COVID-19 has caused a pandemic in almost all parts of the world, including Indonesia. This has led to lockdown conditions in various countries. The Indonesian government is trying to break the chain of transmission of Covid-19, one of which is the Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) which limits social and physical activities. One of the people affected by this policy is the elderly. Various studies have stated that physical activity will affect cognitive function and the level of depression in the elderly. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between physical activity and the level of depression in the elderly during a pandemic. This research is a descriptive corelative study with a cross sectional approach. Data were collected using A Physical Activity for the Elderly questionnaire to measure the physical activity in the elderly, and Geriatric Depression Scale to measure the level of depression. Bivariate statistical test using chi square. The results showed that there was no relationship between the level of physical activity and depression in the elderly during the pandemic (p value > 0.05).
Political dynasties have occurred in regional head elections, one of which is in East Java. The form of kinship in regional head elections in East Java, namely from children, wives, nieces and younger siblings. This research uses literature study. The results of the study indicate that the superiority of dynastic politics are make it easier for candidates to get the most vote and the disadvantages of closing the participation space for candidates who do not have kinship with the political elite.
ABSTRAK Tesis ini membahas masalah Kedudukan Banpol Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Berdasarkan Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 2014 Tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara Dihubungkan Dengan PP No. 6 Tahun 2010 Tentang Satpol PP. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian bersifat hukum normatif. Dari hasil analisa dan pembahasan memperoleh kesimpulan yaitu : kedudukan dan fungsi Banpol Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja menurut Undang-Undang No. 5 Tahun 2014 tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara. Ada tiga aturan yang ikut memayungi status Satpol PP. Yakni UndangUndang nomor 23 tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, Undang-Undang nomor 5 tahun 2014 tentang ASN dan Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 6 tahun 2010 tentang Satpol PP. Berdasarkan Undang Undang Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 Tentang Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja menyebutkan dengan jelas, bahwa Anggota Polisi Pamong Praja, Harus, Wajib berstatus PNS, minimal Golongan IIa serta tidak menerima status pegawai PPPK (Pegawai Pemerintah dengan Perjanjian Kerja). Berlandaskan penjelasan diatas secara deklaratif, Negara melarang Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja memiliki anggota dengan status Non-PNS, terdengar lucu memang ketika ada Aparat Pemerintah, Abdi Negara, memiliki wewenang dan penampilan khusus menyandang status kontrak dengan kesejahteraan jauh dibawah PNS. Padahal secara Job Desk, mereka adalah ujung tombak penegakan peraturan dan kewibawan Pemerintah di lapangan, bergesekan langsung dengan Masyarakat, mengetahui langsung problematika di lapangan. Kata Kunci: Banpol, Polisi Pamong Praja ABSTRACT This thesis discusses the position of Banpol Civil service Police Unit Based on Law no. 5 Year 2014 About Civil State Apparatus Linked With PP. 6 Year 2010 About Satpol PP. Research using research method is normative law. From result of analysis and discussion get conclusion that is: position and function of Banpol unit Civil service Police according to Law no. 5 Year 2014 on State Civil Apparatus. There are three rules that participate umbrella Satpol PP status. Namely Law number 23 of 2014 on Regional Government, Law number 5 of 2014 on ASN and Government Regulation number 6 of 2010 on Satpol PP. Based on the State Civil Service Act No. 5 of 2014 on the Civil Service Police Unit it is clear that the Civilian Police Officer must be a civil servant, at least Class IIa and not receive the status of PPPK (Government Employee with Work Agreement) . Based on the above explanation declaratively, the State prohibits the Civil Service Police Unit to have members with non-civil servant status, it sounds funny when there is Government apparatus, employees state, has the authority and special appearance of contract status with welfare far below civil servants. Yet in the Job Desk, they are the spearhead of enforcement of government regulations and authority in the field, rubbing directly with the Community, knowing directly the problems in the field. Kata Kunci : Banpol, Civil Service Police
This study aims: to determine the implementation of cyber Public Relations Wantiknas in strengthening the organization's image, and to determine the role and function of optimal cyber Public Relations management. The theory used is communication management theory Public Relations, Cyber Public Relations, two-way symmetrical communication, computer mediated communication theory, and image theory. The research method used is a case study. The results of the study show that WANTIKNAS has not implemented PR's management optimally which has an impact on the lack of management of cyber public relations, besides that limited human resources and not positioned in a strategic role in WANTIKNAS's internal become obstacles to the implementation of PR's activities in the delivery of information.
