Buch(gedruckt) World Affairs Online2006

Living and studying abroad: research and practice

In: Languages for intercultural communication and education, 12

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Michael Byram and Anwei Feng: Introduction -- Sojourns far -- Mari Ayano: Japanese students in England -- Aileen Pearson-Evans: Irish students in Japan -- Christine Burnett: the one less travelled by : the experience of Chinese students in a UK university -- Sojourns near -- Carol Lam: Reciprocal adjustment by host and sojourning groups : mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong -- Vassiliki Papatsiba: Study abroad and experiences of cultural distance and proximity : French Erasmus students -- Short-term sojourns -- Jane Jackson: Ethnographic pedagogy and evaluation in short-term study abroad -- Gertrud Tarp: student perspectives in short-term study programmes abroad: a -- Grounded theory study -- Lasting effects on sojourners -- Susanne Ehrenreich: the assistant experience in retrospect : an interview study -- Examining its educational and professional significance in teachers' biographies -- Geof Alred and Mike Byram: British students in France - ten years on -- Evaluating the impact -- Darla Deardorff: identification and assessment of intercultural competence as a student outcome of internationalization -- References

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