Baltic security conference: Schloss Leopoldsberg, Salzburg, 5 to 7 october 1992
Johnson, A.R.; Krastins, A.; Stankevicius, C.; Matsulevits, T.: The central issues to Baltic security. S. 7-16. Elliot, I.; Foye, S.; Bungs, D.; Girnius, S.; Kionka, R.: Former Soviet troop presence. S. 17-31. Vershbow, A.; Grote, Otto Frh.; Weydenthal, J. de: Experience in negotiations and troop withdrawal. S. 32-42. Oliphant, C.; Virsis, M.; Butkevicius, A.; Vare, V.: Baltic-Russian negotiations. S. 43-52. Johnson, A.R.; Shelov-Kovedyayev, F.: Russia and the Baltic States. S. 53-62. Brown, J.F.; Donnelly, C.; Lange, P.H.; Goble, P.: The West and the Baltic security. S. 63-78. Hase, K.G. von; Toernudd, K.; Freden, L.: Western neighbors (I). S. 79-89. Magnussen, H.; Jurgensen, H.; Lambach, F.: Western neighbors (II). S. 90-96. Freden, L.; Alexandrova, O.; Peterson, P.: Regional issues: Kaliningrad. S. 97-105. Johnson, A.R.; Butkevicius, A.; Vare, V.: Baltic defense and security. S. 106-124