In: Aktualʹni pytannja suspilʹnych nauk ta istorii͏̈ medycyny: spilʹnyj ukrai͏̈nsʹko-rumunsʹkyj naukovyj žurnal = Current issues of social studies and history of medicine : joint Ukrainian-Romanian scientific journal = Aktualʹnye voprosy obščestvennych nauk i istorii mediciny = Enjeux actuels de sciences sociales et de l'histoire de la medecine, Volume 0, Issue 3, p. 59-62
In: Aktualʹni pytannja suspilʹnych nauk ta istorii͏̈ medycyny: spilʹnyj ukrai͏̈nsʹko-rumunsʹkyj naukovyj žurnal = Current issues of social studies and history of medicine : joint Ukrainian-Romanian scientific journal = Aktualʹnye voprosy obščestvennych nauk i istorii mediciny = Enjeux actuels de sciences sociales et de l'histoire de la medecine, Volume 0, Issue 1, p. 70-72
In: Aktualʹni pytannja suspilʹnych nauk ta istorii͏̈ medycyny: spilʹnyj ukrai͏̈nsʹko-rumunsʹkyj naukovyj žurnal = Current issues of social studies and history of medicine : joint Ukrainian-Romanian scientific journal = Aktualʹnye voprosy obščestvennych nauk i istorii mediciny = Enjeux actuels de sciences sociales et de l'histoire de la medecine, Volume 0, Issue 4, p. 180-183
In: Aktualʹni pytannja suspilʹnych nauk ta istorii͏̈ medycyny: spilʹnyj ukrai͏̈nsʹko-rumunsʹkyj naukovyj žurnal = Current issues of social studies and history of medicine : joint Ukrainian-Romanian scientific journal = Aktualʹnye voprosy obščestvennych nauk i istorii mediciny = Enjeux actuels de sciences sociales et de l'histoire de la medecine, Volume 0, Issue 3, p. 95-99
In: Aktualʹni pytannja suspilʹnych nauk ta istorii͏̈ medycyny: spilʹnyj ukrai͏̈nsʹko-rumunsʹkyj naukovyj žurnal = Current issues of social studies and history of medicine : joint Ukrainian-Romanian scientific journal = Aktualʹnye voprosy obščestvennych nauk i istorii mediciny = Enjeux actuels de sciences sociales et de l'histoire de la medecine, Volume 0, Issue 1, p. 98-100
In: Aktualʹni pytannja suspilʹnych nauk ta istorii͏̈ medycyny: spilʹnyj ukrai͏̈nsʹko-rumunsʹkyj naukovyj žurnal = Current issues of social studies and history of medicine : joint Ukrainian-Romanian scientific journal = Aktualʹnye voprosy obščestvennych nauk i istorii mediciny = Enjeux actuels de sciences sociales et de l'histoire de la medecine, Volume 0, Issue 4, p. 79-82
In: Aktualʹni pytannja suspilʹnych nauk ta istorii͏̈ medycyny: spilʹnyj ukrai͏̈nsʹko-rumunsʹkyj naukovyj žurnal = Current issues of social studies and history of medicine : joint Ukrainian-Romanian scientific journal = Aktualʹnye voprosy obščestvennych nauk i istorii mediciny = Enjeux actuels de sciences sociales et de l'histoire de la medecine, Volume 0, Issue 1, p. 7-11
У статті досліджено роль релігії в житті і творчій діяльності М. Костомарова. Зосереджено увагу на те, що видатний письменник і видатний вчений дуже добре знав історію і філософію християнського вчення, глибоко знав Закон Божий. У своїх роботах М. Костомаров акцентував, що кожен слов'янський народ повинен піклується, щоб «віра Христова була підставою закону його держави". ; This article explores the role of religion in the life and creative activity of M. Kostomarov. The author focuses upon the fact that the distinguished writer and the prominent scholar exposed а detailed erudition in the questions of history and philosophy of Christian doctrine. The article presents facts and arguments which show that M. Kostomarov considered the law of God with deep understanding and piety. In his writings M. Kostomarov stressed upon the idea that each Slavic people should endeavor to make «the faith of Christ the basis of their State law». According to his position within the sphere of education, there should be superiority of the spiritual over the ma- terial, the only precondition which could make it possible to achieve this goal was that education should be conducted in the Orthodox-Christian spirit, which has always been the foundation of moral power of the Ukrainian people.The article pays special attention to publications by M. Kostomarov giving historical evidence of religiousness of Ukrainian people as a phenomenon coming out of a deep spiritual culture of this nation. The scientist stressed upon the fact that in the case of the people of Russ «It was Christianity, and only Christianity that gave the true and solid foundation for the further elaboration of civil and political life – principles with-out which, no nation has its history».The article investigates the valuable conclusion to which the famous historian arrives: Ukrainian religious belief is deeply rooted in many factors and circumstances, and that is valuable not «only for ourselves but for other people». In fact, it was a statement of the highest quality of religious background of the whole national culture.As a believer and a convicted defender of the Church M. Kostomarov was convinced that religion – is not