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Open Access#12011

Harm Reduction Policies and Interventions for Injection Drug Users in Thailand


Open Access#22006

Summary of findings from the evaluation of a pilot medically supervised safer injecting facility


Open Access#32009

Structural and Environmental Barriers to Condom Use Negotiation With Clients Among Female Sex Workers: Implications for HIV-Prevention Strategies and Policy


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Open Access#62006

HIV seroprevalence among participants at a Supervised Injection Facility in Vancouver, Canada: implications for prevention, care and treatment


Article(electronic)#7July 2003

Responding to an Explosive HIV Epidemic Driven by Frequent Cocaine Injection: Is There a Role for Safe Injecting Facilities?

In: Journal of drug issues: JDI, Volume 33, Issue 3, p. 579-608

ISSN: 1945-1369

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Open Access#82006

Service Uptake and Characteristics of Injection Drug Users Utilizing North America's First Medically Supervised Safer Injecting Facility


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Article(electronic)#11August 21, 2018

Primary health care engagement among marginalized people who use drugs in Ottawa, Canada

In: International journal of population data science: (IJPDS), Volume 3, Issue 4

ISSN: 2399-4908

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"It's Like the Pieces of a Puzzle That You Know": Research Interviews With People Who Inject Drugs Using the VidaviewTM Life Story Board

In: Forum qualitative Sozialforschung: FQS = Forum: qualitative social research, Volume 21, Issue 3

ISSN: 1438-5627

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Open Access#142019

The Consensus Hepatitis C Cascade of Care:Standardized Reporting to Monitor Progress Toward Elimination

In: Safreed-Harmon , K , Blach , S , Aleman , S , Bollerup , S , Cooke , G , Dalgard , O , Dillon , J F , Dore , G J , Duberg , A-S , Grebely , J , Boe Kielland , K , Midgard , H , Porter , K , Razavi , H , Tyndall , M , Weis , N & Lazarus , J V 2019 , ' The Consensus Hepatitis C Cascade of Care : Standardized Reporting to Monitor Progress Toward Elimination ' , Clinical Infectious Diseases , vol. 69 , no. 12 , pp. 2218-2227 .


Open Access#152019

The Consensus Hepatitis C Cascade of Care: standardized reporting to monitor progress toward elimination