The fact that millennial generation is the breadwinner of the Indonesian economy cannot be ignored by the government and tourism industry businesses. The Thousand Islands Marine National Park seeks to use Instagram social media to attract potential tourists from millennial groups. A total of 110 @tnlkepulauaneribu uploads were then analyzed with descriptive qualitative research methods to find out how Gina Lutrell's SOME (Sharring, Optimize, Manage, Engagement) Model was used in managing the Instagram account communication @tnlkep Kepulauan Seribu as an effort to digitally promote the Thousand Islands National Park as an Ecotourism Destination for Generations Millennial. The results of this study indicate that the manager of the @tnlkepulauanseribu account has not implemented The Circular Model of SOME to the fullest. The engagement process (is the process that is at least maximally carried out. This can be seen from the lack of adequate engagement to nurture and create new followers. There are not many communication activities that can have a binding impact on followers and prospective followers of the @tnlkepulauanseribu account.
Tari Bugis Kembar merupakan hasil gubahan dan sudah dibakukan ke dalam kaset pita oleh S. Ngaliman pada tahun 1974. Tari Bugis Kembar termasuk jenis tari wireng yang bertemakan keprajuritan. Tari Bugis Kembar disajikan oleh dua penari putra dengan menggunakan gerak tari gagah gaya Surakarta dan gerak pencak silat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis makna Tari Bugis Kembar versi S. Ngaliman. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan kritik holistik. Adapun metode pengumpulan data yang ditempuh dengan cara studi pustaka, wawancara, dan observasi. Bentuk pembahasan Tari Bugis Kembar versi S. Ngaliman, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan teori kritik holistik pemikiran H. B Sutopo. Untuk mengupas hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan faktor objektif Tari, peneliti menggunakan teori bentuk dari Maryono. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan keterkaitan ketiga faktor: genetik, objektif, dan afektif Tari Bugis Kembar versi S. Ngaliman, ditemukan maknanya bahwa Tari Bugis Kembar merupakan bentuk tari gagah bertemakan keprajuritan yang secara visual memberikan kesan enerjik, atraktif, ngglece cenderung gecul, humor dan banyak memperlihatkan gerak- gerak akrobatik merupakan sajian yang menghibur dan mengidukasi tentang nilai-nilai keprajuritan. Adapun nilai-nilai keprajuritan tersebut terdiri dari nilai-nilai semangat, ketegasan, keberanian dan daya juang sebagai patriotisme prajurit yang mengedepankan persatuan, kebersamaan dan perdamaian dalam bela negara.Kata Kunci: S. Ngaliman, Tari Bugis Kembar, Kritik Holistik, Makna. Abstract TheBugisKembardance is a composition that was standardized in cassette form by S. Ngaliman in 1974. BugisKembar is a form of wireng dance with a military theme. It is performed by two male dancers who use dance movements based on the masculine Surakarta style repertoire and pencaksilat. The goal of the research is to describe and analyze the meaning of S. Ngaliman's version of the BugisKembar dance. A qualitative research method is used with a holistic critical approach. The method of data collection includes a library review, interviews, and observation. The discussion on S. Ngaliman's version of the BugisKembar dance is presented using an ap- proach based on H.B. Sutopo's holistic critical theory. In order to analyze the elements related to the objective factors of the dance, Maryono's theory of form is used. Based on the results of the discussion concerning the relationship between the three factors – genetic, objective, and affective– ofS. Ngaliman's version of the BugisKembar dance, it can be seen that the BugisKembar dance is a form of strong masculine dance with a military theme, which visually presents as an energetic, attractive, roguish, and humorous performance with acrobatic movements, providing entertain- ment but at the same time educating the audience about military values. These values include zeal, assertiveness, courage, and fighting power, characteristics of the patriotism of a soldier who prioritizes unity, solidarity, and peace while defending his country.Keywords: S. Ngaliman, BugisKembar Dance, Holistic Criticism, and Meaning.
