Open Access BASE2022

Organic Waste Management and Circular Bioeconomy: A Literature Review Comparison between Latin America and the European Union


The authors appreciate the support of the research group RNM-197 (Environmental Management and Technology) of the University of Granada. We are grateful to four anonymous referees for their comments and useful discussions. ; Worldwide, organic waste represents one of the most significant shares in the waste management system. Within the framework of circular bioeconomy, new and cutting-edge infrastructure has been developed at the European level to turn organic waste into valuable resources. The present paper aims to provide an exhaustive comparison between the European Union and Latin America regarding organic waste valorization. To this end, an introductive analysis about the state of the art circular bioeconomy in Latin America and Caribbean countries was developed. Subsequently, a systematic literature review in the context of South and Central America was conducted to detect differences and similarities in technologies and best practices for treating biowaste. The results show that the Latin American region is home to numerous bio-based infrastructures: biogas recovery, composting facilities and bioremediation strategies. Nevertheless, a conclusive remark underlines that some social, economic and political barriers are still encountered in the region, and therefore, new and locally-based studies are of paramount importance. ; Environmental Management and Technology) of University of Granada RNM-197

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