Financial Technology and African Capital Markets Post COVID-19
In: Salami, I (2021) 'Financial Technology and African Capital Markets Post Covid-19', Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 36 (1):31 - 41.
71 Ergebnisse
In: Salami, I (2021) 'Financial Technology and African Capital Markets Post Covid-19', Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 36 (1):31 - 41.
Working paper
Purpose: This study aims to scrutinize existing economic dispute mechanisms between ASEAN and PRC which can promote fairness and effectivity. With examining PRC's non-compliance to PCA awards in the South China Sea case, this article aims to link between the rule-breaking action of PRC (the territorial dispute) and the preventive action of ASEAN. Methodology: This research uses the juridical empiric method, which analyzes the dispute resolution legal framework between ASEAN and PRC. Main Findings: ASEAN and its legal instruments were not designed to provide a fair and effective dispute resolution mechanism that can prevent both PRC's non-compliance to international law and ensure fairness in economic disputes. Implications/Applications: Organizational behavior is important for family businesses and due to the difficult environment faced by family businesses in order to be competitive in our country and in global markets; a good option for owners is to invest in organizational behavior as a market strategy. Novelty/Originality of this study: This study shows that the contest of ASEAN-China partnership mentioned proof that ASEAN and PRC are not yet completely separated because of the SCS issue. Based on it, a conviction should not drastically block the economic partnership of the two or destroy the bridges between different legal systems. Thus, the initiative will fundamentally promote peace and stability in the region.
International audience ; With a view to intra-regional trade integration, African countries have decided to create an African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA) which should establish the rules and political guidelines necessary to promote intra-regional trade but the success of such political choice is conditioned by the degree of complementarity between the economies of these countries as well as their establishment in a win-win approach. In order to assess the prospects for the creation of the ACFTA and specifically on the Moroccan economy by integrating the specificities and potentials of African countries, the estimation of the potential has, however, shown the existence of a significant global potential for Morocco which can be exploited. To do this, the implementation of the ACFTA should allow the dismantling of tariff and non-tariff barriers under the condition of a great diversification of Moroccan products exported regionally which is necessary. The empirical study by integrating the gravitational model and economic variables for the period 2001-2019 on a sample of 50 African countries has made it possible to detect a potential to be exploited but the experience of failure of the already existing interregional communities presupposes a structural transformation of a commercial order, piloting by better diversity and integration of the production chain reinforced by good infrastructure and logistics, and of a political order by boycotting with historical factors and individualism for the benefit of a goal and a lucrative common identity for all countries. ; En vue d'une intégration commerciale intra régionale, les pays africains ont décidé de créer une zone de libre échange continentale africaine (ZLECA) qui devrait instaurer les règles et les orientations politiques nécessaires pour promouvoir le commerce intra régional, mais le succès d'un tel choix politique est conditionné par le degré de complémentarité entre les économies de ces pays, de même que leur instauration dans une approche ...
International audience With a view to intra-regional trade integration, African countries have decided to create an African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA) which should establish the rules and political guidelines necessary to promote intra-regional trade but the success of such political choice is conditioned by the degree of complementarity between the economies of these countries as well as their establishment in a win-win approach. In order to assess the prospects for the creation of the ACFTA and specifically on the Moroccan economy by integrating the specificities and potentials of African countries, the estimation of the potential has, however, shown the existence of a significant global potential for Morocco which can be exploited. To do this, the implementation of the ACFTA should allow the dismantling of tariff and non-tariff barriers under the condition of a great diversification of Moroccan products exported regionally which is necessary. The empirical study by integrating the gravitational model and economic variables for the period 2001-2019 on a sample of 50 African countries has made it possible to detect a potential to be exploited but the experience of failure of the already existing interregional communities presupposes a structural transformation of a commercial order, piloting by better diversity and integration of the production chain reinforced by good infrastructure and logistics, and of a political order by boycotting with historical factors and individualism for the benefit of a goal and a lucrative common identity for all countries. ; En vue d'une intégration commerciale intra régionale, les pays africains ont décidé de créer une zone de libre échange continentale africaine (ZLECA) qui devrait instaurer les règles et les orientations politiques nécessaires pour promouvoir le commerce intra régional, mais le succès d'un tel choix politique est conditionné par le degré de complémentarité entre les économies de ces pays, de même que leur instauration dans une approche gagnantgagnant. ...
In: China report: a journal of East Asian studies = Zhong guo shu yi, Band 48, Heft 3, S. 327-349
ISSN: 0973-063X
ASEAN and China share a complex relationship in economic terms; while they collaborate in several spheres, conflict of interests is not uncommon either. The proposal for an ASEAN–China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) was floated in 2000, and the agreements covering merchandise trade, services trade and investment collaboration were signed in 2004, 2007 and 2009 respectively. ASEAN countries agreed to consider China as a market economy in the course of the negotiations and the ACFTA has resulted in several benefits for both parties, including tariff reduction on substantial number of product lines, considerable growth in merchandise and services trade volume, deepening of intra-regional production networks, regional cooperation on infrastructural development and so on. However, rapid growth of Chinese imports in ASEAN markets and expanding trade deficit generates apprehension in the grouping over potential domestic restructuring. Subisidies provided by the Chinese government to its domestic players also compound the problem. This article concludes that ASEAN countries need to augment their competitiveness through coordinated efforts on the one hand, and jointly negotiate with China to curb the disruptive effects of the latter's incentive programmes, on the other.
