
Migrants, minorities and employment in Germany: exclusion, discrimination and anti-discrimination

In: RAXEN Report / European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia, National Focal Point Germany

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"The following employment study is divided into three parts. The first part describes in detail the situation of foreign employees on the German labour market. Furthermore, possible causes for the situation of migrants on the labour market are discussed and prognoses on the further development are given. Both of the second and third parts of the employment analysis focus on a more specific topic: As education and qualification are the most important conditions for integration in the labour market, different possibilities of qualification especially for young people with a migrant background are described in more detail first. Although the relatively poor positioning of migrants in the labour market is mostly explained by references to human capital factors, it cannot be denied that cases of discrimination do occur, both upon entering the labour market and in the workplace. Therefore, in the third part of the following study, several qualitative studies and also court cases were analysed to examine cases of discrimination in the labour market, too." (author's abstract)

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