Of the 5.3 billion people in the world, 4 billion live in the low and middle income economies. About 1.5 billion people still lack basic health care and more than 1 billion adults are illiterate. The gap between rich and poor countries in the world remains and in many cases has widened. An average person in Tanzania earns $140 compared to $37,930 in Switzerland. The debt and trade difficulties in Latin America and Africa have led to declining standards of living in the 1980s for much of the population in these areas, particularly women. In many countries, women are often the most vulnerable group. They face acute health problems, have much lower levels of literacy and lack access to basic resources as well as legal rights. Among women, only one out of two is literate in Asia and only one out of three in Sub‐Saharan Africa.
This book details the findings of a research project investigating the social uses of literacy in a range of contexts in South Africa. This approach treats literacy not simply as a set of technical skills learnt in formal education, but as social practices embedded in specific contexts, discourses and positions. What this means is made clear through a series of fine-grained accounts of social uses and meanings of literacy in contexts ranging from the taxi industry in Cape Town, to family farms, urban settlements and displacement sites, rural land holdings, and various sites during the 1994 elections, and among different sectors of South African society, Black, Colored and White.Since the view of literacy presented here is so dependent on context, the book provides not only descriptions of literacy practices but also rich insights into the complexity of everyday social life in contemporary South Africa at a major point of transition. It can be read as a concrete way of understanding the emergence of the New South Africa as it appears to actors on the ground, focused through attention to one central feature of contemporary life — the uses and meanings of literacy. "Using fascinating and carefully documented case-study material, this book raises vital questions about literacy and illiteracy, and about adult education. Above all, it questions the efficacy of any literacy programme which fails to acknowledge the many ways in which uneducated and so called 'illiterate' people already use reading, writing and numeracy in their everyday lives." Jenny Maybin, The Open University, Milton Keynes
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Erwachsene Analphabeten stehen vor großen Lern- und Beteiligungsbarrieren. Lernangebote zur Alphabetisierung müssen daher die basalen Wahrnehmungsfähigkeiten der Teilnehmenden trainieren, Barrieren beim Lesenlernen abbauen und dabei die Biografien und Lernmotivationen berücksichtigen. Der Sammelband präsentiert Ergebnisse aus über 100 Einzelprojekten des BMBF-Förderschwerpunkts "Forschung und Entwicklung zur Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung Erwachsener" (2007 - 2012). Im Mittelpunkt stehen Projekte zur Weiterentwicklung der Professionalisierung von Lehrenden in der Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung: von der Barrierenbewältigung über die Diagnostik bis zur Evaluation von Lern- und Lehrmaterialien. Der Band schließt mit einem Ausblick auf die Professionalisierungsentwicklung im Bereich Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung. Die Internetseite www.alphabund.de informiert über den Forschungsschwerpunkt und stellt die Arbeit der einzelnen Projekte vor. Adult illiterates encounter huge learning and participation barriers. Thus, literacy learning provisions must train the participants' basic cognitive abilities, reduce barriers whilst learning to read and at the same time take into account the participants' biographies and learning motivations.This anthology presents the results from more than 100 individual projects of the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) focus "Research and development regarding adult literacy and basic education" (2007 - 2012). At the centre there are projects for further development of professionalisation of teachers in literacy and basic education: from overcoming barriers and diagnoses to the evaluation of learning and teaching materials. The publication ends with an outlook on the professionalization development in literacy and basic education.The web site www.alphabund.de provides information about the research
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The Dept of Soc-Anthrop has recently made studies of elites in a Ewe community at Keta on the Gold Coast & the Birom tribe of central Nigeria. Ewe culture is relatively complex. The people are influenced by Western educ, though 75% of the adult pop is illiterate. Among the Keta, the direction of societal change is largely under the hand of the literate but not highly educated individuals. Among the Birom, the material standard of living is one of the most meagre in Africa. Though their mode of existence is quite primitive, some gov officials say that the Birom are about to surpass all other northern Nigerians. This change toward a great desire for educ & progress is due not only to the influence of a few British pol'al officers & European missionaries but certainly to the intelligence of the people through their educ & personal qualities. These new wise men of the tribe are respected, trusted, & imitated. No longer do these once 'primitive' people feel themselves despised. B. J. Keeley.
