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This book, a project of the ASEAN-China Study Programme of ISEAS, is designed to deal with the rapidly expanding economic relations between ASEAN and China in recent years. The fifteen chapters discuss in considerable detail these relations in terms of many important topics such as trade, the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA), investments, services trade, energy cooperation, cooperation in developing the Mekong Sub-region, China's aid to Southeast Asian countries, developing stronger b
World Affairs Online
ASEAN-China economic relations -- Contents -- The Contributors -- Preface -- 1. ASEAN-China Economic Relations: A Review -- 2. China's Economy in Search of New Development Strategies -- 3. ASEAN in Introspect and Retrospect -- 4. Developing Stronger Business Networks between ASEAN and China -- 5. ASEAN-China Trade Relations: Origins, Progress and Prospect -- 6. ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement: Negotiation, Implementation and Prospect -- 7. ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement: Legal and Institutional Aspects -- 8. ASEAN-China Economic Relations: Moving Towards Services -- 9. ASEAN-China Financial Cooperation in the Asian Bond Market -- 10. ASEAN-China Investment Cooperation: Status and Prospects -- 11. ASEAN-China Energy Cooperation -- 12. China's Aid to Southeast Asia -- 13. China and CLMV Countries: Relations in the Context of the Mekong Sub-region -- 14. China's Economic Relations with ASEAN: Developments and Strategic Implications -- 15. Strategic Dimension of ASEAN-China Economic Relations -- Bibliography -- Index.
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