedure o istruzioni operative. Esso consente di descrivere in modo schematico ovvero grafico: • le operazioni da compiere, rappresentate mediante forme convenzionali (ad esempio : rettangoli, rombi, esagoni, parallelogrammi, .), ciascuna con un preciso significato logico e all'interno delle quali un'indicazione testuale descrive tipicamente l'attività da svolgere; • la sequenza nella quale devono essere compiute, rappresentate con frecce di collegamento. Tale strumento permette pertanto di visualizzare tutto o parte del processo e di capire il collegamento delle sequenze necessarie a svolgere una funzione. In particolare permette di individuare i punti del processo in cui si verifica l'effetto che si vuole analizzare e di risalire il flusso fino alle origini delle cause potenziali. 0.5.2 FASE 1: COMPRENSIONE DEL CONTESTO DI RIFERIMENTO Tutti i progetti si interfacciano con il mondo reale, quindi occorre considerare i diversi contesti in cui il progetto converge. Alla luce di questo il PM ha incaricato i componenti del Team di Progetto di effettuare, un'analisi del contesto di riferimento, svolgendo un esercizio di Forecasting Tecnologico, attraverso la Ricerca sul Web, allo scopo di realizzare: • un'Analisi Interna; • un'Analisi Esterna; • l'Analisi SWOT. Ricerca sul Web Lo strumento che normalmente viene utilizzato per effettuare una ricerca sul web è il cosiddetto motore di ricerca, il quale è basato sull'inserimento di una o più parole-chiave le cui occorrenze vengono cercate all'interno dei vari documenti presenti in rete. Bisogna dire che il processo di ricerca e di selezione delle informazioni è molto più complesso di quanto si possa pensare, per l'appunto possiamo differenziare la ricerca delle fonti in due modi: • Fonti Istituzionali (es. Regolamenti Comunitari, EUROSTAT, ISTAT, etc.); • Fonti Pubbliche (es. Unioncamere); • Enti di natura scientifica (es. società di consulenza). La conoscenza precedente dell'argomento influenza e da maggiori garanzie di successo nella ricerca, in questo modo l'utente è in possesso di termini specifici che può utilizzare direttamente come keywords. Gli elementi per impostare una soddisfacente ricerca sul web possono essere riassunti in: • chiarezza dell'oggetto, quesito o obiettivo della ricerca; • tempo e capacità dell'utente che effettua la ricerca; • qualità delle risposte in termini di: - adeguatezza, completezza ed esaustività; - affidabilità e autorevolezza della fonte; - grado di aggiornamento. Forecasting Tecnologico Il Forecasting Tecnologico è un settore dei Technology Future Studies che racchiude varie strumenti volti ad anticipare e a capire la direzione potenziale, le caratteristiche e gli effetti del cambiamento tecnologico. Sono identificabili 9 cluster: Expert Opinion Questa famiglia comprende tecniche basate sull'opinione di esperti, e include la previsione o la comprensione dello sviluppo tecnologico attraverso intense consultazioni tra vari esperti in materia. Uno dei metodi più diffusi è sicuramente il Metodo Delphi. Questo metodo combina richiesta di pareri riguardanti la probabilità di realizzare la tecnologia proposta e pareri di esperti in materia dei tempi di sviluppo. Gli esperti si confrontano e si scambiano pareri in base alle proprie previsioni tecnologiche, in modo da arrivare a una linea comune. Trend Analysis L'Analisi del Trend comporta la previsione attraverso la proiezione dei dati storici quantitativi nel futuro. Questa analisi comprende modelli sia di previsione economica che tecnologica. Una tecnologia di solito ha un ciclo di vita composto di varie distinti fasi. Le tappe includono tipicamente • una fase di adozione • una fase di crescita • una fase di sviluppo • una fase di declino. L'analisi cerca di identificare e prevedere il ciclo della innovazione tecnologica oggetto dello studio. Monitoring and Intelligence Methods Questa famiglia di metodi (Monitoring e le sue variazioni: Environmental Scanning and Technology Watch) ha lo scopo di fare acquisire consapevolezza dei cambiamenti all'orizzonte che potrebbero avere impatto sulla penetrazione o ricezione delle tecnologie nel mercato. Statistical Methods Fra i metodi statistici, i più diffusi sono l'Analisi di Correlazione e l'Analisi Bibliometrica. • L'Analisi di Correlazione anticipa i modelli di sviluppo di una nuova tecnologia correlandola ad altri, quando lo stesso modello è simile ad altre tecnologie esistenti. • L'Analisi Bibliometrica si concentra sullo studio della produzione scientifica (pubblicazioni, etc.) presente in letteratura. In particolare risulta utile al fine di: - sviluppare conoscenza esaustiva del tema oggetto di studio; - analizzare i database da usare, da cui trarre informazioni e dati; - acquisire conoscenza sulle informazioni dei brevetti, fonte importante per acquisire informazioni uniche dal momento che spesso i dati e le informazioni rintracciabili nei brevetti non sono pubblicati altrove; - definire la strategia di ricerca; - utilizzare gli strumenti di analisi, attraverso software di data e text mining efficienti; - analizzare i risultati, grazie alle informazioni di vario tipo da cui gli esperti possono estrarre informazioni strategiche. Modelling and Simulation Per "modello" si intende una rappresentazione semplificata delle dinamiche strutturali di una certa parte del mondo "reale". Questi modelli possono mostrare il comportamento futuro dei sistemi complessi semplicemente isolando gli aspetti essenziali di un sistema da quelli non essenziali. Tra i principali metodi: • Agent Modeling, tecnica che simula l'interazione dei diversi fattori in gioco; • System Simulation, tecniche che simulano la configurazione di un sistema a fronte dell'azione di possibili variabili aggiuntive. Scenarios Costituiscono rappresentazioni alternative delle tecnologie future, sulla base di considerazioni e condizioni ulteriori a seguito di possibili cambiamenti delle condizioni al contorno inizialmente ipotizzate. Valuing/Decision/Economic Methods Tra i metodi il più popolare è il "Relevance Tree Approach": le finalità e gli obiettivi di una tecnologia proposta sono suddivisi tra: • obiettivi prioritari; • obiettivi di basso livello. Grazie ad una struttura ad albero è possibile identificare la struttura gerarchica dello sviluppo tecnologico. In base ad esso viene eseguita la stima delle probabilità di raggiungere gli obiettivi ai vari livelli di sviluppo tecnologico. Descriptive and Matrices Methods In crescente affermazione in questa famiglia di metodi è la definizione di Roadmap dello sviluppo di tecnologie, che consiste nel proiettare i principali elementi tecnologici di progettazione e produzione insieme alle strategie per il raggiungimento di traguardi desiderabili in modo efficiente Nel suo contesto più ampio, una Roadmap tecnologica fornisce una "vista di consenso o visione del futuro" della scienza e della tecnologia a disposizione dei decisori. Analisi SWOT L'analisi SWOT è uno strumento di pianificazione strategica semplice ed efficace che serve ad evidenziare le caratteristiche di un progetto o di un programma, di un'organizzazione e le conseguenti relazioni con l'ambiente operativo nel quale si colloca, offrendo un quadro di riferimento per la definizione di strategie finalizzate al raggiungimento di un obiettivo. La SWOT Analysis si costruisce tramite una matrice divisa in quattro campi nei quali si hanno: • Punti di Forza (Strengths); • Punti di Debolezza (Weaknesses); • Opportunità (Opportunities); • Minacce (Threats). L'Analisi SWOT consente di distinguere fattori esogeni ed endogeni, dove punti di forza e debolezza sono da considerarsi fattori endogeni mentre minacce e opportunità fattori esogeni. I fattori endogeni sono tutte quelle variabili che fanno parte integrante del sistema sulle quali è possibile intervenire, i fattori esogeni invece sono quelle variabili esterne al sistema che possono però condizionarlo, su di esse non è possibile intervenire direttamente ma è necessario tenerle sotto controllo in modo da sfruttare gli eventi positivi e prevenire quelli negativi, che rischiano di compromettere il raggiungimento degli obiettivi prefissati. I vantaggi di una analisi di questo tipo si possono sintetizzare in 3 punti: • la profonda analisi del contesto in cui si agisce, resa possibile dalla preliminare osservazione e raccolta dei dati e da una loro abile interpretazione si traduce in una puntuale delineazione delle strategie; • il raffronto continuo tra le necessità dell'organizzazione e le strategie adottate porta ad un potenziamento della efficacia raggiunta; • consente di raggiungere un maggiore consenso sulle strategie se partecipano all'analisi tutte le parti coinvolte dall'intervento. 0.5.3 FASE 2: ESPLORAZIONE DEL CONCETTO NEL PANORAMA INTERNAZIONALE Anche in questa fase, dove l'obiettivo era quello di ricercare nella letteratura le varie declinazioni al concetto di "Fabbrica Intelligente" e le tecnologie attuali ed emergenti connesse ad essa, è stata svolta un'analisi degli organismi specializzati nel Foresight Tecnologico e di profondi conoscitori del settore dell'automazione industriale, per studiare le tendenze tecnologiche per i prossimi anni. 0.5.4 FASE 3: STUDIO DELL'APPLICAZIONE DEL MODELLO NELLA REGIONE TOSCANA Durante lo svolgimento di questa fase, si è intrapreso un percorso di raccolta delle informazioni legate al tema della "Fabbrica Intelligente" nel tessuto produttivo toscano, che è stato strutturato in 3 diverse attività: • Mappatura della Diffusione delle Tecnologie in Toscana attraverso il merging dei DB "Osservatorio sulle imprese high-tech della Toscana" e delle "Aziende eccellenti" dell'IRPET con l'estrapolazione dei dati da Fonti Aziendali: questa attività verrà discussa nel dettaglio nel proseguo del lavoro; • Interviste in Profondità e Interviste Telefoniche; • Focus Group. Intervista L'intervista semi-strutturata è l'equivalente del questionario, con domande predefinite dal ricercatore in fase di preparazione dello strumento; a differenziare i due metodi è il modo di presentazione, orale nel caso dell'intervista, scritto nel caso del questionario, che assicura maggiore capacità di adattamento all'interlocutore e di valorizzazione di tutte le opportunità di raccolta d'informazioni "non strutturate". L'intervista ha quindi il vantaggio di essere un metodo versatile, che è possibile utilizzare in ogni stadio della progettazione, dalla fase di esplorazione a quella di validazione ex post delle informazioni. A differenza dei questionari, la presenza del ricercatore allontana l'eventualità che il soggetto interpreti in maniera errata le domande o che si trovi in imbarazzo perché non comprende quanto gli viene richiesto; inoltre, nel caso di una risposta non attinente, il ricercatore può riformulare la domanda. Il vantaggio maggiore rispetto al questionario consiste nel fatto che l'intervista non registra la stessa alta percentuale di mancati recapiti da parte dei soggetti contattati; di conseguenza, i dati raccolti godono di maggiore validità . A differenza dell'intervista personale, l'intervista telefonica appare concepibile nell'ambito di un sondaggio, offrendo vantaggi legati soprattutto al costo e al tempo di esecuzione, nonostante la mancanza di un'interazione faccia a faccia limita la "competenza comunicativa" () dell'intervistatore e dell'intervistato. Durante l'intervista telefonica l'intervistato non può prendere visione diretta del questionario, come accade nel sondaggio tramite intervista personale, e non consente all'intervistatore il ricorso a tecniche che comportano strumenti da sottoporre visivamente all'intervistato, come forme di gadgets o scale auto-ancoranti. Dal punto di vista dell'intervistatore, si dispone di meno informazioni per valutare se l'intervistato ha capito davvero la domanda; di conseguenza tenderà a ridurre gli interventi opportuni per chiarire il testo. Non è possibile integrare il resoconto dell'intervista con informazioni relative all'ambiente fisico in cui essa ha luogo e al comportamento non verbale dell'intervistato. Focus Group Interviste rivolte a un gruppo omogeneo di 7/12 persone, la cui attenzione è focalizzata su di un argomento specifico, che viene scandagliato in profondità. Un moderatore (spesso definito: 'facilitatore') indirizza e dirige la discussione fra i partecipanti e ne facilita l'interazione, anche attraverso la predisposizione di un "sceneggiatura" finalizzata a fare emergere le peculiari conoscenze ed esperienze, nonché finalizzata a favorire il confronto "creativo". Ogni partecipante ha l'opportunità di esprimere liberamente la propria opinione rispetto all'argomento trattato ma nel rispetto di alcune "regole del gioco" introdotte dal facilitatore; la comunicazione nel gruppo è impostata in modo aperto e partecipato, con un'alta propensione all'ascolto. Il contraddittorio positivo che ne consegue consente di far emergere i reali punti di vista, giudizi, pre-giudizi, opinioni, percezioni e aspettative del pubblico di interesse in modo più approfondito di quanto non consentano altre tecniche di indagine . Nella tabella seguente, sono riportati i metodi di Forecasting Tecnologico , suddivisi nei 9 cluster definiti dal "MIT- Massachusetts Institute of Technology", indicando quali sono stati impiegati nelle attività progettuali e in che fase. 0.5.5 FASE 4: REALIZZAZIONE CONCLUSIVA DEL REPORT Durante la fase conclusiva di redazione finale del report, il Team di Progetto si è concentrato nell'elaborazione dei dati raccolti durante le fasi precedenti attraverso strumenti grafici che hanno facilitato l'attività di capitolazione delle informazioni, tra cui: • Istogrammi; • Diagramma a Torta; • Mappatura con metrica a "semaforo" : questa tecnica di rappresentazione è stata ideata dal Team di Progetto. Le sue peculiarità saranno illustrate più nel dettaglio successivamente. • Modello di Maturità (Maturity Model). Istogramma L'istogramma è la rappresentazione grafica di una distribuzione in classi di un carattere continuo. Un istogramma consente di rappresentare i dati attraverso rettangoli di uguale base ed altezza differente a seconda dei dati stessi, ed in un solo colpo d'occhio permette di capire se una "quantità" è maggiore, minore o uguale di un'altra semplicemente guardando l'altezza dei rettangoli. Diagramma a Torta Un Diagramma a Torta è una tecnica di rappresentazione che in un modo semplice e diretto è evidenzia il peso delle varie componenti di una grandezza. In questo modo la grandezza in questione viene rappresentata sottoforma di cerchio i cui spicchi hanno un angolo e di conseguenza, un arco, proporzionale alle varie componenti. Modello di Maturità Tale modello definisce il livello di maturità di un'entità. L'aspetto caratteristico di tale rappresentazione è il fatto di essere organizzato per livelli. Il modello definisce diversi profili di maturità crescente, indicando implicitamente anche una strategia molto generale di miglioramento che si basa sull'introduzione di quelle pratiche che permettono solitamente ad un'azienda, di muoversi da un livello di maturità al successivo.