This paper attempts to identify structural constraints to growth and exports within Cambodia's key industries and to consider the policy actions needed to reduce obstacles to trade. The paper places special emphasis on Cambodia's exports to the People's Republic of China (PRC), given the major export opportunities arising from the free trade agreement (FTA) between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the PRC, known as the ASEAN–[People's Republic of] China FTA (ACFTA). A qualitative case study method was applied at the firm-level by conducting face-to-face interviews to identify the impediments to the growth and exports of key industries in Cambodia, and to examine the opportunities and challenges presented by the ACFTA. This study covers the garment and food industries, which are critical to the economic development of Cambodia in the context of regional and global economic integration. The food industry, with its large number of small and medium-sized enterprises, has great potential for contributing to pro-poor growth in Cambodia, while the textile industry is the largest employer in the Cambodian labor force and is critical for poverty reduction efforts through export-led growth. The study also provides policy recommendations at both the industry and government levels.
In: DGAP-Analyse, Band 3
"Am 1. Januar 2010 trat die drittgrößte Freihandelszone der Welt zwischen sechs
ASEAN-Staaten und China (ACFTA) in Kraft, die neben weitgehenden Zollsenkungen
auch partielle Liberalisierungen bei Dienstleistungen und Investitionen vorsieht.
Die Liberalisierung ist recht ehrgeizig – selbst angesichts begrenzter Ausnahmeregelungen
vom sofortigen Zollabbau für gewisse sensitive Produkte. ACFTA
dürfte somit bei Produkten ohne Ausnahmeregelung und mit hoher Zollsenkung
zu Wettbewerbsnachteilen für die EU führen.
Dies gilt umso mehr, als die Verhandlungen zwischen der EU und der gesamten
ASEAN-Region über ein umfassendes Freihandelsabkommen im März 2009 ausgesetzt
wurden. Dagegen war China mit einer stufenweise erfolgenden Liberalisierung
erfolgreich mit ASEAN insgesamt, nicht zuletzt auch, weil es die Agenda
nicht wie die EU mit politischen Themen wie Menschenrechte, Arbeits- und Sozialstandards
beladen hatte. Auch die EU sollte hier mehr Flexibilität zeigen.
Die EU will jetzt mit den einzelnen ASEAN-Staaten Abkommen aushandeln,
zunächst mit Singapur und Vietnam. Ein Handelsvertrag mit Singapur sollte zwar
relativ zügig möglich sein. Allerdings scheint es sehr fraglich, ob dieser als Modell
für die Abkommen mit den übrigen ASEAN-Staaten dienen kann, die sich in Wirtschaftsstruktur
und Liberalisierungswillen meist stark von Singapur unterscheiden.
Es wäre daher wichtig für die EU, gewisse gemeinsame Mindeststandards für alle
Einzelabkommen zu definieren, um so die Regelungsvielfalt etwas zu begrenzen.
Mittelfristig sollte die EU zudem den regionalen Ansatz mit ASEAN insgesamt
wieder aufgreifen und langfristig eine Multilateralisierung der Regelungen
Auch grundsätzlich sollte die EU ihre Strategie überdenken, immer neue bilaterale
Handelsabkommen zu schließen, weil sie damit das 'Race for Markets' und
den Bilateralismus immer mehr anheizt. Bilaterale Handelsabkommen schaffen
zwar wichtige neue Liberalisierung gerade auch bei WTO-plus-Themen. Doch sie
benachteiligen Drittstaaten und erhöhen die Transaktionskosten gerade für KMUs
(Spaghetti-Bowl-These). Zudem spricht vieles dafür, dass sie Stolpersteine für die
multilaterale Liberalisierung sind.
Stattdessen sollte die EU mehr Verantwortung für das multilaterale Regelwerk des
Welthandels übernehmen und sich nachdrücklich dafür einsetzen, die Handlungsfähigkeit
der WTO wieder zu stärken. Dies ließe sich etwa mit plurilateralen Abkommen
im Rahmen der WTO erreichen, für die die EU mit Nachdruck werben sollte." (Autorenreferat)
This book, a project of the ASEAN-China Study Programme of ISEAS, is designed to deal with the rapidly expanding economic relations between ASEAN and China in recent years. The fifteen chapters discuss in considerable detail these relations in terms of many important topics such as trade, the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA), investments, services trade, energy cooperation, cooperation in developing the Mekong Sub-region, China's aid to Southeast Asian countries, developing stronger b
In: L Toohey and C Picker, "Legal Culture and Trade Disputes: Vietnam's Increasing Capacity to Engage with the WTO" (2012) 10 Jurisprudence Journal 105.
