Labour supply and employment in the euro area countries - developments and challenges
In: Occassional paper series no 87 (June 2008)
Masuch, Klaus; Gómez Salvador, Ramón; Leiner-Killinger, Nadine; Strauch, Rolf; Turunen, Jarkko; Ward-Warmedinger, Melanie; De Mulder, Jan; Stahl, Harald
Masuch, Klaus; Gómez Salvador, Ramón; Leiner-Killinger, Nadine; Strauch, Rolf; Turunen, Jarkko; Ward-Warmedinger, Melanie; De Mulder, Jan; Stahl, Harald; McCarthy, Yvonne; Nicolitsas, Daphne; Lacuesta, Aitor; Ravanel, Mathilde; Cipollone, Piero; Olsommer, Christelle; Stiglbauer, Alfred; Novo, Álvaro A.; Stovicek, Klara; Schauman, Heidi; Balleer, Almut; McQuinn, Kieran; Montanaro, Pasqualino; Rosolia, Alfonso; Viviano, Eliana; Duarte, Cláudia; Vodopivec, Matija; European System of Central Banks
The aim of this report, which has been prepared by a Task Force of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Eurosystem, is to describe and analyse the main developments in labour supply and its determinants in the euro area, review the links between labour supply and labour market institutions, assess how well labour supply reflects the demand for labour in the euro area and identify the future challenges for policy-makers. The data available for this report generally cover the period from 1983 to spring 2007.