Edward Cullen's Masculinity in Stephenie Meyer's New Moon Ahmad Yani Azmi English Literature Faculty of Languages and Arts State University of Surabaya Dr.Ali Mustofa, M.Pd. English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts State University of Surabaya Abstrak Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui maskulinitas dalam karakter utama dari Stephenie Meyer New Moon , Edward Cullen . Hal pertama yang dibahas adalah keprihatinan masalah dalam karakteristik maskulinitas ditemukan dalam Edward Cullen . Edward Cullen hidup dalam keluarga di tengah-tengah masa perang dan terdidik oleh keluarga yang baik . Latar belakang pendidikan yang diperoleh dari keluarganya membuat Edward Cullen menjadi manusia maskulin yang dominan , berani, cerdas , rasional , analitis , agresif , dan mandiri . Kemaskulinan Edward ini kemudian menjadi dasar dalam kehidupan sosialnya . Kedua, membahas keprihatinan masalah dalam dampak maskulinitas Edward Cullen dalam hidupnya . Kemaskulinan Edward Cullen memberi dampak dalam hidupnya dengan membuatnya menjadi manusia individu dengan sifat karismatik yang kuat . Karakter individu yang kuat mendorongnya menjadi pintar untuk memberikan alasan yang baik dalam setiap keputusan yang dia ambil. Kekarismatikan Edward Cullen dapat dilihat dari keputusan bijaksana yang ia ambil dan penampilannya yang tampan dan menawan. Konsep peran jender dari Sigmund Freud digunakan untuk mengungkapkan tentang karakter maskulinitas Edward Cullen . Selain itu , tujuh karakteristik utama maskulinitas oleh Macionis digunakan untuk mengungkapkan lebih dalam karakter maskulinitas Edward Cullen . Novel New Moon sebagai data utama akan disertai dengan data tambahan untuk menjelaskan secara mendalam dari penerapan teori . Hasilnya akan menunjukkan bahwa Edward Cullen adalah manusia maskulin yang memiliki karakter maskulin seperti ditemukan dalam teori yang digunakan . Kata kunci : rasionalitas , cerdas, keberanian , kemandirian , analitis , dominasi , agresivitas . Abstract This thesis intends to reveal the masculinity in the main character of Stephenie Meyer's New Moon, Edward Cullen. First discussed problem concern in masculinity characteristics found in Edward Cullen. Edward Cullen that is live in family in the middle of the war is educated by well family role. His educational background by his family make Edward Cullen become masculine man that is dominant, brave, intelligent, rational, analytical, aggressive, and independent. Then his masculinity becomes his base in his social life. The second discussed problem concern in the impact of Edward Cullen's masculinity in his life. Edward Cullen's masculinity impact his life by make him become strong individual and charismatic man. His strong individual character pushed him become smart in order to give good reason in every decision he took. Edward Cullen is charismatic man because he is wise in every decision he took and his personality appearance that is good looking and charming. The concept of gender role from Sigmund Freud is used to disclose about Edward Cullen's masculinity character. In addition to that, seven main characteristic of masculinity by Macionis are used to reveal deeper to Edward Cullen's masculinity characters. The novel New Moon as the main data will be accompanied by the additional data in order to elaborate deeply from the application of the theory. The result will shown that Edward Cullen is masculine man that is has masculine characters as be found in the theory which is used. Keywords: rationality, intelligent, bravery, independence, analytical, dominance, aggressiveness. INTRODUCTION Novel is one kind of fiction that is created by human. Fiction is not reflected and understood easily. Novel provides some complex ideas that support reader's thought. For one thing, novel gives a deeper and better acknowledge about human life for it has an ability in showing human affairs in depth and fully. The second reason is that "novels are long words with great amount of details in every page" (Peck, 1988:103). Detail is not created to make the reader confused but it helps to recognized how complicate the reality is the character has to face. Thus far, it is important to take details into account before the reader makes any kinds of judgments for they present all complicating facts (Peck, 1988:103). Complication and details in novel have also aroused the interest to write the thesis analyzing novel. The last reason is relative to the function of novel, which is to give enjoyment and understanding to the readers. This idea is in accordance with Perrine's, that to have a convincing claim on our attention fiction must yield not only enjoyment but also understanding (1959:3). Besides those, Lukacs sees the emergence of novel as the major modern genre is in as the result of a change in the structure of human consciousness; the development of the novel reflects modification in man's way of defining himself in relation to all categories of existence (Bernstein, 1984:14). He also defines novel as dialectic of form-giving and dialectic of interpretation and representation (Bernstein, 1984:18). Fiction has close relation to men and masculinity. The idea of fiction secretly depicted unusual phenomenon that happen in world that is set to be real. The understanding of masculinity is simultaneously broad and narrow in scope. According to Burrm (2002), "broad and scope because we are dealing at once with a characterization of masculinity that must obtain over a population and narrow because any conception must be specific to each individual within that population". Putting it into other simpler words, masculinity is a concept of being a man, owned by each male but besides by his own self, it is very much affected by the perspective and beliefs of the society. Thus, the definition of masculinity above is to make clear that in order to have a good understanding or to do an analysis of masculinity, it cannot be treated as something completely general. Man with tremendous character often compared to the women who have always considered weaker. But not all men possess the nature of masculinity which is recognized as the nature of men. Not the least of men with male gender but does not have a masculine nature. In masculinities R.W. Connell notes that "Masculinity is not an idea in the head, or a personal identity. It is also extended in the world, merged in organized social relation" (1995:29). Social environment may be forming nature of man that is growing, or to establish the nature of masculinity. Fully educated man by a woman without knowing a father can make a man with a gentle nature like a woman or it could also make men lose their natural masculine and become feminine, or could be called feminine-male. Early thinking often assumed that this division is based on underlying innate differences in traits, characteristics and temperaments of males and females. In the other context, measure of femininity or masculinity was often used to diagnose what were understood as problems of basic gender identification, for example, feminine-males or masculine-females (Burke and Stets, 1980:998). Actually masculinity doesn't always exist in male body, but there is also possibility that masculinity can also appear in female body (Halberstam, 1998:16). In Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender, Freud concludes that each individual is psychologically bisexual: Masculine and feminine traits exist in everyone. In addition to resisting a unitary construction of masculinity, Freud's position on bisexuality firmly divides biology from gender. The feminine man and the masculine woman become combinations of biology and gender that are not possible but are likely (2007:969). Story about men who is 'different' is not just fiction in novels or another written story. Their existence that are 'different' appears in the story came from real life that is really happening around us in this era. Now is the time where men asked about cosmetics, and women began to love football. This behavior does not seem normal shortly. But as said above, that is not as easy as it determines men are not masculine, or women not feminine based on what they do. Men still considered masculine even though they asked about cosmetics and start to wear cosmetics. Women also still be feminine even though they started liking football which is synonymous with the activities of men. This statement confirms that what someone does not merely explain his/her personality. Topic of masculine and feminine are still ambiguous around us is interesting for a deepened understanding. This thesis focuses deeper understanding of the nature of masculine men. Men are identical with the leaders and rulers were often highlighted its existence. Masculine itself is a natural thing that should be owned by men, although men are men discussed a 'different'. Men still have a distinct masculine traits compared with women who have the possibility to have a masculine nature. Stephenie Meyer is an American talented writer who has written Twilight Saga novels. Stephenie Meyer has a special feature in every novel she wrote. Although each novel she writes emerge from different inspirations, his novels always have a special theme, the theme of heroic. The rescue action of the loved ones by the main character in the novel. Super hero in her novel both men and women, has a masculine feature that support their heroic actions. The twilight saga, clearly told Edward's heroic action saves Bella; within the host, also told how Wanda rescue her loan body and last human family remains from the attack souls which wanted to dominate the earth. Masculinity perfectly blended in her novels. In addition to having a strong masculine themes that is arranged in each novel, the work of Stephenie Meyer has advantages that make this thesis chose one of her novels as the material. novel by Stephenie Meyer has always been a New York Times Best Seller List, and won the British Book Award. Her novels also became very well known, the series has sold over 100 million copies worldwide in 37 languages. In 2008, the four books of the series Claimed the top four spots on USA Today's year-end bestseller list, making Meyer the first author Stepehenie to ever Achieve this feat, as well as being the bestselling author of the year. The Twilight novels held the top four spots on USA Today's year-end list again in 2009. The fame of novels by Stephenie Meyer, continues in its adoption into the movie. These films made the works of Stephenie Meyer's increasingly popular, for those who have never read the novel. The success also achieved in every novel that was filmed. Differences in masculine theme in the novel Twilight Saga New Moon from other novel lies in the character of Edward addressing what is happening in his life. The peak where Edward feels really have to leave Bella, not because no longer loves Bella, but because he loves Bella too much. Edward is more concerned with Bella's safety than his selfishness defend Bella. In the Twilight Saga other novels, Edward looks so masculine and willing to do anything for Bella. In the Twilight novel, Edward saves Bella from nomadic vampires, James, and suck Bella's blood from James's toxins so Bella did not turn into a vampire. In Eclipse, the third sequel in the Twilight Saga, Edward and his family are willing to fight against the new born vampires to save Bella from revengeful of Victoria, James's spouse. And in the last sequel from Twilight Saga, Breaking Dawn, Edward fought the Volturi to protect his family. In these novels clearly told that Edward was so brave to defend his family, the people he loves, Edward was willing to do anything, survive and retain the beloved ones. While in New Moon, Edward seems leave Bella so easy, left her without protection and do not seem willing to love Bella