Open Access BASE2017

Systematic Planning of Globalizing Local Firms (SPG)


Globalization is the growing integration of economies and societies around the world. It is the process of interaction and integration among people, companies, and governments from different countries through international trade and investment. It allows a country to perform international trade and business to enjoy the expansion of market and trade links between various countries around the globe. The key issue for a local company in penetrating and enjoying maximum revenue in a host country is identified as studying the differences in political, economic, cultural, and business ethics between the home and host countries. The world consists of various dimensions of differences, and it is the organizations responsibility to identify and understand them and match them with its vision. This paper outlines a systematic planning methodology for helping local businesses, which in some way have the potential to grow in the international market but feel insecure regarding the risks and threats involved, to grow globally, and will further create a sense of motivation and ambition. In here, we try to solve their issues using a systematic procedure by passing through six steps (orientation and collect key data, clarify vision, clarify environment and relate to vision, develop penetration plans, evaluate and accept the best plan, implementation) and considering three fundamentals (vision, environmental analysis, and penetration strategy) to further enhance their horizons with the relevant knowledge. Our main objective here is to boost the confidence of the local companies by introducing a systematic planning tool that they can use which helps them to give the chance to become global and compete in the international market.

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