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Open Access#12005

The distributional effects of tax and benefit reforms since 1997

In: In: Chote, R. and Emmerson, C. and Miles, D. and Oldfield, Z., (eds.) The IFS Green Budget 2005. (pp. 119-137). Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK. (2005)


Open Access#22003

Achieving simplicity, security and choice in retirement? An assessment of the government's proposed pensions reforms

In: (IFS Briefing Notes BN36 ). Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK.


Open Access#32001

Labour's proposals

In: (IFS Election Briefing Notes EBN09 ). Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK.


Open Access#42001

The Saving Gateway and the Child Trust Fund: Is asset-based welfare 'well fair'?

In: (IFS Commentaries C085 ). Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK.


Open Access#52006

Interim evaluation of saving gateway 2

In: HM Treasury: London, UK.


Open Access#62005

Tax and benefit changes: who wins and who loses?

In: (IFS Election Briefing Notes BN56A ). Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK.


Open Access#72005

Pension and saving policy

In: (IFS Election Briefing Notes BN66 ). Institute for Fiscal Studies: London, UK.


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Open Access#91999

Attitudes and experiences of restaurateurs regarding smoking bans in Adelaide, South Australia


Open Access#102007

Final evaluation of the saving gateway 2 pilot: main report

In: HM Treasury/Department for Education and Skills: London, UK.


Open Access#112018

The impact of unhealthy food sponsorship vs. pro-health sponsorship models on young adults' food preferences: A randomised controlled trial


Open Access#122018

The impact of unhealthy food sponsorship vs. pro-health sponsorship models on young adults' food preferences: A randomised controlled trial


Open Access#132017

Alcohol harm reduction advertisements: A content analysis of topic, objective, emotional tone, execution and target audience