anymore. Look different attitude taken, but this difference is not a reason in determining the nature of masculine Edward. Stephenie Meyer's New Moon is the second sequel of Twilight saga. As the information above about Edward's different attitude in the New Moon, makes this sequel is interesting to be studied. All the novels by Stephenie Meyer are full of masculinity theme, but the theme of masculinity in New moon different from her other novels. The title of New Moon refers to the darkest phase of the lunar cycle, indicating that New Moon is about the darkest time of protagonist Bella Swan's life due to Edward's masculinity features. This novel tells Bella's story of the lost love of her life since Edward left her. Edward is masculine character who became the main character in the novel twilight saga, disappeared in order to save Bella. Edward's masculine attitude made him look not masculine. But based on the previous statement, that the determination of one's masculinity is not merely determined by their behavior, because surely there is a reason behind everything he does. Edward has different masculinity in this novel. According to the brief story in background of the study that gives explaination of masculinity in the novel, it appears two questions as the problems: 1. What are masculinity features found in Edward Cullen character in Stephenie Meyer's New Moon? 2. What is the impact of Edward Cullen's masculinity on his life in Stephenie Meyer's New Moon? METHOD In order to give factual explanation on the subject mentioned on the previous chapter, this chapter would deliberately mention what are the related literatures that will be used to analyze the problems. These related literatures are the tools to analyze the subject matter later on the third chapter. MASCULINITY The Definition of Masculinity Masculinity as a word, as it is defined in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (1995), is the quality of being masculine, whereas the term masculine is defined as "having the qualities or appearance consider to be typical of or appropriate for men" (Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 1995). In general, masculine is something that is related to Virility of men. but masculine and men are not forever united. Masculine is a feature, while the male is gender. Because masculine is feature of the human, masculine feature may arise in men and women. Meanwhile, in masculinities R.W. Connell notes that "Masculinity is not an idea in the head, or a personal identity. It is also extended in the world, merged in organized social relation" (1995:29). According to Terman and Miles , in western culture, stereotypically, men are active, competent, rational, independent and adventurous; while women are passive, less competent, irrational, dependent and unadventurous. Early thinking often assumed that this division is based on underlying innate differences in traits, characteristics and temperaments of males and females. In the other context, measure of femininity or masculinity were often used to diagnose what were understood as problems of basic gender identification, for example, feminine-males or masculine-females (Burke and Stets, 1980:998). Furthermore, Halberstam argues that there is a possibility that masculinity can also appear in female body (1998:16). The possibility of masculinity and femininity that could be mixed together is strengthened by Freud argument in Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender, Freud concludes that each individual is psychologically bisexual: masculine and feminine traits exist in everyone. In addition to resisting a unitary construction of masculinity, Freud's position on bisexuality firmly divides biology from gender. The feminine man and the masculine woman become combinations of biology and gender that are not only possible but are likely. (2007:969). It is known that femininity and masculinity are not innate but are based upon social and cultural conditions. Characteristics of masculinity according to Andler, it can be described as a strong individual figure, firm, brave, and similarity. Individual who has a masculine gender have an independent nature, steadfast, strong spirit of curiosity, self confidence and courage to take a risk (1993:48). GENDER In Encyclopedia of Sex and Gender, Judith Roof defines gender as a condition of being female or male, but also includes the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex into its meaning. Furthermore, gender may additionally refer to an individuals sexual identity, especially in relation to society or culture (2007:628). According to Jolly, Gender is different with sex. She argues that gender refers to the array of socially constructed roles and relationships, personality traits, attitude, behaviors, values, relative power and influence that society ascribes to the two sexes on a differential basis. Whereas biological sex is determined by genetic and anatomical characteristics, gender is an acquired identity that is learned, changes over time, and varied widely within and across cultures. Gender is relational and refers not simply to women or men but to the relationship between them (2006:3). GENDER STEREOTYPES Parke argues that a gender stereotype is a predetermined set of attitudes and behaviors that is believed to be typical of all men or women. Stereotypes about gender assume that there are in fact only two gender: male and female (2007:622). This definition also strengthened by Linda's argument that defines a gender stereotype as beliefs about the psychological traits and characteristics as well as the activities about masculinity and femininity (1976:168). According to Parke, this idea of opposites has resulted in gender stereotypes that are an exaggeration of the real physical, social, and psychological differences between the sexes. Feminine traits include being emotional, submissive, weak, cooperative artistic, and home-focused; masculine traits include being rational, unemotional, aggressive, competitive, strong, scientifically, of mathematically skilled, and career-focused. In many cultures masculine traits traditionally have been valued as superior to feminine ones (2007:622). GENDER ROLES According to Roof, gender roles are sets of culturally defined behaviors such as masculinity and femininity. In most cultures this binary division of gender is roughly associated with biological sex-male or female. There is much variation within the categories of the masculine and the feminine, both in terms of the possible presentation of gender and the tasks deemed appropriate to each gender. There is also great variation in the degree of relation between gender and sex within and among cultures. Some cultures understand gender as only loosely linked to biology and assume gender is an effect of and flows naturally from biological sex (2007:616-617). Robert Brannon argues that the male gender role or female gender role is like a script that men and women follow to fulfill their appropriate parts in acting masculine or feminine (Linda, 1976:168). He adds, the best way to understand gender is to understand it as a process of social presentation. Because gender roles are delineated by behavioral expectation and norms, once individuals know those expectation and norms, the individual can adopt behaviors that project the gender he/she wishes to portray (Linda, 1976:169) John Money invents the term gender roles to mark a distinction between behaviors related to one's biological sex and those related to social practices and individual gender identity. The notion that masculine roles and feminine roles, while related to biological sex, are not determined by differences in male and female genitalia had a significant impact both on the historical interpretation of social orderings and on understandings of traditional gender roles (2007:618). TRADITIONAL GENDER ROLE Traditional gender roles cast men as rational, strong, protective, and decisive; they cast women as emotional (irrational), weak, nurturing, and submissive. These gender roles have been used very successfully to justify inequities, which still occur today, such as excluding women from equal access to leadership and decision-making positions (in the family as well as in politics, academia, and the corporate world), paying men higher wages than women that they are not fit for careers in such areas as mathematics and engineering (Tyson, 2006:85). Kristina Quynn explains that traditional gender roles furthermore appear the structural binarism of gender roles producing an artificial opposition in the qualities imagined to belong to each gender. If males are smart, females must be less smart. If males are strong, females are weak. This binary system sustains the oppression of women as an inferior class of beings and keeps most people from realizing their full feminist have observed, to justify and maintain the male monopoly of positions of economic, political, and social power. Traditional gender roles have a great deal with patriarchy system that continually exerts forces undermining women's self-confidence and assertiveness, then points to the absence of these qualities as proof that women are naturally, and therefore correctly, self-effacing and submissive (Tyson, 2006:86-87). GENDER IDENTITY Jaime Hovey defines gender identity as the differing cultural and social roles that men and women inhabit, as well as the ways in which individuals experience those roles, both internally and in terms of the ways they present themselves to the world through their manner of dress, behavior, physical comportment, and so forth. Both distinguish between a person's biological sex (male or female) and gender identity (masculine or feminine) (2007:614). Furthermore, Schaefer defines gender identity as the self-concept of a person as being male or female. Gender identity is one of the first and most far-reaching identities that human being learns (1992:325). From sociological perspective, gender identity involves all the meanings that are applied to oneself on the basis of one's gender identification. In turn, these self-meaning are a source of motivation for gender-related behavior (Burke and Stats, 1980:996). A person with a more masculine identity should act more masculine, that is, engage in behaviors whose meanings are more masculine such as behaving in a more dominant, competitive and autonomous manner. It is not the behaviors themselves that are important, but the meaning by those behaviors. SEVEN MAIN CHARACTERISTIC OF MASCULINITY ACCORDING TO MACIONIS Dominant. Dominance means that the disposition of an individual to assert control that can influence other's action (Cambridge, Third edition). People with dominant characteristic also have a great power or authority to support them (Lehman, 2001:11). They try to dominate in all activities and behave as if they are best judge. They always want each word they say not to be argued. Brave. Bravery is the ability to confront fear, pain, risk/danger, uncertainty or intimidation (Cambridge, third edition). It also can be defined as the ability to control fear from danger, illness, and the uncomforted circumstances and feelings (Oxford, Third edition). According to Lehman, a brave person doesn't always free from fear, but they can suppress the fear until they can handle and control the dear, not as the contrary, fear controls them (2001:10). Rational. Being rational can be defined as the ability for showing reason than emotion (Oxford, third edition). According to Connell, rational people are someone who can see a problem logically. He adds, they will make a strong effort to determine all the significant fact necessary to make a particular decision before that decision is made into reality. They also have capability for considering the bad effects and the good effects before deciding a decision (1995:46). Intelligent. Intelligence is the ability to reason, plan, solve problem, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly and learn from experience (Cambridge, third edition). It is not merely book learning, a narrow academic skill, or test-taking smarts. Rather, it reflects a broader and deeper capability for comprehending the surrounding (Lehman, 2001:19). In short, being intelligent is being clever. Analytical. Being analytical is having ability in solving problem based on good analysis (Connell, 1995:39). He adds, analytical people usually see a problem from various perspectives (1995:40). In addition, according to Lehman, they also examine the problem closely and thoroughly (2001:15). The analysis is also equipped by several data and factual information. So, the result of analysis is credible and accountable. Aggressive. Being aggressive is characterized by making an all-out effort to win or succeed (Oxford, Third edition). According to Connell, aggressive people usually behave in very forceful and determined way in order to succeed. They are also characterized by being assertive, bold and energetic. Furthermore, the are brave to take a high risk to realize their ambition (1995:32). Independent. Being independent is having ability to not rely other in support, care or fund (Cambridge, Third edition). Connell argues that independent people have freedom of dependence and exemption from reliance. EDWARD CULLEN MASCULINITY FEATURES Edward Cullen masculinity features are really influenced by his family background. The way he was born in a family in the middle