
Redes de politicas: el caso de la ciudad de Madrid

In: Revista española de ciencia política, Heft 25, S. 31-56

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Policy Networks are presented as useful analytical tools to study the cooperation conditions and mechanisms established among public agents, both private and social. Thus, they seem appropriate to assess the collective demands to local governments. The key approaches and conceptualisations of policy networks are contrasted with Special Investment Plans (Planes Especiales de Inversion y Actuacion Territorial, PEI), developed by the City of Madrid since 2003. The conclusion is that this approach is useful for studying the context the public policies are formulated, and also for studying multilevel government and the mainframe of political power. Adapted from the source document.


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Asociacion Espanola de Ciencia Politica y de la Administracion, Madrid, Spain

ISSN: 1575-6548

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