Open Access BASE2017

Institutional construction of Spanish biochemistry (1945-1970): The role of exchanges with Northern Europe and America ; La construction institutionnelle de la biochimie espagnole (1945-1970) : Rôle des échanges avec l'Europe du Nord et l'Amérique


instead of looking for allies among their Mediterranean colleagues, close to their geographical, political and economic situation, Spanish biochemists took as their model Northern Europe and then AngloAmerican science. The foundation of their discipline, in the midst of a franquist dictatorship, is characterised by the dedication to research, the desire to obtain international recognition, the precariousness of resources and the support of the politico-scientific authority established by Franquism. ; Peer reviewed ; instead of looking for allies among their Mediterranean colleagues, close to their geographical, political and economic situation, Spanish biochemists took as their model Northern Europe and then AngloAmerican science. The foundation of their discipline, in the midst of a franquist dictatorship, is characterised by the dedication to research, the desire to obtain international recognition, the precariousness of resources and the support of the politico-scientific authority established by Franquism. ; Au lieu de chercher des alliés parmi leurs collègues méditerranéens, proches par leur situation géographique, politique et économique, les biochimistes espagnols ont pris pour modèle l'Europe du Nord, puis la science angloaméricaine. La fondation de leur discipline, en pleine dictature franquiste, est marquée par le dévouement à la recherche, le souci d'obtenir une reconnaissance internationale, la précarité des moyens et le soutien de l'autorité politico-scientifique mise en place par le franquisme.

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