of the war, formed him into a masculine character of man. Characteristic of men who have to go to war and women who should be at home, taking care of family, made Edward has strong masculine features. His father was involved in the war at that time and his mother was a housewife. Gender roles in Edward's family gave him big influence to Edward characteristic. This condition bring Edward planned to enter the military at the age of 18. Edward's decision to joined military showed that he would take risk to prosperous his family and country. Edward hard determination to join in the war is not only a necessity but also to convey that he took the decision to protect his family, to bring peace to his family and his country. Edward's protective feature proof that he would take all risk that might happen. His protective feature made him would be self-sacrifice for the salvation of a loved one. This family background had formed Edward so that he prefer save Bella with leave Bella alone. In short, Edward seemed to act out of selfness to save the one he loved. Edward's mother who was at that time perceived as more morally upright than men. considered to be the backbone of familial morals, and added to this was the belief that females were more religious than males. This is largely because women composed the greatest number of church attendants, although men dominated the roles of religious leaders. Woman who is also a housewife taking care of children at home have a big role in the formation of her child character. Edward's mother strong religious background made Edward perfect educated in religious knowledge and this makes Edward has more intelligence in response to religious issues. This can be seen from the conversation of Bella and Carlisle about Edward's opinion in turning Bella into a vampire like him. There anything might still be life after death for creature like him is his worried about the choice to change Bella into a vampire. Edward analyzed so deeply that finding the answer of his existence, which makes him reluctant to change Bella and experienced bad thing according to him, losing soul. By the time his family had formed him, Edward grew up in different way. His fate become a vampire, saved him from Spanish Influenza that was epidemic in his place. Edward has grown with some character of masculinity that based on how his family has formed him first. According to Andler one of masculinity characteristic is strong individual figure that is make someone has an independent nature (1993:48). Edward has independent nature which make him has individual figure that as result of wartime education by his family. The phenomenon of his family background affects Edward's characteristic, how he faces his life. He was not hurried find a mate. Edward masculinity characteristics of man are dominant, brave, rational, intelligent, analytical, aggressive and independent. Edward's dominant feature showed when he decided to end his relationship with Bella unilaterally. Another feature of Edward masculinity is brave. According to Lehman, brave person doesn't always free from fear, but they can suppress the fear until they can handle and control the fear, not as the contrary, fear controls them (2001:10), Edward did so. Edward took actions that prove he has controlled fear around him. Edward's bravery had appeared in his defense of Bella in front of the Volturi when he wanted to cancel his request to die because he thought Bella had died falling off a cliff. Become rational has become the absolute masculinity feature qualities that should be have by men. Where they are taught to be have the ability to show what the reason than using their emotion. As stated by Connell that a rational person is one who can look at the problem logically. He also added that they will make a strong effort to determine all the significant fact necessary to make a particular decision before the dicision is made into reality. They are also able to see the good and bad effects before making a decision. (1995:46). Man rationality commonly influenced by brain that is thinking about reason and affect logically. Edward rational feature often seem appear in the novel,the moment when Edward will not let Bella bear the danger he caused in another day. Edward has stated that he won't to live without Bella. Due to this, Edward's rational trait is appear. Edward planed to provoke the Volturi to kill him if something happens to Bella that because of his actions. Live more than a hundred years make Edward Cullen has a very long time for get an education both formal and non-formal. Edward has made it beyond the human experience of human life in general. Twice graduated from medical school and several other education is his educational background. Edward Cullen also told to have the ability to read the minds of everyone around him and that was a few miles from him except Bella. Based on his educational background, Edward has intelligent character that is being able to make reason, plan, solve problem, understanding complex ideas, and learn from experience. According to Lehman intelligent is not just about book learning, a narrow academic skill, or test-taking smarts. (2001:19). In short, being intelligent is being clever. Edward can be identified as an analytical man. It is also possibly to be proved when he was watching Romeo and Juliet movie and knew how easy human to die. Edward was envy to Romeo who is easy to die rather than him. For him as a vampire who has marble skin that is so hard and unbreakable, death is something that seems impossible. Based on the whole story of Twilight Saga, Edward becomes very ambitious to Bella. Since the first, Edward is so ambitious to own Bella, both her blood and her body. Bella's smell was different and Edward instinct of vampire wanted to taste it, but Cullens role that would never drink human blood limited Edward and make his feeling to Bella become ambitious in attention to keep her safe. Edward want to make Bella safe from everything, from his self also. According to Connell (1995:32) who is said that aggressive people usually forceful behave and determined way in order to succeed. Aggressive people are also characterized by being assertive, bold and energetic. Furthermore, they are brave to take risk to realize their ambition. Aggressive people that described have ambition to be reached, and Edward ambition is keeping Bella safe. Edward succeeds to make Bella save by force himself keep in control in physic relationship with Bella. Bella's humanity is Edward reason to force himself in order to save Bella. Bella's human body is so weak compare to vampire body. Edward aggressive characteristic can be identified when Edward and Bella launch their sexual aggression. Although they were in love each other, but Edward stayed in control in showing his aggression to Bella. Refers to the meaning of independent itself that is not dependent to others, do not need others support and do not controlled by others, it can be determined that Edward have a dominant independent feature. Which can be seen in the novel, Edward depend on the existence of Bella in this world indeed, but he had controlled himself not to have to make Bella always by his side. The existence of Bella is more than enough; at least he got Bella still alive, still human. Either that Bella was on his side or not, but the existence of Bella in this world is the most important to him, and greatly affect to his life and death. Edward has joined into social life using his characteristic and based on gender identity. According to the theory of gender identity, Jaime Hovey stated that defines gender identity as cultural and social roles differences of men and women a place to stay. How to dress and behave is a way to distinguish between masculine and feminine in gender identity theory (2007:614). Edward has such as a prince charming characteristics that clearly proves that Edward is a masculine figure. He retains some of traditional mindset and dated patterns of speech. Edward Cullen's latest mindset proves that true love still exists. Girl's obsession about prince charming is undeniable and Edward has prince charming features that are imagined by every girl so it becomes Edward masculinity feature. Girls are not longer dreaming of the perfect man, they no longer dreamt of brave knights, rich lords, soldier of charismatic pop stars. Some people think the modern view of true love is deteriorated. However, modern romance has been morphed enough be our culture that Edward Cullen could be declares the next prince charming. Like the traditional prince charming, Edward does have super-human strength, is physically attractive, and defends his woman when necessary. Another reason why Edward latest mindset is prove that true love still exist is that he denies part of himself to be with Bella. Many girls dream of having this affect on today's men, who are so often non-committal and emotionally turbulent. Most girls consistently find themselves ignoring the warnings of friends and believing that a man will change for the right girl, and they obviously think the right girl is always themselves. Girls want to believe that they can be the inspiration for man's change toward becoming a committed, loving, and unashamed companion. Edward Cullen as prince charming may be 'step down' in the history of princes but he is reality of our changing world. Girls will take the moral ambiguity and mysteriousness of men like Edward with the hope that they will be transformed by love to become faithful, loving men. Love's first kiss is no longer coming from a prince on a white horse, but instead from a man that lives in the shadow: a man who may or may not deny the dark secret of inadequacy, sinfulness, and emotional struggle. Edward character looks ancient when should be compared to the male characters in general now. This can be seen from the way he treats Bella. Bella's self argues that Edward is old schooltype. Premarital sex is not Edward's seeking election. Edward chose to marry Bella first before deciding to have sex with her. Responsibilities and capabilities such as a masculine man. THE IMPACT OF EDWARD CULLEN'S MASCULINITY IN HIS LIFE Possessed nature and character always have an impact on someone individual's own life. Good and bad effects will always appear accompany the selected action. Edward Cullen as the main character in the New Moon novel which clearly have a masculine features in his life. Masculinity features of Edward Cullen influence in his life, made him get good and bad effects of any actions taken based on the features he owns. The affect of Edward Cullen's masculinity his life is being strong individual and charismatic man. His strong individual made him become a strong person and dominant. With his entire masculinity feature Edward Cullen become a charismatic man who has good looks and behaves. Edward Cullen's strong individual is the impact of his masculinity feature. His individual feature allows him to be a strong person to stand alone and have complete control over his life. Edward Cullen is able to take a final decision on his own without the other influence him, even someone he loved the most. Edward Cullen decides to leave Bella, though Bella had begged him to stay and his family reminds him that Edward and Bella are dependent on each other. But Edward still on his decision and implementing actions from what he has taken into consideration. In addition to the moment when Edward left Bella, Edward was also a strong individual when he was apart with Bella. Edward stay away from the people living around him. Edward went away from Bella, also from his family, trying to stand without relying on anyone. Edward makes him capable; did not bother anyone else in the situation that is actually broke his heart. Edward dominant feature impacts on the pain caused by a unilateral decision that he took by himself, which leaves Bella. Edward pushed his opinion about life to Bella, where he take dominant posisition in arguing with Bella. Even Bella begged him not to leave, he pushed his opinion which he tought the best for their relationship. His dominant character leads him become brave in order to take responbility of his decision of his dominant character. His dominant character make Edward must have courage to bear the decisions he took. Edward survived bear the pain, forcing himself to be strong, for the safety of Bella. His dominant and brave feature has affect his life by make him suffer because of his own decision. Edward exceptional understanding of the life that he was facing very well because of intelligence and vast knowledge he has because his strong individual has been leading him. With the intelligence that he had, Edward being able to solve problems in his life. Edward be able to make excuses, find a way out of the problem and understand the complex understanding of life and existence, such as the definition of intelligence that uttered by Lehman (2001:19). Because of his intelligence, Edward was able to infer how his life without Bella. So he went to the Volturi decide to commit suicide as a solution to the problem. Edward has over-protective feature as the impact of his strong individual character. Edward should be forced to suffer by his own decision. Because of his strong individual character, Edward becomes overprotective to Bella. His strong understanding wont be defeated by anything, that's why Edward pushed his opinion