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Wirtschaftsgeschichte und Rechtsgeschichte: der Grazer Beiträge zur Theorie
In: Kleine Arbeitsreihe zur europäischen und vergleichenden Rechtsgeschichte 17
Rechtsgeschichte der Slowenen: bis zum Jahre 1941
In: Grazer Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftliche Studien 21
Rechtsgeschichte der Slowenen: bis zum Jahre 1941
In: Grazer rechts- und staatswissenschaftliche Studien 21
Statistical and sociological measurements of the effectiveness of public governance at regional level
Good governance is determined by the public activities of public authorities through mechanisms of interaction with the population and the provision of quality administrative and social services. Effective public administration is the key to socio-economic development of the country and enhancing its competitiveness in the international arena, as well as a determining factor for the economic development of regions. At the same time, it is important to use a system of indicators of public administration effectiveness at the regional level, which are measured using statistical and sociological methods. The expediency of their systematic application in public administration substantiated by the author is caused by feature of the received information on expectations, values, motivation of inhabitants of the city, village of community. At the level of society, the use of sociological data is important for the development of various government programs related to the development of the social sphere, and to assess the quality of public services. According to the author, social surveys aimed at determining the level of material well-being and social mood of certain categories of citizens, provide data on their attitudes to the work of territorial departments of central government, local state administrations and local governments. And the application of an integrated approach, which allows on the basis of primary sociological data to calculate the index of public mood in the region (IPMR), allows you to track changes in the region. Thus, the regional government should need to obtain objective and accurate data on the perception of the population of the socio-economic and political situation in the region and in the country. The government must formulate a request for data on the dynamics of public opinion over a period of time.
Formation of Projected Chornobyl Radiation-Ecological Biosphere Reserve ; Становлення проектованого Чорнобильського радіаційно-екологічного біосферного заповідника
The importance and the current state of knowledge about the problem are pointed in the article. The main attention is focused on geographical sensible of establishing a Biosphere Reserve in the Ukrainian Polissya in general and in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone in particular. Also, the natural conditions of the area are described briefly. The key periods of the idea formation of establishing a Biosphere Reserve are outlined by applying scientific and historical research methods and analyzing scientific bibliography, reference data and legal documents. History of the Biosphere Reserve is consideredin terms of periodization by decades. For each of them highlighted the role of scientists, government and public environmental authorities in this process. The role of botanists and zoologists is especially appreciable. As conclusion, on the basis of the Chornobyl Radiation-Ecological Biosphere Reserve is planned to create Ukrainian-Belarusian Biosphere Reserve, as well as key areas of pan-European, national, regional and local levels of the econet organization. ; Акцентовано увагу на географічній доцільності створення Чорнобильського радіаційно-екологічного біосферного заповідника, стисло описано природні умови, окреслено хронологічні події його становлення, роль ботаніків і зоологів у цьому процесі й місце в транскордонній мережі природно-заповідних територій та еко-мережі різних рівнів.
Social preconditions the principles of justice in the context of the ethical dimension of the formation of political relations
This article reveals the importance of the principle of justice in philosophical thought and political relations in society
Social prerequisites, the principles of justice in the context of the ethical dimension of the formation of political relations
Social prerequisites, the principles of justice in the context of the ethical dimension of the formation of political relations
World Affairs Online
Use of inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry detection in determination of arsenic bioaccumulation in Trifolium pratense L. from contaminated soil
Increment of arsenic (As) in soil, a highly poisonous element, is a considerably important issue nowadays due to its danger of entry to the environmental cycles and food contamination. Bioaccumulation properties of many plants have been studied, although a very few reveal as a proper bioaccumulator plant for As. The Red clover, Trifolium pratense L. geographically widespread. The aim was conducted in order to determine the potential ability of this plant for cleaning up contaminated soil. Food grown on such lands usually contains heavy metals. Phytoremediation treatment of the soil prevents their entry into food, because it reduces the concentration of pollutants. Eighty-five Red clover one month old plants were grown in a nursery until transplant into the contaminated soil by inorganic As. Leaves and roots of 60 of plants sample were taken separately in every ten day during 60 days and analysed by ICP-OES while 25 samples were kept in different pH (8-4) in contaminated soil samples. Mean values of inorganic As(V) and As(III) in shoots and roots of plants were determined, and the statistical approaches were used for establishing the differences Bioaccumulation factor was calculated for As contents of plant parts for every 10 days. The soil arsenic level (19.09 mg/kg) higher than the global average (10.0 mg/kg), but within the maximum acceptable limit for agricultural soil (20.0 mg/kg) recommended by the European Union after 10 days. The lowest mean arsenic concentration was found after 40 days of cultivation of plant in pH=6 (1.01 mg/kg). It was observed that Red clover had suitable ability for phytoextraction method and soil recovery more Arsenic in pH<7 after 20-30 days of growth. The rate of As uptake by Red clover was significantly affected by the grown days after cultivated in contaminated treated (p<0.05) and pH of soil while up-taking in pH≤6 (p-value <0.05).
Use of inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry detection in determination of arsenic bioaccumulation in Trifolium pratense L. from contaminated soil
Increment of arsenic (As) in soil, a highly poisonous element, is a considerably important issue nowadays due to its danger of entry to the environmental cycles and food contamination. Bioaccumulation properties of many plants have been studied, although a very few reveal as a proper bioaccumulator plant for As. The Red clover, Trifolium pratense L. geographically widespread. The aim was conducted in order to determine the potential ability of this plant for cleaning up contaminated soil. Food grown on such lands usually contains heavy metals. Phytoremediation treatment of the soil prevents their entry into food, because it reduces the concentration of pollutants. Eighty-five Red clover one month old plants were grown in a nursery until transplant into the contaminated soil by inorganic As. Leaves and roots of 60 of plants sample were taken separately in every ten day during 60 days and analysed by ICP-OES while 25 samples were kept in different pH (8-4) in contaminated soil samples. Mean values of inorganic As(V) and As(III) in shoots and roots of plants were determined, and the statistical approaches were used for establishing the differences Bioaccumulation factor was calculated for As contents of plant parts for every 10 days. The soil arsenic level (19.09 mg/kg) higher than the global average (10.0 mg/kg), but within the maximum acceptable limit for agricultural soil (20.0 mg/kg) recommended by the European Union after 10 days. The lowest mean arsenic concentration was found after 40 days of cultivation of plant in pH=6 (1.01 mg/kg). It was observed that Red clover had suitable ability for phytoextraction method and soil recovery more Arsenic in pH<7 after 20-30 days of growth. The rate of As uptake by Red clover was significantly affected by the grown days after cultivated in contaminated treated (p<0.05) and pH of soil while up-taking in pH≤6 (p-value <0.05).
Shadow economy and economic development: a panel cointegration and causality analysis
In: International journal of economic policy in emerging economies: IJEPEE, Volume 13, Issue 2, p. 173
ISSN: 1752-0460