In: Society of International Economic Law (SIEL), Second Biennial Global Conference, University of Barcelona, July 8-10, 2010
Working paper
With a view to intra-regional trade integration, African countries have decided to create an African Continental Free Trade Area (ACFTA) which should establish the rules and political guidelines necessary to promote intra-regional trade but the success of such political choice is conditioned by the degree of complementarity between the economies of these countries as well as their establishment in a win-win approach. In order to assess the prospects for the creation of the ACFTA and specifically on the Moroccan economy by integrating the specificities and potentials of African countries, the estimation of the potential has, however, shown the existence of a significant global potential for Morocco which can be exploited. To do this, the implementation of the ACFTA should allow the dismantling of tariff and non-tariff barriers under the condition of a great diversification of Moroccan products exported regionally which is necessary. The empirical study by integrating the gravitational model and economic variables for the period 2001-2019 on a sample of 50 African countries has made it possible to detect a potential to be exploited but the experience of failure of the already existing interregional communities presupposes a structural transformation of a commercial order, piloting by better diversity and integration of the production chain reinforced by good infrastructure and logistics, and of a political order by boycotting with historical factors and individualism for the benefit of a goal and a lucrative common identity for all countries. ; En vue d'une intégration commerciale intra régionale, les pays africains ont décidé de créer une zone de libre échange continentale africaine (ZLECA) qui devrait instaurer les règles et les orientations politiques nécessaires pour promouvoir le commerce intra régional, mais le succès d'un tel choix politique est conditionné par le degré de complémentarité entre les économies de ces pays, de même que leur instauration dans une approche gagnant-gagnant. Dans un objectif d'évaluer les perspectives de la création de la ZLECA et spécifiquement sur l'économie marocaine en intégrant les spécificités et les potentialités des pays africains, l'estimation du potentiel a montré toutefois l'existence d'un potentiel global important pour le Maroc qui peut être exploité. Pour ce faire, la mise en œuvre de la ZLECA devrait permettre le démantèlement des barrières tarifaires et non tarifaires sous condition d'une grande diversification des produits marocains exportés régionalement ce qu'est nécessaire. L'étude empirique par l'intégration du modèle gravitationnel et des variables économiques pour la période 2001-2019 sur un échantillon de 50 pays africains a permet de détecter un potentiel à exploiter, mais l'expérience d'échec des communautés interrégionales déjà existantes supposent une transformation structurelle d'ordre commerciale, piloter par une meilleure diversité et intégration de chaine de production renforcée par des bonnes infrastructures et logistique, et d'ordre politique en boycottant avec les facteurs historiques et l'individualisme au profit d'un but et d'une identité commune lucrative à tous les pays.
In: Journal of current Southeast Asian affairs, Band 30, Heft 2, S. 141-160
ISSN: 1868-4882
The paper examines the development of China's economic ties with Southeast Asia over the last two decades, culminating in the inauguration of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) in 2010. Particular reference is made to China's trade ties with Indonesia. Although two-way trade between China and Indonesia has grown rapidly since 2000, Indonesian exports to China are dominated by primary products, while imports from China are dominated by manufactures. While this pattern might reflect short-term comparative advantage in both economies, it is causing some concern in Indonesia. The paper assesses these concerns, and possible political reactions.
In: Journal of current Southeast Asian affairs, Band 30, Heft 2, S. 141-160
ISSN: 1868-1034
The paper examines the development of China's economic ties with Southeast Asia over the last two decades, culminating in the inauguration of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) in 2010. Particular reference is made to China's trade ties with Indonesia. Although two-way trade between China and Indonesia has grown rapidly since 2000, Indonesian exports to China are dominated by primary products, while imports from China are dominated by manufactures. While this pattern might reflect short-term comparative advantage in both economies, it is causing some concern in Indonesia. The paper assesses these concerns, and possible political reactions. (JCSA/GIGA)
World Affairs Online
This paper evaluates the role of economic integration and democracy in rationalizing differences in real exchange rate misalignments across exchange rate regimes in Africa. To this end, the paper derives competing indexes of misalignment using modern cointegration techniques while accounting for cross-sectional dependence. The findings indicate that fixed regimes per se are not prone to more misalignments, as institutional quality and economic links with foreign partners critically matter in explaining the observed discrepancies. Furthermore, when distinguishing between African and international partners in investment agreements, the extent of misalignment differs according to the level of democracy, as democratic countries can afford intermediate regimes, while for weak democracies, fixed regimes are required to curb disequilibria. Finally, membership in a regional economic community significantly reduces the magnitude of misalignments. The results imply that the quality of institutions, more than the type of the exchange rate regime, is called into question and should be the focus of efforts ahead of successful implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area.
This study aimed to assess the economic impact of the the establishment of the ACFTA policy by simulating trade barrier removal. In performing this analysis, we evaluated the effects of trade of member of commodities in EHP, NT, and HSL categories separately. We apply the data using a general equilibrium model (GTAP). Results showed that the elimination of tariff and non-tariff trade barriers to product groups within NT and HSL categories had a positive impact on trade volume, economic growth, and welfare. In general, the ACTFA is likely to have a beneficial impact on welfare in participating countries. Singapore and China had the highest welfare increase relative to other members of ASEAN. ; peer-reviewed