
US firms' business competence in the Taiwanese IT industry

In: Understanding China



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This book offers an in-depth analysis of the roles and strategies of subsidiaries of American multinational companies (MNCs) in Taiwan's IT industry. Based on semi-structured interviews with 16 managing directors of the different foreign-owned subsidiaries and 100 functional unit managers, the authors investigate (1) the roles of functional units in evaluating strategy formulation and change in foreign subsidiaries; (2) the factors that determine strategy formulation and change in foreign subsidiaries and their functional units; and (3) the linkages between cross-functional units. The research underscores the view that MNCs' strategies are composed of assorted heterogeneous elements

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US Firms' Business Competence in the Taiwanese IT Industry

In: Understanding China

In: SpringerLink

In: Bücher



Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft

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