Federal Control of Guns and Firearms
In: Laws and Legislation
Intro -- FEDERAL CONTROL OF GUNS AND FIREARMS DEVELOPMENTS AND CONSIDERATIONS -- FEDERAL CONTROL OF GUNS AND FIREARMS DEVELOPMENTS AND CONSIDERATIONS -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE -- Chapter 1 GUN CONTROL LEGISLATION -- SUMMARY -- DEVELOPMENTS IN THE 112TH CONGRESS -- BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS -- Pro/Con Debate -- Gun-Related Statistics -- How Many Guns Are in the United States? -- How Often Are Guns Used in Homicides? -- How Prevalent Are Gun-Related Fatalities? -- How Often Are Guns Used in Non-lethal Crimes? -- How Often Are Firearms Used in Self-Defense? -- What about the Recreational Use of Guns? -- FEDERAL REGULATION OF FIREARMS -- The National Firearms Act (NFA) -- The Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA) -- Firearms Transfer and Possession Eligibility -- Licensed Dealers and Firearms Transfers -- Private Firearms Transfers -- Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act -- Interim Provisions -- Permanent Provisions -- National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) -- NICS Act Record Improvement Program (NARIP) -- Background Check Fee and Record Retention -- OVERVIEW OF LEGISLATIVE ACTION IN THE 111TH CONGRESS -- EMERGING ISSUES IN THE 112TH CONGRESS -- Concealed Carry and National Reciprocity88 -- ATF Southwest Border Gun Trafficking Investigations -- Multiple Rifle Sales Report Proposal100 -- Operation Fast and Furious -- ATF Firearms Tracing for Mexican Authorities -- Veterans, Mental Incompetency, and Firearms Eligibility -- ATF FY2012 and FY2013 Appropriations -- FY2013 Request -- FY2012 Request and Appropriation -- FISA Sunset Extensions and Firearms-Related Amendments187 -- Tucson Shootings -- Mental Illness and Drug Use as Prohibiting Factors -- Large Capacity Ammunition Feeding Devices -- Banning Firearms within the Proximity of Federal Officials -- OTHER SALIENT GUN CONTROL LEGISLATIVE ISSUES