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Open Access#12015

Early Inflammatory Responses Following Cell Grafting in the CNS Trigger Activation of the Subventricular Zone: A Proposed Model of Sequential Cellular Events


Open Access#22015

Cuprizone-induced demyelination and demyelination-associated inflammation result in different proton magnetic resonance metabolite spectra


Open Access#32015

Distinct In Vitro Properties of Embryonic and Extraembryonic Fibroblast-Like Cells Are Reflected in Their In Vivo Behavior Following Grafting in the Adult Mouse Brain


Open Access#42020

Murine iPSC-derived microglia and macrophage cell culture models recapitulate distinct phenotypical and functional properties of classical and alternative neuro-immune polarisation


Open Access#52019

Murine iPSC-derived microglia and macrophage cell culture models recapitulate distinct phenotypical and functional properties of classical and alternative neuro-immune polarisation


Open Access#62016

Interleukin-13 Immune Gene Therapy Prevents CNS Inflammation and Demyelination via Alternative Activation of Microglia and Macrophages


Open Access#72016

In Vivo Interleukin-13-Primed Macrophages Contribute to Reduced Alloantigen-Specific T Cell Activation and Prolong Immunological Survival of Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cell Implants