Open Access BASE2018

El Proyecto de Innovación SAME: el fomento de la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria en el alumnado de la Universidad de Valencia


[EN] Nowadays, the right to quality education remains an aim within the international agendas. In the mission to defense this right, the Global Campaign for Education arises, as an initiative of civil and political awareness for the entitlement. Through the Educational Innovation project of the Global Action Week for Education (GAWE), which is included in this international campaign, from the Faculty of Philosophy and Education Sciences of the University of Valencia and in collaboration with the Coordination of the campaign in the Comunidad Valenciana we intend to give visibility to the fight for the right to quality education. Among the activities developed to achieve this goal, workshops are offered in the different subjects of the degrees taught in the faculty. All these actions are focused on the culmination of the main act of the campaign that takes place in the GAWE, where the educational community makes and exhibits the produced work and a manifiesto, to give visibility to said action and present it in society. The final result of all this is the participation of the students and the development of competences based on the aim of Sustainable Campus of the Social Responsibility of the University related to the partnerships with institutions and sustainability. ; [ES] El Derecho a la Educación de calidad en la actualidad, sigue siendo un objetivo en las agendas internacionales. En la misión de su defensa surge la Campaña de Acción Mundial por la Educación, como una iniciativa de concienciación civil y política por este derecho. Mediante el proyecto de Innovación Educativa de la Semana de Acción Mundial para la Educación (SAME) inmerso en dicha campaña internacional, desde la Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Valencia y en colaboración con la Coordinadora de la campaña en la Comunidad Valenciana pretendemos dar visibilidad a la lucha por el Derecho a la Educación de calidad. Entre las actividades desarrolladas para conseguir este objetivo se plantean talleres en diferentes ...

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