Open Access BASE2015

MHD normal mode analysis with equilibrium pressure anisotropy


In this work, we generalise linear magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) stability theory to include equilibrium pressure anisotropy in the fluid part of the analysis. A novel 'single-adiabatic' (SA) fluid closure is presented which is complementary to the usual 'double-adiabatic' (CGL) model and has the advantage of naturally reproducing exactly the MHD spectrum in the isotropic limit. As with MHD and CGL, the SA model neglects the anisotropic perturbed pressure and thus loses non-local fast-particle stabilisation present in the kinetic approach. Another interesting aspect of this new approach is that the stabilising terms appear naturally as separate viscous corrections leaving the isotropic SA closure unchanged. After verifying the self-consistency of the SA model, we re-derive the projected linear MHD set of equations required for stability analysis of tokamaks in the MISHKA code. The cylindrical wave equation is derived analytically as done previously in the spectral theory of MHD and clear predictions are made for the modification to fast-magnetosonic and slow ion sound speeds due to equilibrium anisotropy. ; This work was funded by the Australian Research Council through Grant Nos. DP1093797 and FT0991899. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 633053 and from the RCUK Energy Programme [grant number EP/I501045].

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