Las tradiciones de la educación de adultos inferían un tipo de sujeto que era el destinatario de sus acciones político-culturales; especialmente, aludían al trabajador analfabeto. El contexto actual obliga a revisar las configuraciones de las subjetividades que se producen en ámbitos institucionales educativos. En este sentido, se busca problematizar las características del sujeto joven que concurre a los ámbitos de educación primaria de jóvenes y adultos, en las dimensiones de sus prácticas sociales y las trayectorias escolares. Para ello, se tomaron algunas referencias de la matrícula inicial y la final, además de las edades de las alumnas y los alumnos, de los espacios educativos de la provincia de Buenos Aires y de la ciudad de La Plata, que es donde se encuentra localizada nuestra investigación. ; In the past, traditional adult education inferred a subject -target of its political and cultural actions- who was particularly an illiterate worker. Current context makes essential to review configurations of subjectivities that are produced in educational institutional environments. In this sense, the aim of this work is to question young subject features who attend young and adults primary education institutions, in the social practices and school careers aspects. In order to reach this goal, some references from the initial and final registration were collected, as well as the age of the students of the educational institutions from Buenos Aires province and La Plata city. ; Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social
Between 1948 & 1963, the pop of Sierra Leone increased at a rate of 1.0190 per annum, & a similar rate of increase can be expected during the next 5 to 10 yrs. This slow increase can be accounted for by a high rate of infant mortality, & by the general inadequacy of health services throughout the country. Analysis of the allocation of development expenditures to health services, & of the trend of health expenditures between 1950 & 1960 reveals a rate of expenditure in health services which is disproportionately low, considering the above conditions. Analysis of the sources of financing of health services indicates that they are relatively more expensive to maintain & expand than either educ'al facilities or directly productive econ services. Nonetheless, it is argued that the pattern of expenditures in the soc service segment should be adjusted in the direction of proportionally greater health expenditures & proportionally lesser educ'al expenditures. (1) The economy is predominantly agri'al & mineral, & the skills developed by formal educ play only a minor role. (2) The majority of the adult pop is illiterate, & increased producivity depends primarily on improved health conditions. (3) The demand for general educ will increase only with a higher rate of pop growth & the subsequent increase in the Sch-age pop. Finally, it has been shown that Sch facilities in predominantly Ru countries like Sierra Leone tend to be underutilized. At least 10 of the 40-odd nations of Africa resemble Sierra Leone in having low rates of pop increase & largely Ru & illiterate pop's. It is suggested that in this type of underdeveloped country, adequate investment in health services is a prerequisite to successful investment in educ, & that it results in more immediate gains in productivity. The higher costs of investment in health, sometimes unrecognized, are offset by these immediate & necessary gains. P. Metzger.
