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Article(electronic)#4July 26, 2024

Caduta di alberi da fasce boscate lungo infrastrutture viarie periurbane: un approccio multidisciplinare per l'analisi delle cause predisponenti e dei fattori scatenanti

In: L' ITALIA FORESTALE e MONTANA, Volume 79, Issue 2

ISSN: 2036-3494

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Article(electronic)#5July 1, 2022

Planning coastal Mediterranean stone pine (Pinus pinea L.) reforestations as a green infrastructure: combining GIS techniques and statistical analysis to identify management options

In: Annals of Forest Research: journal of forestry and environmental sciences, Volume 65, Issue 1, p. 31-46

ISSN: 2065-2445

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Article(electronic)#7June 13, 2015

Conversion of Mountain Beech Coppices into High Forest: An Example for Ecological Intensification

In: Environmental management: an international journal for decision makers, scientists, and environmental auditors, Volume 56, Issue 5, p. 1159-1169

ISSN: 1432-1009

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Open Access#112015

Integrated forest management to prevent wildfires under Mediterranean environments