Breaking out – Barriers against Effort, Biographical Work against Opportunity Structures
This paper presents the life story of a single small-business owner of immigrant background who wants his companyto grow. His business strategies are analysed both as a part of his own biographical work, and as they wereinfluenced and framed by broader political, economic and social processes. It is shown how his own personalqualities in combination with opportunity structures in the local market provided favourable conditions for hisbreak-in. Breaking out, however, seems to be presented with different types of barriers, such as lack of access tocapital, discrimination, and the fact that new markets may consist of different sorts of network that are in its turnmore difficult for new actors to enter. But even if newcomers often find these barriers difficult for to overcome,individuals are not just passive objects but also have the opportunity to realize their lives according to their own lifeplans.
Linköpings universitet, REMESO - Institutet för forskning om Migration, Etnicitet och Samhälle; Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för samhälls- och välfärdsstudier; Linköpings universitet, Filosofiska fakulteten
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