Open Access BASE2019

Franco-Chinese trade: lessons from the past and future prospects ; Le commerce franco-chinois : leçons du passé et perspectives d'avenir


The place China now occupies in the world economy raises many questions about the nature of its relations with the rest of the world, in particular Europe. The purpose of this paper is to analyse Franco-Chinese trade relations, not only in terms of their evolution but also in the light of France's comparative advantages. We first present China's role in French foreign trade. We then highlight the specific features of France compared to the other countries of the European Union. As a third step, we look at the geographical origin of the value added content of the goods traded. Finally, as trade policy is defined at European level, a final point on how trade policy is evolving. ; International audience ; The place China now occupies in the world economy raises many questions about the nature of its relations with the rest of the world, in particular Europe. The purpose of this paper is to analyse Franco-Chinese trade relations, not only in terms of their evolution but also in the light of France's comparative advantages. We first present China's role in French foreign trade. We then highlight the specific features of France compared to the other countries of the European Union. As a third step, we look at the geographical origin of the value added content of the goods traded. Finally, as trade policy is defined at European level, a final point on how trade policy is evolving. ; La place qu'occupe désormais la Chine dans l'économie mondiale génère des interrogations nombreuses sur la nature de ses relations avec le reste du monde, notamment l'Europe. L'objectif de ce papier est d'analyser les relations commerciales franco-chinoises, du point de vue de leur évolution mais aussi au regard des avantages comparatifs de la France. Nous présentons dans un premier temps le rôle de la Chine dans le commerce extérieur français. Nous mettons ensuite en évidence les spécificités de la France par rapport aux autres pays de l'Union européenne. Dans un troisième temps, nous nous intéressons à l'origine géographique du contenu en ...

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