to himself that human soul is pure. Edward reluctantly had to leave Bella in order to save Bella. Edward is very protective on Bella's soul, Edward really did not want Bella lost souls like him. Bella's safety has become the most important thing in his life from the beginning he met Bella, so anything that might be dangerous for Bella would blocked by him as much as possible. Edward would act as much as possible to protect her even if it cost with his life forever. Beside of being protective, being dominant also make Edward become aggressive. As presented by Connell is being individuals who are willing to work hard to achieve success, it is clear already done Edward and prove that he successfully achieved what he wanted. Edward is able to control himself, though with very hard for reject Bella's invitation. Edward goal is to keep Bella safe, and he struggled for the goal, and Edward was succeeded by his efforts. Edward Cullen's masculinity affect him to be charismatic. Edward became a men with very masculine appearance and charming. Edward is a masculine individual based on how he looks and behaves. Edward also has good manners and polite in front of the people around him. This makes Edward liked people who are nearby. From the appearance of Edward, Bella is concluded that Edward is a masculine charming men. As explained earlier, that according to the theory of gender identity, masculine men has masculine well dressed, good manner and behavior. It can be proven through the description of Bella to Edward when Bella saw Edward in the first time. "The last was lanky, less bulky, with untidy, bronze-colored hair. He was more boyish than the others," (2006:06). Bella described Edward as the most handsome men in the Cullens member. And Edward polite quote proofed by his manner ask Charlie to invite Bella come join the Cullen to Bella's birthday party in his house. "Do you mind if I borrow Bella for the evening?" (2006:12). Edward masculinity impacts the woman remarks against him during his life. Edward is very masculine, handsome and charming like a prince obviously attract a lot of eyes to adore him. Edward character is very charming, beautiful face and good manners make him become the idol of many women during his lifetime. Many woman who want to be his spouse, including Bella. Everything's on Edward make Bella fall in love him unconditionally, irrevocably, even willing to die for him. So many women who admire Edward, but Edward just choose Bella who is finally become a vampire like him. "You can have my soul. I don't want it without you—it's yours already!" (2006:37). Edward's charming isn't only appear in his physicly appearance, but also in his personality. Edward masculinity affect to his personality in being wise. Being rational is being reasonable and being analytical is having ability to solve problem. In short, being rational and analytical is being wise. Being rational and analytical make Edward have a firm stance on what to believe. Edward is not easy to accept the opinions or stories from other people that he does not find the truth by his own. Edward would figure out by himself or ask the person concerned to ascertain the truth. His ability to analyze something also makes him able to read Bella's mind little bit. Bella is the only one exception in Edward's mind-reading abilities, but with Edward analytical skills, he was able to read a bit of what Bella will do then. Like when Alice saw Bella jumping off a cliff, Edward received the news of Rosalie, but Edward does not necessarily believe in the news. Edward tried to call Bella's home to ask what was going on. The other of Edward analyzing is to hide his property with Bella, to avoid Bella will remember later. Edward understood that this will not be able to make Bella forget him. Edward Cullen's masculinity impact in his life made him become a man that is strong and charismatic. His strong feature made him become a strong individual man that is dominant. His domination caused he become over protective and intelligent. Edward Cullen's charismatic feature formed him become a wise man that is good looks and behave. Edward's behave isn't only in his appearance but also in personality. CONCLUSION Based on the analysis of the previous chapter, the main character of Stephenie Meyer's New Moon, Edward Cullen is a masculine man. Family role become the base of Edward Cullen's characteristics that is shown in his personality. Then his characters become his background to live in his social life. So, everything he does based on his masculine characteristics put impacts to his life. Edward Cullen lived in the family in the middle of war time, well educated by his parents. The divided of family role by his parents, make Edward Cullen has well family background that could make him become masculine man. Well educated by his family, Edward Cullen has masculine characteristics such as dominant, brave, rational, intelligent, analytical, aggressive, and independent. Masculine characteristics of Edward Cullen lead him become gentlemen in his social life. Edward Cullen has good manner in dressed and behavior. Great family role education, masculine characteristics, and good manner are Edward Cullen masculinity verification. Everything always comes followed by its impact. So does Edward Cullen. Edward Cullen's masculinity also has impacts to his life. All of those masculine characteristics of Edward Cullen have affect to his life very well. With all those characteristics Edward Cullen becomes a figure of man that is strong individual and charismatic. Edward Cullen strong individual character made him become strong person that is dominant and smart. Edward Cullen's strong individual pushed him become smart because he has to have good reason in everything he decided. Strong individual also means that he bravery taking risk in his decision. Become charismatic man support by Edward Cullen's wise characteristics which are rational and analytical. Because of charismatic isn't always inner characteristic but also in appearance, Edward Cullen is charming man that is have good looks and behave. So, Edward Cullen is a masculine man that is formed by his family role that made him become that masculine in his social life. And his masculine characteristics have impacts to his life such as strong individual and charismatic. REFERENCES Bernstein, J.M. 1984. The Philosophy of the Novel: Lukacs, Marxism and the Dialectics of Form. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Brannon, Linda. 1976. Gender: Psychological Perspective. Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon. Connell, R.W. 1995. Masculinities. Berkeley: University of California Press. Esplen, Emily and Jolly, Susie. 2006. Gender and Sex, Sussex: University of Sussex Press. Halberstm, Judith. 1998. Female Masculinity. London: Duke University Press. Lehman, Peter. 2001. Masculinity: Bodies, Movies, Culture, Ed. New York: Rouledge. Macionis, John. 1991. Sociology, Third Edition. 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L'applicazione del principio di avidità in un mondo caratterizzato da incertezza, quale di fatto è quello su cui vengono scambiati i prodotti finanziari, implica la necessità che alla considerazione del possibile rendimento futuro di qualsivoglia portafoglio finanziario debba essere associata la considerazione del rischio finanziario concernente la variabilità del futuro valore del medesimo. All'interno delle diverse tipologie di rischio che concorrono alla formazione del rischio finanziario di un portafoglio, quelle sulle quali si è maggiormente incentrato l'interesse degli studiosi e degli operatori, anche in adempimento a precise normative legislative relative alle attività di vigilanza degli intermediari finanziari, sono costituite dal rischio di mercato e dal rischio di credito. Mentre il rischio di mercato si associa al rischio di prezzo di un dato portafoglio, incentrando così l'analisi sulle possibili fluttuazioni delle variabili di mercato rilevanti, il rischio di credito (credit risk) considera l'eventualità che il valore di un portafoglio sia influenzato dalla situazione finanziaria dei soggetti in esso coinvolti. La quarta fonte di rischio è il rischio internazionale (international risk). Un'impresa si trova a dover fronteggiare questo tipo di rischio quando la valuta nella quale sono misurati gli utili ed è espresso il prezzo del titolo azionario è diversa dalla valuta dei flussi di cassa del progetto, come accade nel caso di progetti intrapresi al di fuori del mercato nazionale. La principale innovazione introdotta da Markowitz nella misurazione del rischio di un portafoglio consiste nella considerazione della distribuzione congiunta dei rendimenti di tutti i titoli in esso presenti. Il modello media varianza, sebbene sia tuttora largamente utilizzato nella pratica, presenta limiti intrinseci dovuti alla considerazione esclusiva dei primi due momenti della distribuzione dei rendimenti. In primo luogo, deve tenere in debito conto la dispersione dei rendimenti effettivi attorno al rendimento atteso, misurata dalla varianza (o dallo scarto quadratico medio) della distribuzione; maggiore è la differenza fra rendimenti effettivi e rendimento atteso, maggiore è la varianza. 2.2.2. Rendimento e rischio: la frontiera efficiente Supponiamo che un investitore abbia delle stime dei rendimenti attesi, degli scarti quadratici medi dei singoli titoli e delle correlazioni tra i titoli. Nella scelta della migliore combinazione di titoli da detenere, un investitore cercherà ovviamente un portafoglio con un rendimento atteso elevato e un basso scarto quadratico medio dei rendimenti. Pertanto è opportuno considerare: la relazione tra il rendimento atteso dei singoli titoli e il rendimento atteso di un portafoglio composto da questi titoli; la relazione tra gli scarti quadratici medi dei singoli titoli, le correlazioni tra questi titoli e lo scarto quadratico medio di un portafoglio composto dagli stessi. Consideriamo un portafoglio composto da due titoli. Il titolo A ha un rendimento atteso di µA e una varianza dei rendimenti di σ2A, mentre il titolo B ha un rendimento atteso di µB e una varianza dei rendimenti di σ2B . Il rendimento atteso e la varianza di un portafoglio di due titoli può essere scritta come funzione di questi input e del peso che questi hanno sul valore del portafoglio. Dove e rappresentano la quota del titolo A e del titolo B nell'intero portafoglio. L'eliminazione di parte del rischio è possibile perché di solito i rendimenti dei singoli titoli non sono perfettamente correlati tra loro; pertanto parte del rischio viene "eliminata grazie alla diversificazione". Concettualmente, il rischio di un singolo titolo dipende da come il rischio di un portafoglio cambia quando quel titolo viene aggiunto. Come avremo modo di evidenziare in seguito, il Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) mostra che il rischio di un singolo titolo è rappresentato dal suo coefficiente beta che, in termini statistici, indica la tendenza di un titolo azionario a variare nella stessa direzione del mercato (per esempio, l'indice composito S&P): il beta misura la reattività del rendimento di un singolo titolo rispetto al rendimento del portafoglio di mercato. In generale, il numero dei termini di covarianza può essere scritto come una funzione del numero dei titoli. dove n è il numero dei titoli presenti nel portafoglio. Per motivi di semplicità, assumiamo che i titoli abbiano in media una deviazione standard dei rendimenti di , che la covarianza dei rendimenti tra coppie di titoli sia in media e che i tutti i titoli siano presenti nel portafoglio nella stessa proporzione: Il fatto che la varianza possa essere stimata per portafogli composti da un ampio numero di titoli suggerisce un approccio di ottimizzazione nella costruzione del portafoglio, nel quale gli investitori contrappongono rendimento atteso e varianza. Se un investitore può specificare l'ammontare massimo di rischio che è disposto a sopportare (in termini di varianza), il problema dell'ottimizzazione del portafoglio diventa la massimizzazione dei rendimenti attesi dato questo livello di rischio. Graficamente, questi portafogli possono essere rappresentati sulla base delle dimensioni del rendimento atteso e della deviazione standard come nella figura sottostante. Per passare dall'approccio tradizionale di Markowitz a quello del Capital Asset Pricing Model, dobbiamo considerare l'aggiunta di un titolo privo di rischio all'interno del mix dei titoli rischiosi. Il titolo privo di rischio, per definizione, ha un rendimento atteso che risulta sempre uguale al rendimento attuale. Mentre il rendimento dei titoli rischiosi varia, l'assenza di varianza nei rendimenti dei titoli privi di rischio li rende non correlati con i rendimenti dei titoli rischiosi. Per esaminare ciò che accade alla varianza di un portafoglio che combina un titolo privo di rischio con un portafoglio rischioso, assumiamo che la varianza del portafoglio rischioso sia e che sia la quota dell'intero portafoglio investita in questi titoli rischiosi. Il rendimento atteso cresce data la pendenza positiva della retta passante per il livello del tasso privo di rischio. Detta retta prende il nome di Linea del mercato dei capitali o Capital Market Line (CML). Piuttosto, combinerà i titoli di M con l'attività priva di rischio nel caso in cui abbia un'alta avversione al rischio. In un mondo in cui gli investitori tengono una