Open Access BASE2021



The history of humanity is a history of rationality. As a result, mankind has progressed from the Stone Age to the era of modern medicine, genetics, computer science, robotics, and nanotechnology. The life span of a man in ancient times was about twenty years, and today, in highly developed societies, a man lives, on average, to eighty-six years. Advances in science and technology have not always had a positive impact. Suffice to say, the ongoing environmental problems that seriously affect humanity or, for example, the dietary problems that have resulted due to genetic manipulation. Scientific and technological development must be considered in a serious and philosophical manner. Ethics are increasingly becoming an integral part of life. In this paper, we focused on the new coronavirus that has led to the planetary-wide disease called COVID-19. All countries have engaged in their efforts to suppress the resulting pandemic. However, some of the utilized measures have been suspect: whether to lock-down people in quarantine, whether their movement should be restricted, whether they should be forced to vaccinate, and so on. Claiming to act prophylactically, scientists, by adding some DNA, RNA segments (gain of function, GOF) to an innocuous human virus, have created a dangerous artificial influenza virus. Likewise, an artificial, infectious coronavirus was created in a laboratory. Both procedures for creating these dangerous, hybrid viruses have been described in eminent scientific journals. The scientists involved in this research told us that they wanted to find cures and vaccines for these non-natural viruses on the off-chance they ever appeared among humans; when carefully handled, engineered organisms provide a unique opportunity to study biological systems in a controlled fashion. Biotechnology is a powerful tool to advance medical research and should not be abandoned because of irrational fears. But the chance of this type of virus appearing among humans is almost non-existent. However, what if these viruses "escape" from the lab, as has happened in the recent past? What if a terrorist organization start producing these viruses on their own according to detailed instructions and then use them? Finally, since the two great world powers, the US and China, that jointly created the artificial coronavirus, called SHC014-MA15, who can stop them from continuing this practice? Isn't it possible that they also created the current SARS-CoV-2 provoking a death of two and a half million people? Related to these questions, this study deals with the issue of tolerance. A large number of world-renowned scientists really believe that the current cause of the pandemic, SARS-CoV-2, is an artificial, laboratory-created virus, presenting a number of facts for this. It is not disputed that their claims are arguable. This, however, does not mean that their opponents, pharmaceutical companies and some superpowers, who have far greater political and economic power, have to incorrectly and utterly embarrass them all over, morally discredit them, nor ban their texts on the subject. In science, the struggle must be waged by arguments, not by totalitarian Orwellian methods. ; Povijest čovječanstva je, prvenstveno, povijest racionalnosti. Zahvaljujući njoj, čovjek je iz kamenog doba dospio u doba suvremene medicine, genetike, informatike, robotike, nanotehnologije, i da ne nabrajam. Životni vijek Krapinskog čovjeka bio je oko dvadeset godina, a danas, u visoko razvijenim društvima čovjek živi, u prosjeku, osamdeset šest godina. Napredak znanosti i tehnologije nije uvijek pozitivan. Dovoljno je spomenuti ekološke probleme koji ozbiljno prijete čovječanstvu ili, na primjer, probleme u prehrani vezanoj za genetske manipulacije. Pokazuje se da se znanstveno-tehnološki razvitak mora ozbiljno, filozofski promišljati. Etika postaje sve više sastavni dio života. U ovom smo se radu fokusirali na probleme vezane za novi Coronavirus koji je prouzrokovao bolest planetarnih razmjera nazvanoj Covid 19. Ne može se osporiti činjenica da su se sve zemlje angažirale da suzbiju nastalu pandemiju. Međutim, upotrijebljene mjere izazivaju izvjesna podozrenja. Da li treba zatvarati ljude u karantenu, da li im treba ograničavati kretanje, da li ih treba prisiljavati na cijepljenje, i slično. Tvrdeći da djeluju profilaktički, znanstvenici su dodavanjem nekih DNK, RNK segmenata (gain of fonction, GOF) neškodljivom virusu za čovjeka, stvorili opasan umjetni virus gripe. Isto tako je, laboratorijski, stvoren umjetan, infektivan Coronavirus. Oba postupka stvaranja ovih opasnih, hibridnih virusa su opisani u eminentnim znanstvenim časopisima! Znanstvenici su nam rekli da su to uradili kako bi pronašli lijekove i vakcine protiv ovih ne-prirodnih virusa ukoliko se oni ikada pojave među ljudima; opreznim rukovanjem, medicinska znanost se može unaprijediti. Ali šansa da se ta vrsta virusa pojavi među ljudima je skoro nepostojeća. Što, međutim, ako ti virusi "pobjegnu" iz laboratorije, kao što se to u nedavnoj prošlosti dešavalo? Što ako ih upotrijebi neka teroristička organizacija ili, po detaljno objavljenim uputama, sama počne proizvoditi te i druge viruse? Konačno, što se tiče dviju velikih svjetskih sila, SAD i Kine, koje su zajednički stvorile umjetan Coronavirus, nazvan SHC014-MA15, tko ih može spriječiti da i dalje nastave s tom praksom? Zar nije moguće da su također stvorile i sadašnji SARS-CoV-2 koji je do sada uzrokovao smrt dva i pol milijuna ljudi? U vezi ovih pitanja, posljednji problem kojim se ova studija bavi, tiče se tolerancije. Veliki broj svjetski renomiranih znanstvenika smatra da je sadašnji uzročnik pandemije, SARS-CoV-2, umjetan, laboratorijski stvoren virus, iznoseći za to niz činjenica. Nije sporno da su njihove tvrdnje sporne. To, međutim, ne znači da ih njihovi protivnici, farmaceutske kompanije i neke svjetske velesile, koji imaju daleko veću političku i ekonomsku moć, moraju posvuda, krajnje nekorektno, blamirati, zabranjivati njihove tekstove na tu temu i moralno ih diskreditirati. U znanosti se borba mora voditi argumentima, a ne totalitarnim orvelovskim metodama.

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