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Open Access#42017

Energiespeicherung als Nutzungsperspektive für leerstehende Bauwerke? Eine typologische und fallbezogene Untersuchung am Beispiel des Industrie- und Militärbaus


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Article(electronic)#7May 1, 2024

Litfaßsäule 4.0 – Ein integrierter Ansatz in der Krisenkommunikation

In: Transforming cities: urbane Systeme im Wandel : das technisch-wissenschaftliche Fachmagazin, Volume 9, Issue 2

ISSN: 2366-3723

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Open Access#92012

Improved emergency management by a loosely coupled logistic system


Open Access#102016

Energy audits in a private firm environment: Energy efficiency consultants' cost calculation for innovative technologies in the housing sector


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Open Access#132018

Beneficial use of Ni-rich petroleum coke ashes: Product characterization and effects on soil properties and plant growth


Open Access#152021

Swarm Learning for decentralized and confidential clinical machine learning

In: COVID-19 Aachen Study (COVAS) , Deutsche COVID-19 Omics Initiative (DeCOI) , Warnat-Herresthal , S , Schultze , H , Shastry , K L , Manamohan , S , Mukherjee , S , Garg , V , Sarveswara , R , Händler , K , Pickkers , P , Aziz , N A , Ktena , S , Tran , F , Bitzer , M , Ossowski , S , Casadei , N , Herr , C , Petersheim , D , Behrends , U , Kern , F , Fehlmann , T , Schommers , P , Lehmann , C , Augustin , M , Rybniker , J , Altmüller , J , Mishra , N , Bernardes , J P , Krämer , B , Bonaguro , L , Schulte-Schrepping , J , De Domenico , E , Siever , C , Kraut , M , Desai , M , Monnet , B , Saridaki , M , Siegel , C M , Drews , A , Nuesch-Germano , M , Theis , H , Heyckendorf , J , Schreiber , S , Kim-Hellmuth , S & Schulze , J L 2021 , ' Swarm Learning for decentralized and confidential clinical machine learning ' , Nature , vol. 594 , no. 7862 , pp. 265-270 . ; ISSN:0028-0836