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Global advertising practice in a borderless world

In: Routledge studies in international business and the world economy 66

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Article(electronic)#3November 16, 2015

Family communication for the modern era: a typology

In: Young consumers: insight and ideas for responsible marketers, Volume 16, Issue 4, p. 367-384

ISSN: 1758-7212

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Article(electronic)#4June 15, 2015

Consumer socialisation agency within three-generational Vietnamese families

In: Young consumers: insight and ideas for responsible marketers, Volume 16, Issue 2, p. 172-188

ISSN: 1758-7212

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Checking availability at your location


The Routledge companion to marketing and society

In: Routledge companions in business, management and marketing

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Social marketing and behaviour change: models, theory and applications

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Article(electronic)#8June 10, 2014

Self expression versus the environment: attitudes in conflict

In: Young consumers: insight and ideas for responsible marketers, Volume 15, Issue 2, p. 138-152

ISSN: 1758-7212

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Open Access#92017

Evaluation of an integrated multisector campaign to increase child helmet use in Vietnam