
Theories of Change: Change Leadership Tools, Models and Applications for Investing in Sustainable Development

In: Sustainable Finance



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Part I: Theories of Change: Defining the Research Agenda, Leadership and Change -- Theory of Change: Defining the Research Agenda -- About Bridges and Goals: On the Art of Change Management as a Bridge to the Goals for a Sustainable World and a World of Sustainable Investing -- Analysing the Credibility of Theories of Change -- Failed Theories of Change: Misperceptions About ESG Investment and Investment Efforts to Combat Climate Change -- Y.1: The Biological Code for Evolutionary Transformation and Strategic Investment Decisions -- Part II: Creating Global Frameworks -- Towards a Unifying Framework of Impact Assessment in Impact Investing -- Social Reporting Standard (SRS): Making Social Impact Visible -- Clustering of Negative Criteria: A Pragmatic Approach for the Implementation of SRI -- Part III: Impact Investing -- Improving Early Childhood Development in Namibia with Result Based Financing -- An Analysis on Impact Measurement: How Do We Measure Impact? -- The Lessons of Microcredit -- Impact Investing Practice Report: Impact Analysis and Impact Reporting at BonVenture -- Part IV: Quantitative Analysis in Investing -- When Transparency Clouds Rather Than Clarifies: A Closer Look at Transparency Bias Within ESG Scores -- Comprehensive Simulation Meta Model for Transition Planning and Decision Analysis with Sustainable Impact -- Part V: Ecosystems -- Banking 4.0: Digital Ecosystems and Super-Apps -- Orchestrating Value Co-Creation in Business Ecosystems -- Part VI: Blockchain, Chryptoeconomics and Sustainability -- Change Through Crypto-Economics -- Blockchain and Sustainable Development Goals: From Blue Skies Estimates of Impact to Bottom-Up Essentials -- The Tokenization of Assets: Using Blockchains for Equity Crowdfunding -- Blockchain and the Evolution of Information Society -- Cryptography Leads the Next Wave of Societal Change -- Machine Learning and Finance -- Part VII: SDG Topic -- The Gender Investment Gap -- The Era of New Leadership -- Social Enterprises: Investment in a Sustainable Social Development with Added Value -- Part VIII: Climate Change -- Domestic Heating and China's Sustainable Energy Goals -- Sustainable Energy Investment in Australia -- The Money Pipeline: The Role of Finance in the Climate Emergency -- Moving the Topic of Climate Change from Politics to Economics.

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