In: Problemas del desarrollo: revista latinoamericana de economía, Volume 47, Issue 184, p. 137-162
ISSN: 2007-8951
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In: Problemas del desarrollo: revista latinoamericana de economía, Volume 47, Issue 184, p. 137-162
ISSN: 2007-8951
The U.S. economy has an impact on global migration flows of skilled labor due to the fact that its demographic and educational problems are a barrier to deepening the knowledge economy. All this is reflected in an immigration policy that favors highly-qualified immigrants, leading to the issuance of more visas in recent years. On the other hand, both Democrats and Republicans place special emphasis on benefitting the most outstanding foreign students studying in the United States who graduate in the majors fundamental for stimulating the knowledge economy. ; La economía estadunidense impacta los flujos globales de migración calificada debido a que sus problemas demográficos y educativos obstaculizan la profundización de la economía del conocimiento. Todo ello se refleja en una política migratoria que favorece a los migrantes de alta calificación y que se ha concretado en una mayor emisión de visas en los últimos años. Por otro lado, hay un énfasis especial tanto de demócratas como de republicanos para beneficiar a los estudiantes extranjeros más destacados que estudian en Estados Unidos y que se gradúan en las profesiones fundamentales para estimular la economía del conocimiento.
In: Norteamérica: revista académica de CISAN-UNAM, Volume 14, Issue 1
ISSN: 2448-7228
After the financial crisis of 2008, there have been changes in migration patterns, among them a noticeable increase in the flows of highly-skilled migration into the United States. Although the U.S. seeks to mantain its leadership in technological innovation, it faces adverse structural conditions in terms of demographics and education. This explains why highly-skilled migration has gained central importance for the U.S., as it has served to satisfy its great demand of STEM workers, especially from China and India, which surpass migration flows of Mexican migrants.
In: Two Homelands, Issue 44
ISSN: 1581-1212
The relevance of our article is based on the fact that migrant workers have been very important in recent years, and since the 2007-2008 financial crisis, these kinds of workers have been playing a substantial role in the developed countries, particularly the highly qualified migrants. These countries are facing several problems. Structural demographic changes have negatively affected the labor market, which has also caused problems in the education sector. These are obstacles to economic growth in the framework of the knowledge economy, and incorporating highly skilled migrants and talented foreign students is a way to overcome these difficulties. In this article, we analyze two Scandinavian countries, Denmark and Norway, and the ways they are adopting various strategies to overcome their problems, implementing new public policies to retain talented foreign students and hiring highly qualified migrant workers.
En este trabajo se desarrolla lo que los autores consideran como un nuevo patrón de acumulación "trabajo-exportador" que se produce en el marco de la globalización, y cuyo agente destacado son los flujos migratorios. Se analiza la importancia de la migración legal e indocumentada que, con el trabajo, complementa los requerimientos del mercado laboral de Estados Unidos, país líder en el desarrollo de la economía del conocimiento y que juega un papel destacado en la agroexportación alimentaria, pero que presenta dificultades demográficas que explican sus crecientes necesidades de todo tipo de trabajadores. Por otro lado, Estados Unidos es el más importante receptor de inversión extranjera directa, lo que supone una presión más sobre el mercado laboral, factor de atracción de trabajadores migratorios. Este nuevo patrón trabajo-exportador se enmarca en una redefinición de la división internacional del trabajo en donde los países subdesarrollados han pasado de ser exportadores de materias primas y productos agrícolas a exportadores de fuerza de trabajo. ; We look at "labor-exportation", which is believed to be a new form of accumulation within the globalization process. It is the major consequence of immigration. We analyze the importance of legal and undocumented immigration. Workers fill the U. S. labor market with their labor. The United States is a leading country on the development of economic knowledge and plays an important role in the agro-industrial sector. This country experiences demographic challenges. It attracts workers from other countries. Workers become extremely important to its economy. The United States gets more foreign direct investment than any country in the world, which puts pressure on its market, and brings new workers from abroad in great numbers. The new labor-exportation model reshapes the international division of labor. Underdeveloped countries are now exporting labor force to the United States as much as, or more so than sending raw material and other agricultural goods.
In: Migración y Desarrollo, Volume 14, Issue 27, p. 115-144
ISSN: 2448-7783