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Open Access#32006

Political dimension of poverty: thoughts about the responsibility of the public administration in a context of running away of politics ; Dimensión política de la pobreza: reflexión sobre la responsabilidad pública en un contexto de desresponsabilización política


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Open Access#52011

Public Support for the Financing of RD&D Activities in New Clean Energy Technologies


Open Access#62011

The Impact of Climate and Energy Policies on the Public Budget of EU Member States


Open Access#72011

The Impact of Climate and Energy Policies on the Public Budget of EU Member States


Open Access#82021

A 2050 perspective on the role for carbon capture and storage in the European power system and industry sector


Open Access#92021

A 2050 perspective on the role for carbon capture and storage in the European power system and industry sector


Open Access#102019

Development of a predictive model of hospitalization in primary care patients with heart failure


Open Access#112020

Development of a predictive model of hospitalization in primary care patients with heart failure