combinazione di due soli titoli (titolo privo di rischio e portafoglio rischioso) il rischio di ogni titolo individuale verrà misurato in base al portafoglio di mercato. In particolare, il rischio di ogni asset diverrà il rischio aggiunto al portafoglio di mercato. Per giungere all'appropriata misurazione di questo rischio aggiunto assumiamo che sia la varianza del portafoglio di mercato prima dell'aggiunta del nuovo titolo, e la varianza del titolo individuale che verrà aggiunto a questo portafoglio sia . Il peso del titolo sul valore di mercato del portafoglio è e la covarianza dei rendimenti tra il titolo individuale e il portafoglio di mercato è . Conseguentemente, il primo termine dell'equazione dovrebbe essere prossimo a zero, e il secondo termine dovrebbe tendere a , lasciando così il terzo termine ( , la covarianza) come misura del rischio aggiunto dal titolo i. Dividendo questo termine per la varianza dei rendimenti del portafoglio di mercato si determina il beta del titolo: Beta del titolo = 2.2.3. Un esempio di diversificazione Supponiamo di fare le seguenti tre ipotesi : 1. tutti i titoli hanno la stessa varianza, che indichiamo con . Il rischio di portafoglio ( ), è il rischio corso anche dopo aver raggiunto la completa diversificazione. Il rischio di portafoglio è spesso chiamato anche rischio sistematico o rischio di mercato. Nel modello base si stabilisce una relazione tra il rendimento di un titolo e la sua rischiosità, misurata tramite un unico fattore di rischio, detto beta. Il beta misura quanto il valore del titolo si muova in sintonia col mercato. Matematicamente, il beta è proporzionale alla covarianza tra rendimento del titolo e andamento del mercato; tale relazione è comunemente sintetizzata tramite la Security Market Line (SML) , illustrata nel grafico sottostante. Figura 3.1. La Security Market Line: relazione tra rischio (beta) e rendimento atteso nel CAPM La SML, solitamente chiamata linea di "mercato degli investimenti", presenta come intercetta il tasso privo di rischio e come pendenza la differenza tra il rendimento del mercato e quello privo di rischio: la retta è positivamente inclinata se il rendimento atteso del mercato è maggiore del tasso privo di rischio ( È facile dimostrare che la linea della Figura 5 è retta. Questo aggiustamento dei prezzi farebbe aumentare i rendimenti attesi dei due titoli e continuerebbe finché i due titoli non si trovassero sulla linea di mercato degli investimenti. La linea del mercato rappresenta la frontiera dei portafogli efficienti formati sia da attività rischiose che dall'attività priva di rischio; ogni punto sulla retta rappresenta un intero portafoglio. Il portafoglio composto da ogni attività trattata sul mercato viene chiamato portafoglio di mercato (market portfolio). Seguendo tale impostazione ogni investitore sceglierà lo stesso identico portafoglio, cioè il portafoglio di mercato, quindi la diversa propensione al rischio di ciascun investitore nelle scelte di investimento emerge nella decisione di allocazione, vale a dire nella decisione di quanto investire nel titolo privo di rischio e quanto nel portafoglio di mercato. Investitori più avversi al rischio sceglieranno di investire gran parte o la totalità del proprio patrimonio nel titolo privo di rischio, mentre investitori meno avversi al rischio investiranno principalmente o esclusivamente nel portafoglio di mercato. Anzi, potranno investire nel portafoglio di mercato non solo tutto il loro patrimonio, ma anche fondi presi a prestito al tasso privo di rischio. La prima è che esista un titolo privo di rischio, ovvero un titolo il cui rendimento atteso sia certo. La seconda è che gli investitori, per ottenere la combinazione ottimale fra titolo privo di rischio e portafoglio di mercato (data la propria propensione al rischio), possano dare e prendere in prestito fondi al tasso privo di rischio. Come già ricordato in precedenza il rischio di ciascuna attività per un investitore corrisponde al rischio aggiunto da quell'attività al suo portafoglio. Nel contesto del CAPM, dove tutti gli investitori scelgono di detenere il portafoglio di mercato, il rischio di una singola attività per un investitore corrisponde al rischio che quest'attività aggiunge al portafoglio di mercato. Statisticamente, questo rischio addizionale è misurato dalla covarianza dell'attività con il portafoglio di mercato. Maggiore è la correlazione fra l'andamento di un'attività e l'andamento del portafoglio di mercato, maggiore è il rischio aggiunto da tale attività ( i movimenti non correlati all'andamento del portafoglio di mercato vengono invece eliminati quando si aggiunge un'attività al portafoglio). Possiamo tuttavia standardizzare la misura del rischio dividendo la covarianza di ciascuna attività con il portafoglio di mercato per la varianza del portafoglio di mercato. Otteniamo in questo modo il cosiddetto beta di un'attività: Dato che la covarianza del portafoglio di mercato con se stesso non è altro che la varianza del portafoglio di mercato, il beta del portafoglio di mercato (e quindi il beta di una ipotetica attività media) è 1. Quindi le attività più (meno) rischiose della media saranno quelle con un beta superiore (inferiore) ad 1. Il titolo privo di rischio avrà ovviamente un beta pari a zero. Il fatto che ciascun investitore possieda una combinazione del titolo privo di rischio e del portafoglio di mercato ha un'importante implicazione: il rendimento atteso di un'attività è strettamente correlato al suo beta. In particolare, il rendimento atteso di un'attività sarà una funzione dal tasso di rendimento del titolo privo di rischio e del beta dell'attività. Il nucleo del CAPM è una relazione attesa tra il rendimento di un qualsiasi titolo ( ) e il rendimento del portafoglio di mercato, che può essere espressa come: dove sono il rendimento lordo del titolo in questione e del portafoglio di mercato e è il rendimento lordo privo di rischio. Secondo questa formula il rendimento atteso di un'attività rischiosa è dato dal rendimento di un titolo privo di rischio maggiorato di un premio per il rischio, che sarà più o meno elevato a seconda del rischio aggiunto dall'attività al portafoglio di mercato. È chiaro quindi che per usare il CAPM sono necessari i seguenti tre input: Tasso di rendimento del titolo privo di rischio. Per titolo privo di rischio si intende il titolo il cui rendimento atteso nel periodo di riferimento sia noto all'investitore con certezza. Di conseguenza, il tasso di rendimento di un titolo privo di rischio da utilizzare nel CAPM varierà a seconda che il periodo di riferimento sia 1, 5 o 10 anni. • Premio per il rischio. Il premio per il rischio indica la remunerazione richiesta dai risparmiatori per investire nel portafoglio di mercato (che comprende tutte le attività rischiose) piuttosto che nel titolo privo di rischio. Il beta è l'unico input specifico del titolo analizzato (ad es. un'azione). Per esempio, abbiamo ipotizzato che investire nei Buoni del Tesoro sia completamente senza rischio. (Nel CAPM, tali portafogli sono i Buoni del Tesoro e il portafoglio di mercato.) Nei CAPM modificati i rendimenti attesi dipendono ancora dal rischio sistematico, ma la definizione di rischio sistematico dipende dalla natura del portafoglio di riferimento. Il CAPM ipotizza che un investitore richieda un rendimento atteso più elevato per un rischio maggiore, e non ammette che un investitore accetti un rendimento minore, o un rischio maggiore, ceteris paribus. L'ipotesi cruciale nella derivazione proposta sopra è che le preferenze degli investitori siano formulate esclusivamente in termini di media e varianza dei rendimenti dei titoli; l'ipotesi di normalità dei rendimenti (lognormalità dei prezzi) è una condizione sufficiente, ma non necessaria, affinché ciò sia verificato. Il CAPM ipotizza che il profilo rischio-rendimento atteso di un portafoglio possa essere ottimizzato, determinando un portafoglio ottimo, che presenti il minimo livello di rischio possibile per il proprio rendimento atteso. Nel secondo passo, si utilizzano le stime come osservazioni dei regressori nei modelli di regressione lineare, nella dimensione cross-section: Il CAPM risulterà non rifiutato se, sulla base della regressione sopra, il coefficiente a sarà pari al tasso d'interesse privo di rischio , e se il coefficiente b sarà pari al premio per il rischio del portafoglio di mercato. Usando dati dagli anni trenta agli anni sessanta, alcuni ricercatori dimostrarono che il rendimento medio di un portafoglio di azioni è una funzione crescente del beta del portafoglio , una scoperta coerente con il CAPM. In sostanza, qualunque test del CAPM sarebbe per Roll riconducibile all'ipotesi che il portafoglio di mercato, il cui rendimento è indicato da sopra, appartenga alla porzione efficiente della frontiera dei portafogli. Un test del CAPM si tradurrebbe di fatto in un test sull'appartenenza alla frontiera efficiente della particolare proxy del portafoglio di mercato utilizzata. La popolarità del CAPM è essenzialmente legata alla sua semplicità, nonché alla capacità di ricondurre il valore di un titolo a un singolo fattore di rischio, rappresentato dal rischio legato al portafoglio di mercato. Dunque, un investitore può creare un portafoglio abbastanza simile al portafoglio di mercato del CAPM combinando vari fondi indicizzati, ciascuno in proporzione al valore di mercato del mercato cui l'indice fa riferimento. Così, in questo periodo di 60 anni, i rendimenti sono davvero aumentati all'aumentare del beta. Come risulta dalla Figura 3.2, il portafoglio di mercato negli stessi 60 anni ha fornito un rendimento medio di 14 punti percentuali sopra il tasso risk-free e , è ovvio, ha avuto un beta pari a 1. Il CAPM sostiene che il premio per il rischio dovrebbe aumentare in proporzione al beta, in modo che i rendimenti di ciascun portafoglio si collochino sulla linea del mercato azionario inclinata positivamente delle Figure 3.4 e 3.5. Figura 3.4. Premio per il rischio e beta dei dieci investimenti nel periodo 1931-1965 Figura 3.5. Premio per il rischio e beta dei dieci investimenti nel periodo 1966-1991 Poiché il mercato ha fornito un premio per il rischio del 14%, il portafoglio dell'investitore 1, con un beta di 0,49, dovrebbe avere fornito un premio per il rischio leggermente inferiore al 7% e il portafoglio dell'investitore 10, con un beta di 1,52, dovrebbe avere fornito un premio leggermente superiore al 21%. Sia l'APT che il CAPM implicano una relazione crescente tra rendimento atteso e rischio. Inoltre l'APT considera il rischio in maniera più generale rispetto alla semplice covarianza standardizzata o al beta di un titolo con il portafoglio di mercato. Come il CAPM, anche l'Arbitrage Pricing Model scompone il rischio in rischio specifico d'impresa e rischio-mercato. In primo luogo, il rendimento normale o atteso del titolo, cioè la parte del rendimento che gli azionisti sul mercato prevedono o si aspettano. La seconda parte è il rendimento incerto o rischioso del titolo. Nella misura in cui gli azionisti avevano previsto l'annuncio del governo, tale previsione dovrebbe essere incorporata nella parte attesa del rendimento calcolato all'inizio del mese, cioè in . D'altro canto, se l'annuncio del governo è una sorpresa, nella misura in cui influenza il rendimento del titolo azionario farà parte di U, la parte non anticipata del rendimento. La parte non anticipata del rendimento, quella che deriva dalle sorprese, costituisce il vero rischio di ogni investimento. In termini statistici, 4.2. Le fonti del rischio-mercato Il fatto che le componenti non sistematiche dei rendimenti di due società non siano correlate tra loro non implica che anche le componenti sistematiche siano incorrelate. Nonostante il CAPM e l'APM facciano entrambi una distinzione fra rischio specifico d'impresa e rischio-mercato, essi si differenziano poi nell'approccio alla misurazione del rischio-mercato. Il coefficiente beta, β, indica la reazione del rendimento di un titolo azionario a un tipo di rischio sistematico. Nel CAPM il beta misurava la variazione del rendimento di un titolo a uno specifico fattore di rischio, il rendimento del portafoglio di mercato. Viene utilizzato questo termine perché l'indice impiegato come fattore è un indice dei rendimenti dell'intero mercato (azionario). Il modello di mercato può essere quindi espresso come M) + ε dove rappresenta il rendimento del portafoglio di mercato e β è detto coefficiente beta. Considerando Xi la proporzione del titolo i nel portafoglio, sappiamo che la loro somma deve essere pari a 1 e che il rendimento del portafoglio è la media ponderata dei rendimenti delle singole attività nel portafoglio Nel paragrafo precedente abbiamo visto che il rendimento di ciascuna attività è a sua volta determinato sia dal fattore F che dal rischio non sistematico rappresentato da . La prima riga è la media ponderata dei rendimenti attesi dei singoli titoli. Il rendimento di un portafoglio può essere rappresentato come la somma di due medie ponderate: la media ponderata dei rendimenti attesi delle attività nel portafoglio e al media ponderata dei beta associati a ciascun fattore. La componente dei rendimenti specifica della singola impresa (ε) scompare a livello di portafoglio per effetto della diversificazione. Se assumiamo infatti che il portafoglio sia composto da molti titoli tutti presenti nella medesima proporzione , possiamo notare che al crescere del numero dei titoli compresi nel portafoglio la componente del rischio idiosincratico si annulla: Per ogni singola azione ci sono due fonti di rischio. Il premio atteso per il rischio di un'azione dipende dai fattori macroeconomici di rischio e non è influenzato dal rischio specifico. Il portafoglio A ha un beta (rispetto a questo unico fattore) di 2,0 e un rendimento atteso del 20%; il portafoglio B ha un beta di 1,0 e un rendimento atteso del 12%; il portafoglio C ha un beta di 1,5 e un rendimento atteso del 14%. Si noti che investendo la metà del proprio patrimonio nel portafoglio A e la metà nel portafoglio B, si potrebbe ottenere un portafoglio con un beta (sempre rispetto all'unico fattore) pari a 1,5 e un rendimento atteso del 16%. Di conseguenza nessun investitore vorrà investire nel portafoglio C finché non scenderanno i prezzi delle attività in tale portafoglio, portandone così il rendimento atteso al 16%. In alternativa, un investitore può comprare la combinazione dei portafogli A e B, con un rendimento atteso del 16%, e vendere il portafoglio C, con un rendimento atteso del 15%, ottenendo così un profitto pulito dell'1% senza investire nulla e senza assumere alcun rischio. Per impedire tale "arbitraggio", il rendimento atteso di ciascun portafoglio deve essere una funzione lineare del beta. Ogni azione deve offrire un rendimento atteso coerente con il suo contributo al rischio del portafoglio. Secondo l'APM questo contributo dipende dalla sensibilità dei rendimenti dell'azione alle variazioni inattese dei fattori macroeconomici. 