The purpose of this research was to examine the influence of product, price, distribution channel and promotion on competitive advantage in small and medium enterprises in Ogan Komering Ulu Regency. The research design was a survey research with a quantitative approach. The population in this research were small and medium enterprises in OKU Regency which are 270 people. The samples used in this study used Slovin formula. the number of samples used in this research were 73 people. The analytical method used is multiple linier regression. The conclusion of this research shows that the variables of product quality, price, distribution channel and promotion have a positive influence on the competitive advantage of small and medium enterprises in OKU Regency. The implication of this research for the company by using marketing strategy can increase competitive advantage. Whereas for The government this research can improve the economy and also reduce the unemployment rate.
This study was designed to know students" perception toward english teacher pedagogical competence. The survey design was applied in this study. The research subjects were the eleventh-grade students in senior high school. In Government Regulation No.74 2008 there are four competencies that the teacher should have. The focus of this research is on teacher"s pedagogical competence. In National Education Standards Agency pedagogical competence is teacher"s ability in understanding the students, designing and implementing the learning, evaluating the learning outcome and also the development of the potentials that the student have. This study used questionnaire to collect the data from the students. The researcher distributed the questionnaire to the students in google form via WhatsApp. The findings showed that the students have a possitive perception toward English teacher pedagogical competence which contained (1) understanding students; (2) designing and implementing learning; (3) evaluating learning outcomes; (4) development of learners to actualize the potential they have. The English teacher pedagogical competence categorized sufficient competence which 57% (Neutral).
The purpose and usefulness of this research is to determine how the role of a budget on performance the supervisor in the use of general administrative expenses on PT. Lautan Shady Interniaga and to find out what factors that affect the performance of the supervisor in the use of general administrative expenses on PT. Lautan Interniaga Shade, as well as thought-provoking contributions in conducting research related to the management and general administration cost budget planning, adding insight and knowledge that could be useful for those who need especially fellow students. PT. Lautan Shady Interniaga is a company that uses the General administrative expenses and is managed by a supervisor of finance and public administration section. Supervisor of finance and public administration section on PT. Lautan Shady Interniaga is assigned to merakapitulasi the sales and operational costs related to financing activities as a whole. General administrative expenses was issued within the framework of the supervision and administration of the services of any company functions. The efficiency of performance or whether the supervisor of finance and General Administration section can be seen from the results of its realization in general administrative expenses budget.
Wan Abdul Rachman Great Forest Park (Tahura WAR) is one of conservation forests in Lampung Province which has a variety of natural tourism potential that can be offered, one of which is Wiyono Waterfall. Tahura WAR became one of the targets the development of natural resource development Local governments (LGs) as stipulated in the law No. 10 in 2011 as a natural tourist destination in Lampung Province. The study was conducted in December 2015, aims to determine the potential of potential objects and natural tourist attraction (ODTWA) Wiyono Waterfall in Tahura WAR. The research uses a method of identification of potential tourism products and landscapes with scoring. While the data of flora, fauna, and the carrying capacity of the research that has been done Walimbo 2015. The results showed that ODTWA in part on top of Wiyono Waterfall included in a high quality product while part down of Wiyono Waterfall included in the category of medium quality, diversity of flora and fauna include category of good, quality landscaping part on top of WiyonoWaterfall included in classes A and part down of Wiyono Waterfall belonging to class B, as well as the carrying capacity of tourist area Wiyono Waterfall Top and bottom covers carrying capacity of physical activity of picnic and camping each as much as 759 people per day and 122 people per day, ecological carrying capacity for the activity of picnic and camping each as much as 248 people per day and 165 people per day, the carrying capacity of the real to the activity of a picnic as many as 51 people per day and for the activity of camping as much as 9 per day.