С целью совершенствования подходов к формированию промышленной политики Украины рассмотрен опыт её формирования в Евросоюзе (далее ЕС) в рамках стратегий его развития. В результате исследования выделены основные недостатки в реализации промышленной политики в соответствии с Лиссабонской стратегией и определены задачи, которые должна решить Украина в связи с её желанием вступить в ЕС и инновационным характером новой Стратегии "Европа 2020". ; To improve the approaches to the formation of the industrial policy in Ukraine, the experience of the European Union (EU) in its formation is considered within the framework of strategies of its development. Failure in the performance of Lisbon strategy and industrial policy of the EU was explained by delay of the economic growth since 2000 in connection with a sharpening difficulty in the world economy against falling of exchange indexes of leading financial centers of the world, lack of resources and a harmonious mechanism of their realization, the insufficient accounting of consequences of reforms which were carried out in some participating countries, including Germany and France, character of the document in which the responsibility for realization of strategy relied on all together and on anybody separately. Due to the innovative nature of new Strategy "Europe 2020" and desire of Ukraine to join the EU the tasks which Ukraine faces in this regard concerning the formation of the industrial policy are defined: profound studying of modern mechanisms of innovative development of the EU from the view of the latest priorities designated by the Strategy "Europe 2020"; finding the ways of practical use in Ukraine of the experiencee of innovative policy that was accumulated both in the EU as a whole, and in its member countries which concerns the effective industrial policy; formation of the concrete directions of involvement of the Ukrainian enterprises, the organizations and researchers in key programs of scientific and technological development and the Eu ropean markets of the highly technological goods and services; improving the strategy of development of the manpower, capable to generate new knowledge to adapt and use advanced technologies in production; taking measures concerning the increase of efficiency of use of public funds, joint efforts of a science and industry for the sake of operative transformation of knowledge in products and new workplaces; creation of conditions for encouraging a private sector to invest more in science and technologies which define prospects of the industrial development; concentration of efforts on the priority directions of researches, productions which represent the national interest from the point of view of social and economic prospects.