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Article(electronic)#5February 17, 2015

Kindergarten Black–White Test Score Gaps: Re-examining the Roles of Socioeconomic Status and School Quality with New Data

In: Sociology of education: a journal of the American Sociological Association, Volume 88, Issue 2, p. 120-139

ISSN: 1939-8573

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Open Access#72014

Identifying Desaparecidos: The Development of Forensic Anthropology in Chile


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Bayesian Factor Analysis for Mixed Ordinal and Continuous Responses

In: Political analysis: PA ; the official journal of the Society for Political Methodology and the Political Methodology Section of the American Political Science Association, Volume 12, Issue 4, p. 338-353

ISSN: 1476-4989

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Article(electronic)#13November 1995

'Reflexivity Run Riot': The Survival of the Prison Catch‐All1

In: The Howard journal of criminal justice, Volume 34, Issue 4, p. 354-362

ISSN: 1468-2311

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Article(electronic)#14August 1993

Adjudications in Prison: Custody, Care and a Little Less Justice?1

In: The Howard journal of criminal justice, Volume 32, Issue 3, p. 191-202

ISSN: 1468-2311

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