Open Access BASE2012

Towards fundraising excellence in museums : linking governance with performance


We propose a governance model that reflects the level of an organization's successful fundraising. Therefore, we present an empirical analysis of the relationship between fundraising governance and fundraising performance in a sample of 244 Swiss Museums. Inspired by research on business excellence (Kanji 1998; Kanji and Sàà 2007), the proposed method extends the mostly qualitative and theory-based concepts of dynamic organization cycle models found in non-profit research by taking a quantitative approach. We view governance as a causal social mechanism (Hedström and Ylikoski 2010), where input leads to an outcome by intended, changeable, organized structure and action. The outcome of fundraising governance is described using measures of fundraising performance (Aldrich 2009). Concerning the input we identified five characteristics of fundraising governance (see below). Previous research indicates some possible clues about the connection between individual, isolated characteristics of fundraising governance, and fundraising success (e.g. (Mazzarol 2008; Siciliano 1997; Herman and Renz 2004; Herman, Renz, and Heimovics 1996; Brown 2005; Jackson and Holland 1998). Two approaches in NPO research combine various factors and then describe the development of an organization at different stages: Wood (1992) focusing on board governance, and Kay Williams (2000) focusing on fundraising. However, these models are purely descriptive and lack evidence, as if attaining a more mature development stage leads to greater success. At this point, no excellence model for fundraising exists that groups characteristics of fundraising governance and links them with fundraising performance. We collected survey data from 244 museums, 98 of which are actively involved in fundraising. With explorative factor analysis method we explored five factors concerning fundraising governance: 'boards' activities', 'boards as symbolic decision makers', 'board as donor', 'fundraising strategic planning and controlling', and 'fundraising techniques'. We applied a hierarchical clustering method with the resulting factors and obtained 41 museums in the first cluster, 35 museums in the second cluster, and 21 museums in the third cluster. To map clusters to fundraising governance levels, we matched the informative content of the factor mean scores with theoretical evidence, and assigned clusters such as "awareness", "composition", and "integration". The linkage of the found clusters with fundraising performance shows significant results. Tests of the influence of control and intervening variables like annual operational expenditure, legal form, and museum category were negative. These results underpin the robustness of our proposed fundraising governance model. Of course, this explorative, museum-specific model needs some further development. More studies on other NPO sector segments could support its relevance. Furthermore, more factors relevant to fundraising governance could be identified, and more stability tests of the classification methods undertaken. Although the model is tailored to the museums investigated, the explored factors find theoretical substantiation elsewhere in the non-profit Management and Governance literature.

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