Sediments are a natural part of aquatic systems and they are essential for the hydrological, geomorphological and ecological functioning of those systems. For society they are important and represent an important resource. However, due to the ever increasing use of river catchments, sediments need to be managed in a balanced and sustainable way. Sediment Management at the River Basin Scale reviews some of the key requirements and challenges facing scientists, river basin managers, and policy makers for sustainable sediment management at the river basin scale, and puts forward important recommendations. This volume also available as part of a 4-volume set, ISBN 0444519599. Discount price for set purchase. * First book to consider management at the basin scale * State-of-the-art review chapters * New conceptual frameworks and approaches to management
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Chapter1. Introduction -- Chapter2. The definition and meaning of sustainable forest management -- Chapter3. The reasons for the lack of sustainably managed forests at present -- Chapter4. Policy and the political will -- Chapter5. Institutions and policy instruments required to ensure forests are managed sustainably -- Chapter6. Land rights issues and rural poverty -- Chapter7. The sustainability of biodiversity -- Chapter8. Environmental sustainability and climate change -- Chapter9. Sustainability of the supply of timber and non timber forest products -- Chapter10. Illegal logging -- Chapter11. The economics of timber and NTFPs -- Chapter12. Valuation of ecosystem services -- Chapter13. Costs of forest management and regeneration -- Chapter14. International and global issues -- Chapter15. Verification of sustainability -- Chapter16. Awareness raising among politicians and the public in general -- Chapter 17. Conclusions
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Support for environmental research has a long tradition at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. A new funding priority establishes a new substantive priority area – sustainable management. The purpose is to develop strategies and solutions for sustainable management and test them in real life through cooperation between research institutions, industry and consumers. The results of 18 collaborative projects should help to exploit the potential for sustainable management in the private sectors, set new priorities in research on business management and initiate standardisation processes towards sustainable management. A support process has to pass the results of the projects as well as their implications for sustainable management on to potential users. The research projects altogether cover four priority areas; namely, information technology instruments, controlling instruments, planning instruments and communication instruments.
This book describes the current innovative tendencies characteristic of multifaceted scientific research and practical developments in the field of international business development and sustainable management. This book shows how companies are forced to change development strategies and business models, which actualizes new priorities for scientific research in the field of international business and sustainable management. Therefore, completely new subject areas of research are being formed; management guidelines are being transformed; new business development tools are being developed; the very system of academic research is changing. This book "Innovative Trends in International Business and Sustainable Management" is devoted to the discussion of these and other issues related to all major areas of international business development and sustainable management. This book systematically describes multidimensional trends, challenges, and opportunities for the development of international business and sustainable management in the context of a global pandemic. In this sense, it is unique and relevant for both scientific researchers and modern business practitioners. This book uniquely highlights new priorities of scientific and practical research in the field of international business and sustainable management that require a systematic knowledge of the ongoing transformations of trends, challenges, and opportunities for the development. Aimed at scholars and practitioners, the book provides illustrations of international best practice for conducting business beyond borders. The main goals of the book are firstly to provide opinions on current innovative approaches and technologies for solving modern problems of international business, as well as on the formation of a multi-level system of sustainable management of the socioeconomic systems development, secondly, to integrate research from academia, as well as practitioners in order to form priorities, approaches and models of company management in the context of globalization, strategies for the development of management systems in the context of the "new reality", thirdly, to find the most relevant new areas of research, the results of which can be useful to companies for making management decisions, and concludes to analyze new tools for the development of international business, their capabilities, and areas of application.