"Constructions of Illiteracy in Twentieth Century Ireland: Contesting the Narrative of Full Literacy offers new insights into literacy and illiteracy in the context of twentieth-century Ireland. Through a close analysis of archived documentation from educational, military, and parliamentary sources, the book reveals a potent narrative of full literacy that promoted literacy proficiency as a facet of the Irish national identity and suppressed any formal acknowledgment of illiteracy within the adult population. Tobin applies a sociological approach and uses Foucauldian concepts of knowledge, power, discourse, and silence to examine how constructions of illiteracy and the "illiterate person" varied over time, while being consistently bound to nationalism and nation-building in the twentieth century. Though focused on Irish society from 1900-1980, this volume also offers a resonant lens through which to examine the aims of the "Decade of Centenaries," an Irish Government initiative spanning 2012-2023 that commemorates significant events in the history of the Irish state. Relevant to any readers with an interest in the Irish experience of independence, decolonisation, and postcolonialism, this book will be a useful companion for scholars and postgraduate students of literacy and Irish studies more broadly"--
"Constructions of Illiteracy in Twentieth Century Ireland: Contesting the Narrative of Full Literacy offers new insights into literacy and illiteracy in the context of twentieth-century Ireland. Through a close analysis of archived documentation from educational, military, and parliamentary sources, the book reveals a potent narrative of full literacy that promoted literacy proficiency as a facet of the Irish national identity and suppressed any formal acknowledgment of illiteracy within the adult population. Tobin applies a sociological approach and uses Foucauldian concepts of knowledge, power, discourse, and silence to examine how constructions of illiteracy and the "illiterate person" varied over time, while being consistently bound to nationalism and nation-building in the twentieth century. Though focused on Irish society from 1900-1980, this volume also offers a resonant lens through which to examine the aims of the "Decade of Centenaries," an Irish Government initiative spanning 2012-2023 that commemorates significant events in the history of the Irish state. Relevant to any readers with an interest in the Irish experience of independence, decolonisation, and postcolonialism, this book will be a useful companion for scholars and postgraduate students of literacy and Irish studies more broadly"--
"Constructions of Illiteracy in Twentieth Century Ireland: Contesting the Narrative of Full Literacy offers new insights into literacy and illiteracy in the context of twentieth-century Ireland. Through a close analysis of archived documentation from educational, military, and parliamentary sources, the book reveals a potent narrative of full literacy that promoted literacy proficiency as a facet of the Irish national identity and suppressed any formal acknowledgment of illiteracy within the adult population. Tobin applies a sociological approach and uses Foucauldian concepts of knowledge, power, discourse, and silence to examine how constructions of illiteracy and the "illiterate person" varied over time, while being consistently bound to nationalism and nation-building in the twentieth century. Though focused on Irish society from 1900-1980, this volume also offers a resonant lens through which to examine the aims of the "Decade of Centenaries," an Irish Government initiative spanning 2012-2023 that commemorates significant events in the history of the Irish state. Relevant to any readers with an interest in the Irish experience of independence, decolonisation, and postcolonialism, this book will be a useful companion for scholars and postgraduate students of literacy and Irish studies more broadly"--
The difference between children's innovations and the occasionalism of artistic and adult everyday speech lies, first of all, in their "simultaneity", close connection with the objective situation and the child's specific activity. While working in German schools, we often observed that children from Azerbaijani migrant families also tend to use regular and ordinary types of word – and form formation instead of irregular and rarer ones. Foreign children's illiterate use of word forms testifies, first of all, to the meta-communicative and stylistic competence of the younger schoolchild that is being formed on their part. Indeed, the generalisation of grammatical form is not alien to the modern German language. The use of these kinds of words in the speech of foreign children is mainly because, at their young age, they cannot correctly identify individual word-building elements with the help of which one word or another is formed. With all the striving of foreign-speaking children to streamline the language system in some way convenient for them, to make it "correct", they themselves cannot avoid paradoxes.
Resumen: Inicios del trabajo de educación en el movimiento. La niñez y las analfabetas jóvenes y adultas en los primeros campamentos. Las primeras mujeres educadoras. La lucha por las escuelas públicas en los asentamientos. Las preocupaciones en los 80. Qué escuela queremos. Cómo hacer la escuela que queremos. Preocupaciones en los 90 y la sistematización de la pedagogía del movimiento. La formación de educadores. Los 2000: Políticas públicas y educación en el campo. Las licenciaturas en educación en el campo. Las designaciones de los docentes del movimiento.Palabras clave: Educación; organización; social; política. Abstract: Beginnings of education work in the movement. Children and young and adult illiterates in the first camps. The first women educators. The struggle for public schools in the settlements. The worries in the 80's. What school do we want? How to make the school we want Concerns in the 90s and the systematization of the pedagogy of the movement. The training of educators. The 2000: Public policies and education in the field. Bachelor's degrees in education in the field. The designations of the teachers of the movement.Keywords: Education; organization; Social; politics.