5.1. Il tasso di interesse privo di rischio La maggior parte dei modelli di rischio e rendimento in finanza partono da un investimento definito "privo di rischio" e considerano il rendimento atteso da quell'investimento come tasso privo di rischio . I rendimenti attesi da investimenti rischiosi vengono poi calcolati aggiungendo al tasso privo di rischio un premio per il rischio atteso. Abbiamo definito "investimento privo di rischio" un'attività della quale l'investitore conosce con certezza il rendimento atteso. Il rendimento atteso su di un portafoglio pienamente diversificato deve essere misurato in relazione al tasso di rendimento atteso su un titolo privo di rischio . Quando ci riferiamo ai rendimenti (yields) di un titolo di stato come titolo risk-free rate, ci riferiamo al fatto che esso sia privo del rischio di fallimento, riconosciamo però che esso incorpori il maturity risk: la sola parte del rendimento che risulta priva di rischio è dunque la componente degli interessi. Come risultato, l'evidenza empirica di lungo termine è che i rendimenti dei bond a lunga scadenza in media eccedono i rendimenti dei T.Bill. L'horizon premium compensa gli investitori per questo rischio di mercato. Nel primo caso, dovrebbe utilizzare come tasso privo di rischio il tasso di un Treasury Bond statunitense, nel secondo invece un tasso privo di rischio in pesos. Per calcolare un rendimento atteso in termini reali, è necessario partire da un tasso di rischio espresso in termini reali. La soluzione più comune in questi casi (sottrarre al tasso di interesse nominale un tasso di inflazione attesa) fornisce nel migliore dei casi soltanto una stima approssimativa del tasso privo di rischio in termini reali. Nell'approccio basato sul premio per il rischio realizzato, la stima dell'ERP è il premio per il rischio (rendimento azionario realizzato in eccesso rispetto al tasso privo di rischio) che gli investitori hanno, in media, realizzato su periodi di investimento passati. Se i rendimenti periodali dei titoli azionari (ad esempio rendimenti mensili) non sono correlati (i rendimenti di questo mese non sono stati adeguatamente predetti dai rendimenti dell'ultimo mese) e se i rendimenti attesi sono stabili nel tempo, allora la media aritmetica dei rendimenti storici fornisce un'adeguata stima dei rendimenti futuri attesi. Conseguentemente, la media aritmetica dei premi per il rischio realizzati fornisce una stima appropriata dei premi per il rischio futuri attesi (ERP). Differenze nell'approccio per la stima dell'ERP scaturiscono dalla misurazione dei rendimenti attesi sui titoli rischiosi (equity securities). Nell'applicare l'approccio basato sul premio per il rischio realizzato, l'analista seleziona il numero di anni dei rendimenti storici da includere nella media. L'SBBI Yearbook contiene il riassunto dei rendimenti delle azioni e dei titoli di Stato degli USA derivanti da questi dati . (Nel primo periodo, il mercato era composto quasi interamente da titoli bancari, mentre nella metà del diciannovesimo secolo, il mercato era dominato dai titoli delle ferrovie. ) Per questi periodi sono stati assemblati anche i rendimenti dei titoli governativi. La tabella 5.1 fornisce il premio per il rischio medio annuo realizzato da titoli azionari tratti da varie fonti con riferimento a differenti periodi fino al 2006. Si misura il premio per il rischio realizzato confrontando i rendimenti del mercato azionario realizzati durante il periodo con il rendimento dei titoli governativi di lungo termine (o lo yield to maturity per gli anni precedenti il 1926). Dall'osservazione del tabella quello che può risultare sorprendente è che il valore più grande della media aritmetica dei rendimenti annui è quello degli 81 anni dal 1926 al 2006. Per il calcolo dell'ERP viene impiegato il rendimento dei titoli governativi a lungo termine perché in ogni periodo rappresenta il rendimento atteso dei titoli al tempo dell'investimento. Tabella 5.1 Premi per il rischio storici: Rendimenti del mercato azionario – T.Bond 5.3. Il premio per il rischio (risk premium) Il premio per il rischio è un elemento essenziale nel contesto dei modelli di rischio e rendimento. Nel presente paragrafo esamineremo le determinanti fondamentali del premio per il rischio e diversi approcci pratici alla sua stima. Nel CAPM il premio per il rischio misura il rendimento addizionale richiesto in media dagli investitori per spostarsi da un investimento privo di rischio a investimenti rischiosi (il portafoglio di mercato). Ne consegue che il premio per il rischio dovrebbe essere una funzione di due variabili: L'avversione degli investitori al rischio: maggiore l'avversione al rischio, maggiore il premio richiesto dagli investitori. Tale avversione al rischio è in parte congenita, ma dipende anche dalla situazione economica (in un'economia in crescita, gli investitori saranno più propensi ad assumere rischi) e dalla recente performance del mercato (il premio per il rischio tende a salire in seguito a un significativo calo del mercato). Allo stesso modo, nell'APM e nei modelli multifattoriali, i premi per il rischio utilizzati per ciascuno dei fattori saranno pari alla media ponderata dei premi richiesti dai singoli investitori per ciascuno dei fattori. 5.3.1. Equity Premium Puzzle In finanza, l'Equity Premium Puzzle o enigma del premio azionario si riferisce all'osservazione empirica che i rendimenti osservati sui mercati azionari nell'ultimo secolo sono stati superiori a quelli dei titoli di stato; in particolare, il premio per il rischio medio per i titoli azionari nell'ultimo secolo sarebbe pari a circa il 6%, laddove il rendimento medio dei titoli di stato a scadenza breve (considerato una buona approssimazione del rendimento privo di rischio) sarebbe intorno all'1%. La teoria economica suggerisce che gli investitori dovrebbero sfruttare l'evidente opportunità d'arbitraggio rappresentata dalla differenza tra premio per il rischio azionario e rendimento medio dei titoli di stato. Una maggiore domanda provocherebbe a sua volta un aumento dei prezzi medi dei titoli azionari; essendo il rendimento nient'altro che una misura dello scarto tra il prezzo attuale e quello futuro, un aumento del prezzo attuale, ceteris paribus, riduce il rendimento atteso, e con esso il premio per il rischio (dato dalla differenza tra rendimento atteso e tasso di rendimento privo di rischio). In equilibrio, si ridurrebbe dunque lo scarto tra il premio per il rischio dei titoli azionari e il tasso di rendimento privo di rischio, fino al punto in cui tale scarto riflette il premio per il rischio che un investitore rappresentativo richiede per investire nei titoli azionari, caratterizzati da una maggiore rischiosità. Rovesciando questo ragionamento, lo scarto osservato tra i due rendimenti dovrebbe riflettere la valutazione del rischio da parte dell'investitore medio. Gli studiosi che negano l'esistenza del premio per il rischio fondano il proprio convincimento nelle seguenti considerazioni: L'evidenza empirica mostra che negli ultimi quaranta anni (1969-2009) non c'è stato un significativo premio per il rischio azionario sul mercato USA; - Errori di selezione (selection bias) del mercato statunitense: il mercato azionario di maggior successo nel corso del XX° secolo. 5.4.2. Premi storici Il metodo più comune per stimare il premio (o i premi) per il rischio nei modelli di rischio e rendimento è l'estrapolazione da dati storici. Nel CAPM il premio viene calcolato come differenza fra rendimenti medi azionari e rendimenti medi su titoli privi di rischio lungo un esteso periodo di tempo. Nella maggior parte dei casi, questo tipo di approccio consta di tre tappe successive: 1) definire un arco temporale per la stima; 2) calcolare il rendimento medio di un indice azionario e il rendimento medio di un titolo privo di rischio nel periodo in questione; 3) calcolare la differenza fra tali rendimenti e utilizzarla come stima del premio per il rischio atteso per il futuro. La rischiosità media del portafoglio "rischioso" (l'indice azionario nel nostro caso) non sia cambiata in modo sistematico nel tempo. 5.4.3. Premi azionari impliciti Esiste un altro approccio alla stima dei premi per il rischio che non richiede dati storici né correzioni per tenere conto del rischio-Paese. Sottraendo da tale rendimento il tasso privo di rischio, si ottiene un premio implicito per il rischio azionario. Inoltre affinché il premio per il rischio risultasse positivo , dovrebbe verificarsi che: Al fine di illustrare questo metodo, supponiamo che il livello attuale dell'indice S&P 500 sia 900, che il tasso di dividendo atteso sull'indice sia del 2%, e che il tasso di crescita atteso degli utili e dei dividendi nel lungo termine sia del 7%; risolvendo per il rendimento atteso sul capitale netto otteniamo: ; Dato un tasso privo di rischio del 6%, il premio implicito per il rischio azionario sarà pari al 3%. • Risolvendo l'equazione per r, si ottiene una stima del rendimento atteso sul capitale netto pari a 8,39%. Sottraendo da tale stima il tasso dei Treasury Bond (4,02%) si ottiene un premio azionario implicito del 4,37%. Da tali input emerge un rendimento azionario atteso del 10,70% che, se confrontato con il tasso dei Treasury Bond a quella data (4%), implica un premio azionario implicito del 6,70%. Questo fatto ha interessanti implicazioni per la stima del premio per il rischio. Allo stesso modo, il premio del 2% che abbiamo osservato alla fine della bolla speculativa delle società Internet (dot-com boom) degli anni '90 è tornato rapidamente ai livelli medi, durante la correzione del mercato del 2000-2003. Data questa tendenza, possiamo concludere con una migliore stima del premio per il rischio implicito, guardando non solo al premio corrente, ma anche alle linee di tendenza storiche. Tre motivi, tuttavia, spiegano l'esistenza di stime del premio per il rischio così diverse. Ad esempio, data una deviazione standard annuale dei prezzi azionari fra il 1928 e il 2003 pari al 20%, la Tabella 6.1 riporta l'entità dell'errore standard associato alla stima del premio per il rischio in funzione della lunghezza del periodo di stima. Tabella 6.1 Errori standard nelle stime dei premi di rischio La scelta del titolo privo di rischio La banca dati Ibbotson riporta i rendimenti si a dei Treasury Bill sia dei Treasury Bond, sicchè il premio per il rischio degli investimenti azionari può essere stimato rispetto a entrambi. Il tasso privo di rischio alla base della stima del premio deve essere coerente con il tasso privo di rischio utilizzato nel calcolo dei rendimenti attesi. Nella maggior parte dei casi, in finanza aziendale, il tasso privo di rischio rilevante è quello di lungo periodo. Le medie aritmetiche e geometriche Un ultimo elemento di controversia nella stima dei premi storici consiste nel modo in cui calcolare le medie dei rendimenti. La media aritmetica consiste nella semplice media dei rendimenti annuali, mentre la media geometrica si riferisce al rendimento composto. In effetti, se i rendimenti annui non sono correlati nel tempo, la media aritmetica rappresenta la stima più corretta del premio per il rischio atteso per l'anno prossimo. In primo luogo, studi empirici sembrano indicare che i rendimenti degli investimenti azionari sono negativamente correlati nel corso del tempo. Tabella 6.2 Premi di rischio storici (%) del mercato statunitense, 1928-2008 Tirando le somme, le stime del premio per il rischio possono variare a seconda delle differenze in termini di periodo di stima, scelta del titolo di Stato come tasso privo di rischio (a breve o lungo termine), e utilizzo di medie aritmetiche oppure geometriche. Se ci atteniamo al proposito di selezionare un premio basato sulla media geometrica a lungo termine rispetto al tasso dei Treasury Bond a lungo termine, la stima migliore del premio per il rischio sulla base di dati storici è 4,82%. 