
Forever prisoners: how the United States made the world's largest immigrant detention system

In: Oxford scholarship online



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Stories of non-US citizens caught in the jaws of the immigration bureaucracy and subject to indefinite detention are in the headlines daily. These men, women, and children remain almost completely without rights, unprotected by law and the Constitution, and their status as outsiders, even though many of have lived and worked in this country for years, has left them vulnerable to the most extreme forms of state power. Although the rhetoric surrounding these individuals is extreme, the US government has been locking up immigrants since the late 19th century, often for indefinite periods and with limited ability to challenge their confinement. 'Forever Prisoners' offers the first broad history of immigrant detention in the United States.

Weitere Versionen:


Forever Prisoners: How the United States Made the World's Largest Immigrant Detention System



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Forever prisoners: how the United States made the world's largest immigration detention system

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