Employment Relations in Outsourced Public Services: Working Between Market and State
In: Springer eBooks
In: Business and Management
In: Springer eBook Collection
1. Employment Relations in Outsourced Public Services: Working Between Market and State -- Part I. The Case of Italy -- 2. Public Services under Austerity: Structure of the Public Sector and Drivers of Outsourcing -- 3. State-controlled Dualisation between Public and Private Employment: Implications for Labour and Employment Relations -- Part II. The Case of Denmark -- 4. The Search for Public Services Efficiency: Structure of the Public Sector and Drivers of Outsourcing -- 5. Market-embedding and Inclusion: Implications for Labour and Employment Relations -- Part III. The Case of Britain -- 6. The Neoliberal Agenda: Structure of the Public Sector and Drives of Outsourcing -- 7. Market-making and Deregulation: Implications for Labour and Employment Relations -- Part. IV. Conclusion -- 8. Enduring National Varieties under Market Strain