International audience The aim of the paper is to show that the easy-to-read concept and to make an objections. What is Easy-to-Read? The aim of easy-to-read publications is to write simply and understandably, but at the same time in an adult and varied manner. Easy-to-read books may be fiction and non-fiction: novels, short stories, thrillers, poems, technical books, etc. Some books are written directly in easy-to-read, some are adaptations of classics. what are the information needs of people with learning disability? Many people have difficulties in using and understanding important information and literature. Literacy studies show that in many countries 25 or even 40-45 percent of the adult population are not able to read news information or an ordinary book with good comprehension. You will find disabled persons, functionally illiterates, immigrants, etc. What makes a text easy-to-read, how to write an Easy-to-Read document, how to make layout of publications pictures, illustrations and symbols, Who are you writing for? Easy-to-read books are easier to read and easier to understand than other books but the degree of difficulty varies from one book to another. Use a project to develop "Easy to Read Guidelines" of the European Union and to translate them into all European languages and the Swedish model for easy-to-read can play an important role in over-bridging the information gap between they who easily can surf in the information society and they who cannot.
Las tradiciones de la educación de adultos inferían un tipo de sujeto que era el destinatario de sus acciones político-culturales; especialmente, aludían al trabajador analfabeto. El contexto actual obliga a revisar las configuraciones de las subjetividades que se producen en ámbitos institucionales educativos. En este sentido, se busca problematizar las características del sujeto joven que concurre a los ámbitos de educación primaria de jóvenes y adultos, en las dimensiones de sus prácticas sociales y las trayectorias escolares. Para ello, se tomaron algunas referencias de la matrícula inicial y la final, además de las edades de las alumnas y los alumnos, de los espacios educativos de la provincia de Buenos Aires y de la ciudad de La Plata, que es donde se encuentra localizada nuestra investigación. ; In the past, traditional adult education inferred a subject -target of its political and cultural actions- who was particularly an illiterate worker. Current context makes essential to review configurations of subjectivities that are produced in educational institutional environments. In this sense, the aim of this work is to question young subject features who attend young and adults primary education institutions, in the social practices and school careers aspects. In order to reach this goal, some references from the initial and final registration were collected, as well as the age of the students of the educational institutions from Buenos Aires province and La Plata city. ; Fil: Martínez, Darío Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina
The problems of employment have become a central global concern in recent times. This makes nearly all the governments and development partners to be fully engaged in finding a lasting solution to the problems. In the past, development planning efforts were concentrated on the development of a modern industrial sector. It was believed that this would serve the domestic market and facilitate the absorption of redundant or surplus workers in the urban economy. It was also the belief that rapid economic growth and development would be achieved. The study is structured into five chapters. While chapter one looks at the background to the study, the terms of reference and the structure of the report, chapter two focuses on copious relevant literature on skills development bringing out the conceptual definitions, theoretical and empirical issues in the informal sector of the economy. Chapter three presents the methodology of how training providers as well as the beneficiaries of the programs were surveyed in the study. Chapter four gives the inventory of the programs for the informal sector skills development and a detailed analysis of five most important non- state-run programs in the country. Chapter five forms the conclusions and recommendations of the work.
Problem of malnutrition increases, being one of the significant national issues in a developing country like India. In the present study, an attempt was made to understand the sociodemographic profile and nutritional status among the Bhaina tribes of Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. A total of 161 females (2–75 years) were screened for anthropometric measurements. Nutritional status was evaluated in four groups of female categories: preschool: 2–5 years (n=11), children: 6#x2013;12 years (n=28), adolescent: 13–18 years (n=22), and adults >18 years (n=100) using the age specific cutoff points of body mass index (BMI). Statistical analysis was performed using MS EXCEL and SPSS software. More than 30% of the studied population is observed to be illiterate and unemployed. Significant age group difference is observed for anthropometric variables considered in the present study. Overall prevalence of thinness among the studied population was 32.3% (critical). Occurrence of thinness was found to be highest among children (57.1%). Occupation with wage labourer is significantly higher among parents of normal children (26.6%) than parents of undernourished children (19.6%). Findings of the present study suggest significance of anthropological approach in understanding nutritional status among different ethnic groups, specifically tribal community.