6.1. Periodicità dei dati storici Anche se accettiamo l'ipotesi che i rendimenti siano effettivamente indipendenti, la media aritmetica dei premi per il rischio realizzati basati su rendimenti di 1 anno potrebbe non essere la migliore stima dei rendimenti futuri. I tradizionali modelli dei rendimenti dei titoli (es. CAPM) sono generalmente modelli uniperiodali che stimano i rendimenti su orizzonti di tempo non specificati. Allora nell'utilizzare i rendimenti realizzati per stimare i rendimenti attesi, dobbiamo calcolare i rendimenti realizzati su periodi di due anni (media geometrica dei rendimenti annui di due anni consecutivi) e poi calcolare la media aritmetica delle medie geometriche dei due anni per ottenere una stima incondizionata dei rendimenti futuri. Gli autori mostrano che l'utilizzo della media geometrica dei rendimenti storici a un anno produce una stima dei rendimenti cumulati che approssima maggiormente la mediana dei rendimenti cumulati (il 50% degli investitori realizzerà un rendimento maggiore di quello mediano e il 50% un rendimento inferiore a quello mediano). Essi dimostrano che la differenza tra la mediana dei rendimenti cumulati ottenuta dall'impiego della media aritmetica rispetto alla media geometrica dei rendimenti storici a un anno aumenta poiché aumenta l'orizzonte d'investimento atteso. 6.2. Selezione del periodo di riferimento Il premio per il rischio realizzato medio risulta essere sensibile al periodo che viene scelto per calcolare tale media. I modelli di rendimento possono cambiare nel tempo. Concentrandosi sul recente passato si ignorano i drammatici eventi storici e il loro impatto sui rendimenti del mercato. Gli anni dal 1942 fino al 1951 furono un periodo di stabilità artificiale dei tassi dei bond statunitensi. Includendo questo periodo nel calcolo dei rendimenti realizzati equivale a valutare i titoli delle linee aere di oggi facendo riferimento ai titoli delle linee aeree prima della deregulation. Tabella 6.4 Premi per il Rischio realizzati sui rendimenti dei T.Bond Se il premio per il rischio medio è cambiato nel corso del tempo, allora la media del rischio realizzato utilizzare la più lunga serie dei dati disponibili diviene discutibile. A partire dalla metà degli anni '50 fino al 1981, i rendimenti dei bond hanno registrato un trend crescente, dettando una generalizzata diminuzione del prezzo dei medesimi. I rendimenti realizzati dai bond erano generalmente più bassi dei rendimenti attesi al momento della loro emissione (l'investitore che avesse venduto prima della scadenza avrebbe registrato una perdita). Dal 1981 i rendimenti dei titoli di Stato hanno iniziato a diminuire, provocando una generalizzata crescita del loro prezzo. Nella tabella 6.5 presentiamo statistiche riassuntive per i rendimenti dei titoli azionari, dei Treasury Bill a 6 mesi e dei Treasury Bond a 10 anni dal 1928 al 2008: Tabella 6.5 Statistiche riassuntive Utilizzando questa tabella possiamo iniziare a stimare un premio per il rischio facendo la differenza tra il rendimento medio delle azioni e il rendimento medio dei titoli di Stato: il premio per il rischio è del 7,30% per le azioni rispetto ai T.Bills (11,09% - 3,79%) e 5,64% per le azioni rispetto ai T.Bonds (11,09% - 5,45%). I premi per il rischio storici per i mercati emergenti possono fornire interessanti spunti di riflessione, ma non possono essere impiegati nei modelli di rischio e rendimento. Consideriamo per prima cosa l'assunzione fondamentale che il premio per il rischio per gli investitori non sia cambiato nel corso del tempo e che l'investimento rischioso medio (nel portafoglio di mercato) sia rimasto stabile nel periodo di tempo esaminato. Nel periodo compreso tra il 1926 e il 2000, gli investimenti in molti degli altri mercati dei capitali avrebbero prodotto premi molto più contenuti rispetto al mercato USA, e alcuni di essi si sarebbero tradotti, per gli investitori, in rendimenti più contenuti o negativi nel corso del periodo. Tabella 6.7 Premi per Rischio storici di differenti mercati: 1900-2005 Dall'analisi della tabella risulta che i premi per il rischio, risultanti dalla media dei 17 mercati, sono più bassi dei premi per il rischio degli Stati Uniti. Per esempio, la media geometrica del premio per il rischio tra i vari mercati è solo del 4,04%, più bassa del 4,52% del mercato USA. La figura 5.1 riporta i premi per il rischio – ossia i rendimenti addizionali – ottenuti investendo in azioni piuttosto che titoli di Stato a breve e lungo termine nel periodo in questione per ciascuno dei diciassette mercati. In Francia, invece, le cifre corrispondenti sarebbero state del 9,27% e del 6,03%. Nella prima parte di questa sezione, rimarremo all'interno del mercato statunitense tentando di apportare delle modifiche al premio per il rischio facendo riferimento a specifiche caratteristiche dell'impresa (la capitalizzazione del mercato rappresenta l'esempio più comune). Nella seconda parte, estendiamo l'analisi osservando mercati emergenti come Asia, America Latina e Europa orientale, provando l'approccio basato sulla stima del premio per il rischio Paese che aumenta poi il premio per il rischio statunitense. Il primo si riferisce a se ci dovrebbe essere un premio per il rischio addizionale quando si valutano i titoli in questi mercati, dovuto al rischio Paese. Il secondo quesito si ricollega invece alla stima del premio per il rischio dei mercati emergenti. L'altro è considerare i rendimenti eccedenti come l'evidenza che i beta sono misure inadeguate del rischio e come compensazione del rischio tralasciato. Per giungere a questo premio gli analisti fanno riferimento ai dati storici sui rendimenti degli small cap stocks e del mercato, aggiustato per il beta risk, e attribuiscono il rendimento eccedente allo small cap effect. Tabella 6.8 Excess Returns per classi del valore di mercato: titoli USA 1927-2007 Se si aggiunge al costo del capitale delle piccole imprese uno small cap premium del 4-5%, senza attribuire tale premio ad un rischio specifico, siamo esposti al pericolo di conteggiare doppiamente tale rischio. 6.5.2. Il Premio per il Rischio Paese Per molti mercati emergenti, sono disponibili pochissimi dati storici, e quelli che esistono sono troppo volatili per giungere a una stima sensata del premio per il rischio. In questi casi, il premio per il rischio può essere così calcolato: Il premio per il rischio-Paese riflette il rischio addizionale associato a un mercato specifico. Per determinare il premio base per un mercato azionario maturo è opportuno fare riferimento al mercato azionario statunitense che, oltre ad essere il mercato finanziario più efficiente, offre dati storici sufficienti a ottenere una stima ragionevole del premio per il rischio. 1. Gli analisti che utilizzano i differenziali per il rischio di insolvenza come misure del rischio-Paese di solito li sommano sia al costo del capitale netto sia a quello del debito di ciascuna impresa quotata nel Paese in questione. Per esempio, il costo del capitale netto di una impresa brasiliana, stimato in dollari statunitensi, sarà del 2,15% maggiore del costo del capitale netto di un'impresa statunitense simile. Dato un premio per il rischio per i mercati azionari maturi (Stati Uniti) del 4,00% e un tasso privo di rischio del 3,80% (Treasury Bond statunitensi), il costo del capitale netto di una società brasiliana con un beta di 1,2 può essere stimato nel modo seguente: Alcuni analisti sommano il differenziale per il rischio di insolvenza al premio per il rischio statunitense, moltiplicando la somma così ottenuta per il beta. Questo procedimento risulta in un maggiore (minore) costo del capitale netto per le imprese con beta maggiore (minore) di 1. Volatilità del mercato azionario rispetto a mercati azionari maturi Alcuni analisti ritengono che i premi per il rischio azionario dei mercati debbano riflettere le differenze in termini di volatilità fra i diversi mercati. Una misura convenzionale del rischio azionario è la deviazione standard dei prezzi azionari: deviazioni standard più elevate indicano di solito un rischio maggiore. Questa deviazione standard relativa, moltiplicata per il premio utilizzato per le azioni statunitensi, fornisce una possibile stima del premio per il rischio totale di un mercato. Se assumiamo una relazione lineare tra il premio per il rischio e la deviazione standard del mercato azionario, oltre alla possibilità di calcolare il premio per il rischio del mercato statunitense (utilizzando ad esempio dati storici), allora il premio per il rischio del Paese X è: Assumiamo, per il momento, di utilizzare per gli Stati Uniti un premio per il rischio del 4%. La tabella 6.9 elenca i dati della volatilità del Paese per alcuni mercati emergenti ed i risultanti premi per il rischio totale e Paese per questi mercati, basato sull'assunzione che il premio per il rischio degli Stati Uniti sia del 4%. Tabella 6.9 Volatilità del mercato azionario e Premi per il rischio Per esempio, il premio per il rischio della Cina è 5,52%, utilizzando questo approccio, ben al di sopra del premio per il rischio di Nigeria, Namibia e Egitto, ognuno dei quali dovrebbe essere un mercato rischioso quanto la Cina. Differenziali per il rischio di insolvenza + volatilità del mercato rispetto ai titoli di Stato I differenziali per il rischio di insolvenza del Paese associati ai rispettivi rating, pur rappresentando una prima tappa importante, misurano soltanto il premio per il rischio di insolvenza. Per capire di quanto, si può calcolare la volatilità del mercato azionario di un Paese rispetto alla volatilità dei titoli di Stato utilizzati per la stima del premio per il rischio azionario del Paese. A titolo illustrativo, prendiamo il caso del Brasile. Il premio addizionale per il rischio azionario del Paese che ne risulta per il Brasile è il seguente: Va notato che il premio per il rischio del Paese aumenterà al crescere del differenziale per il rischio di insolvenza del Paese e della volatilità del mercato azionario. Inoltre, va ricordato che esso va sommato al premio per il rischio azionario di un mercato maturo. I primi due approcci per la stima dei premi per il rischio del Paese tendono a risultare in una stima più bassa rispetto al terzo. Nel caso del Brasile, per esempio, i premi per il rischio del Paese vanno dal 2,76% (secondo approccio), al 6,01% (primo approccio), fino a un picco del 4,43% (terzo approccio). Va ricordato che l'unico rischio rilevante ai fini della stima del costo del capitale netto è il rischio di mercato, ossia il rischio non diversificabile. Se, al contrario, i mercati azionari dei Paesi si muovono nella stessa direzione, il rischio-Paese avrà una componente di rischio di mercato no diversificabile e per la quale è necessario un premio. 7. PARAMETRI DI RISCHIO Gli ultimi dati di cui abbiamo bisogno per mettere in pratica i nostri modelli di rischio e rendimento sono i parametri di rischio per una specifica attività. Nel CAPM il beta di un'attività deve essere stimato rispetto al portafoglio di mercato. Nel contesto del CAPM, il beta viene poi ottenuto esaminando la relazione fra questi rendimenti e i corrispondenti rendimenti di un indice del mercato azionario. Infine, nell'APM è l'analisi fattoriale dei rendimenti azionari a fornire i vari beta. 7.1.1. Procedura per la stima dei parametri del CAPM Il beta di un'attività può essere stimato come coefficiente di una regressione dei rendimenti di una singola azione (Rj) sui rendimenti del mercato azionario (Rm). L'intercetta della regressione fornisce una semplice misura della performance effettivamente ottenuta nell'arco temporale analizzato, rispetto alla performance attesa alla luce del CAPM. Dal punto di vista finanziario va interpretato come proporzione del rischio complessivo di un'azione (varianza) attribuibile al rischio di mercato; ne segue che la differenza (1-R2) indica invece la proporzione del rischio complessivo di un'azione attribuibile al rischio specifico d'impresa. Un ultimo dato statistico di interesse è l'errore standard della stima del beta. La prima riguarda la durata del periodo di stima. 7.1.2. Procedura di stima dei parametri di rischio nell'APM e nel modello multifattoriale Come il CAPM, anche l'APM considera solo il rischio non diversificabile; tuttavia, nella misurazione del rischio, a differenza del CAPM, l'APM tiene conto di una molteplicità di fattori economici. Sebbene il processo di stima dei parametri di rischio sia diverso, molti problemi legati alle determinanti del rischio nel CAPM si presentano anche per l'APM. La derivazione del beta dai fondamentali rappresenta un approccio alternativo alla stima del beta, in cui si dà minore rilievo alla stima basata su dati storici e maggiore rilievo all'intuizione economica. Intensità della leva finanziaria (financial leverage) Il beta delle attività dell'impresa è la media ponderata del beta del capitale netto (rischio a carico degli azionisti) e del beta del debito (rischio a carico degli obbligazionisti). A parità di condizioni, a un aumento della leva finanziaria (cioè del rapporto d'indebitamento ) seguirà un aumento del rischio a carico degli azionisti (e quindi del beta del capitale netto). Il beta dell'insieme di due attività è la media ponderata del beta di ciascuna attività, con i pesi proporzionali al loro valore di mercato. 1. Calcolare il beta unlevered dell'impresa come media ponderata dei beta unlevered delle varie attività, usando come pesi la percentuale del valore di mercato dell'impresa rappresentata da ciascuna attività.