POTENSI SUMBERDAYA KAMPUNG AIPIRI DISTRIK MANOKWARI TIMUR KABUPATEN MANOKWARI: Potential Resources of Aipiri Village District East Manokwari Manokwari Regency
ABSTRACT Community service activities have been carried out by a team of lecturers from the Postgraduate Program in Aipiri to identify regional potential and human resource potential. The activity was carried out at the village hall which was followed by field visits to both residents' houses and agricultural land, forestry and the sea. Sampling of respondents was carried out randomly by considering the ownership of the resources owned. The results show that there are two existing agricultural conditions, namely 1) Agricultural Conditions at an Altitude > 10 m with green bean plants dominant; 2). The altitude of the place is 6 m above sea level (residential settlement) with flower plants, vegetables and plant sources of carbohydrates, areca nut and betel. The forest area is included in the tropical forest, 75% is natural forest and 25% is artificial forest. Livestock developed by the community in Aipiri are pigs with more males than females. Fisheries activities in Aipiri are still in the form of traditional activities. The fishing grounds for fishermen only reach the waters in front of the village, using rowboats without motors. The people who inhabit Aipiri are grouped into heterogeneous communities because there has been an assimilation of various ethnicities, including the Biak, Serui, MPur, Javanese, Wandamen and Meyah ethnic groups. The social interaction that exists between community members is manifested through government, spiritual, economic, and educational activities. Aipiri is located on the northern coast of Bird's Head which is directly adjacent to the Pacific Ocean. Keywords: Aipiri; Human resources; Potential; Natural resources ABSTRAK Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat telah dilakukan oleh tim dosen Program Pascasarjana di kampung Aipiri untuk mengidentifikasi potensi wilayah dan potensi sumberdaya manusia. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di balai Desa yang dilanjutkan dengan kunjungan lapang baik di rumah-rumah warga maupun lahan pertanian, Kehutanan maupun laut. Pengambilan sampel responden ...