only a relationship with God, but also a relationship of person with other persons that is an organic component of Orthodox doctrine of Catholicity(Sobornist). In accordance with orthodox doctrine M. Kostomarov consideres belief and behavior, religion and historicity as closely interrelated. ; Dans l'article le rôle de la religion dans l'activité de la vie et créatrice de N. Kostomarov. Il a attiré l'attention sur le fait que l'éminent écrivain et éminent scientifique sont très bien connaître l'histoire et la philosophie de la doctrine chrétienne, connaissait profondément la loi de Dieu. Dans ses œuvres N. Kostomarov a souligné que chaque peuple slave doivent veiller à « Vera Hristova était la base de la loi de son pays». ; В статье исследовано роль религии в жизни и творческой деятельности Н. Костомарова. Сосредоточено внимание на том, что выдающийся писатель и выдающийся ученый очень хорошо знал историю и философию христианского учения, глубоко знал Закон Божий. У своих работах Н. Костомаров акцентировал, что каждый славянский народ должен заботится, чтоб «вера Христова была основанием закона его государства".
This article explores the role of religion in the life and creative activity of M. Kostomarov. The author focuses upon the fact that the distinguished writer and the prominent scholar exposed а detailed erudition in the questions of history and philosophy of Christian doctrine. The article presents facts and arguments which show that M. Kostomarov considered the law of God with deep understanding and piety. In his writings M. Kostomarov stressed upon the idea that each Slavic people should endeavor to make «the faith of Christ the basis of their State law». According to his position within the sphere of education, there should be superiority of the spiritual over the ma- terial, the only precondition which could make it possible to achieve this goal was that education should be conducted in the Orthodox-Christian spirit, which has always been the foundation of moral power of the Ukrainian people.The article pays special attention to publications by M. Kostomarov giving historical evidence of religiousness of Ukrainian people as a phenomenon coming out of a deep spiritual culture of this nation. The scientist stressed upon the fact that in the case of the people of Russ «It was Christianity, and only Christianity that gave the true and solid foundation for the further elaboration of civil and political life – principles with-out which, no nation has its history».The article investigates the valuable conclusion to which the famous historian arrives: Ukrainian religious belief is deeply rooted in many factors and circumstances, and that is valuable not «only for ourselves but for other people». In fact, it was a statement of the highest quality of religious background of the whole national culture.As a believer and a convicted defender of the Church M. Kostomarov was convinced that religion – is not only a relationship with God, but also a relationship of person with other persons that is an organic component of Orthodox doctrine of Catholicity(Sobornist). In accordance with orthodox doctrine M. Kostomarov consideres belief and behavior, religion and historicity as closely interrelated. ; Dans l'article le rôle de la religion dans l'activité de la vie et créatrice de N. Kostomarov. Il a attiré l'attention sur le fait que l'éminent écrivain et éminent scientifique sont très bien connaître l'histoire et la philosophie de la doctrine chrétienne, connaissait profondément la loi de Dieu. Dans ses œuvres N. Kostomarov a souligné que chaque peuple slave doivent veiller à « Vera Hristova était la base de la loi de son pays». ; В статье исследовано роль религии в жизни и творческой деятельности Н. Костомарова. Сосредоточено внимание на том, что выдающийся писатель и выдающийся ученый очень хорошо знал историю и философию христианского учения, глубоко знал Закон Божий. У своих работах Н. Костомаров акцентировал, что каждый славянский народ должен заботится, чтоб «вера Христова была основанием закона его государства". ; У статті досліджено роль релігії в житті і творчій діяльності М. Костомарова. Зосереджено увагу на те, що видатний письменник і видатний вчений дуже добре знав історію і філософію християнського вчення, глибоко знав Закон Божий. У своїх роботах М. Костомаров акцентував, що кожен слов'янський народ повинен піклується, щоб «віра Христова була підставою закону його держави".
In: Aktualʹni pytannja suspilʹnych nauk ta istorii͏̈ medycyny: spilʹnyj ukrai͏̈nsʹko-rumunsʹkyj naukovyj žurnal = Current issues of social studies and history of medicine : joint Ukrainian-Romanian scientific journal = Aktualʹnye voprosy obščestvennych nauk i istorii mediciny = Enjeux actuels de sciences sociales et de l'histoire de la medecine, Volume 0, Issue 3, p. 77-81