
Achieving the Sustainable Management of Forests

In: Sustainable Development Goals Series

In: Springer eBooks

In: Earth and Environmental Science



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Chapter1. Introduction -- Chapter2. The definition and meaning of sustainable forest management -- Chapter3. The reasons for the lack of sustainably managed forests at present -- Chapter4. Policy and the political will -- Chapter5. Institutions and policy instruments required to ensure forests are managed sustainably -- Chapter6. Land rights issues and rural poverty -- Chapter7. The sustainability of biodiversity -- Chapter8. Environmental sustainability and climate change -- Chapter9. Sustainability of the supply of timber and non timber forest products -- Chapter10. Illegal logging -- Chapter11. The economics of timber and NTFPs -- Chapter12. Valuation of ecosystem services -- Chapter13. Costs of forest management and regeneration -- Chapter14. International and global issues -- Chapter15. Verification of sustainability -- Chapter16. Awareness raising among politicians and the public in general -- Chapter 17. Conclusions

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